Our Curriculum
At Langstone Infant School we believe in making learning exciting, purposeful and absorbing. By the time the children leave us, they will have blossomed into thoughtful, reflective, inquisitive, independent and resilient learners.
Our personalised approach to the curriculum allows us to suit the needs of each of the children in our school through providing inspiring and challenging learning experiences. We believe that children learn best when they are excited by their learning.
Each learning experience is rooted in two or three areas of the curriculum in depth, allowing children time to explore and develop key knowledge and skills in these areas. An exciting and engaging hook into learning makes the experience simply irresistible and the children know at the outset exactly what they are setting out to achieve.
Our core values underpin each of our learning experiences
The school actively plans opportunities for the children to develop in those areas as we believe they are the key to to helping children become life-long learners.
We are currently using Little Wandle as our Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme.
The learning in Year R follows Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage
The learning in Year One follows the National Curriculum which can be seen here.
The learning in Year Two follows the National Curriculum which can be seen here.
Our Curriculum Statement can be found here.
The Curriculum Statement for the University of Chichester Academy Trust can be found here.