University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 10th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read a range of poetry and express opinions. 

Read the poem below. (Doctor Foster) 

Encourage your child to read the poem to you. Which words are they unsure of? Do they know what they mean?

Can they discuss what has happened in the poem? Do they like it? Why / why not? What was their favourite part? 

Writing To write a clear list.  On Monday we looked at uses for water. Today we are going to think about how we can save and how we may be wasting water. 

Split your page in half and write a heading at the top of each column. On one side think of ways we could save water and on the other think of what we may be doing that wastes water. You can draw pictures and label them or just write a list. 

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to continue to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Make number cards for the digits from zero to nine (or print out the ones below).

2) Draw two circles, label one odd and the other even.

3) Use the number cards to write down as many odd and even numbers as you can. Start with one digit numbers, then use the number cards to make two digit numbers (one card will be a ten, the other a unit – e.g. a 4 and a 6 could be used to make 64 or 46). Target – ten odd numbers and ten even numbers.

4) Below are some symbol challenge questions – crack the codes to find out the answers! Try the first challenge, only go onto the rest if you feel confident.

6) If you have time, log onto Education City – go to Y2 – Maths – activities and play one or two of the games.



To consider what we can be thankful for. 

Not all children in the world have instant access to clean water. This is a short video and poem of a girl’s journey to get water each day.

What does it make you think? How does it make you feel? 

Write a thankful note or thought bubble for something you are thankful for. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 




Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust