PE Intent

We aim to help develop and nurture a lifelong love of physical activity. We will support every child to develop the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life by:

  • Inspiring pupils to participate in a range of physical activities.
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to experience different skills, activities and sports.
  • Building respectful and resilient behaviours in physical activities.

With this in mind, we have developed three main aims that demonstrate the focus for our school:

  • Developing and implementing a whole school curriculum because this will allow children to consistently build upon prior skills and knowledge.
  • Ensuring our sessions are child centred because this enables us to identify where children need appropriate challenge and support.
  • Grow each child in their ability to work with others cooperatively because this is a transferable key skill which children will need in all areas of life.

Children will be equipped with practical skills and knowledge in order to participate in physical activities and lead a lifelong healthy lifestyle.

Children will be equipped with knowledge and understanding of:

  • what the fundamental movement skills are and how to perform them safely and accurately (Physical).
  • how to work as part of a team effectively, supporting and leading others when needed (Social).
  • how to review and evaluate my own and others’ work and react to different game situations (Cognitive).
  • how to respond to different situations, adapting and adjusting skills as necessary (Creative).
  • how to challenge themselves within physical activities, setting their own targets and aiming for personal bests (Personal).
  • the benefits of leading a fit and healthy lifestyle (Health and Fitness).
  • fair play through the learning of basic rules and tactics of simple games.