University of Chichester Academy Trust

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 19th June


Warm up activity Cloud Burst
  1. Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed. Take three soft, slow, mindful breaths.
  2. Imagine your grumpy mood as dark clouds around your head. We all have clouds sometimes.
  3. Now think of something that usually makes you happy. Your happy thought is like a rainbow streaming through the clouds.
  4. See the rainbow melting into you as ribbons of bright light. Feel the light inside you. Sometimes the light bursts the clouds open. Sometimes the clouds want to stay. That’s okay. You can be patient with your clouds.
  5. Either way, end this exercise when you feel ready to face the day. 


Main activity How big is my problem? 

When something happens to make you feel worried, the problem can feel absolutely huge! Sometimes it feels like it is taking up all of your brain. If a worry changes how you behave or the things that you normally do, like sleep well, then maybe you need to use one of the strategies we spoke about last week. Or you can stop and imagine the real size of your problem. If it is a really big problem then perhaps you need to find someone you love and trust to help you with your problem. But usually worries aren’t quite as big as they seem. Focussing on something else can help shrink our worries and put them in perspective. 

Some children find a ‘Battle Cry’ can help remind them that they can manage their worries successfully. Below are some examples of ‘Battle Cries’ or ‘Catch Phrases’ that we can say to ourselves to remind us to shrink our worry. 

Can you write your own ‘Battle Cry’ in the blank bubble? 

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust