University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning


Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To continue reading with expression

Recap all that learnt about expression from yesterday…

This video might help

This one might make you smile 🙂

Talk about how expression affects how they feel when being read to either at school or at home. It can make a big difference!

Choose a page or section of a favourite book to read and practice being expressive. 

Think about how they change their voice and why they need to change it.

Read the selection you have chosen and then read it again practicing the expression until you are happy with it. 

Writing To the personality of a character.

Think about the character you have chosen for this week. Look at yesterday’s work about the character’s appearance. Today we are going to think about their personality. 

What kind of person are they? How do you know? This is a great chance to use those subordinate clauses! E.g Mr Wolf shows he is a horrible character when he tries to eat the pigs. 

Write some key words inside the character. We do this as these are things that we can’t see as they are on the inside. E.g kind, lovely, horrible and disgusting.

Pick your favourite 3 words and then write a sentence to describe the characters personality again try to use words like because, when, that and if to give reasons. 

E.g. Little Red Riding Hood is a cheerful girl because she skips through the forest with a smile on her face. 

Maths To recap and reinforce telling the time skills.

1) Take yesterday’s five pieces of paper.

Can you order the times, from earliest to latest? Get a grown up to check. Take a photo and send it to your class teacher if you can.

2) Below, there is a sheet with clocks. If you have access to a printer, print it out and complete it. If you don’t have access to a printer, use something circular to draw some of the clocks. Complete as many as you can (it might take a long time to draw and complete all of the clocks on the sheet, so just do as many as you can).

3) If you have time, watch this song about time;

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other: Technology To design a boat to meet given criteria. Today you are going to use:

  1. What you found out about things that float and sink yesterday.
  2. What you know and have found out about the Titanic. 
  3. The junk modelling resources you have collected.

Your challenge is to design a lifeboat for the Titanic.

On a piece of paper design your lifeboat. It will need to hold at least one toy person (playmobil, LEGO, Sylvanian family – whatever you have.) 

Make sure that you label your design with features that you add, like a funnel or a sail and what materials and or junk modelling you are going to use to make it.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust