University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 22nd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read words with contractions and understand that the apostrophe represents the omitted letter

Select a book of your choice. As you read through the book, write down any words that contain apostrophes on cards. Once the book is finished, look at the words that contained apostrophes and discuss with a grown up which letter has been omitted to join the two words e.g. don’t = do not, the o  was omitted. These apostrophes word cards can be used as flashcards at a later date if you wish. 

(be mindful that some words have an apostrophe for possession, so no letters are omitted e.g. Sam’s shoes). 

Challenge: can you think of your own sentence to say containing a word that uses an apostrophe?

Writing Naming letters of the alphabet in order

Sing the alphabet song. After singing, make the alphabet in any way you choose – letters made out of plasticine, painted, torn out from a magazine or just written on a piece of paper. A grown up should then  cover or hide certain letters (can be one at a time, or multiple) and you need to work out which letter is missing. 

Write out the letters of the alphabet in upper and lower case letters (remember cursive lower case letters start at the bottom, but upper case letters start at the top)


Measure and begin to record the following

– time (hours, minutes, seconds)

Use a stopwatch (an app on a phone or tablet will do!) to see how long a minute is. Then estimate (a sensible guess) how long it will take you to do something e.g. go up and down the stairs three times , to do 30 star jumps, to write your name 10 times etc… 

Once you have made your estimate, carry out the activity with the timer running. See how long it takes you. Were you right? 

Discussion points: 

Which unit of measurement (seconds, minutes, hours) would be used to measure the following: 

  • To open and close a door
  • To wash your hands
  • To get a ferry to France

Can you think of anything else that would be measured in seconds, minutes or hours?


·  play tuned and untuned instruments musically 

– select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing 

Create your own musical instrument and play along to a favourite song.

You could make a shaker (container with rice/pasta/beads etc… in) , a drum (any container – does it make different sounds if hit with your hand or a beater of some kind?) or a string instrument (a tissue box with elastic bands or string around would make a good guitar!)

If you are stuck, Google “junk modelling musical instruments” for some ideas.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust