University of Chichester Academy Trust

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 26th June


Warm up activity Balanced Breathing
  1. Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed. Take three soft, slow, mindful breaths.
  2. Press your fingers against one nostril to block it off. Breathe in through your other nostril and hold your breath.
  3. Now remove your fingers and block off your other nostril. Breathe out slowly through the open nostril and breathe in again.
  4. Block the first nostril again. Breathe out slowly through the open nostril and breathe in again.
  5. Continue switching sides. Breathe out and in three times each side.
  6. When you are done, relax your hands in your lap. Take three more mindful breaths through both nostrils. Take a moment to notice how you are feeling. 
Main activity Feeling grateful

Sometimes when things make us feel worried it is good to try and focus on things that make us feel happy or grateful. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. Having a readiness to show appreciation for kindness. This week we are going to do a gratitude focused drawing activity. Both you and your child should take part, having your own piece of paper to draw on. You can do as many as you like, you can do it all in one go or do a few every now and again. 

On your paper draw:

  1. Something that makes you happy.
  2. Something you couldn’t live without.
  3. Someone who helps you.
  4. Something that makes you smile.
  5. Something that you love to do.
  6. Someone that makes you smile.
  7. Someone you love.
  8. Something you think is fun.
  9. Something that makes you feel good.
  10. Something that makes you laugh. 

We look forward to seeing or hearing about some of the things you have drawn. 



Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust