University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 30th March

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Discuss the sequence of events in a book and how events are related

Read one of your favourite books to a grown up. Once you have finished, create a storyboard showing what happened in the book. Make sure you show who the characters are and explain the main parts of the story.

Here is an example storyboard. 

Writing To use adjectives to create expanded noun phrases


Write down a list (commas) of the things that you can see that relate to springtime. 

Once you have made a list go back and add at least one adjective to each object. 

Challenge – Can you add more than one adjective? Can you challenge yourself to use really interesting adjectives? Choose your best expanded noun phrase and write it as a sentence. Don’t forget your capital letters and full stops. Can you add a clause?

Maths Reinforce skills when adding or subtracting.

You will need – two dice, a pencil and a sheet of paper.

Try to find two dice (use those from board games that you might have – if you can’t find any dice, you can use the website

Roll the two dice, write a two digit number. Then roll one dice, write a one digit number.

1) Can you add the two digit number to the one digit number (e.g. 54 + 4 =), reverse the first number and repeat (e.g. 45 + 4 =)?

2) Can you use the same numbers to create subtraction calculations? Using the above three digits, you could write out and solve 54 – 4 =  and 45 – 4 =.

3) Extension – roll the two dice, write a two digit number, roll again, write another two digit number – create as many addition and subtraction calculations as you can (e.g. 36 and 14 – you could make 36+14, 36+41, 63+14, 63+41, 36-14, 63-14, 63-41.

Repeat by rolling the dice – target for the day – six addition and six subtraction calculations, but challenge yourself!

Use the strategies that you know (column method, blank number line, jottings – draw Dienes).


Art and design

Use drawing, painting or sculpture to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination. 

Look at the school website. Go to the ‘Learning at home’ tab. 

Here will be lots of ideas for you that you may not have seen yet! Spend some time enjoying them! 

Go to the live webcam of Edinburgh zoo at the bottom of the page, in the ‘News’ section. What animals can you see? Which are your favourite? Children can choose one and draw it, using the webcam link to make sure their drawing has all the features needed for that animal. Discuss: Why does a …. need …..? (Lion , sharp claws, Zebra, stripes, giraffe – long neck etc) 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust