University of Chichester Academy Trust

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 17th July

Warm up activity Fist squeeze
  1. Stand, sit or lie down and relax your arms by your sides. Take three soft, slow, mindful breaths. Pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling. 
  2. Imagine those thoughts and feelings gathering like red-hot energy in your hands. Breathe in and squeeze your fists as tightly as you can.
  3. Breathe out and open your hands, soft and loose. Imagine the red-hot energy flying away like sparks.
  4. Breathe in and squeeze your fists again. Let the energy build.
  5. Breathe out, open your hands and let the energy go.
  6. Repeat until you feel calmer.
  7. After you’re done, swing your arms gently side to side to loosen up.
Main activity Thoughts, feelings and actions

How we think, how we feel and how we act are all linked. For example:

‘Becky thinks all dogs will bark and jump up, so Becky feels afraid, and her action is to leave the park.

Everyone has different thoughts, feelings and actions. Here are some other ways people might think, feel and act when they see a dog at the park.

Can you remember a time you felt anxious or worried? What did you think? What did you feel? What action did you take?


Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust