University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 16th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To recall and discuss events in order. 

To answer questions on a text. 

Remind children about the story that we looked at yesterday. (The Day the Crayons Quit). Ask them to try and retell the main events of the story. Who are the characters? What happens? Who wrote the letters to Duncan? What was he doing when they arrived? Why do you think the crayons wrote to him? 

You can keep this as a discussion or you can write / draw the main events and answers. 

Writing To use a clause in a sentence.

There are many different colours in ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Today we are going to think about our favourite colours and why they are our favourites. 

You need to ask all your family members what their favourite colours are and why and then write what you found out into sentences. 

“My favourite colour is blue because it reminds me of the seaside which is my favourite place to go.” 

Challenge: try and use different clauses to write some sentences about your family’s favourite colours. 

“My favourite colour is blue but my brother’s is green.”

Maths To solve subtraction problems using the inverse.

1) Write down the numbers in the three times table, up to thirty. Underneath draw two circles, label one odd, the other even. Still using the three times tables numbers, write each in the correct circle. Ask an adult to check!

2) Yesterday, you looked at subtraction missing number problems, where you use the two numbers to make a different calculation, e.g.;

27 – ___ = 13   to solve this, you create this calculation   27 – 13 = 14   so the missing number is 14.

Today, we will be looking at subtraction calculations again, but these ones do use inverse operation. Look carefully at where the missing number is;

___ – 8 = 3    to solve this, you create this calculation   8 + 3 = 11   so the missing number is 11.

There are bronze, silver and gold questions below. Choose one set of questions. Choose the questions that will challenge you, but that you feel confident at trying.

3) If you have time, have another look at Karate Cats Maths;

Other:  To identify the primary colours. 

Today we are going to build upon what we learnt yesterday. We are going to look at putting what we found into colour wheels.

The ‘primary colours’ colour wheel is to remind you of the primary colours. Using any media you would like, (pens, paints, chalks etc) see if you can recreate a colour wheel with the primary and secondary colours on it. Look for the pattern – the secondary colours which are made by mixing the two primary colours, sit between the primary colours. It may help you to put the primary colours onto your wheel first and then fill in the secondary colours.  

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 



Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust