University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Friday 24th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To identify past tense verbs in a text.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

1) Write a list of ten past tense verbs found in the text. Try to use a fiction text, which are usually written in the past tense

2) Play a game with someone – explain the meaning of the word (but don’t say the word). Are they able to say which word you’re explaining?

E.g. – what someone does if they want to escape from three angry bears quickly.

Writing To follow or read your own instructions and improve them.

Today you are going to test your own instructions. You can do this on your own, or with others. Be honest – follow your own instructions exactly as you wrote them!

Do your instructions work? Take photos if you can. Change, edit or improve your instructions if things don’t go to plan.

Evaluate – under your completed instructions, write what you think of them. Are they clear? Do they work? What would you change if you wrote them again?


To solve maths problems. 

To choose and use the correct operation. (+, -, X, ➗)

To show working out.

You will need – a pencil and paper.

Can you solve these maths problems? Remember – decide on the operations needed (+, -, X, ➗), write out a calculation, use methods to solve (column, blank number line, mental strategies, jottings). Check your answer – does your answer make sense?

1) Debbie swims 45 metres on Wednesday and 55 metres on Thursday, how far does she swim?

2) Dave has some stickers on a sheet. There are 3 stickers in each row and there are 7 rows. How many stickers does Dave have?

3) Elliot was playing with 34 marbles in the garden, sadly he lost 7 in the grass. How many does he have left?

4) Libby shared her 25 leftover chocolate eggs between herself and the other 4 people in her house. How many eggs did they each get?

5) There are 36 green apples and 23 red apples in the greengrocers shop – how many apples were there? 

6) Gabby was packing bananas into bags. Each bag can hold 6 bananas. Gabby had 60 bananas, how many bags does she need?

7) Alex has some trays of plants for her garden. Each tray has 4 plants, Alex has 5 trays, how many plants does she have?

8) Bruce bought a bag of 48 sweets he ate 26, how many did he have left?

Optional – photograph your calculations and send them by email to your class teacher.



linked to English

To follow your instructions

Use this time to follow your instructions and play your game or activity. 

You could film it so you can evaluate it later or film someone else following your instructions. 

Once you have played your game, then see if you can improve the game to link with your English work.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust