University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning forThursday 4th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To practise reading and spelling common exception words. 

Here are some games you can play to practise your common exception words. 

You don’t have to do them all. Pick the ones that work for you and what you have available at home. 

These are to do on a computer or device if you have access to them.

These can be printed.

Writing To write a story.. 

Look at your plan from yesterday. Today’s challenge is to write a story that includes your two animals. It can be as long or as short as you want. 

Be creative and think about how the characters can help each other like the Snail and the Whale. 

Remember to be a successful Year 2 writer you need to try and include:-

  1. Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. 
  2. Interesting words including noun phrases (an adjective with a noun – sharp teeth, fluffy fur etc
  3. Range of clauses to extend sentences – use words like and, so, if, but, because, that, when
  4. Range of punctuation including . , ! and ?
  5. Different sentence types – Questions, Commands, Statements and Exclamations. 

Do your best and come up with an amazing story that your teachers will enjoy reading!

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Number sorting;

  1. Use the Venn diagram (below), or draw two interlocking circles
  2. Use this website to generate ten numbers that are between 1 and 100;

          Write these numbers on a separate piece of paper and cut them up.

  1. Sort the numbers according to the criteria for each circle. Remember – if any of the numbers fit both descriptions, they go in the centre section. Some numbers may not fit either description. These should be placed outside both circles.
  2. When you have put all numbers where they need to be, take a photograph to send to your class teacher.
  3. Remove the numbers. Cross out the criteria on the Venn Diagram. Make your own – write them below the crossed out ones.
  4. Use the same numbers, place them where they need to go, according to the new criteria. When complete, take another picture to send to your class teacher.

2) If you have time, play these Maths games;

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other:  To sort animals according to their features. 

To finish our week of thinking about zoo animals, today we are going to sort animals according to their features. (What they are like)

You will need to draw two large sorting circles (Drawing around a plate works well) and label them. For example:

Then draw and label animals that could go in each of your circles.

Here are some other headings you could try:

  • Has wings / No wings.
  • Lives in water/ Lives on land
  • Had 4 legs or less / Has more than 4 legs
  • Carnivore / Herbivore / Omnivore

Or think of your own! Again, if you have access to toy animals you could do this practically and take a picture. Have fun! 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust