University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 15th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To give opinions on a text.

This week our topic is ‘Colour’.

We are going to start off by looking at this story by Oliver Jeffers. It is called ‘The day the Crayons Quit,’ and it will help us to start thinking about all the different colours. Listen to the story here:

Did you like the story? 

What were your favourite parts? 

What didn’t you like? 

How did Duncan feel at the end of the story? Why?

Writing To use adjectives to describe a noun. 

Make a mind map of 3 different colours. First list ‘things’ (nouns) that are that colour around it. For example: Blue: sea, sky, football shirt. Then go around and add an adjective or phrases to describe the nouns. Crystal clear sea, summer sky etc. 

Repeat it for 3 colours to create some mind maps that we will use later in the week. 

Maths To solve missing number problems.

1) Say these times tables out loud to a grown up – 2x (up to 20), 3x (up to 30), 5x (up to 50), 10x (up to 100).

2) Last week, you looked at missing number calculations, using inverse operation. This means you usually use the opposite operation to find out what the missing number is.

Today, the calculations for you involve subtraction missing numbers. These are missing number calculations, but they don’t use the opposite calculation, they still use subtraction. Here is an example;

16 – ___ = 11       to solve this you would use this calculation      16 – 11 = 5     so 5 is the number missing from the first calculation.

There are bronze, silver and gold questions below. Choose one set of questions. Choose the questions that will challenge you, but that you feel confident at trying.

3) If you have time, have another look at Karate Cats Maths;

Other:  To investigate mixing colours. 

Today we are going to look at mixing colours. What colours can you make? Which colours will you need? This can be completed however you like. Using paints would be a good way to discover which colours you can make. If you do not have access to paints or colours that will mix, you could also complete the task on the link below all about colours. Make a note of what you have discovered.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 



Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust