Members of Langstone Academy Governing Body

Headteacher Mrs Jane Bush
Parent Governors
Ms Loisa Hayward Data Protection Governor
Ms Jayalakshmi Vinayaka Attendance Governor
Mr Steve Jenner Premises and Health & Safety Governor
Governors appointed by the Directors or Local Governing Body

Mrs Irene Baldry Chair –
Mrs Daphne Wright Vice Chair, Inclusion Governor
Mr David Stemp Safeguarding Governor
Mr Joe Blakely
Mrs Louisa Perkins
Staff Governor
Clerk Mrs Jennie Pateman

All Governors can be contacted via the school or in writing via the school office.

As a group the Governors work together with the Headteacher to ensure that the quality of education provided by Langstone Infant School meets the needs of all the learners. We are currently running a joint LGB with the Junior School.

In order to do this the Governors are involved in the life of the school in many ways. They visit the school frequently and support the numerous school functions, as well as attending the half termly formal meetings where they are able to ask challenging questions, provide the support and offer knowledge from their own work based skills.

After the Governors meet together, the minutes of these meetings are available on request. Governors’ committees also meet regularly to consider more specific areas of the school such as finance, staffing, health and safety and security, pupils’ welfare and the curriculum.

See the list of Governors responsibilities and pecuniary interests.

Governor attendance for 2023-2024

Irene Baldry – Chair Daphne Wright – Vice Chair and Inclusion Governor David Stemp – Safeguarding Governor
Steve Jenner – Premises and Health & Safety Governor Loisa Hayward – Data Protection Governor Jayalakshmi Vinayaka – Attendance Governor