University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 6th July – Weather and Seasons

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Can I answer questions about what I have read? This week our topic is weather and seasons. Read  the ‘Winter Weather’ sheet below. Try to read it on your own. If you get to a word you are unsure of, use your phonic knowledge to help you. If you do not know what a word means, ask a grown up. When you have read the sheet answer the 8 questions below. If you do not have a printer, write the answers into your work books. 
Writing Can I plan a coherent narrative?

This week we are going to be writing our own story based on the seasons and weather, you will need to choose what season your story takes place in (Eg One winter’s day…) Today we want you to read the story starter and then plan what will happen next in your story. You will need to plan the middle and the ending today. This is your story opener. 

“One ___________ day I woke up early and something seemed strange. I went to my window and slowly pulled back the curtains. I couldn’t believe my eyes…”

You need to make a plan of what will happen next. It can be a fantasy story or based on real life events. When planning, you can either draw this or write bullet points. EG:

Here are some other ideas for your seasons:


A tree / plant has grown over night


A trip to the beach / holiday


Leaves have fallen from the trees to reveal or create something magical!


Christmas adventure / snow has arrived


To use mathematical knowledge in real life situations.

1) Have a look at the number triangle on the left. This one on the left is how the challenge begins. The one on the right is the completed example. Each pair of numbers next to each other needs to be added and the number written in the space above. Continue until the pyramid is complete.

2) Two of the pyramids are blank. Write your own choice of numbers on the bottom rows and complete each. Challenge yourself – try to write a different number in each bottom brick.

Other:  To identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and another the location of the world.

What’s the weather like today? Is it the same as this everywhere else in the United Kingdom, or everywhere else in the world? This week we’re going to find out. First of all, try to watch this video about the weather in the UK and in Australia;

(search – bbc ks1 opposite climates)

This week, we are going to record the weather in Portsmouth and one other place in the world, to see if it’s the same, or different. We will use the BBC weather site to find weather details;

The place we are going to record the weather, as well as Portsmouth, is a city called Lagos. Lagos is in Nigeria, a large country in Africa. Nigeria is in the same time zone as the UK. This makes it better to contrast the weather, as it will always be the same time of day in both places.

Find out more about Nigeria here;

(search – bbc ks1 let’s explore nigeria)

Below you will find a recording sheet. Try to fill this in at the same part of the day each time (e.g. mornings for each one, even if not at the same time each day). Draw and colour the weather symbol that you see on the web site, then record the temperature. Good luck!

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman




Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust