University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 15th June Weekly Theme – Colour

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Recognising and joining in predictable phrase

Read the story “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?” by Bill Martin Jnr/Eric Carle. You will find the  pages below. Afterwards, with a grown up talk about the parts of the story that are repetitive (the bits that occur again and again). 

There is also a video link of the story here (SAFE internet use). You can watch this and join in with the story. 

Writing Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include the words using GPC’s and common exception words taught so far.

Thinking about ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?’ from your reading activity, can you now write the following sentences from the story?

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

I see a _____________ looking at me.

How many times can you write them? Can you write them from memory without looking?

Don’t worry about correcting any mistakes today, we will be looking at them again tomorrow.


Recognise and name common 2-D and  including:

– 2-D shapes (e.g. rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles)

Think back to all your previous learning about shape. Can you remember what a 2D shape is? How many 2D shapes can you name?

Can you create a picture out of 2D shapes (flat shapes)?

Try to use a variety of shapes such as; circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon.

Once you have created your shape picture, then label all the shapes you have used.


Art & Design

Communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and, where appropriate, information and communication technology 

Go on a colour walk around the house or garden.  How many different colours can you see?  Can you see different shades or tones of the same colour? How are they similar or different? Can you see more of some colours than others?

What is your favourite colour and why? Write a sentence to tell us about it and draw 3 things that are the same colour.

Colours are all around us but they can also be very useful.  Think about where colour is used for important/useful reasons e.g. Traffic lights, team kits, road signs, beach flags etc.  Can you make a list of places or things where colours are important? You can decide how to present your ideas e.g. write a list, draw pictures, create a collage / scrapbook page or make a video or voice recording.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?” by Bill Martin Jnr/Eric Carle

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust