University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 15th July – Final week

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss books I have read, discussing my likes and dislikes  Look back at the reading rainbow that you made yesterday. Pick a title of a story that you really enjoyed. Re read the story or find an online version on YouTube if you don’t have a copy. Listen to or reread the story. Discuss with a grown up your favourite parts of the story and why you liked them. Are there any stories on your reading rainbow that you didn’t enjoy? Why?
Writing To write for a different purpose.  Today we will be writing the next two pages for our End of Year booklet. We will be thinking about:

  • What we have missed most about school 
  • What we are looking forward to next year.

Again use the templates below to help you as needed. Keep focusing on your presentation and taking care with how your booklet looks. It will be lovely to have this to keep as a memory so that you can look back on this time. 


Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in maths games. Below you will find an activity to print and play. Today’s game should be familiar to you – Snakes and Ladders. You could make it more interesting by throwing two dice instead of one. When it’s your turn, throw two dice, add the numbers, then move that many squares. Beware of the snakes!


After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y1 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search BBC – Karate Cats – maths)

Other: PSHE To think carefully about how my behaviour can affect others. 

Today we are going to create a behaviour chart or poster that will help us to remember our school ‘Golden Rules’ over the summer holidays. Remember we need to be ‘Excellent Everywhere’ and that includes at home. 

Our 6 Golden Rules are:

-We listen, we don’t interrupt.

-We are gentle, we don’t hurt others.

-We look after property, we don’t damage things.

– We are honest, we don’t cover up the truth.

– We are kind and helpful, we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings. 

-We work hard, we don’t waste time

You can put these rules into a behaviour chart, where you could earn ticks or stickers, when a grown up sees you doing these things. Alternatively, you could choose one, two or three rules to focus on. If you don’t want to make a behaviour chart, try making a poster of the rules to remind you of them through the holidays. Below are some ideas to help you. 

If you would like a reminder of the stories that go with the Golden Rules, why not listen to Mrs Carter’s assemblies on the school website:

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 



Class 7 2020

Class 8 2020

Class 9 2020


Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust