University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 6th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To infer how a character is feeling.
Look at these 3 images from the story. Discuss how you think the characters are feeling. Why are they feeling that way? What has happened? 

Optional Challenge: Write a sentence for each character to say what they might be thinking.

Writing To describe a setting using expanded noun phrases.

Look again at  the images in the book. 

What settings are there? (Cottage, countryside by streams and fields, woods) 

  1. Draw one of these settings (you don’t need to draw the characters). Label all the nouns (names) and add an adjective to them. For example – tall trees, golden sun, fluffy clouds etc. These are ‘expanded noun phrases’.
  2. Underneath, list all the sounds you might hear, things you might feel and smell, in this setting. (Eg, singing birds, cool breeze, freshly cut grass etc) 

Tomorrow we will be putting these ideas into sentences to make a descriptive paragraph to describe this setting. 

Maths To investigate and measure capacity?

Today’s measure is capacity 

There will be lots of things in your house that have the capacity printed on them. 

Remember the unit for capacity will be litres (l) or millilitres (ml). 


  1. Be capacity detectives. How many different items can you find that have the capacity printed on them. Find as many as you can and then order them from which one holds the most to the least. Think about where you will need to look in your house. 

Hint – it’s not just the kitchen.

  1. Can you sort your items into items measured in litres and millilitres. 

 What do you notice? Which items hold more liquid. Why is this?

Challenge – Find one large container and one small. Can you measure how many of the small containers you can use to fill the large container. If you have a measuring jug can you then measure how much liquid the large container holds 

Other: Music To learn and sing along to ‘Take You Home’.

You might have noticed on the BBC music website, that there is a VE Day themed song. Focus on learning it today;

(or search bbc take you home song lyrics )

You can sing along. You can also use Play It! to add to the song. Don’t forget to perform it when you have perfected it!

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s cla

ss teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust