University of Chichester Academy Trust

Latest news

Achievement Assemblies

Achievement Assemblies

We have had lots of Achievement Assemblies in the run up to the end of term. We have celebrated lots of incredible merits. It is always great to hear what the children have been up to. We celebrate with our adult visitors and juice and a biscuit.

Year R Sports Day

Year R Sports Day

Year R enjoyed a wonderfully sunny Sports Day.

Arts Week – Year R

Arts Week – Year R

What a great week we have had! We have been learning the four main colours that are used in the celebration – Holi. Green is for Spring, yellow is for tumeric, blue is for the God, Krishna and red for love. How many of these colours can you see in our work?

Year R – RNLI Visit

Year R – RNLI Visit

This week in Early Years we were very lucky to have a visit from the RNLI and learnt how to keep safe on the beach and at sea.  Ask your children if they can remember the 4 steps to keeping safe and the number to call to alert the coastguard.

Year R – D-Day

Year R – D-Day

The Reception children learnt all about D Day and why we are remembering the brave soldiers.  To commemorate the 80th anniversary of this event the children blended together colours to make a backdrop for a silhouetted spitfire.  Don’t they look fantastic!
Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Today we celebrated an Achievement Assembly for Year 1 and 2. It was great to hear of their achievements: using number lines to 100, reading phase 4 books, being a good friend and following all the Golden Rules. Well done everyone, we are very proud of your hard work. It was really fabulous to have so many children read their own merits this morning.

We sang a song and celebrated with juice and a biscuit.

Year 1 – Trip to the Farm

Year 1 – Trip to the Farm

Class 4 and 5

had a fantastic day at Longdown and loved spending time handling and feeding the animals, as well as finding out about life on the farm.

Girls Football

Girls Football

Some Year 1 and 2 girls walked to Goals to take part in a girls football tournament. They played lots of different games to develop their football skills. It was very impressive to see how the improved over the morning.

Year 1 – DT

Year 1 – DT

As part of their work in DT, the Year One children recently enjoyed exploring how pictures work with sliders and levers.  They then produced their own space themed picture with moving parts.


Year R – Creative

Year R – Creative

In Reception we have been very creative this week drawing pictures of people on the interactive white board and using magnetic dolls clothes to draw a range of people.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Year 1 and year 2 celebrated their achievement assembly today. The children shared achievements which included helping out friends when they are sad; being resilient in maths; behaving brilliantly on school trips and using fabulous adjectives when writing a story setting.

The children celebrated with their visitors. We are all very proud of their achievements.

Year R – Understanding the World

Year R – Understanding the World

We have been looking for signs of Spring. Look at the lovely photos we took. We also used our map skills to help us find the areas within the school to plot what we found.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

What a great way to end the first week back with an Achievement Assembly. Children in Year R and Year 1 received certificates this morning. It was great to hear all of their achievement – there were lots today about being kind friends and being helpful. We are very proud of all of the children’s achievements.

Year R – Trip to the farm

Year R – Trip to the farm

We visited the farm this week. We got to feed the pigs, cow, ducks and goats. We had a great time!

Year 2 – DT Wraps

Year 2 – DT Wraps

Just before the Easter break, Year Two began designing a healthy wrap. They practised cutting skills and evaluated ingredients by carrying out taste tests. Many children were brave and tried new foods for the first time, including radish!.
During the first week after Easter, we finally got to make our wraps. Following expert demonstrations from grown ups, everyone followed their design plan and made the wrap of their choice. They then had the chance to eat and evaluate their own creations. The children also designed and created wrap packaging. As you can see from the pictures, everyone seemed to enjoy eating what they had made. Rumours are rife that Harpers Sandwich Bar are interested in some of the recipes.
Year R – Jack and the Beanstalk cont…

Year R – Jack and the Beanstalk cont…

We have continued to read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk in Year R and set ourselves a challenge in maths, to make the tallest beanstalk in 1 minute.  We had to think about what was the most suitable building materials to use and then we talked about height using mathematical vocabulary.  We also used some of the ‘magic beans’ to create pictures and tried to include a repeating pattern in our work.

Year R – Jack and the Beanstalk

Year R – Jack and the Beanstalk

The Year R classes have been reading he story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  They planted their own ‘magic beans’ and talked about what they would need to make them grow.  Look out for the pictures in the weeks to come to see how they are growing. Hopefully not too high as we really don’t want

to see any giants!

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

There have been a lot of Achievement Assemblies this term! Once again we enjoyed celebrating the achievements of Year R and Year 2. The children shared what they have been up to – beautiful singing, being a good friend, working hard on reading and being a resilient learner. We celebrated with juice and a biscuit before starting our learning day.

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

This week in maths we are exploring composition. In our provision and adult led time, we have been exploring patterns. We have been learning to copy, continue and create our own repeating patterns around a shape. Can you identify the unit of repeat?

Year R and another Gingerbread man

Year R and another Gingerbread man

In Year R we have continued to read and learn the story of the Gingerbread Man and had a great time retelling the story with actions. We have been creating are own Gingerbread Men from loose parts, and drawing story maps. Busy, busy, busy!

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Today was our biggest Achievement Assembly of the year with 31 children receiving certificates. We heard ne merit for each child, there was a huge variety in achievements this week, from being a good friend, to writing at home, helping tidy up the classroom and working hard in maths. We sang one of our new songs and celebrated with juice and a biscuit.

Year R and the Gingerbread Man

Year R and the Gingerbread Man

Swimming Gingerbread People
In Reception we have been investigating what would happen to the Gingerbread Man if he fell in the river.  We put him in water for 1 minute and observed what happened to him.  “He dissolved.” “He melted.” “It is just like when my mum dips her biscuit in her tea.”
Gingerbread Man Workshop
The Reception children took part in a Drama Workshop, where we performed the story of the Gingerbread Man to music with actions.  We listened very carefully and had a great time retelling the story with Jack our visitor.
Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Today we celebrated another Achievement Assembly. The children shared lots of different merits: for being resilient, for reading at home, for being kind to their friends and for being ready to learn. We sang one of new songs about a Star Fish and shared our merit cards with the adults who came to help us celebrate.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

We celebrated another Achievement Assembly this week. It was great to celebrate with Year R and Year 2. We enjoyed finding out what the children had earned their merits for, including following golden rules, being kind to friends who are upset and fabulous reading. We celebrated the children’s achievements with juice and a biscuit.

Year R – A busy week!

Year R – A busy week!

What a busy week in Reception this week!  We have had a visit from the Dental team at Portsmouth University, celebrated Chinese New Year and be thinking about our mental health.
Year R – Safer Internet Day

Year R – Safer Internet Day

This week we have been learning all about staying SAFE on the Internet.  In Reception we have been making banners to show how to stay SAFE when using online sites.
Year R – Emergency Services

Year R – Emergency Services

We have been learning all about the emergency services this week in Reception, looking at the vehicles from the past and the transport they use today.  We have had great fun dressing up as ‘People who help us’, can you guess who we are?

Year R and the Evil Pea!

Year R and the Evil Pea!

This week in Reception we have had visits from Evil Pea and he has been up to mischief!
The children have been working hard to design and make traps to catch him.  Look at all our fantastic work.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assemblies are coming thick and fast at the moment. This week saw Year R and Year 2 receive their certificates. There were even some family combos this week – we don’t see that very often! It is always lovely to hear what the children have received their merits for – there were a lot of PE based merits this week as well as those for being kind to friends and helping people who are upset. Well done!

Year R –

Year R –

We have been learning counting, cardinality and ordanality this week. The Numberblocks went off on an adventure and kept getting mixed up. We had to put them in order and make a staircase pattern. They also played hide and seek and we had to say why we could see them sometimes, considering which numbers were one more than the other and not hiding very well! For example, “We can see you 4 because 4 is one more than 3, so you can’t hide behind him!”


Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

This morning we held another Achievement Assembly. It was lovely to welcome parents into school to see their children collect their certificates. It was especially wonderful to see Year R children collecting their Bronze awards.

Well done everyone – we are proud of you.

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

In Year R this week we have been learning to compare and order length and height.  We put our ribbons in length order and ourselves in height order. We have been learning new vocabulary to talk about measuring – short, long and tall.
Year R – Supertato

Year R – Supertato

This week in Reception we have been reading more stories about Supertato by Sue Hendra.  We made our own veggie superheroes using a range of materials and joining techniques.  We had a great time!

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

This morning saw a group of Year 2 children receive their achievement certificates. It was lovely to hear all the different things that the children have been up to: reading at home, being kind to friends, taking part in different events and developing great learning behaviours. We are proud of all of their achievements. It would not be an achievement assembly with juice and a biscuit.

Year R – Maths – Size

Year R – Maths – Size

Daddy Bear and Baby Bear have been going on a picnic and the Reception children have been sorting their objects into size order for each bear.  They were able to use size words to describe their learning.  ‘Daddy has a big plate and cup because he is bigger.  Baby Bear is tiny so he has a small plate.’

Year R – Supertato

Year R – Supertato

It was chaos in Early Years! Who was going to feed the real life heroes? Luckily…Supertato came along to help and taught the children all about healthy eating and creating a balanced diet. The children helped Supertato and the Evil Pea create a balanced plate of food for their heroes.

They were able to sort food into two groups and talk about their learning.
‘You need fruit to make you strong.’
‘Cake and biscuits have lots of sugar.’


Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

What a great way to end our first week back! It was lovely to welcome Year R to Achievement Assembly too. The children shared some of their achievements. There were a huge variety of achievements shared today. It is really wonderful to share the children’s hard work.

Year 1 Milestones Trip

Year 1 Milestones Trip

This term, Year 1 went on an exciting trip to Milestones Living Museum. We have been learning all about toys and how they have changed over the years. During our trip we were able to handle and sort old toys by different criteria. We were able to look at the museum’s amazing teddy bear collection that consists of over 260 teddies! The children especially enjoyed walking down the Milestones Pier where they were able to go on a variety of vintage arcade games and penny  machines. We all had a great time and are looking forward to exploring more old toys back at school.

Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas Tree Festival

We are taking part in the Christmas Tree Festival at St Cuthbert’s Church. This year the tress are themed on Christmas Carols and songs – our tree is “It was on a Starry Night.”

The Christmas Tree Festival at St Cuthbert’s, is from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd December.

There’ll be music, refreshments, activities for kids, crafts and a preserves stall too – plus some fabulously decorated Christmas trees from the local community as well.

Come and join us on:

  • Friday 1st, 1pm to 4pm
  • Saturday 2nd, 11am to 5pm
  • Sunday 3rd, 1pm to 5pm

Entry is just £2 and children go free!

We’ve also got a Santa’s Grotto for just £3 per child:

  • Friday, 2pm to 3pm
  • Saturday, 2pm to 4pm
  • Sunday, 2pm to 3:30pm

Fun for all the family! Click here for more information.

Decoration Day

Decoration Day

This week we have kept with our Christmas tradition of Decoration Day. The children got creative with all things Christmas this week – there was a lot of glue and glitter, but most importantly fun



Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

It’s been a funny week, but one thing can be relied upon to cheer us all up and that’s an Achievement Assembly. This week year 1 and 2 celebrated receiving Silver, Opal, Topaz and Amethyst certificates. The children shared their achievements with their guests and a juice and biscuit!

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

This week we are learning to subitise. We now know this means we do not count the spots that we see. Our flashy fingers have quick muscle memory now when we see 1, 2 or 3. In our group work, we have been finding groups or collections of 3 for the Three Bears. Our challenge was to say how we knew there were 3 things. Our teachers asked us if we could count something we cannot see. Some of us worked out that we can count sounds and challenged our friends in a game using a chime bar! Can you find a collection of 3 at home?

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Our final Achievement Assembly of the half term saw children in Year 1 and 2 receive their certificates. The children shared some of their achievements, including being kind to others, impressing teachers with their reading, being able to make numbers in lots of different ways and following the Golden Rules. Of course we celebrated with juice and a biscuit.

Proud to be Pompey Day.

Proud to be Pompey Day.

On Friday, Both Langstone schools celebrated ‘Proud to be Pompey’ Day. This was an initiative set up by the current Lord Mayor Cllr Tom Coles, to encourage children to celebrate the city they live in and learn more about its history. He also wanted to raise money for the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Appeal, which this year is supporting three incredible local organisations, Portsmouth Hospitals Charity, Home Start and the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC).

We were even lucky enough to have a visit from the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress who were shown round the new sensory garden by the School Council!

Year 2 – RE Day

Year 2 – RE Day

During RE day Year Two looked at ‘Belonging’what this means to us and what it means in Judaism. We thought about things that we belong to, like our families, the school community and clubs outside school. We found out about the Jewish day of rest, which is called Shabbat and is celebrated on Saturday each week. We found out that Jewish people are not allowed to use lights or electronic devices during Shabbat! Also, they’re not allowed to go to the shops or do homework. Instead they spend time together, sing, read and play board games. We talked about celebrations we share with others and special meals. We ended the day by trying Challah bread, special bread that is always part of a Shabbat meal. The bread was made in the morning by grown ups in each class, with help from the children. Everyone seemed to enjoy eating the bread, but the star baker is yet to be announced!

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

This week in reception, we have been learning to subitise to 3. We have also been learning to count out a quantity. The teachers had a bag with hidden objects inside. We had to say how many we thought were inside and then, count it out.

Year 1 – Science – Senses

Year 1 – Science – Senses

As part of our science learning we have been talking about the senses as super powers.  We explored our senses by making popcorn.  We used our sense of sight and touch to see how the popcorn looked and felt before and after cooking.  We used our sense of smell during the cooking process and also used our sense of hearing to listen to the different sounds it made.  Finally we used our sense of taste when eating the popcorn. We had great fun!

Year 1 – Geography

Year 1 – Geography

The children in Year One have been exploring the concept of aerial views.  As part of this learning, they worked in small groups to create an aerial plan of the classroom.  They thought about key features, position and layout,  and used colour coding as a simple key.

This week the children used an aerial plan of the school to identify different locations within the building.  They then used the map to search for hidden clues in different locations and we marked them on the plan.
Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

What a beautiful day to celebrate the children’s wonderful achievements. It was lovely to hear all the things they have received their merits for including reading lots at home, being kind when people are sad and knowing lots of ways to make different numbers in maths. We sand one of our songs and of course had juice and a biscuit with our visiting grown ups. Well done.

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

This week in early years we have been learning to subitise. The children were shown a dot pattern and had to say what they saw without counting it. They met number block 3 and he challenged them to find groups of 3 in their environment. Look at the wonderful things they found!

Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge

This year many of our children took part in the Summer reading Challenge run by the library service.

This morning in assembly we celebrate their achievements. The children brought in their certificates and medals to show us.



Today we celebrated out Harvest Festival. It was the first time that Year R have joined us for a whole school assembly and it was wonderful for them to join us and join in with a song.

We have been blown away by your generosity with donations for the ‘Baffins Pantry’ which serves out local community.

In assembly we looked at the word HARVEST and other words that we could make from it, particularly ‘eat’ ‘starve’ and ‘share’. We snag the Harvest songs we have been learning – Mr Scarecrow, Paintbox (Cauliflowers Fluffy) and Harvest Samba.

Year 2 – Art

Year 2 – Art

Year 2 have been learning all about Leonardo Da Vinci. We have looked at his famous paintings including the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. We spoke about our likes and dislikes. This week we have practiced sketching our facial features so that we are ready to sketch our own portraits by the end of our unit.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Wow! An Achievement Assembly in the first week back – it must be a record!

Luckily the children remembered exactly what they were doing and shared their achievements with our visitors before celebrating with juice and a biscuit.

What a fabulous way to start the new school year!

Year R – Sports Day

Year R – Sports Day

Year R had a wonderful sports day on the field. the children rotate around different activities and were fantastically supported by family and friends. Well done everyone – what great sports you all are!

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

What a lovely way to end the school year with a fabulous Achievement Assembly. It was wonderful to hear all the things the children have been up to recently, from being kind to balancing, helping a friend and climbing a rope ladder. It was a testament to everyone’s hard work in Year R this year that some of the children read their merit cards! Just wow!

Year 2 – Sports Day

Year 2 – Sports Day

We had such a great day on Monday with our Year 2 Sports Day! Well done to Year 2 for such brilliant resilience and sportsmanship, including carrying on in the rain! They made all of us so proud and I think we may have some potential football and cricket players amongst us (especially if the Welly Whanging is anything to go by!)

Year R – RNLI visit

Year R – RNLI visit

The Reception children had a visit this week from the RNLI.  They taught the children how to stay safe when on the beach or in the sea.  We learnt about all the different flags that the lifeguards use to tell us when it is safe and not safe to go into the water.

Year R School Trip

Year R School Trip

The Reception children had a wonderful day yesterday visiting Staunton Farm.  We got to feed and touch many of the animals, the ferret was very friendly and let us tickle his tummy. We also visited the glasshouse, which was like a tropical rainforest, very hot but beautiful and look at the many flowers in the gardens.  We also enjoyed using our physical skills on the adventure playground and having lunch outside with our friends.  What a beautiful day!

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

We have been practising recalling our number bonds to 10 this week. Our teachers were very sneaky and hid some treasure behind a screen. We had to say how many coins they had taken! Can you work out from our flashy fingers how many were taken and the total?


Year R – Hooray for Fish

Year R – Hooray for Fish

In Reception we have enjoyed reading the story of ‘Hooray for Fish’ by Lucy Cousins.  We made our own fabulous fish last week to put on our classroom display and this week we have made jellyfish using our fine motor skills by cutting out templates and tying on legs. Doesn’t it look amazing!

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

I’m 10, 10, 10 again! This week, we have been exploring the composition of 10 and how many ways we can make 10 using cubes. We have had a lot of fun flying our Numberblock 10 around! We have been using the stem sentence 10 is made from _ and_ and _ and _ make 10 – to check our understanding.

Year R – Mini-athletics

Year R – Mini-athletics

This week the Reception classes took part in a mini athletics lesson with a coach.  We went off on a pirate adventure to collect treasure and had a wonderful time.

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

Last week in maths, we were recalling our number knowledge to 5. We had to put 5 passengers on the bus and then work out how many got off the bus or were at a bus stop. Many of us could say how many were waiting at a bus stop by using the stem sentence ‘It must be _ because 5 is made of _ and _.

Class 6 – Farm Visit

Class 6 – Farm Visit

Class 6 had a fantastic day at Longdown Activity Farm on the final friday before half term.  They loved feeding both the calves and kids with bottles of milk and enjoyed getting to hold both chicks and guinea pigs.  The children got to ride on the bumpy tractor ride which was enjoyed by most of the children but not by Mr Wells! Farmer Anna even showed them that one of the pigs enjoyed a belly rub just like a dog!

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

We have been practising saying if a number is more, fewer or equal this week. We have used our subitising skills and then counted out an amount. Once we had counted out the quantity, we put them into the balance bucket and had to explain which was heavier because it was more, or, which was lighter because it was fewer.

Year R – Dental Academy

Year R – Dental Academy

The Dental Academy at the University of Portsmouth visited Year R children

.  They taught us how to brush our teeth correctly and how to keep them healthy.  What beautiful smiles!

Class 5 – Longdown Activity Farm

Class 5 – Longdown Activity Farm

Class 5 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Longdown Farm on Tuesday. They were lucky to experience feeding calves and kids with bottles, as well as the goats who they fed using dinner plates! They were able to handle both chicks who were only 5 days old and several older guinea pigs who Farmer Anna told us were their ‘retired ladies’. The children even got to ride on the bumpy tractor ride and use some free time to see the farm’s other animals, such as ducks, rabbits and pigs!

Year 1 – Science: Poo Investigation

Year 1 – Science: Poo Investigation

The children used their knowledge of different animals and their diets to identify which animal had created each poo sample. Using clues in each poo the children were also able to classify the animals as carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Year 2 – Poetry

Year 2 – Poetry

Year 2 have been working hard this week,

creating animal poems based on Rumble in the Jungle! There were so many spectacular ones, it was a very difficult job to choose ones to share!

Year 1 – Longdown Activity Farm Trip

Year 1 – Longdown Activity Farm Trip

Last week, class 4 enjoyed a lovely trip to Longdown Activity Farm.  The sun was shining and the children had a great time being little farmers for the day.  They Fed and handled lots of different animals, collected eggs for farmer Brian and even had a very bumpy tractor ride.  A great time was had by all and the children described it as “the best day ever!” although there were a few sleepy children on the way back.

Year 1 – PSHE

Year 1 – PSHE

As part of our PSHE work, the children have been exploring different emotions.  They have looked at feelings and actions associated with different emotions and have thought about the importance of managing our feelings correctly.  During the final session, the children discussed the concept of love.  They then made a love hug for someone special.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

What a lovely sunny day for an Achievement Assembly. We celebrated today with year 1 and 2. We sang a new song we are learning and had juice and biscuits. Today we shared the school helper of the week  award this week.

Coronation Celebrations

Coronation Celebrations

Although it was a bit too damp to share a picnic with the Junior school we celebrated King Charles III Coronation we gathered in the hall and sang together the Coronation Song, we watched the video of Year 2 singing the song. We then had an amazing school parade around the playground wearing our crowns and waving the flags we made. We had 3 cheers for King Charles and then split into classes to have our picnic snacks.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

This morning Year 1 and Year 2 celebrated their Achievement Assembly. Lots of children read their own cards. There were lots of merits this week for achievement in reading. There was even a merit shared about a Cheese String dance!

The children celebrated with their visitors and a juice and a biscuit.

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

We have had a busy few weeks. We have been counting out up to 20 objects and sorting them into groups. This week, we have been learning the song ‘5 little monkeys’. Instead of monkeys jumping on the bed, we have cats! We were challenged to represent the cats that were on and off of the bed. We had some great ideas and hope you enjoy seeing our representations. At home, you could ask us to fill in the blanks on the stem sentence 5 is made from __ and __. Have fun!

Year R – Jack and the Beanstalk

Year R – Jack and the Beanstalk

Last week in Reception we had a very busy week.  We were learning to retell the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk.  We used the instruments to accompany the story to make the sounds of the Beanstalk growing, the giant walking in his ‘enormous castle’ and mum chopping down the beanstalk.
We started to grow our own beanstalks  and talked about what a bean needs to make it grow. We also made a display for our classroom of the castle and giant from Jack and the Beanstalk.
I wonder what will be at the top of our beanstalks?
Year 2 – Trip to Fort Nelson

Year 2 – Trip to Fort Nelson

This week Year 2 have visited Fort Nelson.  They had so much fun exploring the Fort and learning all about Florence Nightingale. They got to explore Crimean War Camps and how unhygienic they were. They also worked with Florence Nightingale as Nurses and Health Inspectors to help improve the conditions for wounded soldiers!

Year 1 – Topic

Year 1 – Topic

In Year 1, we have been learning all about famous astronauts as part of our Famous Faces unit. We carried out an in depth look at Tim Peake as he is from Chichester. The children worked in small groups to create a Tim Peake poster. They focused on his early life as a helicopter pilot and then his journey to become an astronaut. The children enjoyed being creative and producing these beautiful information posters.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

How amazing to start the new term with a brilliant Achievement Assembly. The children shared their merits this morning about their reading, blending sounds, using non-standard units of measure, being kind to friends and singing beautifully. We are very proud of them and their achievements.

Year R – Pedal Power

Year R – Pedal Power

This week in Year R we have been learning to ride balance bikes safely and with control with the Pedal Power team.  At the end of the week our challenge was to ride a pedal bike without stabilisers.  We have had a great time learning!

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Today’s Achievement Assembly featured a special request for song with actions, 29 children receiving certificates and an amazing number of different things to get a merit for. It is always  special to hear what the children have achieved merits for and we are very proud of their achievements.

Well done everyone.


Year R – Science Week

Year R – Science Week

Year R have had been doing STEM activities this week and looking at science through investigations and activities.

The children have looked at spider webs, looking at photos and creating a web pattern or web that could hold a plastic spider using a range of resources that were out. The children have  looked at building rainbows using bricks and patterns. The children made rainbows from coloured sweets and warm water and were amazed at what happened. They talked about where rainbows might begin in the ground or in the sky. We have made feeders to help feed birds while the weather is cold.  Year R have investigated whether Humpty Dumpty can survive a fall from his wall using different materials as his landing pad.

Science in Action!

Science in Action!

As part of British science week, we were able to take part in a session of science activities at Copnor Primary School. Children from each year group were able to go and enjoy activities led by STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Maths) ambassadors. The children from Langstone were able to work with pupils from other schools and behaved beautifully.
We took part in two investigations, one about what happens when bicarbonate of soda is mixed with vinegar. We put a balloon over a mixture of the two substances and found that they were able to blow it up! Our second investigation looked at what happens when we mix vinegar and salt, then add an old copper coin. Try it at home (with adult supervision, of course) and see what happens!
Finally we went outside and watched what happens when Mentos are added to a bottle of cola. We stood well back and luckily didn’t get soaked with the sticky mixture!
All three experiments showed what happens when substances are mixed together, so we were chemists, not just scientists!
Year 2 – Infant Voices Showcase

Year 2 – Infant Voices Showcase

Children from Year 2 visited the Guildhall twice on Tuesday! In the afternoon the children, all dressed in their traditional tale character outfits, went for the dress rehearsal for the evening event. All the songs we have been learning recently have been towards this event. The whole school have learnt the songs which are all Traditional Tale stories.

The children behaved impeccably, sang beautifully, looked wonderful and will be super tired for the rest of the week! Please keep popping back to this post to see the official photographs and video of the event.


Library Launch

Library Launch

Today we were delighted to welcome Guy Parker-Rees to school. He talked to all the children in the hall about illustrating books. The children even created their own illustrations. Guy drew us a special picture to commemorate the opening of our new library. Guy opened our new library and signed copies of his books. We were also very lucky that Guy has given us copies of lots of his books for the children to share in our wonderful new library.

Year R – Butterfly drawings

Year R – Butterfly drawings

At the beginning of the term the children in Reception were asked to draw a butterfly independently with no adult support.  This week the children drew another butterfly after we had looked at pictures of different butterflies and the details we could see, like veins in the wings or furry bodies. What fantastic drawings!
Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Today we celebrated an achievement assembly with Year R and Year 2. The children shared their achievements. It is always a pleasure to hear what they have been up to. We especially like the ones that make us laugh. Fortunately everyone survived Mrs. Green’s porridge.

World Book Day

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day this year by dressing up as a character or wearing our pajamas and bring a bed time story. The Cat in a Hat and  Thing 1 and Thing 2 were causing chaos in class 5. Evil Pea was in class 7 but was kept under control by Supertato, although the carrot did get taped to the chair. Burglar Bill was stealing things from all the classes. All the children received a book token to spend on a book of their choice or on one of the special World Book Day books. The children also got to visit our new library which will be offically opened soon!

Drama Workshops

Drama Workshops

We were all really lucky to take part in a circus themed drama workshop. The children had to make different faces and poses and follow instructions to help the clown get his smile back.

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

Ready or not here I come…but who is hiding? Can you find the Numberblocks who are hiding in the photos? Numberblock two is behind block three because three is one more than two. Silly block four! We can see you because three is one less than four. Has anyone seen block three? The children have been comparing different amounts this week and last week. They have been saying if a number is one more or one less using the staircase pattern. They have had lots of fun exploring this in maths in a variety of ways such as using pizzas with cheese and tomato toppings (yummy!) and playing ‘Peekaboo’ with the Numberblocks. Some children even found some birds that were flying in the playground and each time one more was landing or flying away! The children have also been saying if a group has more or less and putting their pizzas in order from the most toppings to the fewest.

Year 1 – RE Day

Year 1 – RE Day

Year one learnt all about ‘Special Clothes’ in RE. We looked at how clothes can be special to us and then how they are used in people’s everyday lives. We looked at the clothes people wear in their jobs and discussed what makes them special. We then had a visit from Rev. Allie Kerr who shared with us clothes that she would use in the church and why they are special. The children enjoyed listening and finding out about the clothes that she wears and some of them even got to try them on.

Year 2 Infant Voices Music Festival

Year 2 Infant Voices Music Festival

Today we welcomed Mrs Beckett, Mrs Mead and Paul from the Music Hub and year 1 children from New Horizons School to Langstone. Together we sang the songs we have been learning about stories and traditional tales.

Year R – Understanding the World

Year R – Understanding the World

This week in Reception we have been learning how objects can be represented on a map.

We explored our school and labelled all the areas on our map.  We also looked for signs of spring and made a list of the objects we found.

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

We have been exploring who has more and who has fewer this week. When we played together, we had to work out how to make the amount equal. Some of us have been exploring ‘what does equal mean?’ in provision and used paint to represent an amount.

Year R – Supertato!

Year R – Supertato!

In Reception we have been reading the book of ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra.  The children used a range of resources to make there own ‘super veggies.
Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

We have been independently learning about the composition of 5 in our continuous provision this week. Can you spot the large part whole model we made in the photos? Some of us have started to explore the composition of 6. Did you know that 6 is made from 5 and 1? The children met Numberblock 6 and had to say where they could see block 5 hiding in him. The children could see 5 blocks and 1 more and the 5 dice pattern on one of his blocks. I wonder which Numberblock we will meet next week? We think it will be 7!

School Council Trip

School Council Trip

The school council were invited to the opening of the Baffins Pond Association’s new wildlife dipping pond. This is a new pond, the idea of  Councillor Stagg, built to encourage wildlife, but with a platform to enable pond dipping to take place. You can find the pond a the east side of the car park on Tangiers Road.

The children walked round to the new pond where they met with the Lord Mayor and his consort, other members of Portsmouth City Council and members of Baffin’s Pond Association.

The children listened beautifully to the speeches from Councillor Sanders, the Lord Mayor and the CEO of the Forgotten Veterans UK who along with community payback built the pond. The pond was formerly opened by the Lord Mayor cutting the ribbon.

The pond has been filled with tap water and after 6 weeks some planting will take place. Hopefully the pond will become inhabited by lots of wildlife which we will be able to explore from the platform.

Year 2 – English

Year 2 – English

Year 2 have made some scrumptious porridge as part of their English work! The children are currently learning about Traditional Tales and have been exploring alternative versions of these stories. We read ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ followed by ‘Goldilocks and Just the One Bear’ and decided to have a go at writing a recipe for porridge!

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

5 is made from 4 and 1 and 5 is made from…..We have been working this out this week! Did you know there are other ways to make 5? We have been watching the Numberblocks get up to all kinds of mischief in the episode ‘Fruit Salad.’ The blocks jump into a part, part, whole model and work out what each number is made up of.

Year R – Chinese New Year

Year R – Chinese New Year

In Reception we have been learning about Chinese New Year and how Chinese people celebrate this event.  We have made Chinese lanterns to decorate our classrooms.


Year 1 – Maths

Year 1 – Maths

In Maths, the Year One children have looked at money and tried to recognise and name various coins.  They then attempted to make monetary amounts in different ways using coins and money stamps.

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

Do you know how many frogs sat on the speckled log? That’s right – it was 5! We have been learning number bonds to 5 this week in Early Years. We have been learning the stem sentence 5 is made from _ and _ and we have to say the number bonds.

Year 1 – Science

Year 1 – Science

To complete their science learning on materials, the children carried out an experiment to find out the best material to use for an umbrella.  We made predictions, talked about how to make it a fair test and then observed closely to see what happened.  A great time was had by all!

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

What a wonderful start to 2023 with 23 children receiving their achievement certificates this morning. This morning Year R attended assembly so they can see how it all works, as very soon they will be receiving their first achievement certificates. Who doesn’t like juice and biscuits on a Friday?

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

This week in Early Years, we have been learning to subitise to 5.  We have been looking at typical dice patterns and not so typical patterns of spots.  All of us could copy the pattern and most of us could discuss the sub-groups we could see.  We told an adult what we could see “there are two on the right and two on the left.  That is 4 altogether.” Some of us turned over the counters to show their red and yellow sides to explain what we could see.

Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Our final Achievement Assembly of 2022 saw these fabulous children sharing their achievements with us and their guests. It was wonderful for Year R to come to this assembly today to see how it works as they will be starring in the Achievement Assemblies soon!

Year 2 – Art: ‘The Great Fire!’

Year 2 – Art: ‘The Great Fire!’

Year 2 have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’. We then decided to create a mixed media piece of art to represent this. First we experimented with water colours to create a fiery wash background. Then we explored skylines and how to create a silhouette to create the London backdrop. Finally we chose oil pastels or collage to add the fiery flames to the foreground.

What do you think of our amazing artwork?

Year R – Nativity

Year R – Nativity

Year R have been amazing this week in their Nativity performances. They have done a wonderful job learning all the songs and looked fabulous in their costumes.

Well done everyone – we are feeling very Christmassy now!

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

We have been learning about the composition of numbers this week.  Stampolines are patterns the Numberblocks make with themselves and block one.  In the episode, Numberblock three and four paint inky prints and have splatty fun together.  Five and Two learn how to stamp, but One starts to feel left out. We have been exploring the different ways to make 5 in class and 3 and 4 in our continuous provision.  We had a lot of fun learning this and could talk about 5 being made up of “1 and 4” and saying “3 and 2 makes 5.”  We were careful not to leave out Numberblock one!
Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day

Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day

The children all looked wonderful today in their Christmas Jumpers. They also made crowns to wear for their Christmas lunch! We are certainly feeling very festive now!

Year 1 – Toys

Year 1 – Toys

This week Year 1 have started their history work on ‘toys.’ The children explored old toys and what they were made from, how they are different from the toys we have now and how they worked.

Year 1 – Shape Hunt

Year 1 – Shape Hunt

This week Year 1 have been looking at the different 2D shapes they can find around the classroom!

Year R have been busy!

Year R have been busy!

In Early Years we have been very busy practising our nativity, handwriting and learning more about the Zones of Regulation.  On decoration day, we made calendars, cards and props for our first performance.  Knock, knock…who’s there? We can’t wait to see who is behind the doors!

Year 2 – Kindness Week

Year 2 – Kindness Week

Year Two children thoroughly enjoyed our special week which focused on kindness.  We looked at three different books; ‘Have You Filled A Bucket Today’ by Carol McCloud, ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas and ‘The Many Colours of Harpreet Singh’ by Supriya Kelkar. We based our learning around these stories. First we made our own buckets and filled them with kindness throughout the week. Then we discussed how different colours can represent different feelings and emotions. Finally we learnt that people can feel and react different to the same situations and that it is OK! Also we learnt to how to respect and respond to people’s feelings and emotions.  We also completed ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ during the week too.

Year 1 – Kindness Week

Year 1 – Kindness Week

Year One children thoroughly enjoyed our special week which focused on kindness.  We looked at three different books and based our learning around these stories, although a particular favourite was ‘The Last Chip’ which is a story of a very hungry pigeon.  The author, Duncan Beedie, taught us how to draw our own illustration of Percy the Pigeon, which was great fun.  We turned our pictures into thank you messages from Percy and we made bird feeders from apples and seeds.  We also had a great time helping each other to complete challenges.
Year 2 – Fire Service Visit

Year 2 – Fire Service Visit

On Tuesday we had a visit from the ‘Fire Service’. A lady called Jo, who is a fire safety education officer taught us all about the fire service and how to keep safe. First we discussed what the fire service do, then we played a game called ‘Yes we can play’ or ‘No stay away’. We discussed why we should stay away from things such as; the oven, irons, plug sockets, matches and lighters. We then learnt a rhyme and how to sign it about matches and lighters. “Matches and lighters never touch, they can hurt you very much!” 

Next we learnt about why smoke alarms are very important and often a grown-up should test them to ensure they are working. If there is a fire then you need to GET OUT! STAY OUT! CALL 999! We learnt there are four emergency services; police, ambulance, fire and coastguard and how to ask for the one you want when you call 999.

Also we learnt about the clothing firefighters have to wear in order to stay safe. These are; boots, leggings, braces, tunic, gloves and a helmet. The children then had a race against the teachers to see who could get into the uniform the quickest because real firefighters have to do it in two minutes!

Year 2 – RE Day

Year 2 – RE Day

In the last week of term we had a special RE day learning about ‘Belonging’ with a focus on the Jewish faith. We learnt about what it means to belong and how we all belong to different things such as; groups, clubs and family. Also we learnt how Jewish people feel a sense of belonging from their weekly celebration of Shabbat.  We learnt all about a Shabbat meal and how this family event is important to Jewish life. We then made and tasted our own ‘Challah’ bread which is an important part of the Jewish meal.



Year R – Marble Treat

Year R – Marble Treat

For our marble treat this week, we chose sewing.  We had to be very careful holding the needle and thread and learnt how to make a pattern using the thread.  Look at our lovely designs!


Year 2 – Art

Year 2 – Art

In art this half term we have been exploring the use of sketching. Our focus artist has been Leonardo Da Vinci and we learnt about his life and artwork as well as discussing what we liked and disliked about his sketches and art. Also we have learnt different sketching techniques, such as cross-hatching, stippling, scumbling, feathering and blending and then used these to sketch our facial features in isolation. The final piece we created was a portrait of ourselves, using these different sketching techniques.

Year 1 – RE Day

Year 1 – RE Day

Today Year 1 had our first ever RE Day. We talked about different types of celebration and shared examples of celebrations we had been to. We have been reading books about Elmer the patchwork elephant so we worked together to help him get organised for his Elmer Day celebration and then we wrote invitations. In the afternoon we were lucky enough to be joined by the Rvd. Allie Kerr from St Cuthberts Church who helped us to link what we had learnt about celebrations to how christians celebrate Harvest. She shared some images of Harvest Festivals and invited us to sing her favourite harvest song ‘The Harvest Samba.’
Year 1 then decided to share one or our favourite songs with her ‘Mr Scarecrow.’
We had a great day finished off with our own Langstone Celebration of Golden Time!! We were even a Golden Year Group so even more reason to celebrate!
Year 1 – Geography

Year 1 – Geography

As part of their Geography work, Year One have been learning about the concept of an aerial view.  They have identified mystery objects from aerial photos, used aerial plans to locate features within the classroom and created their own aerial maps of the classroom layout.  The children then went on to use an aerial map to locate different areas within the school and its grounds.

Year 2 – Where are we?

Year 2 – Where are we?

In Geography this week, Year 2 have been exploring maps, atlases and globes to locate the United Kingdom. Once they had found it, they then came up with different questions they would like to find out about. We then focused on naming and locating the four countries of the UK; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, including identifying their flags and national symbols.

Year 2 – Science Healthy Eating

Year 2 – Science Healthy Eating

Last week and this week in Science Year 2 have been learning about what humans need to stay healthy. This week we focused on health eating, including the main food groups. The children sorted food into the correct food group and learnt about how much of each food group you should eat to have a balanced diet and stay healthy.

Year R – Welcome to Year R

Year R – Welcome to Year R

It has been lovely to welcome our new Year R children this week.

They have been very busy: looking at what is in the bucket;  learning how to work together; singing lots of different nursery rhymes and learning the names of new friends.  Some children have been exploring loose parts and learning about the different areas around the school and their classrooms.

Year 2 – Author Week!

Year 2 – Author Week!

Last week the Year Two children had been learning about the author Oliver Jeffers.  We have enjoyed sharing three of his stories; ‘The Great Paper Caper’, ‘Lost and Found’ and ‘This Moose Belongs to Me’. We read ‘How to Catch a Star’ last year in Year 1. We did many activities including; discovering which paper was the best for making paper aeroplanes and also we had to solve a crime scene to find out who had eaten the teacher’s doughnut! Also we created our own pet moose and discovered the penguin wasn’t lost, he was just lonely.

Year 2 – Welcome Back!

Year 2 – Welcome Back!

Year 2 have made a fantastic start to the new school year and have settled well with their new class teachers.

Sports Day

Sports Day

The Year R children had a fantastic time taking part in Sports Day. They worked as a team and cheered each other on. All the adults were very proud of the children and it was great to see so many parents there.

Year 1 – Author Week

Year 1 – Author Week

The year one children have had an exciting first week learning about the author Julia Donaldson.  We have enjoyed sharing three of her stories and were really excited to make our own fairy potion after reading Freddie and the Fairy.  We created our own wands and thought about what would happen as a result of drinking the potion!


Year 1 – Welcome Back

Year 1 – Welcome Back

Year 1 have made an excellent start to the new school year and have settled well with their new class teachers.

Year 1 – Sports Day

Year 1 – Sports Day

After a cancellation last year and being postponed this year, Year One finally got to enjoy a Langstone Infants Sports Day. It was a little cooler than earlier in the week and we had a lovely morning.
Everyone tried their best in the following races; obstacle, egg and spoon, relay and sack.
Well done to everyone – you’re all winners!
Thank you parents for your fantastic support!
Year 2 – Sports Day

Year 2 – Sports Day

After two years of false starts, Year Two finally got to enjoy a Langstone Infants Sports Day. The weather was kind to us and we had a lovely morning.
Everyone tried their best in the following races; hurdles, egg and spoon, relay and bean bag.
Well done to everyone – you’re all winners!
Thank you parents for your fantastic support!
Year 1 – Elmer Day

Year 1 – Elmer Day

To celebrate what has been a fantastic end to a wonderful year, the year 1 children took part in a special Elmer fun day on Friday.  Everybody was invited to come to school wearing their brightest and most colourful clothing, before taking part in a number of exciting games and events on the school field.

It was lovely to see the children laughing and smiling as they ‘wanged’ wellies, raced bikes, tossed beanbags and got more than a little wet on various other water games!  Great fun was had by all (teachers included) and it was an enjoyable way to celebrate and cool down after a long, hot week!




Year R – Visit to Blue Reef

Year R – Visit to Blue Reef

Last Friday Reception visited the Blue Reef Aquarium.  We were excited to see the many sea creatures and talk about the the different colours and patterns on their bodies.  We then went and learnt all about sharks and stingrays.  We got to look at lots of pictures and artifacts.

We all had a wonderful day.

Year R – RNLI Visit

Year R – RNLI Visit

Last week in Year R we had a visit from the RNLI.  Our visitor taught us how to keep safe on the beach and in the sea.  We looked at the different flags the coastguard and lifeguards use to keep us safe on the beaches and talked about the signals to use if you are in danger on the water.

Year R – Understanding the World

Year R – Understanding the World

In Early years we have been learning about floating and sinking.  Can you find the things we put in the water that floated and those objects that sank?  The dinosaur surprised us.  We thought it would sink to the bottom but he could swim!
Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Another Friday, another Achievement Assembly!

Today children in Year 1 and 2 received their certificates, they shared their merits and celebrated with juice and a buiscuits whilst sharing their cards with their invited adults.

What a great way to end the week!

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

This week we have been practising our doubles and revisiting numbers to 10.  We got to play skittles and knew which ones had been knocked down.  We have also been learning to make o

ur Numberblock friends and sorted them into odd blocks and even tops.

Atlantic Row

Atlantic Row

We were really lucky on Tuesday to be visited by Kevin Watkins and his rowing boat. Kevin and his team will be rowing the boat across the Atlantic in December to raise money for Action Medical Research. It was a challenge for us getting the boat on to the playground for the children to see! Kevin explained all about his challenge, how long the trip will take, the food they will eat and even how they will go to the toilet and wash. Kevin showed the children the safety equipment and the mascots Paddington and Jeffery the Giraffe who will be crossing the Atlantic with the team. the childre were able to ask some questions too.

This link will take you to an article about the challenge in the Portsmouth News.

Year 1 – Plant Detectives!

Year 1 – Plant Detectives!

Last week Year 1 became ‘Plant Detectives’ as part of their Science learning. They studied the plants closely and identified each of the main parts. The children then dissected and labelled each part and discussed its function.


Year R – Ice Lolly Investigation

Year R – Ice Lolly Investigation

Ice Lolly investigation

In Reception we have investigated how to keep the pirates ice lollies cold on their pirate ship.  We put the lollies in 4 different places.  We  wrapped the lollies in newspaper, in bubble wrap, we put it on a plate and in a sealed container.  We then observed the lollies to see what would happen.  They all melted and were very wet.  They melted because it was very hot.  The newspaper was the best place to keep the lollies.

Year R – the Rekenrek

Year R – the Rekenrek

We have had a really fun week in the early years.  Do you think you can fit in a bubble? We tried to see if we could make a bubble large enough to get in!  In maths, we have been learning how to use a Rekenrek.  The children have told us “there are 5 red beads on the top and 5 white beads on the top.  There are 10 altogether.”  They have been learning to make sure it is in the ready position with whites to the right and reds ready.
Year 1 – Wonderful Weather!

Year 1 – Wonderful Weather!

Year 1 were really excited last week as they had received a special present from Elmer! First there was a letter that explained that Elmer needed our help because he didn’t understand the weather and did not want to ruin his colours if there was any bad weather. He asked the children to learn all about the weather and even try some exciting weather experiments. There was ‘a skittle rainbow’,  ‘make it rain’ and ‘a tornado’ experiment. The children then wrote about which experiment they liked and disliked and why.

The children had lots fun!



Year R – Gingerbread People

Year R – Gingerbread People

In Reception we have been reading the story of The Gingerbread Man.  This week we have made gingerbread people following instructions and then decorated our gingerbread people. We talked about how the ingredients had changed after we had mixed them together.

Arts Week

Arts Week

We celebrated our first ever joint Arts Week across both schools. Throughout the school the children made fantastic tiles, flags, crowns and collages. Also we made beautiful bunting from some lovely jubilee material which was kindly donated.  Finally we ended our week by joining together for a celebratory picnic on the Junior field. Prizes were given to the winners of our Arts competition, so well done to Holly, Hudson and Arija! We had a fantastic week and can’t wait for our next big event together.


Year 2 – Eton Mess

Year 2 – Eton Mess

Year 2 have been busy this week preparing a traditional British dessert as a part of their topic celebrating the Queen’s Jubilee. The children made (and tasted!) their creations at the beginning of the week and have written the recipe up for others to use so that they can also celebrate the Jubilee with a traditional British Dessert.

Achievement Assemblies

Achievement Assemblies

It has been a very busy term celebrating the achievements of our wonderful children. We have been especially pleased to be able to mix as a school and welcome more than one year group into the hall for assembly. The children have been working so hard that we have a backlog of Merit Cards that we are working through! We can’t keep up with all of the fantastic things that our pupils have been doing!

School Council Visit to the Lord Mayor

School Council Visit to the Lord Mayor

The School Council had a wonderful time visiting the Lord Mayor. One of the main highlights was visiting the rooms within the Guildhall, going on a bus and of course…. squash and biscuits! The children were especially pleased to be told that they couldn’t leave until all the biscuits had been eaten.

Our visit gave us an insight into how decisions are made within Portsmouth and the process of Mayor Making. The children were impeccably behaved and asked some very well thought out questions. We all enjoyed seeing how the role we play as School Councillors can be lead on to greater things within the community. The children represented our school beautifully and their excellent manners and behaviour were commented on by the public on more than one occasion. On our bus journey home, we entertained the passengers by singing the song that we have been learning for the Queen’s Jubilee.  A great time was had by all!



Year 1 – Where are we?

Year 1 – Where are we?

In Geography Year 1 have been looking at maps of the local area. They have learnt that a map is shown as a ‘birds eye view’. Also they have been learning how to identify symbols, create keys and find different locations.

What key features can you see?

Year R – Debutots

Year R – Debutots

In Reception we had a visit from Debutots.  We listened to a story and then performed the story as a group and pretended we were characters from different fairy tales.

Year R – Making Bridges

Year R – Making Bridges

In Reception we have been reading the story of The 3 Billy Goats Gruff.  We made bridges for the goats to cross the stream.  We chose our own resources to make the bridges.
Year R – A visit from the dentists!

Year R – A visit from the dentists!

The Dentists from Portsmouth University came to visit Reception and talked to us about how to keep our teeth clean and what foods we should eat to keep us healthy.

Year R – What has Jack bean up to?

Year R – What has Jack bean up to?

Can you guess the story we have been learning in Reception this week and last week? We have been learning Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been growing our own beanstalks, discussing what they need to grow and making our own beanstalks using construction.    What a lot of fun we have had already this half term!

Year 1 – Hats Off!

Year 1 – Hats Off!

Last half term was extremely busy for Year 1 as they were practicing for their performance ‘Hats Off!’ It was set at Great Oak Farm and followed ‘Apple’ the horse and all the other farm animals throughout the different seasons. Apple was trying to find the best season for wearing the hat she had found and discovered that was SUMMER!

Thank you for all your help with the costumes, the children looked fantastic! They put on three amazing shows, so thank you for coming to watch. Here are some photos for you to enjoy and to see how fabulous they all looked.


Year 2 – Dear Greenpeace

Year 2 – Dear Greenpeace

We have been looking at books by ‘Simon James’ and in particular ‘Dear Greenpeace.’

After we read the story, we wrote to Greenpeace to tell them what we have been learning and asked them for some more information on blue whales. This week they replied to our letters and sent us lots of information, stickers and a letter!
Year 1 – Old MacDonald had a farm, EIEIO!

Year 1 – Old MacDonald had a farm, EIEIO!

In Art, we sketched our own farm animals, then the children looked at clay animal sculptures. They used these ideas to create their own farm animal out of clay. The children molded the animal out of one lump rather than adding separate pieces together. They then painted their animal once dry.

Can you guess what farm animals we have made?


Year 1 – What a smell!

Year 1 – What a smell!

Last week Year 1 have been ‘Poo Detectives’ as part of our science learning. The children had to look closely at the ‘poo’ and decide which farm animal it belonged to by the clues they could see. After they had discovered which animal the poo belonged to, they then needed to decide whether the animal was a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore based upon what they had already learnt. The children had lots of fun investigating!

*No animals were harmed during this process and no real ‘poo’ was present*


Year R – Achievement Assembly

Year R – Achievement Assembly

Year R celebrated completing their Bronze Merit Cards with an achievement assembly this morning.

They shared a merit with the year group and sang beautifully one of the songs they have been learning.

A celebratory juice and biscuit was consumed before the children returned to their classes to start their learning day.

Year 2 – Caterpillars

Year 2 – Caterpillars

Year 2 have had some ‘visitors’ in our classes this term to help support our Science learning on ‘Life Cycles’ and living things. We have been observing the changes in our caterpillars over the term. Can you see the changes in each picture? Ask your child to tell you about the different stages we have observed so far. We are all very excited for the final stage…Watch this space!

Year R – Pedal Power

Year R – Pedal Power

Year R took part in ‘Pedal Power’ each day last week.  The children learnt to ride a balance bike and then at the end of the week they attempted to ride a pedal bike.  The children had a wonderful time learning to ride a bike. They each received a certificate and a sticker for completing their training.  Well done Reception!

Year R – What a busy week!

Year R – What a busy week!

We have had a busy week in Year R! We have been learning how to ride a bike, starting with a balance bike and moving to pedals by Friday.
The sun has been shining and we have been enjoying lots of outdoor learning.
Did you know there are 30 seeds in these little seed balls that we planted?
Classes 1, 2 and 3 have all been planting wildflowers in the mud kitchen area and learning how to care for the flowers and help them grow.  Class 1 have been busy watering the seeds to keep them hydrated in the sunshine. The seed balls are covered in clay to protect them from birds and they have chilli inside to stop the snails from eating them! We look forward to seeing what grows over time.


Year 2 – Achievement Assembly

Year 2 – Achievement Assembly

Congratulations to 35 Year 2 children who have received Merit Certificates this morning. Most of the children read out their merits to the year group and it was fabulous to note that there were 35 different reasons for gaining a merit in today’s assembly.

Of course no merit assembly is complete without a celebratory juice and biscuit!


Year 1 – Ducklings Splish Splash!

Year 1 – Ducklings Splish Splash!

Year 1 are very excited because there are now three cute little ducklings. The classes got to meet the fluffy friends and have a little hold. The ducklings got their first taste of water and had a splashing time. Bring on the deeper water and their first swimming lesson next!

Drama Workshop

Drama Workshop

All the children enjoyed their drama workshops on Thursday and Friday with Samantha from “Perform”. They went on a jungle adventure to save Snow the last white tiger! They encountered elephants, monkeys, tigers on their adventure and even had to navigate past a scary crocodile to rescue Snow.

Year 1 – Ducklings Day 3!

Year 1 – Ducklings Day 3!

And then there were two! All the staff and children were very excited when they arrived at school yesterday because there were now two little ducklings. Once there are two of them and they have spent a couple of hours together, they can then be transferred to their larger home. This gives them more space to move around and also some food and drink. They do still have a heating plate to keep them warm. We can’t wait to see what Day 4 brings!

Ducklings are not the only birds at school this week!

Ducklings are not the only birds at school this week!

Whilst everyone was distracted by the ducklings hatching in Year 1, Mrs Burrans spotted a fabulous green woodpecker in the grass behind our school.

Photo credits to Mr McEvoy. They are a bit blurry so we could see the fabulous woodpecker.

Year R and the very hungry caterpillar!

Year R and the very hungry caterpillar!

In Early Years, we have been enjoying and celebrating books as part of World Book Day.  We read The Hungry Caterpillar and made art in the style of the illustrator Eric Carle.  The children were interested in exploring changing states of matter and wanted to freeze some minibeasts. They had great fun trying to get them out and exploring the slime that Norman the slug had left us in the classrooms.

Class 8 and the cabbage soup!

Class 8 and the cabbage soup!

Class 8 had a wonderful day immersing themselves in the wonderful world of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. While we weren’t able to secure 29 Golden Tickets, we did enjoy some lovely Roald Dahl themed activities. These included;
– creating bookmarks
– painting pictures from the story
– writing profiles about the story characters
– doing Quentin Blake style sketching
– eating cabbage soup and bread!
– having a little taste of chocolate
A special well done to everyone who at least had a try of Charlie’s daily diet of cabbage soup and bread!
World Book Day

World Book Day

We had an amazing time celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. Huge well done to the 140 pupils (and parents!) who completed the reading stars challenge! The teachers were also delighted to give so many special stickers and merits out to the ‘Super Reader’ children who managed to read 25 times over the last month.

The children had a wonderful day celebrating various authors and illustrators and taking part in a wide range of book related activities. Thank you for your continued support in helping us to make this a wonderful day for all the children.

Year 1 – The Ducklings Day 2!

Year 1 – The Ducklings Day 2!

We had a very exciting second day with our duckling eggs because our first one hatched! We haven’t given it a name yet, so what do you think it should be called? Hopefully by Day 3 it will have a friend because a second one is close to hatching.


Year 1 – The Duckling Eggs have arrived!!!

Year 1 – The Duckling Eggs have arrived!!!

Year 1 were very excited today as the duckling eggs have arrived. They are going to be based in Class 4 but all the classes will get to visit and spend time with them. After our visit today we already noticed that one egg had begun to hatch! Keep an eye on our website for duckling updates.


Year 2 – Shape

Year 2 – Shape

Year 2 have been revisiting all we know about 2D shapes. We have been looking at the names and properties of these shapes and thought about where we can find them in our classrooms. This week we are moving onto learning about what the word ‘symmetrical’ means and we will be finding lines of symmetry in 2D shapes, before we move onto learning about 3D shapes and their properties.

Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week

The week beginning the 7th February was ‘Mental Health Week’. This year’s theme was ‘Growing Together’, this didn’t just mean growing physically but growing together emotionally. Throughout the week we explored our emotions and how they link to our ‘Zones of Regulation’. Also we realised our emotions change as we get older, what may have worried us last year, doesn’t this year and what we may find exciting this year, may not be the same next year.

We can help each other to grow emotionally and to understand our thoughts and feelings by; being kind, listening to each other, encouraging and helping each other and trying new things. We then wrote some class poems (staff included) to share our ideas about ‘Growing Together’, we hope you enjoy them.

Year 1 – Eggonauts!

Year 1 – Eggonauts!

Year 1 have been learning about Tim Peake, his time on the International Space Station and then how he returned to Earth. We learnt how much of the rocket goes into space and that it is only the very top of the rocket; the command module, that returns back to Earth.
In groups the children designed their own space landing modules to transport their Eggonaut safely back to Earth. The children made their modules using a variety of resources.
As a year group we went into the hall (due to the weather) to test these modules…
5…4…3… 2… 1…! Which ones do you think were successful?
Afterwards we evaluated our modules, discussing what was successful and what we would improve next time.
Year 1 – My Happy Mind

Year 1 – My Happy Mind

Year 1 are enjoying their My Happy Mind sessions and have completed module one Meet Your Brain. They have met Berty and Betty Brain and also have learnt about Team HAP and the parts of the brain they represent (hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex).
They have found out that when they are cross or scared their amygdala takes over and the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex go to sleep. To wake them up and calm us back down, we can do Happy Breathing.
This is a very calming experience and we all enjoy it very much.
Year 2 – Internet Safety Day

Year 2 – Internet Safety Day

Year 2 had a great time revising all we know about internet safety as a part of ‘Internet Safety Day’. Building on work we had learnt in Year 1 about staying safe online, this year we made Internet Safety posters to be displayed in the school. We thought about where we use the internet and how we can ensure that we all stay safe during our use of the internet.  We reminded ourselves about age restrictions and how these are there to keep us safe – we should only play on things suitable for our age. And went over our S.A.F.E rules for internet use in school and at home.

Year R – Superheroes!

Year R – Superheroes!

In Year R last week, the children dressed up as a real life superhero.  The children talked about how the superhero helps us and this week they are writing about themselves as superheroes.

Year 1 – Peter Thorpe Space Art

Year 1 – Peter Thorpe Space Art

The Year 1 children have been exploring the work of Peter Thorpe, an American artist who paints abstract space pictures. The children used different techniques and a variety of media; paint, collage and oil pastel to create their own pictures in the style of his work. They thought carefully about the colour, shape and layout of their final composition.

Year 1 – Safer Internet Day – 8th February

Year 1 – Safer Internet Day – 8th February

On Tuesday it was Safer Internet Day and Year 1 learnt all about keeping safe online. This year’s theme was ‘All fun and games’. First we listened to an assembly by Miss Beckwith and then we looked at our school ‘SAFE’ poster. Throughout the day we focused on each of the letters and how this helps us to keep safe online. First it was ‘S’ – Secret – we learnt about what information we should keep secret and what information is okay to share. Next it was ‘A’ – Ask – we learnt that we must ask a grown up if we can go online and also ask if there is something that we are not sure of.  Then it was time for ‘F’ – Friends. We learnt that it is good to have friends online but we must make sure they are real friends and are actually who they say they are. We learnt that people can pretend to be anyone online. Finally it was ‘E’ – Enjoy – this really linked to this year’s theme and we discussed all the games and activities that we do and play online. We also learnt about age restrictions and how these are there to keep us safe and we should only play on things suitable for our age. We also read some DigiDuck stories to help us learn about keeping safe online.


Year 2 – My Happy Mind

Year 2 – My Happy Mind

Children in Year 2 enjoy their My Happy Mind sessions where they can learn about Team HAP and the parts of the brain they represent (hippocampus, amygdala, prefrontal cortex).
They have found out that when they are cross or scared their amygdala takes over and the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex go to sleep. To wake them up and calm us back down, we can do Happy Breathing.
This is a very calming experience and we all enjoy it very much.
Year R – Road Safety

Year R – Road Safety

In Reception in the outside area the children have been learning to use the road  safely.  When the red light showed on the traffic lights they stopped and waited until it turned green for ‘go’  The children also stopped at the crossing to let people cross the road.

The children saved Ted as he had hurt himself, they took him to the hospital for the doctors to make him better.

Year R – Chinese New Year

Year R – Chinese New Year

In Reception we have been learning about Chinese New Year.  In class we learnt to write ‘Happy New Year’ in Chinese and we made Chinese lanterns.
Year R – My Happy Mind

Year R – My Happy Mind

We have been learning more about our brains.  Did you know scientists know lots and lots about our brains.  They know what colour they are, they know what shape they are and they know that our brains look exactly the same, however we may look on the outside.  They know that they help us with most things that we do! We made a plasticine brain today.  This is what we said as we enjoyed our sensory experience:

 My brain helps me colour.

My brain helps me jump.

It helps me remember. Brains make me think about things and what I want to do.

My brain helps me remember.

It helps me think.

My brain helps me think about my friends.

I can do what I want because of my brain.

I have a massive brain.

We have also been learning about real life heroes.  We have been putting out pretend fires and learning how paramedics and ambulance crews look after people.

Year 2 – Trip to Fort Nelson

Year 2 – Trip to Fort Nelson

Last week Year 2 stepped back in time to visit Florence Nightingale at Fort Nelson. We experienced what the conditions were like in the Scutari hospitals during the Crimea war and then saw the changes that Florence and her nurses made to improve conditions for the soldiers.

We got to look at various artifacts from the time. We were allowed to carefully look at these artifacts and became ‘History Detectives’. We tried to deduce who might have lived in different tents in the Scutari camp, based on the artifacts we found.

We also met ‘Gunner Davies’ who told us all about the conditions for the soldiers. We completed an inspection of the soldier’s quarters and we all agreed that the ‘abolitions room’ was the worst part!

This week we are writing a recount of our trip and then we will be learning more about Florence Nightingale and her role in the Crimean war.

Year 1 – Tim Peake

Year 1 – Tim Peake

As part of our topic and English learning, Year 1 have been finding out all about Tim Peake. First they gathered information by looking a texts and videos. Then they ordered the information into a timeline of his life and decided what sections it fitted into. Finally they used all this information to create a poster about him. We hope you enjoy reading them!

Year 1 – All About Measure

Year 1 – All About Measure

This week and last week, Year 1 have been learning all about measure. We focused on the three following types of measure; Length and Height, Weight and Mass, and Capacity and Volume. Not only did we learn about what each measure is, but we also learnt how to use non-standard and standard equipment to measure it with.

In length, we compared different lengths and heights of objects, then we used non-standard objects like multilink and paperclips to measure the different objects. Finally we learnt how to use a standard ruler to measure different lengths and heights. The language we used was longer, shorter, taller, longest, shortest and tallest.

In mass and weight, we compared the mass of different objects using bucket scales, then we used multilink to measure how much each object weighed. The language we used was heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest and the same as.

In capacity, we learnt about the words full, empty, half full, almost full and almost empty and had to show this with water and cups. We also learnt that you can measure capacity using different equipment like; cups, bottles, jugs, jars and measuring cylinders. Finally we learnt that a wider container doesn’t necessarily hold more liquid than a tall, narrow container.

Year 2 – Building Bridges

Year 2 – Building Bridges

New Bridge Engineers in Town

Portsmouth may have a world famous son in Isambard Kingdom Brunel. He designed bridges, tunnels and even the Great Western Railway. However, there are some new bridge designers, who are setting their sights on being as famous as IKB.

Year Two, as part of our topic ‘Famous Faces’, have been looking at the life and legacy of Brunel. We have also looked at the purpose of bridges. We designed and then built bridges. The aim was that the bridge should be able to have a toy car drive across it. In addition, the bridge needed to have space under it, for a car or boat to be able to go under.

We worked in groups to select materials, join things together and make the bridge stable. We are very proud of what we have produced.

Year 1 – Trip to the Science Centre

Year 1 – Trip to the Science Centre

Last week Year 1 went on their first ever school trip to Winchester Science Centre! First we went in the planetarium and took a journey into space. Not only did we discover the planets but also we learnt about the moon and the stars too! Next we got to explore all of the fantastic science exhibits. Some exhibits were all about space and some were to do with the human body and the environment. There were soooooo many, that we don’t know which one to tell you about first. In the afternoon we all took part in a rocket workshop. We had to work in groups to design and make a rocket using a variety of shapes. We discussed what shapes would work best and how to make it aerodynamic. After that the Science Teacher actually lit the rockets to see how far they would fly. 5…4…3…2…1… Liftoff! Some made it to the moon, some made it to Mars, some even made it to the asteroid belt although some didn’t get much further than the launch pad! We had such a fantastic day and learnt many new things!

Year R – Fruit Tasting

Year R – Fruit Tasting

In Year R the children were given a coin to exchange for three pieces of fruit.  The children were encouraged to try different fruits and talk about how they tasted.

They have also been learning how our breathing can help us remain in the green zone and stay calm.  The children have been learning feather breathing, belly breathing and bubble breathing.  Look how relaxed they are!

Year 1 – How to Catch a Star

Year 1 – How to Catch a Star

Year 1 have been reading the story ‘How to Catch a Star’ by Oliver Jeffers in English. In the story the boy tries to catch a star of his very own. Well, we decided to catch (make) our very own stars. We followed instructions and a recipe to make two different types of star. One was a coloured card star and the other was a salt dough star. After we had made the stars, we used this information to help write our own instructions.

Year 2 – Making Porridge

Year 2 – Making Porridge

This week, Year 2 have been reading Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. Today we had a go at making our own porridge just like the 3 bears. We read the recipe and followed the instructions to make sure our porridge was just right! Later this week we will be writing our own recipes so others can make our delicious porridge.
Year R – Supertato

Year R – Supertato

In Reception they have been reading the story of ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra.  The children made their own super vegetable heroes.  They chose their own vegetable and how they wished to decorate their superhero.

Year 2 – Dance

Year 2 – Dance

Year 2 have started their indoor Dance unit focused on Plants. A nice little link to our Science work! In session 1, we thought about digging and raking and we learnt what unison and canon means.
Digging and raking can be hard work, so we also had to think about some tired freeze-frames. Can you spot anyone with an aching back or having a drink? Class 9 managed a whole class canon of raking!
Year R – New Topic

Year R – New Topic

Early Years have started a new topic – superheroes! They have been discussing what a hero is and what they look like in real life.  The children dressed up as mechanics, police officers and office workers and compared them to fictional characters like Superman.  The children have also been learning how our brains help us make choices and sorted out cards for the characters Betty and Berty to tell them the things our brain does for us and the things it does not.  In maths, Year R have been counting bricks and making towers and Evil Pea from Supertato has been knocking them down.  The children practised counting and learning that the amount of bricks was still the same. What a busy week


Year 1 – Astronaut Training Day!

Year 1 – Astronaut Training Day!

We had a great first day back because it was astronaut training day. We all had an astronaut passport which contained five different activities that needed to be completed in order for us to pass our astronaut training. We had to find out all about astronauts and what it takes to become one.  We wrote a list of ten things that we would take to space. Next we had to complete astronaut exercises that included the following; alien egg racing, shooting stars, moon orbiting, meteor shoot out, a spacewalk and finally moon jumping. Also we made meteor rock cakes and designed and made rockets. You’ll be pleased to know that we all passed our astronaut training and had a tremendous amount of fun!

Year 1 – Marble Runs and Mazes

Year 1 – Marble Runs and Mazes

In Design and Technology at the end of last half term, Year 1 designed and made marble runs or mazes. First we had to decide whether we would make either a marble run or maze and then we drew our designs and listed what equipment we would need. Then we used boxes, straws, lids, matchsticks and other resources to make the marble runs and mazes. Finally we tested and evaluated them. Some children loved being engineers and others decided it was harder than they initially thought; nevertheless we all had lots of fun!


Christmas Hamper Raffle

Christmas Hamper Raffle

We are so excited to share with you all of the hampers that have been created from the generosity of our school community. Many thanks to all that contributed. We have sold so many raffle tickets! Here is a sneak peek of the prizes that will be won. Good luck……!

Year 2 – DT

Year 2 – DT

Year 2 children used various D&T skills to create their own moving picture Tudor houses as part of their learning on the Great Fire of London. We experimented with push and pull simple mechanisms to make the fire move.
Christmas at Langstone

Christmas at Langstone

Christmas has taken over Langstone infant School.

Our Christmas displays are based on Christmas books. How many have you read?


Year R – It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Year R – It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! In Early Years we have been mark making in glitter.  We have also been practising our reading in our independent learning time, making marble runs and practising our scissor skills.  Some classes have even had a visit from a mischievous elf!

Year 2 – Writing with Quills

Year 2 – Writing with Quills

Year 2  have been learning about The Great Fire of London. They have learnt all about Samuel Pepys and how he recorded the events of the fire in his diary. The children had a go at using a quill and ink to write their names.

Nick Sharratt – Oh No! Shark in the Snow

Nick Sharratt – Oh No! Shark in the Snow

Today the children were very lucky to participate in a special online webinar with the author and illustrator Nick Sharratt. He shared his new book ‘Oh No! Shark in the Snow’ and taught the children how to draw a number of illustrations. The children loved it and produced some fantastic drawings. The staff also enjoyed having a go too!


St Cuthbert’s Church Christmas Tree Festival

St Cuthbert’s Church Christmas Tree Festival

On Thursday Mr Wells, Miss Vickers, Mrs Fitzgibbons, Miss Greenaway and Mrs Duncan went down to St Cuthberts church to hang all the decorations that were made on decoration day.
This year we have made our tree interactive and called it the ChristMaths tree. Underneath the tree instead of presents you will find a challenge sheet with maths questions. Solve the problems and then find the answers on the tree to make a Christmas word.
Once you have completed the sheet, bring it into school on Monday to get a festive merit!
The Christmas Tree festival is running at St Cuthberts Church from Friday  to Sunday and entrance in £2.
Year 2 – Cone Dragons

Year 2 – Cone Dragons

Last week, Year 2 had a brilliant time reading instructions, learning how to make ‘Cone Dragons’. Once they had made the dragons, they planned their own instructions and wrote them independently.

Decoration Day

Decoration Day

On Thursday we held our annual Decoration Day. We made lots of Christmassy things and the school was covered in glitter. Look out for when the decorations go up this week and look out for Christmas books we’ve based our class displays on!

Year 1 – Dogger – Mini School Fair

Year 1 – Dogger – Mini School Fair

In English Year 1 have been learning the story of ‘Dogger’ by Shirley Hughes. In the story Dave finds his lost toy Dogger at the school fair. So we decided to have our own school fair in the hall. There were five activities which included Lucky dip, Penalty Shoot Out, Tin Can Alley , Hoopla and the Three-Legged Race. The children had lots of fun!


Year R – The Gruffalo

Year R – The Gruffalo

Year R have read the story of the Gruffalo. The children then used a range of different resources to create fabulous pictures of the character.


Children in Need

Children in Need

We have had a great day celebrating Children in Need. The children looked amazing in the clothes that make them sparkle or are sparkly. We looked at the fabulous colouring that the children have done for the competition and awarded stickers, merits and certificates.

Thank you for all you contributions to Children in Need through the Just Giving page or cash donations. We’ll let you know our grand total next week.

Year 2 – Maths

Year 2 – Maths

Year 2 have been learning how to use a rekenrek, a new counting tool that supports children to recognise number bonds within 20 without having to individually count each digit. For example recognising that seven is made up of five and two.

Year R

Year R

We have been having lots of fun in Early Years.  We have been telling our puppet and animal friends who has more and who has fewer using objects in the classroom.  Some children found paintbrushes for Elephant and Crocodile and told them who had fewer.  We celebrated Children in Need by wearing something that made us sparkle and we have been exploring what might happen to the inside of a pumpkin if we put soil inside.  Watch this space for further photos of the pumpkin and the changes that happen.
Year 1 – Materials

Year 1 – Materials

As part of their topic and science learning, Year 1 have been sorting their toys based upon the materials they are made from. They sorted them into plastic, metal, wood, fabric, rubber and cardboard. Some toys were a little bit tricky as they were made of more than one material. Therefore the children decided to put them in the middle of two or three groups. After the children then wrote about the different toys and the materials from which they were made from.

Can you see if the toys have been sorted correctly?

Key Stage 1 – Cricket

Key Stage 1 – Cricket

Ollie was here again today. The children had a lot of fun learning how to bowl with a straight arm. There were a lot of stray balls all over the place. Ollie and members of school staff were kept very fit collecting them from over the fence! The children also learnt about the role of a wicket keeper.

Kindness Week – Collaborative Art

Kindness Week – Collaborative Art

During Kindness Week each class was given part of a larger piece of art to collage. The classes had to collaborate to ensure the pattern was consistent across the the bits that fit together like a jig saw.

We think it is amazing. We hope you do too!

Year 2 – Acts of Kindness

Year 2 – Acts of Kindness

As part of our Kindness weeks the children decided to send thank you cards to the NHS staff at our local hospital to say thank you for all their hard work during the pandemic. We used the image of the rainbow as the children remembered it has a symbol of thanks during lockdown. The children enjoyed the act of kindness and are looking forward to sending them to the hospital  soon.

Chance to Shine Cricket

Chance to Shine Cricket

We are really lucky to have Ollie, a cricket coach from Hampshire Cricket working with us this term.

The children are learning lots of new skills and having a lot of fun.

Year 1 – Shaker Instructions

Year 1 – Shaker Instructions

In English last week, Year 1 learnt all about Instruction writing. They learnt how to follow verbal instructions ‘How to make a Shaker’ and then followed these to make their own shakers. They also sequenced written instructions and then created group plans to support their instruction writing. Finally they wrote their own instructions on ‘How to make Shaker’ for Year R children to follow.


Year 1 – Achievement Assembly

Year 1 – Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assemblies are coming thick and fast these days. we are so very proud of all the children’s achievements, it is wonderful to be able to celebrate them together as a year group in the hall. Year 1 sang together beautifully the song ‘Just Sing.’ The children celebrated receiving Silver and Gold certificates with the obligatory juice and biscuit.

Year 2 – Fire Safety

Year 2 – Fire Safety

Year 2 were visited by the Fire Service Schools team. Karen came in and taught the children about the role the fire service plays in keeping people safe. She also told them what to do in an emergency at home. The children learnt about checking their smoke alarms and Karen recommended adopting ‘Check it Tuesday’ in their houses. The children learnt a rhyme about matches and were even given a sticker to remind them ‘matches and lighters never touch, they can hurt you very much’. The children loved the visit and now know how to be safer at home.

Year R – Firework Pictures

Year R – Firework Pictures

In Reception the children learnt about bonfire safety on November 5th.  The children created their own fireworks using a range.


Year 2 – Achievement Assembly

Year 2 – Achievement Assembly

These children had an Achievement Assembly today, they received Opal, Topaz or Amethyst Certificates.

The children shared one of their achievements with the year group and we were able to sing one of the songs we have been learning together.

The children celebrated with the traditional Achievement Assembly feast of juice and biscuit, before returning to their class to start their learning.

Year R – Signs of Autumn

Year R – Signs of Autumn

This week the children brought in envelopes with all the signs of autumn they had collected during the half term holiday with their families.

They then enjoyed observing the changes of autumn and talked about what they could see.

“I think it’s like an owl, it can fly.” (helicopter leaves)

“There’s lots of coloured leaves—red, yellow green and conkers come from conker trees..”

“All the leaves come off the tree and they die.”

“They go brown and get crunchy.  The wind makes them fall down.”

Year 2 – Poetry Recital

Year 2 – Poetry Recital

This week the children have been creating their own poems about firework night linked to the story ‘Sparks in the Sky’. On Friday the children had a poetry recital and read their finished poem to the class.
Year 1 – Achievement Assembly

Year 1 – Achievement Assembly

Today has been a very exciting day as we have been able to hold our first Achievement Assembly in the hall as a Year Group. It is the first step in returning these wonderful celebration assemblies to a pre-COVID norm.

The children shared one of their achievements with the year group and we were able to sing one of the songs we have been learning together.

The children celebrated with the traditional Achievement Assembly feast of juice and biscuit, before returning to their class to start their learning.

Year 1 – Pablo Picasso continued…

Year 1 – Pablo Picasso continued…

As you know already, Year 1 have been learning about the Spanish Artist Pablo Picasso this half term. They have practised drawing abstract facial features and then drew their own Picasso inspired portrait. Next they learnt all about the primary colours and colour mixing, as well as mixing tones making a colour lighter and darker. Finally, they painted their own Picasso portraits.

We hope you like our art gallery!


Year 1 – Autumn

Year 1 – Autumn

Year 1 have been using their senses to explore different autumnal objects. Next they came up with lots of adjectives to describe the objects and then used these to help them write some lovely autumn poems.

Year R – Dear Zoo

Year R – Dear Zoo

In Reception we had a special delivery from the zoo.  The children have been talking about the box, asking lots of questions – “What was in the box? Why were there holes? Was it heavy? Was it fragile? Who delivered the box?

On Wednesday the children discovered the box was open and there was nothing inside.  They found some footprints in the classroom and went to look for clues as to where the animal had gone.  Some children thought a polar bear had escaped and others thought it must have been a bird because it flew out the box. They thought we could call the police to help us find the animal or become detectives and look for clues.

We have really enjoyed reading the story ‘Dear Zoo.’ Take a look at some of our learning.”

Year R – Phonics

Year R – Phonics

In Early Years we have been learning new phonemes (sounds) in phonics.  We have been practising writing the sounds in flour, on whiteboards and finding them in our outside provision. We really enjoyed getting messy this week whilst practising our writing!

Year 1 – Pablo Picasso

Year 1 – Pablo Picasso

Year 1 have been learning about the Spanish Artist Pablo Picasso this half term. They have learnt that he created abstract portraits. They then worked in pairs or small groups to create their own Picasso inspired portraits.

What do you think of our faces?

Year R – Some favourite things!

Year R – Some favourite things!

In Reception we have been making mobiles of our favourite things.  We drew pictures of our favourite food, colour, toy and game.  We then cut out our circles and threaded them onto a twig. Don’t they look fantastic!


Year 2 – Achievement Assembly

Year 2 – Achievement Assembly

Today has been a very exciting day as we have been able to hold our first Achievement Assembly in the hall as a Year Group. It is the first step in returning these wonderful celebration assemblies to a pre-COVID norm.

The children shared one of their achievements with the year group and we were able to sing one of the songs we have been learning together.

The children celebrated with the traditional Achievement Assembly feast of juice and biscuit, before returning to their class to start their learning.

Year R – Phonics

Year R – Phonics

We have been learning the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n, m and d in phonics.  We had a treasure hunt and had to find things around the classroom that started with the sounds.  Some of us made silly soup.  Can you see what ingredients we put in?  Early Years have also been learning about how to regulate our emotions.  Can you guess which zone we are in by our facial expressions?

Year 1 – 5 Little Senses!

Year 1 – 5 Little Senses!

As part of their science learning, Year 1 have been exploring and using their senses. The children tasted different fruit, identified different objects by touch and identified close up pictures by sight. The children went on a listening walk to identify different sounds and also they had to identify six different smells from the smelling cups. They all had lots of fun!

Year 2 – Design Technology

Year 2 – Design Technology

As part of our topic ‘All About Me’, Year Two has been learning about healthy lifestyles and healthy eating. We have learnt about food groups and designed a healthy meal. After that, we designed our own healthy wrap. We chose ingredients from different food groups, to ensure that the wrap contained a balance of ingredients. Finally we created our own wraps. As part of this activity, we reminded ourselves about hygiene and hand cleaning. After putting the ingredients on the wrap, we learnt the tricky art of rolling the wrap. We did really well at this. Finally, the wraps were placed in tin foil, to be taken home, shown off and eaten. Well done to everyone for making a great effort with this.

This is Me!

This is Me!

Year 1 have been very busy with their learning already. They have been learning all about themselves and their bodies. The children worked in groups to draw and label the different parts of the body. They have also painted self-portraits of themselves. Who do you recognise?

Hello Year 1!

Hello Year 1!

The children have settled in beautifully to Year 1 since returning to school.

Let’s meet the classes below.

Year R – A Successful First Week

Year R – A Successful First Week

The children in Year R have been busy exploring the different learning environments. The children have been exploring our learning through the inside and outside provision.  They have listened to stories and visited our school library.  There are so many books they have enjoyed reading with their new class friends! They are kind and helpful to each other and have been showing their teachers how well they follow the Golden Rule stories they have learnt this week.  A lot of fun (and mess) was had at the sensory station where they explored different textures with our hands.  We have really enjoyed their first full week in school and are looking forward to next week.

Year 2 – Maths

Year 2 – Maths

In Year 2 this week we have been representing numbers in different ways and then ordering numbers to make our own number line. We even made a human number line using objects in our classes


Returning to School

Returning to School

Dear Parents and Carers,

We look forward to welcoming back your child to Langstone Infant School on Monday 6th  September.

You will be aware that there remain a large number of COVID cases both locally and nationally and we will be continuing to follow the guidance that is issued to us.

Please read carefully the information below for the return to school.


Year 1 and 2 will start at 8:45am

The gate to the main playground will open at 8:40am, at the same time the classroom door will open and children can walk straight into their classrooms. There will be no need to queue and wait on the playground. You can drop off your child and go.

Please may I take this opportunity to remind you that your child remains your responsibility until they are in the classroom door. Please ensure that you have walked them to the door or watched them from the playground go into the school building and not just watch them from Stride Ave.

There will not be an opportunity for you to talk to your child’s teacher but if you have an urgent message please email using the class email or call the school office.

The gate to the playground will close at 8:45 at which time learning starts. If your child arrives after this time, you will need to sign them in at the office. Please do not put staff in a difficult situation by pleading with them to let you into the playground after this time.


 Year 1 and 2 children will finish school at 3:00pm

The gate to the main playground will be opened at 2:55pm. We ask you to queue in an orderly line from the numbered sign post that will be placed in the playground near the appropriate classroom. This will help the class teachers to be able to find you quickly, particularly as the new class teachers get to know you and the children. The class teachers will open the classroom doors at 3pm and send your child to you when they see you at the front of the line. Please exit the playground swiftly – there is space along Stride Ave for you to meet with other parents to catch up and arrange play dates etc.

The gate will close at 3:05pm

We ask you to be on time as after school meetings involving school staff will begin at 3.15pm.


Please help us to keep our school community safe .  We respectfully remind you that only one parent/carer will be permitted for the drop off and collection of pupils and please maintain safe spacing.


We know that many of our children have siblings who are not yet school age. We appreciate that you may have to bring siblings to drop off and collect your child, but ask you to keep this to the minimum where possible, and remind you that you remain responsible for your children and safe spacing when dropping off and collecting your child. We respectfully request that you keep any children next to you in the queue and not allow them to run around the playground.


As stated previously, at this time teachers will not be available to speak to parents/carers unless teachers initiate the contact. Teachers must commit their time to ensuring that all children safely enter and leave their care. Parents can contact teachers through the school office by email and phone calls as usual. Any messages or queries for the office should be emailed or phoned in before 8:45am or after 9:30am.


Children will be expected to return to school in full uniform. They must wear clean clothes every day.

  • White polo shirt, grey skirt/pinafore or grey trousers/shorts, bottle green jumper/sweatshirt/cardigan (summer green/white gingham checked dresses)
  • Footwear – Black shoes (in the interest of safety these must have closed toes and low heels)

Children will not be required to bring a PE kit to school, they will wear their PE kits on their PE day. This will commence the week beginning 13th September.


Monday Tuesday Thursday
Class 5 Class 6 Class 4
Class 8 Class 9 Class 7


PE Kit

Black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings. White t-shirt, black plimsolls or trainers (velcro), black hoodie or sweatshirt.  Children should not be wearing football kits or other coloured sports kit on PE days.

No earrings on PE days. Small stud earrings the rest of the time. No other jewellery should be worn.

Your child should not bring extra items into school, they will only need:

  • A bottle containing water – we will provide your child with a new bottle on the first day
  • Their lunch (if you are providing it)
  • A waterproof coat incase of rain
  • Their book bag


All children will have access to a piece of fruit or vegetable during the morning break. We will encourage children to try the different fruit and vegetables. Please make sure you let us know of any allergies.


Children will be entitled to their free school meal, from Monday 6th September this will be a  hot meal, although you are welcome to provide a packed lunch from home. They will order this each day as they did previously in their classroom at the registration time. As before, it is a three week rolling menu (copy attached). The children will not have access to their school water bottles at lunchtime and should bring a separate drink with their packed lunch.  Children having a school lunch will be provided with a cup of water.


If your child becomes unwell with COVID symptoms, they must not come to school and you should inform the school as soon as possible. If your child displays these symptoms when they are at school they will be sent home and advised to follow the COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection. Your child should be taken for a PCR test and you should inform the school of the result as soon as you have it.

We hope you find the information in this letter helpful and we look forward to welcoming you on Monday 6th September.

Yours sincerely,

Miss V Page



Year 1 – Sports Day

Year 1 – Sports Day

Year 1 had a great sports day! They competed in lots of races such as; egg and spoon, relay, hurdles, beanbag, skipping, football dribble and the sack race. They enjoyed cheering on their fellow classmates and earnt stickers for their achievements. What a fantastic day!

Year 1 – PSHE Keeping Safe!

Year 1 – PSHE Keeping Safe!

Year 1 have been really busy learning about ‘How to Keep Safe’. They started the day by thinking back to earlier on in the year when they learnt about Internet Safety Day and about keeping safe online.

We then learnt about ‘Road Safety’ and the ‘Green Cross Code’ and acted out different scenarios on the school playground.

Another part of our day was ‘Sun Safety’ this was really important as we were currently in a heatwave. The children created a sun safety poster to share all the important information.

Finally we learnt about medicines and drug safety. We had to sort medicines and other household items by whether they were safe or not. Most importantly we learnt you must check with a trusted adult before touching anything.

Year 2 – Sports Day

Year 2 – Sports Day

Year 2 finished their year with a lovely sunny day Sports Day. The children took part in races on the field and they all received stickers to recognise their achievements.

Achievement Assemblies – Classes 5, 7 and 8

Achievement Assemblies – Classes 5, 7 and 8

Achievement Assemblies are coming thick and fast this week. I think we may run out of juice and biscuits! The children have celebrated receiving their latest Certificate and are already busy filling up their next merit cards. |They look very proud of their achievements and e are very proud of their hard work. Well done everyone!


Year R – Sports Day

Year R – Sports Day

Year R had a wonderful time at their sports day last week. Each class held their own sports day.  The children took part in games and races and all received stickers and certificates for their participation.

Year 2 – Staycation

Year 2 – Staycation

As part of their work on Holidays, Year Two, along with most of Britain, planned a fabulous Staycation on the school field.

Would the weather hold out? Would we stay on the ‘green’ list?

Follow this link to find out more about it and see lots more pictures!

Come on England!

Come on England!

Today has been a busy day at school. It has been lovely seeing so many happy children in their non uniform. There have been lots of excited children who have been proud to show their sports kits and red and white clothes.

Thank you for all your support! It’s coming home!


Key Stage 1 – Cricket

Key Stage 1 – Cricket

Years 1 and 2 Took part in a cricket experience today, in the sunshine on the field. Follow this link to read more about and see what the children got up to with more pictures.

Year R – There’saShark in the Park on a Windy Day!

Year R – There’saShark in the Park on a Windy Day!

This week in English the Reception children have been reading the story of ‘Shark in the Park on a Windy Day!’ by Nick Sharratt.  In the story Timothy Pope uses his telescope to look for sharks.

The children  used their telescopes to look for things in the outside area and then wrote about them in their books.
“I can see a snake and it has scary eyes.”
“I can see a frog on the ground and it is sitting in the mud.”
“I can see a shark under a bridge and there is fish in deep blue water.”
Year 2 – Working Scientifically

Year 2 – Working Scientifically

Year 2 have been putting all their science learning to great use this half term and have been working scientifically. The children have been planning experiments, carrying them out, making predictions, recording results and measurements and talking about what they have learnt.

This week the children investigated what happened to puddles.

Year 2 – Leaflet Writing

Year 2 – Leaflet Writing

We do like to be beside the seaside!

In Year Two, we have been thinking about all of the seaside attractions that Portsmouth and Southsea have to offer.

For an English task, we researched different attractions, such as the Spinnaker Tower, Historic Dockyard and the seafront.

We chose different headings and wrote detailed sentences about four of the attractions.

Please enjoy reading them. You could use them to plan a day out of your own!


Year R – Seascapes

Year R – Seascapes

In Year R we have been making seascape pictures using water paint.  Today, we started to put on sand to create texture to our images.  Next week, we will add sea creatures.  Which ones do you think would be best?

Year R – Maths

Year R – Maths

In Year R, we have been learning the language more and fewer in maths to practise our skills and use the language correctly, we had to vote for a story book and looked to see which one had more cubes and which had fewer.
Year 1 – Weather Forecasts!

Year 1 – Weather Forecasts!

Year 1 became weather forecasters this week as part of our geography learning.  We watched a BBC weather forecaster in action and learnt that they stand in front of a green or blue screen to explain the weather. We then used the green screen at school to have a go ourselves and had lots of fun!

Also we have been keeping a weather diary across week and Class 5 decided to compare Portsmouth’s weather with Inverness in Scotland. We have also identified the typical weather we have in each season and have discussed how climate change has affected this over the years. As well as this we discussed and sorted clothing based upon its suitability for different types of weather.


Year 1 – Plant Detectives!

Year 1 – Plant Detectives!

Last week Year 1 became ‘Plant Detectives’ as part of their Science learning. They studied the plants closely and identified each of the main parts. The children then dissected and labelled each part and discussed its function.

Year R – Using Year 1 Farms

Year R – Using Year 1 Farms

In our outside continuous provision, we have been playing with the farms that Year 1 made in design and technology.  We loved putting the cows in the field and grouping the animals together.
Year R – Pirate Maths

Year R – Pirate Maths

Year R have been learning how to write and form the number 9 correctly this week.  Our topic is Pirates and Mermaids.  Did you know that pirates like to bowl?  We have been bowling and explaining our learning, in sentences, by saying how many skittles had fallen over and how many were still standing up.  We have been thinking about how we could represent the 9 skittles using a tens frame and counters.  In continuous provision, we have been exploring the number 9 and the different parts that make it.

Year 2 – Forensic Scientists

Year 2 – Forensic Scientists

Year Two become Silent Witnesses!

Year 2 were lucky to take part in a Forensic Science Experience. A scientist called Chris came to each Year Two class during a busy day of activities. We learnt about what forensic science is and what it is used for. We learned some amazing facts, such as;

  • Everyone’s fingerprints are completely different!
  • DNA is something almost unique to every different person
  • DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid
  • DNA can be found on your skin, hair, saliva and even your poo!

You can find out more about DNA here;

What is DNA? – BBC Bitesize

We became detectives, searching for who had taken a purse. There was a long list of suspects! We worked in teams to solve clues and search for DNA evidence. One or two super sleuths even discovered that two of the suspects have the same DNA (a true fact!).

We all had a super time and learned a lot about how science is important in the world around us.

Year 1 – Wonderful Weather

Year 1 – Wonderful Weather

Year 1 were really excited last week as they had received a special present from Elmer! First there was a letter that explained that Elmer needed our help because he didn’t understand the weather and did not want to ruin his colours if there was any bad weather. He asked the children to learn all about the weather and even try some exciting weather experiments. There was ‘a skittle rainbow’,  ‘make it rain’ and ‘a tornado’ experiment. The children then wrote about which experiment they liked and disliked and why.

The children had lots fun!


Old Year 1 Had A Farm Part Two… EIEIO!

Old Year 1 Had A Farm Part Two… EIEIO!

In art the following week, the children looked at clay animal sculptures. They used these ideas to create their own farm animal out of clay. The children molded the animal out of one lump rather than adding separate pieces together. They then painted their animal once dry.

Can you guess what farm animals we have made?

als we have made?

Old Year 1 Had A Farm… EIEIO!

Old Year 1 Had A Farm… EIEIO!

The week before half term Year 1 have been creating their own farms The children followed their group design to then create a 3D model of their farm. They used a range of materials and joined and decorated them in a variety of ways including; tape, glue, paint and tissue.

We hope you love our farms!

Year R – Pirates and mermaids

Year R – Pirates and mermaids

Our new topic in Year R is Pirates and Mermaids.  A shark box arrived and delivered pirate dressing up and new books to read to introduce the start of our topic.  Whilst reading the books, we realised that we did not have a ship, flag or any pirate treasure.  The children have been designing their role play this week, painting their ship, joining and making parrots and have found golden coins hiding in the sand.  Did you know the skull and crossbones flag at the top of a pirate ship is called a Jolly Roger?


Year 1 – What a smell!

Year 1 – What a smell!

This week Year 1 have been ‘Poo Detectives’ as part of our science learning. The children had to look closely at the ‘poo’ and decide which farm animal it belonged to by the clues they could see. After they had discovered which animal the poo belonged to, they then needed to decide whether the animal was a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore based upon what they had already learnt. The children had lots of fun investigating!

*No animals were harmed during this process and no real ‘poo’ was present*


Year 2 – Anna from ORCA

Year 2 – Anna from ORCA

As part of their WaterWorld topic Year 2 were visited by Anna from the ORCA organisation.

The children learnt all about the different species of whales and dolphins in our seas and oceans. The children were able to look closely at different artifacts including jaws and teeth.  It was a fantastic presentation, all the children thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt lots.

If you’d like to find out more about ORCA follow this link.

Year R – Exploring Magnets

Year R – Exploring Magnets

In Early Years, we have been exploring if objects are magnetic or not magnetic.  Can you tell by the photos which objects were magnetic and which ones were not? We also explored the magnets and could say if they were attracted to each other or repelled.  We had a lot of fun finding out, in particularly seeing how strong the magnets were and what they could move and hold.
The Big Ask

The Big Ask

Hi, my name is Rachel de Souza and I’m the Children’s Commissioner for England. My job is to speak up for children in England, stand up for their rights, and make sure that the people in power listen to what children need and want.

It’s time to give something big back to young people like you after COVID — and we need your help to do it.

This is the largest ever survey of children and young people in England. We’ll use what you tell us to show the government what you think, and what children need to live happier lives.

This survey will only take you 5-10 minutes

Please follow this link to visit the survey.

Year 1 Snuggly Snerds

Year 1 Snuggly Snerds

Year 1 have been reading ‘What the Ladybird Heard Next’ by Julia Donaldson. In the story there is an imaginary character called the ‘Snuggly Snerd’. We then made our own Snuggly Snerds, which we named and described.  We then wrote sentences about them in our English Writing.


Year 2 – RE

Year 2 – RE

As part of our RE work on what ‘creation’ means, Year Two created a clay model of whatever they wanted. In later sessions, we have talked about what creation means in different religions.
We hope that you like what we made! (Click on the photo to see the creation!)
Year R – Salt Dough Aliens

Year R – Salt Dough Aliens

In Early years we have been making aliens out of salt dough.  We had to measure the ingredients, stir and shape our dough to look like an alien.  Once the aliens were made, we used our joining skills to craft a spaceship for the alien to fly in.  When the spaceships were dry, we painted them to look more realistic.  Luckily the aliens did not steal any of our pants!

Year 1 – Maths this week

Year 1 – Maths this week

Year 1 have been learning about addition this week. We have been combining parts to make the whole. We have also learnt that addition is commutative and we have been explaining our learning in full sentences. We have been using vocabulary like ‘First, then and now’, as well as addends, sum and total. Also we have been using counters and other resources to help us.

We are getting really good at our addition facts!

Class 1 – Achievement Assembly

Class 1 – Achievement Assembly

Last Friday some of the children from Class 1 celebrated completing their bronze merit card by receiving their certificates in a class assembly.  Well done to you all.


Year 1 – Oh no! Not another crime scene!

Year 1 – Oh no! Not another crime scene!

Year 1 became detectives last week as they discovered something strange had happened to the adventure play area. The area was taped off and the children worked together to take photos and mark the evidence. They had to be careful not to touch anything in case they left their own finger prints behind at the scene. The children first thought the Easter Bunny had been as there were pieces of half eaten carrots. However, they soon discovered a wellington boot and a nest with eggs and this led their findings towards some escaped farm animals instead.


Year R – Aliens Crash Land at Langstone

Year R – Aliens Crash Land at Langstone

To get ready for their new topic ‘Aliens’, Miss Beckwith washed lots of decorated pants and put them on the line to dry. Unfortunately the Aliens (who love underpants!) saw them and tried to steal them! Luckily they got scared away by a teacher walking down the corridor but they left lots of broken pieces of spaceship all over our garden area and now the pants have to be washed again!


Class 2 – Achievement Assembly

Class 2 – Achievement Assembly

Just before the Easter break Class 2 held an Achievement Assembly. The children received their Bronze certificates and celebrate their achievements with their classmates

, a squash and a biscuit.


Easter Hat Competition

Easter Hat Competition

Miss Page and Mrs Marshman had the most wonderful time this morning looking at all the amazing Easter Hats the children have made. It was a real challenge to decide on the winners in each class. Thank you for helping the children with their amazing hats we have raised over £220. Follow this link to see some photos of the amazing hats.

Year R

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

First Place: Imogen

Runner Up: Ollie

First Place: Madison

Runner Up: Ethan

First Place: Ellis

Runner Up: Lenny

Special Mentions






Special Mentions





Special Mentions




Year 1

Class 4 Class 5 Class 6

First Place: Isaac

Runner Up: Harrison

First Place: Priyah

Runner Up: Lincoln

First Place: Hallie

Runner Up: Rosie

Special Mentions




Special Mentions









Special Mentions




Year 2

Class 7 Class 8 Class 9

First Place: Jack P

Runner Up: Freddie

First Place: Loki

Runner Up: Jacob Ma

First Place: Eliza

Runner Up: Isabelle

Special Mentions






Special Mentions







Special Mentions

Joshua E


Jack C





Year R – Easter Egg Hunt

Year R – Easter Egg Hunt

Year R had an Easter Egg hunt in the Sensory Garden. They even found Mrs Beggs, along with some chocolatey treasure.

Year 2 – Maths Games

Year 2 – Maths Games

Year 2 have been putting the number skills to good use by playing games. They have been practicing fluency with the games that they have played.

Achievement Assemblies

Achievement Assemblies

Achievement Assemblies have been happening at a fast and furious rate. The children have worked so hard this term both during the lockdown and now that they are back at school. We are so very proud of them.

The children share one of the achievements in their merit cards and then celebrate with a drink and a biscuit with their classmates.

Class 7 Class 8 Class 8
Class 3


Year 2 – Dinosaur Islands

Year 2 – Dinosaur Islands

The children worked in their animal groups to design their own dinosaur habitat. They planned collaboratively on a planning sheet before copying their plan onto the box. They then built up the structure using junk modelling before covering with paper lamination. After they were dry they painted the island and added geographical features to match their plan. The children were able to amend their island but only after discussion as a group.

Year 1 Guinea Pigs

Year 1 Guinea Pigs

Year 1 have been reading the story of ‘Christopher Nibble in a tale of dandelion derring-do!’ by Charlotte Middleton.

We then learnt how to draw our own guinea pigs and write some sentences about them.

We hope you love our drawings!

Year 1 – Let it Grow!

Year 1 – Let it Grow!

It has been lovely having all the children back in Year 1, they have all definitely grown.

So have all our plants too!

As part of our ‘Let it Grow’ topic we have been planting and growing runner beans, broad beans, grass and taking care of mini daffodils.

Year R – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Year R – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In Year R the children have been learning about different minibeasts.  They have made a range of minibeasts for their class displays.  They used lots of different resources and skills to make them including printing, painting and learning how to joint parts together. Year R have also read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and made their own caterpillar to help us learn about the days of the week.
Year R – Minibeasts

Year R – Minibeasts

In Year R the children have been learning about minibeasts.  Today, they started to build their ant farm and our wormery.  Did you know a worm has no arms, legs or eyes?


The Masked Reader

The Masked Reader

Well done to everyone who took part in our Masked Reader Challenge. We hope you enjoyed the stories and I’m sure you did really well!

Here are the answers!

Reader A Reader B  Reader C  Reader D  Reader E
Pig the Fibber Come Back Jack Little Penguin Lost The Book with No Pictures Aliens in Underpants Save the World
Mrs Watson Miss Owen Mr McEvoy Mr Wells Mrs Fletcher
Reader F Reader G  Reader H  Reader I  Reader J
Six Dinner Sid What the Ladybird Heard Keith the Cat with the Magic Hat Super Daisy Mr Big
Mrs Marshman Miss Bugden Mrs Mitchell Mrs Bartlett Mrs Knapp

World Book Day

World Book Day

We had a different World Book Day to usual, but we all still had a great time sharing our favourite books and doing book related activities. Follow this link to see more photos and read more about it.

Thank you!

Thank you!

We would like to say a huge thank you to the parents of our critical worker children who kindly delivered two wonderful hampers of goodies for all the staff.

Staying Connected Pictures

Staying Connected Pictures

Lots of you were busy on Wellbeing Wednesday creating your pictures because we are missing seeing you. It has been fun looking in the silver bin to see who is there! All the pictures have been put up in the hall for you to see when you come back to school. Thank you to everyone who took part.

Wellbeing Wednesday

Wellbeing Wednesday

Look at all the things we got up to on Wellbeing Wednesday day which we had during Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. Painting and colouring, baking, junk modelling, finger painting and crafts.

Year 1 – Space Topic

Year 1 – Space Topic

Year 1 have really enjoyed learning about space. They have been doing all sorts of exciting things: making models, learning stories, space painting and learning about astronauts.

Follow this link to see all their work.

Year 1 – PSHE

Year 1 – PSHE

As part of PSHE, the children have been learning about the importance of keeping clean and healthy through daily habits such as cleaning our teeth and washing our face and body.  They had a go at washing a baby to help them understand the importance of caring for others who are unable to do things for themselves.

Print for free at a Library

Print for free at a Library

Please see this important information from Portsmouth Libraries:
Any parents home schooling and needing to print, remember Portsmouth Libraries will re-open for essential computer and internet use on Friday 8th of January and you are allowed to print up to 10 B/W pages homework related for free.
We’ll provide this service at Central, Carnegie, North End, Paulsgrove, Alderman Lacey, Beddow and Southsea libraries.
Just call your nearest library to book a PC and bring your library card if you have one.
Remember you can sign in for a library card online at…/spyd…/MSGTRN/WPAC/HOME
Using Google Classroom with XBox and Playstation

Using Google Classroom with XBox and Playstation


Classroom can be opened on Xbox and Playstation. There isn’t an app that you can add to the consoles. Instead,  built-in browsers that come on the two devices. On Xbox, it is Microsoft Edge. On Playstation, it is the “www” browser. To find these use the search function accessible on the home screen.

Once the browser has been opened:

  1. Type in in the URL bar.
  2. A prompt for a Google account will appear.
  3. Type in the email and password.
  4. The Classroom home screen will open up.

If you have a keyboard you can plug in, it will have a much easier for navigation. Otherwise, use the controllers to click on, open up assignments and type.

Learning at Home

Learning at Home

We are really missing seeing you all at school. It is very quiet, but it does mean that hopefully we can all be back together soon.

Remember that all your learning is on your Google Classroom. If you can’t find your password, email your class email. We are really looking forward to seeing how you are getting on.

If you are looking for other things to do why don’t you look at the page of activities and ideas we have put together, by following this link.

Information Update

Information Update

Please note that class emails will not be read until 4th January 2021.

If your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) on Friday 18th December or over the weekend (19th and 20th December) please can you inform the school on and take your child for a test.

If your child tests positive please contact the school on

The school e-mail will be checked once a day at 10 am on the 19th and 20th December and appropriate action will then be taken.

If your child develops symptoms on or after the 21st December, you do not need to notify the school but should notify the NHS Track and Trace service.

Year 1 – Marble Mazes

Year 1 – Marble Mazes

In Design and Technology Year 1 have been designing and making marble runs or mazes. First we had to decide whether we would make either a marble run or maze and then we drew our designs and listed what equipment we would need. Then we used boxes, straws, lids, matchsticks and other resources to make the marble runs and mazes. Finally we tested and evaluated them. Some children loved being engineers and others decided it was harder than they initially thought; nevertheless we all had lots of fun!

Year 1 Dogger School Fair

Year 1 Dogger School Fair

In English Year 1 have been learning the story of ‘Dogger’ by Shirley Hughes. In the story Dave finds his lost toy Dogger at the school fair. So we decided to have our own school fair in the hall. There were five activities which included Lucky Sticks, Penalty Shoot Out, Bottle Shy, Hoopla and the Three-Legged Race. The children had lots of fun!

Christmas Jumper Day

Christmas Jumper Day

We’re taking part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 11 December! It doesn’t matter where we are – at home, work or school – on Christmas Jumper Day all you need to do is get your silliest, most festive jumper on and donate to Save the Children. 

By pulling on our Christmassy knits and donating, we’ll be transforming the future for children. Every pound we raise will give children in the UK and around the world the chance to grow up healthy and happy, and change the future for good.

Go to and simply click the donate button to give your £2 (or more if you’re feeling generous…) and help us reach our team target.  We’ve also got our own QR code – simply scan the code with your phone camera and donate directly to our team! Not sure how it works? Here’s a link to the handy guide on using QR codes:

For more information on Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day, please visit

Year 1 – Maths – subitising

Year 1 – Maths – subitising

Year One children have been learning to ‘subitise’ in maths (recognise a quantity by the pictorial arrangement).  They began by looking at familiar patterns and arrangements such as dice and Numicon.  They were then given a number of images and were asked to work together to identify the amount shown without counting.

Year 1 – How to make a Shaker

Year 1 – How to make a Shaker

In English last week, Year 1 learnt all about Instruction writing. They learnt how to follow verbal instructions ‘How to make a Shaker’ and then followed these to make their own shakers. They also sequenced written instructions and then created group plans to support their instruction writing. Finally they wrote their own instructions on ‘How to make Shaker’ for Year R children to follow.

Year 1 – Toys Topic

Year 1 – Toys Topic

Year 1 have been exploring and learning all about their toys. They sorted their toys based on different criteria like colour, size, type etc. The children then sorted the toys according to the material they were made from, linking into their science learning about materials.
Year 1 – Picasso Art

Year 1 – Picasso Art

The children in Year One have really enjoyed learning about the abstract artist Pablo Picasso.  They tried to create their own portraits in the style of Picasso using pencil, paint and pen.  When producing their work they thought carefully about line, size, colour, shape and position.  We think they look great!


Year R – Working Hard

Year R – Working Hard

In the outside area, the children have found lots of signs of Autumn, such as falling leaves, sycamore seeds and spider webs.  The children used the leaves to make their own creatures.  Can you guess what they are?  The children found some colourful acorns.  The children practised recognising and ordering the numerals.


Year 2 – Fire Safety Visit

Year 2 – Fire Safety Visit

Year 2 were visited by two fire safety officers. The children  leant what to do in case of finding a fire in a building and about matches and lighters. They have learnt some catchy phrases to help them remember what to do.

‘Matches and lighters, never tounch.

They can hurt you very much.’

‘Get out!

Stay out! Call 999’

Class 8 – Achievement Assembly

Class 8 – Achievement Assembly

Lots of things have changed at school and it might seem quite different. However, our children are working incredibly hard and we are very proud of their achievements. We can’t celebrate in they way we used to, so that is a little different too. Achievement Assemblies now happen in our classes. It’s still special, just in a different way.

Today was the first Class Achievement Assembly. The children were presented with their certificates and the whole class celebrated with juice and a biscuit! Keep up the great work!

Thank You

Thank You

We would like to thank all of our families for the very kind words in cards and gifts they have given us at the end of this very strange school year. They are very much appreciated – thank you. We all wish you a safe, enjoyable and restful summer.

Year 2 Leaver’s Picnic

Year 2 Leaver’s Picnic

It was lovely to see year 2 yesterday. The weather was beautiful. The children and their parents came onto the field to eat their lunch whilst being able to see and say goodbye to classmates and members of staff. The children were able to collect their work, complete a quiz of things they learnt in Year 2, and solve Mrs Knapp’s very challenging photo puzzle. We sang a few of our favourite songs and wished Year 2 luck on their next adventure at the junior school.


Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 17th July

Warm up activity Fist squeeze
  1. Stand, sit or lie down and relax your arms by your sides. Take three soft, slow, mindful breaths. Pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling. 
  2. Imagine those thoughts and feelings gathering like red-hot energy in your hands. Breathe in and squeeze your fists as tightly as you can.
  3. Breathe out and open your hands, soft and loose. Imagine the red-hot energy flying away like sparks.
  4. Breathe in and squeeze your fists again. Let the energy build.
  5. Breathe out, open your hands and let the energy go.
  6. Repeat until you feel calmer.
  7. After you’re done, swing your arms gently side to side to loosen up.
Main activity Thoughts, feelings and actions

How we think, how we feel and how we act are all linked. For example:

‘Becky thinks all dogs will bark and jump up, so Becky feels afraid, and her action is to leave the park.

Everyone has different thoughts, feelings and actions. Here are some other ways people might think, feel and act when they see a dog at the park.

Can you remember a time you felt anxious or worried? What did you think? What did you feel? What action did you take?


Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

YGame Board Game Piecesear 1 Home learning for Thursday 16th July – Final week

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read a range of genres and texts. 

Have a look at your reading rainbow. Are most of your books fiction (story) or nonfiction (information)? Today you are going to read a new book for the group you are lacking in. 

If you do not have any books at home, you could try an online book from this website:

When you have read it – add the title to your Reading Rainbow. 

Writing To write for different purposes. 

Today we will be writing our last two pages for our End of Year booklet. Today we are going to think of any successes you have achieved both in school and during lock down. 

Think about successes we can celebrate from school such as merits, achievement assemblies, being on gold (with ticks!), learning a new skill in PE – it can be anything!

When you have done that think about life skills you achieved at home. Making a sandwich, making your bed, cooking, gardening etc. 

Decorate one of the rosettes (below) and then write a short description about what the achievement is for. Alternatively draw your own award and write a description. 


Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in maths games. Below you will find an activity to print and play. Today’s game has instructions on the sheet. It also has game pieces that you can print, cut out and glue to make your game even more fun!

Game Board

Game Pieces

After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y1 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search BBC – Karate Cats – maths)

Other: Art / Design and Technology. To explore materials and colour. 

Today is the final class based on home learning. To celebrate we would like to award you a ‘Langstone Home Learner’ certificate. You can colour and decorate your certificate. You could even hold your own ‘Achievement Assembly’. 

If you don’t have a printer, draw and decorate your own one.

School summer learner Certificate
CH: Can you make a certificate or card for the grown ups who have helped you over the last few weeks. We have seen all the hard work they have been putting in by helping you and they definitely deserve a big ‘Well Done!’ too. 

A quick note from the year 1 teaching team: THANK YOU TO OUR PARENTS

We have seen all the hard work that parents have been putting in over the last couple of months since the schools were partially closed and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work over this time.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Class 7 2020

Class 8 2020

Class 9 2020


Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 16th July 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read a range of genres and texts. 

Have a look at your reading rainbow. Are most of your books fiction (story) or nonfiction (information)? Today you are going to read a new book for the group you are lacking in. 

If you do not have any books at home, you could try an online book from this website:

When you have read it – add the title to your Reading Rainbow. 

Writing To write for different purposes. 

Today we will be writing our last two pages for our End of Year booklet. Today we are going to think of any successes you have achieved both in school and during lock down. 

Think about successes we can celebrate from school such as merits, achievement assemblies, being on gold (with ticks!), learning a new skill in PE – it can be anything!

When you have done that think about life skills you achieved at home. Making a sandwich, making your bed, cooking, gardening etc. 

Decorate one of the rosettes (below) and then write a short description about what the achievement is for. Alternatively draw your own award and write a description. 


Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in games. Below you will find an activity to print and play.

After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y2 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search maths – snow slalom – mathsframe)

Other: Art / Design and Technology. To explore materials and colour. 

Today is the final class based on home learning. To celebrate we would like to award you a ‘Langstone Home Learner’ certificate. You can colour and decorate your certificate. You could even hold your own ‘Achievement Assembly’. 


If you don’t have a printer, draw and decorate your own one.

CH: Can you make a certificate or card for the grown ups who have helped you over the last few weeks. We have seen all the hard work they have been putting in by helping you and they definitely deserve a big ‘Well Done!’ too. 

A quick note from the year 2 teaching team: THANK YOU TO OUR PARENTS

We have seen all the hard work that parents have been putting in over the last couple of months since the schools were partially closed and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work over this time.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman












Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 16th July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.

Memories Booklet

Today we will be writing the last page of the memories booklet. We are going to think of any successes your child has had both in school and during lock down at home.

Encourage your child to think about successes they can remember from school such as merits, achievement assemblies, being on gold (with ticks!), learning a new skill in PE – it can be anything!

When they have done that encourage them to think about any life skills they have achieved at home e.g. riding a bike without stabilisers for the first time, making their bed, independently managing buttons,etc.

Encourage your child to decorate each of the rosettes (attached) and then write a short description about the success it is for. Alternatively your child can draw their own award and write a description.

Maths Children solve problems.

Problem solving measuring time

Look at the page of problems (attached below)  and choose a couple of the problems  to work through with your child. Can they use the appropriate vocabulary when solving the problem with you?

Other:  Being proud of how they accomplished something.


Today is the final activity based on home learning. To celebrate we would like to award your child a ‘Langstone Home Learner’ certificate. Your child can colour and decorate their certificate. You could even hold your own ‘Achievement Assembly for your child’.  If you don’t have a printer, encourage your child to draw and decorate their own certificate.

A quick note from the year R teaching team: THANK YOU TO OUR PARENTS

We have seen all the hard work that parents have been putting in over the last couple of months since the schools were partially closed and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your hard work over this time.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –,  Class 2 –, Class 3 –

HOME THURSDAY Year_R_memories booklet – Rosette

HOME THURSDAY time-home-learning-challenges


Class 5 2020

Class 6 2020

Class 4 2020

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 15th July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Memories Booklet

Today we will be writing the next page for the memories booklet (See the page attached below). We would like you to encourage your child to think about:

  • What they have missed most about school 
  • What they are looking forward to in Year One.

Encourage your child to write in full sentences and to use their sounds and keyword knowledge when spelling words.

Maths Using quantities and objects, children subtract two numbers and count back to find the answer. 

Summer colour by number subtraction

Print off the summer colouring sheet attached below. Look at the key and colour each part of the picture depending on the total of the number sentence in that part.

Alternatively, pick a picture you already have in a colouring book for your child to colour and add simple subtraction problems into each section that they have to solve before they colour.

Other:  Children talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. 

Golden Rules

Today we would like you to help your child create a behaviour chart or poster that will help them remember our school ‘Golden Rules’ over the summer holidays. Remind your child of our school motto  “Be Excellent Everywhere’ and how we try to do this by following the Golden rules both at school and at home.

Our 6 Golden Rules are:

  • We listen, we don’t interrupt.
  • We are gentle, we don’t hurt others.
  • We look after property, we don’t damage things.
  • We are honest, we don’t cover up the truth.
  • We are kind and helpful, we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings.
  • We work hard, we don’t waste time

Together with your child, put these rules into a behaviour chart and decorate it however you choose. Your child could then earn ticks or stickers whenever a grown up sees them following the rules.

 Alternative activity: Make a poster of the rules together to remind your child of them throughout the holidays. 

If you would like a reminder of the stories that go with the Golden Rules, why not listen to Mrs Carter’s assemblies on the school website: 

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Class 1 –, Class 2 –,  Class 3 –

HOME WEDNESDAY Year_R_memories booklet – missed and year one

HOME WEDNESDAY Summer Seaside-Subtraction-to-20-Colour-By-Number

Class 5 2020

Class 6 2020

Class 4 2020

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 15th July 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss books I have read, discussing my likes and dislikes  Look back at the reading rainbow that you made yesterday. Pick a title of a story that you really enjoyed. Re read the story or find an online version on YouTube if you don’t have a copy. Listen to or reread the story. Discuss with a grown up your favourite parts of the story and why you liked them. Are there any stories on your reading rainbow that you didn’t enjoy? Why?
Writing To write for a different purpose.  Today we will be writing the next two pages for our End of Year booklet. We will be thinking about:

  • What we have missed most about school 
  • What we are looking forward to next year.


Again use the templates below to help you as needed. Keep focusing on your presentation and taking care with how your booklet looks. It will be lovely to have this to keep as a memory so that you can look back on this time. 

Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in games. Below you will find an activity to print and play.

After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y2 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search maths – snow slalom – mathsframe)

Other: PSHE To think carefully about how my behaviour can affect others. 

Today we are going to create a behaviour chart or poster that will help us to remember our school ‘Golden Rules’ over the summer holidays. Remember we need to be ‘Excellent Everywhere’ and that includes at home. 

Our 6 Golden Rules are:

-We listen, we don’t interrupt.

-We are gentle, we don’t hurt others.

-We look after property, we don’t damage things.

– We are honest, we don’t cover up the truth.

– We are kind and helpful, we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings. 

-We work hard, we don’t waste time

You can put these rules into a behaviour chart, where you could earn ticks or stickers, when a grown up sees you doing these things. Alternatively, you could choose one, two or three rules to focus on. If you don’t want to make a behaviour chart, try making a poster of the rules to remind you of them through the holidays. 

If you would like a reminder of the stories that go with the Golden Rules, why not listen to Mrs Carter’s assemblies on the school website:

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 15th July – Final week

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss books I have read, discussing my likes and dislikes  Look back at the reading rainbow that you made yesterday. Pick a title of a story that you really enjoyed. Re read the story or find an online version on YouTube if you don’t have a copy. Listen to or reread the story. Discuss with a grown up your favourite parts of the story and why you liked them. Are there any stories on your reading rainbow that you didn’t enjoy? Why?
Writing To write for a different purpose.  Today we will be writing the next two pages for our End of Year booklet. We will be thinking about:

  • What we have missed most about school 
  • What we are looking forward to next year.

Again use the templates below to help you as needed. Keep focusing on your presentation and taking care with how your booklet looks. It will be lovely to have this to keep as a memory so that you can look back on this time. 


Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in maths games. Below you will find an activity to print and play. Today’s game should be familiar to you – Snakes and Ladders. You could make it more interesting by throwing two dice instead of one. When it’s your turn, throw two dice, add the numbers, then move that many squares. Beware of the snakes!


After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y1 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search BBC – Karate Cats – maths)

Other: PSHE To think carefully about how my behaviour can affect others. 

Today we are going to create a behaviour chart or poster that will help us to remember our school ‘Golden Rules’ over the summer holidays. Remember we need to be ‘Excellent Everywhere’ and that includes at home. 

Our 6 Golden Rules are:

-We listen, we don’t interrupt.

-We are gentle, we don’t hurt others.

-We look after property, we don’t damage things.

– We are honest, we don’t cover up the truth.

– We are kind and helpful, we don’t hurt anybody’s feelings. 

-We work hard, we don’t waste time

You can put these rules into a behaviour chart, where you could earn ticks or stickers, when a grown up sees you doing these things. Alternatively, you could choose one, two or three rules to focus on. If you don’t want to make a behaviour chart, try making a poster of the rules to remind you of them through the holidays. Below are some ideas to help you. 

If you would like a reminder of the stories that go with the Golden Rules, why not listen to Mrs Carter’s assemblies on the school website:

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 



Class 7 2020

Class 8 2020

Class 9 2020


Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 14th July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Memories Booklet

Today we are going to carry on with the ‘Memories’ booklet. The page for today will be about your child’s happiest and funniest memories (See the additional files attached below). Try to encourage your child to write using full sentences.  When writing, encourage your child to sound out the words they want to write as independently as they can. 

Extra challenge: Encourage your child to add more detail to explain why it is their happiest or funniest memory. Eg, My funniest memory was _________ because________.

Maths  Using quantities and objects, children  add two single-digit numbers and count on to find the answer. 

Addition snakes and Ladders

Print off the simple snakes and ladders game (attached below) and follow the instructions to play the game. Alternatively if you do not have a printer, draw a simple grid and make your own snakes and ladders game – don’t forget to add your own addition sentences..

Other:  Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. 

Favourite Lockdown moments

Today we are going to look back over the changes that have happened during lockdown. 

We would like you to help your child to create a piece of photo based art using some of the lockdown photos you have taken over the last few months (alternatively you and your child could draw pictures if you have no photos). This piece of art can take whatever form you choose. You could make a poster, photo montage/picture book, e-book, powerpoint etc..The choice is yours. 

It would be lovely to see what you come up with together so please remember to share it in an email to us.  

Discuss together what changes have happened in the last few months. How have they made you feel? What were your child’s favourite/ least favourite moments?  Allow time for your child to discuss these changes with you. 

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –, Class 2 –, Class 3 –

HOME TUESDAY Year_R_memories booklet – best memories

HOME TUESDAY snakes-and-ladders-addition-to-20-board-game-board-game-_ver_2

Class 5 2020

Class 6 2020

Class 4 2020

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 14th July – Final week

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss books I have read.  Today we would like you to make a reading rainbow of books you have read during your time in Year 1. Think back to books that you read as a class in school, as well as at home. Write the titles of books you have read in the lines of the rainbow. How full is it? Discuss with your grown ups which books you have enjoyed and why. 
Writing To write for different purposes 

Today we are going to carry on with our ‘End of Year’ booklets. Our two pages for today will be about our Best and Funniest memories. We will need to write these in full sentences. Remember to start with a capital letter and finish with a full stop. Add more detail to explain why it is your favourite or funniest memory. Eg,

My funniest memory was _________ because________.


Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in maths games. Below you will find an activity to print and play. Today’s game is very similar to yesterday’s. It can be played by 2, 3 or 4 people. When you land on a square, you have to say the answer correctly. If you are right, you get your next turn (after everyone else has taken a turn). If you get the answer wrong, you miss your next turn.


After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y1 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search BBC – Karate Cats – maths)

Other: History  To compare changes in living memory. 

Today we are going to look back over the changes that have happened during lockdown. 

We would like you to present some of your lockdown photos / memories in whatever form you choose. You could make a word document, powerpoint, poster, phone montage or printed photo frame montage. 

It would be lovely to see your photo presentations. If it is not possible to send it to us in an email, perhaps pick a few of your best memory photos to send us and tell us about them. 

Discuss together what changes have happened in the last few months. How have they made you feel? Allow time to discuss these changes. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Class 7 2020

Class 9 2020

Class 8 2020


My Year One Reading Rainbow


Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 14th July 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss books I have read.  Today we would like you to make a reading rainbow of books you have read during your time in Year 2. Think back to books that you read as a class in school, as well as at home. Write the titles of books you have read in the lines of the rainbow. How full is it? Discuss with your grown ups which books you have enjoyed and why. 
Writing To write for different purposes 

Today we are going to carry on with our ‘End of Year’ booklets. Our two pages for today will be about our Best and Funniest memories. We will need to write these in full sentences. Remember to start with a capital letter and finish with a full stop.


Add more detail to explain why it is your favourite or funniest memory. Eg,

My funniest memory was _________ because________.

Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in games. Below you will find an activity to print and play.

After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y2 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search maths – snow slalom – mathsframe)

Other:  To compare changes in living memory. 

Today we are going to look back over the changes that have happened during lockdown. 

We would like you to present some of your lockdown photos / memories in whatever form you choose. You could make a word document, powerpoint, poster, phone montage or printed photo frame montage. 

It would be lovely to see your photo presentations. If it is not possible to send it to us in an email, perhaps pick a few of your best memory photos to send us and tell us about them. 

Discuss together what changes have happened in the last few months. How have they made you feel? Allow time to discuss these changes. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman


My Year Two Reading Rainbow

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 13th July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:

They use past, present

and future forms accurately when talking about events

that have happened or are to happen in the future.

Memory Booklet

As it is the last week of the school year, over the next four days we are going to be making a ‘Memories’ booklet.  Today the focus will be making the ‘Title page’ and a ‘Favourites’ page. Please see the additional files attached below (note: If you don’t have a printer you can copy these ideas to help you with the layout of your own version).  It would be lovely if this booklet became a keepsake for you and your child. 

When drawing, encourage your child to draw their picture with a pencil first and then colour it in.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20.

I Spy and Count to 20

Print off or display the sheet of summer themed objects- see below. Ask your child to count how many there are of each object and record the totals in a simple list. e.g.

                                        ___ boys on bikes

                                        ___ suns

                                        ___ sandcastles

Other:  They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. 

Lockdown Art

To mark the end of this unusual school year, why not help your child to  create a piece of ‘Lock down’ art? This will be something your child can look back on when thinking of this time. There are lots of ways you could choose to do this. Here are some ideas to help you.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –,  Class 2 –,  Class 3 –


HOME MONDAY Year_R_memories booklet – title page

HOME MONDAY Year_R_memories booklet – favourite things

HOME MONDAY I Spy Summer objects

Class 5 2020

Class 6 2020

Class 4 2020

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 13th July – Final week

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To re read familiar texts and increase fluency. This week is the last week of school. We would like you to think back on all the books and texts you have read this year. Choose one that you enjoy and re read it to a grown up. Can you read with increased fluency? How can you make your listener interested in what you are reading?
Writing To write for different purposes 

As it is our last week of term, we are going to be making a ‘Memories’ booklet, over the week. Today we will be making a ‘Title page’ and a ‘Favourites’. See below. If you don’t have a printer you can copy these ideas to help you with the layout. 

Remember, this booklet could be something you keep, so take care with your handwriting and colouring when completing it. Remember to use capital letters for names and at the beginning of sentences and full stops at the end. 



Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in maths games. Below you will find an activity to print and play. Today’s game can be played by 2, 3 or 4 people. When you land on a square, you have to say the answer correctly. If you are right, you get your next turn (after everyone else has taken a turn). If you get the answer wrong, you miss your next turn.

After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y1 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search BBC – Karate Cats – maths)

Other: Art To explore different materials and colours. 

To mark the end of this unusual school year, why not create a piece of ‘Lock down’ art?

This will be something you can look back on when you think of this time. There are lots of ways you could choose to do this. Here are some ideas to help you.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Class 7 2020

Class 9 2020

Class 8 2020

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 13th July 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To re read familiar texts and increase fluency. This week is the last week of school. We would like you to think back on all the books and texts you have read this year. Choose one that you enjoy and re read it to a grown up. Can you read with increased fluency? How can you make your listener interested in what you are reading?
Writing To write for different purposes 

As it is our last week of term, we are going to be making a ‘Memories’ booklet, over the week. Today we will be making a ‘Title page’ and a ‘Favourites’. See below. If you don’t have a printer you can copy these ideas to help you with the layout. 

Remember, this booklet could be something you keep, so take care with your handwriting and colouring when completing it. Remember to use capital letters for names and at the beginning of sentences and full stops at the end. 



Maths To show knowledge of Maths when playing number related activities.

This week’s maths involves showing what you have learnt this year in maths games. Below you will find an activity to print and play.

After you have played, have a look at the following online activities;

1) Education City – Y2 – Maths – activities

2) Purple Mash – Bond Bubbles


 (or search maths – snow slalom – mathsframe)

Other:  To explore different materials and colours. 

To start this transition week have a look at this is the junior school website and they have made a special video tour for you to see your way around the school. Spend some time looking at the other information that they have put on their website for you. They also have a facebook page that you may like to follow.

To mark the end of this unusual school year, why not create a piece of ‘Lock down’ art. This will be something you can look back on when you think of this time. There are lots of ways you could choose to do this. Here are some ideas to help you.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman


Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 10th July

Warm up activity Joyful Jellyfish
  1. Lie down on a mat or blanket. Let your arms rest loosely by your sides.
  2. Close your eyes and notice your tummy rising and falling with your breathing.
  3. Feel your muscles sinking into the floor beneath you. Let your body be as still as possible.
  4. Imagine you are a joyful jellyfish floating in the water.
  5. Now let your worries glide off your jelly body. Feel them slip away in the water.
  6. Float freely through the sea – nothing in your way, nothing holding you back.
  7. When you are finished, rise slowly, taking your joyful jellyfish heart with you. 
Main activity Scary? Not scary? 

Some people love to be scared by books, tv programmes or movies. But sometimes a scary story or character can stick in your mind and make you feel anxious about things that don’t exit. It is always OK to take a break from something that scares you, even if you know it’s something made-up like ghosts, monsters or witches. 

If something scary makes you feel overly worried – meaning that you can’t stop thinking about it and it starts to change who you normally are – you might find it helpful to become an expert about that scary thing. 

When you feel calm and brave talk to your grown up and ask questions about that scary thing. They might use books or websites to answer your questions or they might just know the answer. 

No question is too silly. Sometimes by talking about a worry can help us put it into perspective – this means it helps us to understand how we are feeling in relation to other worries and thoughts. 

You and your grown up need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. With your grown up talk about something that scares you, it might be a character or a movie or something else. Then ask as many questions as you can about it. Together you and your grown up should talk about the answers. 

Your grown up might share an example of something they are scared of, or something they were scared of as a child.


Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 9th July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children  read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

Roll and Read

Print or (copy into paper) the roll and read game (attached). Get your child to roll a dice and read the tricky words on the line that matches their number. They can colour in the square when they have read it correctly.

Extra challenge: Can your child put the words into sentences?

Maths Children solve problems.

Ice lolly challenge

You will need simple pictures of the same ice lolly with three stripes. You will also need three different colour pens/pencils/crayons.

Challenge your child to colour each lolly differently using the three colours. Each section on the lolly can contain only one colour. How many different lollies can your child make altogether?

Other: Physical Children talk about ways to keep healthy and safe.

Keeping safe in the sun

Share the ‘George the sun safe superstar’ video on Youtube with your child :

Talk about why it is important to stay safe in the sun. Can your child remember all the things people need to remember to do when out in the sun?

E.g. Slip on a t-shirt, Slop on some sunscreen, Slap on a hat

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2 –

Class 3 –

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 9th July – Weather and Seasons

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss the sequence of texts I have read and how items of information are related.

Read the ‘How to Build a Snowman’ instructions below. When you answer the questions, think carefully about the order of the instructions.

Answer the questions next to the text.

If you do not have a printer, write the answers straight into your workbook. 


To make simple edits and revisions to my written work. 

You should have finished your story by now. Today you are going to make a final copy of it. You can choose whether you rewrite it into ‘best’ and make it a real book with illustrations or you may like to type it up into a word document and add pictures. If you do this, send us an emailed copy of your work.

Remember to make simple changes and improvements to it as you write it up into your final copy. 

Maths To interpret and answer questions about data from a block graph.

1) A final pair of pyramids for you today. This time, they are a little bit bigger, so more of a challenge! The numbers are in different places. Can you complete them?

2) Use your bar graph to answer the questions below.

3) Have a look at Education City – Y2 – Maths – activities – 8 Statistics. There are some fun data and graph activities there. Enjoy!


To recall and identify different seasons and weathers.

To recall the months of the year.

First update your final day for the weather chart of Lagos and Portsmouth.

Watch this video which shows all the different seasons and weather that we experience in the United Kingdom.

Today we would like you to be creative and show us a way to represent the seasons in any way you would like. Here are some ideas to help you. 

CH: Label each season and research which months go into which season. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman






Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 9th July – Seasons and Weather Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by:

Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently

Being encouraged to link what they read or hear read to their own experiences

Listen to the story of Elmer and the Rainbow.  An online version can be found at:

Focus on the ending of the story and what Elmer means by ‘Some things you can give and give and not lose any.’  Relate this to their own life – Can you think about things you can give but not lose? (smiles, tickles, kisses, hugs etc.)


To say out loud what they are going to write about

To sequence sentences to form short narratives.

Today we would like you to draw a picture of a memory you have on a sunny / snowy / rainy /windy day. (Pick one) When you have drawn your picture, tell your grown up all about what you did that day and what you remember about that day. 

Then write 3 or 4 sentences to tell us all about what happened on that day. Think about:

What was the weather like / what season was it?

Who were you with? Where did you go?

What memorable moment happened? How did you feel?

Remember that we need to be able to read your sentences so take care with your handwriting, full stops and capital letters and make sure your letters are on the line. 


To consolidate learning and show understanding of number.

This year you have worked so hard during maths activities at school and also while you’ve been learning at home. This week we are going to look at a mixture of skills, activities and challenges, to see what you can do. Are you ready for the challenge?

1) Write three different addition calculations which all have the answer 10. Get 10 cubes or lego pieces to help, make them into three different piles, count and write out the calculation.

a) ____ + ____ + ____ = 10        b) ____ + ____ + ____ = 10    c) ____ + ____ + ____ = 10 

2) Below you will find a maths mat. If you can print it, you can fill in the answers. If you don’t print it, write your answers on paper.

Don’t forget to send a picture of your finished work to your class teacher! The answers to yesterday’s challenge are also below. The answers to today’s challenge are also below, but don’t let the children see them!

3) If you want to, have a look at a maths activity on Education City.

Other: Science

Observe changes across the four seasons.

Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons. 

Think about your seasons learning from yesterday – can you remember the four seasons? What are their names?

We would like you to create something that either represents one, two or all of the seasons.

It could be a drawing, painting, model, craft, song or dance, baking etc, see below for some ideas.

We would like you to be creative and have fun!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson –


Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 8th July – Seasons and Weather Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss word meanings and to understand why/how some words are used for effect.

Share the story of Elmer’s Weather.  If you don’t have this book it can be found at

In the story the author uses these words: ‘splish, splash splosh, flash, bang, crash’.

Write out the words and ask your child to read them.  Encourage them to think about when and why the author uses these word choices.  Explain that they are words that imitate a sound (known as onomatopoeia).

Can they think of other words that can be used to imitate sounds? Make a list.

Writing Write from memory simple sentences dictated by a grown up that include words using the GPCs and common exception words taught so far.

Today we are going to be doing something called ‘dictation’. This is when we listen carefully to a sentence someone tells us and then write it out again. Remember each sentence starts with a capital letter and finishes with a full stop. The grown up cannot tell you the spellings, have your best try at listening to the sounds in the word as you write it out. 

Adult to read these sentences for children:

  • Today it was raining and I got very wet.
  • I jumped in a puddle and it splashed my legs.
  • The sun is very hot so I need to put on my hat. 

When you have written it, check it with your grown up and practise any words you need to.


To consolidate learning and show understanding of number.

This year you have worked so hard during maths activities at school and also while you’ve been learning at home. This week we are going to look at a mixture of skills, activities and challenges, to see what you can do. Are you ready for the challenge?

1) Write three different subtraction calculations which all start with 10. Get 10 cubes or lego pieces to help, put them into one pile (pile 1), take some out and make a second pile with them (pile 2). Count how many are in pile 2, then the answer (how many are left) is in pile 1.

a) 10 – ____ = ____        b) 10 – ____ = ____      c) 10 – ____ = ____

2) Below you will find a maths mat. If you can print it, you can fill in the answers. If you don’t print it, write your answers on paper.

Don’t forget to send a picture of your finished work to your class teacher! The answers to yesterday’s challenge are also below.

3) If you want to, have a look at a maths activity on Education City.

Other Science Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons.

Can you remember how many seasons there are? Can you remember their names?

What is the weather usually like in each of the seasons?

What clothes might you wear in Spring or Summer or Autumn or Winter?

Choose two of the seasons and then using the templates at the bottom of this document dress the two people in appropriate clothes for the season you have chosen. You might want to draw and colour the clothes or you might want to make some clothes using paper or other materials and stick them on. E.g. Winter – draw or make a woolly bobble hat.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 8th July – Weather and Seasons

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To read a range of genres.

To answer questions about what I have read. 

Look at the ‘Terrible Tornadoes’ reading activity below. Read it through as independently as you can and answer the questions next to it. Check your answers on the answer page. 

If you do not have a printer answer these questions straight into your workbook. 

Writing To write a coherent narrative. (Ending)

Reread your story so far. Is there anything you would like to improve? Make any changes or corrections you need to.

Today we will be writing the ending of our story. Look back at your plan and discuss with a grown up how your story is going to end.

Write up the ending of your story. 

Don’t forget to include:

  • Capital letters and full stops
  • Question marks or exclamation marks
  • Commas in a list
  • Clauses to make your sentences longer (and, but, because, when)

To collect data and make a block graph.

1) Today on your pyramids, the numbers are in the middle. Follow the same rules as earlier this week to complete them (there are two below).

2) There is a blank block graph below. Your task today is to use yesterday’s tally chart to complete the graph. If you do not have access to a printer, use a pencil and ruler to create your own blank graph. An example of a completed block graph is to the left.

Don’t forget to take a photograph of your completed graph to send to your class teacher.

3) Have a look at Education City – Y2 – Maths – activities – 8 Statistics. There are some fun data and graph activities there. Enjoy!

Other:  To identify the four seasons. 

First update your Lagos and Portsmouth weather chart for the day. 

Now we are going to play some games to help us remember the names and features of the 4 seasons. 

Below is a board game for you to play. If you do not have a printer, just roll the dice and read the question. If a player can answer the question, they get a point. Keep a total of the points and then carry on tracking where you got to on the screen. 

When the first player reaches the end, see what the scores are. The player with the highest score wins. 

If you would like to play another seasons game, use your education login to search the ‘Seasons to be Cheerful’ game in ‘Science – KS1’.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman



Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 8th July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:



Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.

Cloud Writing Fun

Instead of using traditional writing tools today encourage your child to practise writing using their finger in either shaving foam or sieved flour.

Say a sound (digraph/trigraph) can your child write it?

Extra challenge:

Can they write some words with that sound? 

Can they then put the words into sentences verbally?

Maths Children… say which number is one more or one less than a given number.

You will need: a beach ball or other large ball.

Give your child a 1 more or 1 less number challenge e.g. what is 1 more than 7? After giving them a short time to think, throw the ball to them , they must throw the ball back to you giving the answer to the question. If they get the answer right you may take one step apart. Repeat the activity asking a different 1 more/1less answer. How far apart can you get?

Other: Physical – Health and self-care Children make observations … and explain why some things occur.

Create a Windcatcher.

Step 1: Draw a large spiral on a paper plate or a circle of card. 

Step 2: Ask your child to decorate it with their own design. 

Step 3: Ask your child to carefully cut along the line of the spiral with a pair of scissors.

Step 4: Attach a piece of string to the centre of the spiral and hang outside or near a window.

Step 5: Enjoy the windcatcher as it spins in the breeze.

Talk with your child about what is making the wind catcher move. Why might it move more /less?

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Class 1 –

Class 2 –    

Class 3 –

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 7th July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children read simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.

Visit the phonics bloom website and play the free game ‘Yes/No Yeti’:

In the game your child will have to read a simple sentence and then decide if the answer is yes or no.

Example questions:

Can a vet fix a jet?

Can an ear hear?

Is rain wet?

Are the teeth of sharks sharp?

Is all hair fair?

Offline alternative:

Write the example sentences above onto paper and ask your child to sort them into a ‘yes’ and a ‘no’ piles. 

Maths  Children use everyday language to …compare quantities… and to solve problems.

Rain Gauge

You will need:

A large empty plastic bottle

A marker pen

Small stones

Sharp scissors

Step 1: Cut the top half off the plastic bottle.

Step 2: Add a layer of small stones to the bottom half of the plastic bottle. This will help keep it weighed down.

Step 3: Add some water to fill the bottle just above the pebble line

Step 4: Use a marker pen and ruler to mark measuring lines at 1cm intervals on the side of the bottle, starting at the water line.

Step 5:Turn the top half of the bottle upside down and place it inside the bottom half.

Step 6: Place the bottle outside and wait for it to rain!

When it rains your child can see what number the rain comes up to on their new rain gauge.  Over time they can talk about which days it rained more and which days it rained less.


Physical development

Children show good control and coordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space.

Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.

Watch, dance and sing a long with Olaf singing ‘In summer’ on YouTube

Alternatively ask your child to pick a song that they sing along with and dance to.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2 –

Class 3 –

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 7th July – Seasons and Weather Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Understand both the books they can already read accurately and fluently and those they listen to by:

  • Discussing the significance of a the title and events
  • Making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done

Share the story of Elmer and the Wind.  If you don’t have this book there is an online version at

Ask your child to listen carefully because afterwards you will be asking questions about the story to check their understanding.

What is the weather like in this story?  How do you know? (not just from the title).

What was Elmer up to with Wilbur?  Why were the other elephants worried?  Why did the bird think it was a silly thing to do? Why did Elmer stop flying?


Spell the days of the week.

Using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’

Remind yourself of the days of the week – you could sing the days of the week song (to the tune of The Addams family) to help. 

Then write a list of each of the days of the week. Remember they need to have a capital letter. 

The rest of this week, next to each day, name, draw the weather symbol to represent that day’s weather. 


To consolidate learning and show understanding of number.

This year you have worked so hard during maths activities at school and also while you’ve been learning at home. This week we are going to look at a mixture of skills, activities and challenges, to see what you can do. Are you ready for the challenge?

1) Write three different addition calculations which all have the answer 10. Get 10 cubes or lego pieces to help, make them into two different piles, count and write out the calculation.

a) ____ + ____ = 10        b) ____ + ____ = 10      c) ____ + ____ = 10

2) Below you will find a maths mat. If you can print it, you can fill in the answers. If you don’t print it, write your answers on paper.

Don’t forget to send a picture of your finished work to your class teacher! The answers to yesterday’s challenge are also below.

3) If you want to, have a look at a maths activity on Education City.

Other: Geography Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United  Kingdom.

Think back to your learning about weather yesterday. 

Do you know what a weather forecast is?

Watch this video to see how they tell you the weather forecast on TV. REMEMBER KEEP SAFE ONLINE

Using some of the weather forecast symbols from yesterday and the map outline at the bottom of this document, see if you can tell us the weather forecast for today.

If you can, present it to someone else in your house or maybe get a grown-up to film you. We would love to see your weather forecasts.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 7th July – Weather and Seasons

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To read a range of poetry.

To answer questions about what I have read.

Look at the ‘Song of the Seasons’ poem below. Read it through independently and answer the questions next to it. 

Check your answers on the answer page. 

Writing To write a coherent narrative (middle section). 

Look back at your plans from yesterday. Try and tell your story to a member of her family, this will help you know what you are going to write about. 

Today we will be carrying on from the story starter and writing the middle section of the story. Remember you need to choose the season your story will take place in. 

“One ___________ day I woke up early and something seemed strange. I went to my window and slowly pulled back the curtains. I couldn’t believe my eyes…”

Don’t forget to include:

  • Capital letters and full stops
  • Question marks or exclamation marks
  • Commas in a list
  • Clauses to make your sentences longer (and, but, because, when)

Stop when you have reached the end of your middle section. We will be writing the ending tomorrow. 



To collect data and make a block graph.


1) Look at the pyramid on the far left. There is one number at the top. Today, your task is to calculate two numbers that add up to this number and add them below. Continue to do that until the pyramid is complete. Ask a grown up to check. There are two pyramids below for you to complete.

2) Your other challenge today is to complete a tally chart of clothes and shoes colours. You may remember completing a tally chart at school this year. You have to count how many items you have of each colour (e.g. if you have 1 pair of green shoes and 6 green t shirts, your total for green is 7).

Keep the completed tally chart for tomorrow.

3) Have a look at Education City – Y2 – Maths – activities – 8 Statistics. There are some fun data and graph activities there. Enjoy!


To identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and another the location of the world.

To follow instructions to make a meaningful product. 

Update your weather charts for the weather in Lagos Nigeria and Portsmouth, Great Britain. 

Today we are going to make a wind vane which will help us to see which direction the wind is blowing.

Watch this video and have a go at making it. If yours doesn’t work, be a Langstone Learner and think about how you could change aspects of it to help it to spin or stand straight. Be resilient! 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman




Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 6th July – Weather and Seasons

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Can I answer questions about what I have read? This week our topic is weather and seasons. Read  the ‘Winter Weather’ sheet below. Try to read it on your own. If you get to a word you are unsure of, use your phonic knowledge to help you. If you do not know what a word means, ask a grown up. When you have read the sheet answer the 8 questions below. If you do not have a printer, write the answers into your work books. 
Writing Can I plan a coherent narrative?

This week we are going to be writing our own story based on the seasons and weather, you will need to choose what season your story takes place in (Eg One winter’s day…) Today we want you to read the story starter and then plan what will happen next in your story. You will need to plan the middle and the ending today. This is your story opener. 

“One ___________ day I woke up early and something seemed strange. I went to my window and slowly pulled back the curtains. I couldn’t believe my eyes…”

You need to make a plan of what will happen next. It can be a fantasy story or based on real life events. When planning, you can either draw this or write bullet points. EG:

Here are some other ideas for your seasons:


A tree / plant has grown over night


A trip to the beach / holiday


Leaves have fallen from the trees to reveal or create something magical!


Christmas adventure / snow has arrived


To use mathematical knowledge in real life situations.

1) Have a look at the number triangle on the left. This one on the left is how the challenge begins. The one on the right is the completed example. Each pair of numbers next to each other needs to be added and the number written in the space above. Continue until the pyramid is complete.

2) Two of the pyramids are blank. Write your own choice of numbers on the bottom rows and complete each. Challenge yourself – try to write a different number in each bottom brick.

Other:  To identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and another the location of the world.

What’s the weather like today? Is it the same as this everywhere else in the United Kingdom, or everywhere else in the world? This week we’re going to find out. First of all, try to watch this video about the weather in the UK and in Australia;

(search – bbc ks1 opposite climates)

This week, we are going to record the weather in Portsmouth and one other place in the world, to see if it’s the same, or different. We will use the BBC weather site to find weather details;

The place we are going to record the weather, as well as Portsmouth, is a city called Lagos. Lagos is in Nigeria, a large country in Africa. Nigeria is in the same time zone as the UK. This makes it better to contrast the weather, as it will always be the same time of day in both places.

Find out more about Nigeria here;

(search – bbc ks1 let’s explore nigeria)

Below you will find a recording sheet. Try to fill this in at the same part of the day each time (e.g. mornings for each one, even if not at the same time each day). Draw and colour the weather symbol that you see on the web site, then record the temperature. Good luck!

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman




Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 6th July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions.

Listen to the story of Elmer’s Weather on YouTube:

Note: This video may contain adverts please watch through before sharing with your child.

Talk with your child about all the different weather that Elmer experiences in the story and all the things he does in that weather. 

Encourage your child to draw a picture about their favourite weather and write a sentence about what they like to do.  E.g. I like to go to the beach when it is sunny.

Remember to encourage your child to use the sounds they know to write. This may mean each word is not spelt completely correctly e.g. beech, sunnee.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20.

Draw a cloud with some large raindrops falling underneath. In the raindrops write the numbers (0-20) that your child finds the most difficult to recognise in each raindrop.

On smaller pieces of paper draw a group of objects (e.g raindrops/suns) to match the quantity on each of the drops on your cloud page. e.g .

 Turn all the smaller pieces of paper face down on the floor/table. Ask your child to pick one, turn it over and count the objects. If they count accurately they can place a counter on the corresponding numbered raindrop.

Other:  They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. 

Design a Weather wheel

Talk with your child about the different types of weather they know. Using a paper plate or a large circle of card, create a weather wheel like the one in the picture.

Each day ask your child to change the weather wheel arrow to match the weather they can see outside. (alternatively you can use a peg rather than a spinning arrow to mark the weather by clipping it to the side of the wheel)

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2 –

Class 3 –

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 6th July – Seasons and Weather Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Explain clearly their understanding of what is read to them.

Share the story of Elmer.   If you don’t have this book there is an online version being read by the author at

Discuss the story with your child and ask them to explain their understanding of what happened.

Writing Composing a sentence orally before writing it. Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense.

Link to Geography activity below, read first. 

Having explained your reasons verbally for sorting your weather, now write your sentence down. You can use the sentence frame below: 

I think _______ is good weather because __________. 

I think _______ is bad weather because ___________.

Remember to read your sentences back to check they make sense.


To consolidate learning and show understanding of number.

This year you have worked so hard during maths activities at school and also while you’ve been learning at home. This week we are going to look at a mixture of skills, activities and challenges, to see what you can do. Are you ready for the challenge?

1) Write down 3 numbers between 10 and 20. Show them to a grown up to check.

2) Below you will find a maths mat. If you can print it, you can fill in the answers. If you don’t print it, write your answers on paper.

Don’t forget to send a picture of your finished work to your class teacher!

3) If you want to, have a look at a maths activity on Education City.

Other: Geography Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United  Kingdom.

What is weather? Can you think of different types of weather?

Look at the weather forecast symbols at the bottom of this document.

Can you sort them into good and bad weather?

Can you then explain why you have sorted them that way? E.g. Some people might say rain is bad weather because you can’t go out and play. However some people might say rain is good weather because it helps the plants grow.

Extension activity– Can you think of any other types of weather that weren’t on the bottom of this document? Can you draw a weather forecast symbol for them?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 



Year R Circus Skills

Year R Circus Skills

The Reception children have been learning all about the circus.  At the end of the week they enjoyed circus performances from their peers and had popcorn.  They walked the tightrope, span plates, walked on stilts and danced.  A wonderful time was had by all at the ‘Big Top’.

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 3rd July

Warm up activity Mind Bubbles 
  1. Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed.
  2. Imagine you are holding a bubble wand.
  3. Breathe deeply, then breathe out as if you are blowing a bubble through the wand. 
  4. Breathe in again and notice your worry. Imagine what it looks like.
  5. Breathe out and blow your worry through your bubble wand. Imagine forming a bubble.
  6. Imagine the bubble pops and disappears.
  7. Keep blowing out worries until you feel ready to go on with your day. 

Tip: You can also try this with a real bubble wand and bubbles!


Main activity My Day

Having routine can help you feel calm and in control. If you know what is coming next and have a plan for each day, it can help you worry less. If you don’t have a routine you can create one with your parents. Why not draw a routine like a comic strip? Think about what you do in the morning, eat breakfast, watch TV, get dressed and washed? Can you draw these on your strip. You could try to get into the habit of talking about your plans for the following day with your family – knowing what you are ‘planning’ to do can help you feel calmer each day. 

One important thing we need to remember about plans is that they can change and it is ok for plans to change but having some understanding of what we plan to do keeps us calm.

When you draw your comic strip talk to your grown up about the things that could change and the things that definitely won’t. 


Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 2nd July – Sport Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read aloud accurately books that are consistent with their developing phonic knowledge and that do not require them to use other strategies to work out words.

Choose a book, any book you have at home. It can be one you have read before or one you haven’t, but you do need to be able to read it by yourself. (Free colour banded ebooks available on KEEP SAFE ONLINE.

Once you have chosen a book then read it independently using your reading skills and phonic knowledge. Once you have read it, think about what happened in the book. Can you tell someone else what happened?

Writing Read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by their peers and the teacher.

Can you write an acrostic poem for the word ‘SPORTS’?  Remember to write the word ‘SPORTS’ down the side of the page and then start each line with that letter.

Think about your word choices as they should be linked to the word you are writing about.  Once completed you should perform your poem out loud.  Perhaps share it with a grown up or make a video to send to us.

Maths Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words

Find your number cards for the numbers 1 – 20. 

On the reverse of each, have a go at writing the word for that number name. 


Have a go at the game “Fluffy Clouds” on Education City where you can practice matching the word to the numeral.

Other:  Perform dances using simple movement patterns.

Choose a favourite song and try to create your own short dance routine for at least 32 beats of it. That is 4 sets of 8 counts. 

Here is an example below: 

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8  (4 walks forward, step turn, step clap)

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8  (4 walks backward, step turn the other way, step clap)

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8  (right arm up, left arm up, clap clap, right arm down, left arm down, jump jump)

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 (roll your arms on your right side for counts 1-2, roll your arms on the left side for 3-4, crouch down to the floor for 5-6, pause for count 7, jump up as high as you can for count 8)

See if you can get people at home to join in with you. We’d love to see film clips of your dances! (Feel free to use the example to some music if you’re a bit stuck!)

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 2nd July – Sport Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To use my reading skills to solve problems and answer questions.

Today we should finally solve the reading mystery! We will be solving the last clue to find out the last piece of information about the person who stole the missing medal. Put it with all the other information you have gathered this week and solve the mystery of who took the medal! 

Good luck! Don’t forget to tell your teacher who it was.

Writing To write for a different purpose. 

Today is our final day thinking about our favourite sport. We would like you to research a famous sports person and present some information about them. This could be a Powerpoint, typed into a word document, a handmade leaflet or a poster. You should choose.

We look forward to seeing all of your outcomes. If it is on the computer, ask your grown up to send it to us! 

Here are some headings to help you:

Early Life

Why are they famous?

Sporting Achievements

Fun Facts
Interesting Information

Maths To use and apply knowledge of number and logic. Below you will find some Maths practice questions. Some are calculations (sums), others are problems to solve. Do the ones you are confident with first, leave the harder ones until last. Don’t forget to use strategies like column method, blank number line, jottings, arrays, drawing Dienes or mental knowledge. Check your work. Always ask yourself – Does my answer make sense?
Other:  To identify the meaning of the symbols associated with the olympics. 

Rewatch the video from yesterday

Today we are going to think of the symbols of the olympics.

Draw each symbol that is associated with the olympics and a short explanation of what those symbols represent. For example:

 Use the video to help you with the meaning of these symbols. You may also want to think about the medals or other symbols associated with the olympics.  

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman


Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 2nd July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children read some common irregular words.

Tricky word ball skills

Write some of the tricky words your child finds challenging on cups, cones or bottles. Place them in a line with equal spaces between them. Ask your child to read each word as they dribble a ball past each one. Score one point for each word read correctly.

Repeat the activity and see if your child can beat their previous score (change the words if they got them all right the first time!).

Example tricky words:

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

























Maths Children recognise, create and describe patterns.

Sports Shirt Patterns

Using up to 4 colours, ask your child to create a design for a sports shirt for their favourite sporting activity.  

They must include a pattern on their shirt.

Ask your child to talk about and describe the pattern they have created.

Other: Physical Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise…and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe.

Hold your own sports day with your child.

 This could include:

  • balancing the ball on a bat (made earlier in the week) for as long as possible without dropping it.
  • a boiled egg and spoon race.
  • an obstacle course with a range of objects to go over and under.
  • jumping, hopping, skipping or running races.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2 –

Class 3 –

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 1st July – Sport Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To use my reading skills to solve problems and answer questions. Today we are carrying our reading mystery. We will be solving clue 4 to find out some more information about the person who took the missing medal! Look at the clues below to find the next clues. 
Writing To write for a different purpose. 

Today we are going to think about our favourite sport. We are going to write a step by step guide / instructions of how to perform a skill or play the game. 

For example, 

How to do a handstand

  1. Step forward onto your ‘best’ leg.
  2. Place your hands onto the floor.
  3. Kick both legs up.
  4. Squeeze your legs together and keep your arms straight.
  5. Step down back onto your feet. 
Maths To use and apply knowledge of number and logic. Below you will find some Maths practice questions. Some are calculations (sums), others are problems to solve. Do the ones you are confident with first, leave the harder ones until last. Don’t forget to use strategies like column method, blank number line, jottings, arrays, drawing Dienes or mental knowledge. Check your work. Always ask yourself – Does my answer make sense?
Other:  To compare events in history to events today.

As we know, this year should be an olympic year but it has been postponed. In preparation for this we will build up our knowledge of the olympics past and present. Watch this video.

Now we will compare the ancient olympics and the modern olympics similarities and differences. 

Split your page in half and write ‘Ancient olympics’ at the top of one column and ‘Modern Olympics’ at the top of the other page. 

Now record in bullet points the things that were similarities and differences between the two events. Think back to the video to help you – what rewards did the athletes win? How many times do the olympics take place? 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 1st July – Sport Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read common exception words, noting unusual correspondences between spelling and sound and where these occur in the word. Tricky Word Treasure Hunt – Pick a book you can read together or one your child can read independently. As you read it, can you find and read the common exception words (see attached sheet). Highlight/colour every common exception word you read and find – you get 1 point for a year 1 word and 2 points for a year 2 word. Discuss why the words were tricky and you can always continue this activity with another book.
Writing Using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’. Ask a grown up to help you find out about Andy Murray (there is some information attached but you may like to carry out your own research with support).  Once you know who is, what he does and some interesting facts, we would like you to produce an informative fact file about him.  Remember to include headings and key information e.g. name, age, place of birth, famous for, interesting facts etc. and to think carefully about your punctuation and handwriting.
Maths Use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.

Using your number cards that you made on Monday…

Pick up two number cards e.g. 53   and  72. 

Then use the following speaking frame to describe the relationship between the numbers e.g. 

72 is more than 53.  53 is less than 72.


____ is more than _____.  _____ is less than ______

Extension: Play “Fish with Manu” on Education City

Other:  Perform dances using simple movement patterns.

Join Strictly’s Oti Mabuse with her Boogie Beebies with episode 1 “Zoom to the Moon” available on BBC iPlayer.

Please ensure you are SAFE when accessing the internet. Feel free to try more of her dance routines too! We would love to see some film clips of your dances!

If you do not have access to BBC iPlayer – Oti’s Boogie Beebies is on CBeebies weekdays at 8:30 am. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 1st July

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.

Visit the phonics play website and play the phase 3 game called ‘Pick a picture’:

In this game your child has to read the words and then select the matching picture.

Offline alternative:

Give your child a set of words (containing phase 3 sounds) to read and match to object around the house e.g.










Maths Children use everyday language to talk about distance.

How far can you jump?

Draw a line on the ground outside or make a line indoors with a belt.

Step 1:  Ask your child to stand on the line and jump forward as far as they can.  

Step 2: Mark where your child has landed. 

Step 3: Repeat  steps 1 and 2 i.e do another jump. 

Step 4: Compare the distance of each jump e.g. talk about which jump was longer, shorter, further, nearer.

Extra Challenge: Can your child use their hands or feet to measure how far they have jumped  and use this information to compare the jumps? 

Other: Physical – Health and self-care Children know the importance of…a healthy diet and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. They manage their own basic hygiene.

Fruit kebabs/salad

Talk to your child about why we eat fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.  

Make fruit kebabs sticks or a fruit salad with your child and talk about basic hygiene and safety while making them e.g. What do we need to do before we handle food?  Why do we need to wash our hands? How do we safely hold a knife? Why shouldn’t we touch knives without a grown-up helping us?

Extra Challenge: Can your child write a list of all the fruits or equipment they have used? Can they write about their favourite part?

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Class 1 –

Class 2 –    

Class 3 –

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 30th June  – Sport Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To use my reading skills to solve problems and answer questions. Today we are carrying on with our reading mystery. We will be solving clue 2 and 3 to find out some more information about the person who took the missing medal! Look at the clues below to find the next clues. 
Writing Can I use a clause to extend my sentences. 

Think back to yesterday when you choose your favourite sport. Today you are going to draw the ‘kit bag’ for that sport and draw 3-5 things in the bag.

When you have drawn the bag, write a sentence for each item, stating why you would need that item for the sport. 

Remember to try and use a clause to extend your sentence, for example:

“I would need football boots, with studs, so that I don’t slip on the mud.”

“Footballers would need a football because….”

“Footballers need shin pads so…”

Maths To use and apply knowledge of number and logic. Below you will find some Maths practice questions. Some are calculations (sums), others are problems to solve. Do the ones you are confident with first, leave the harder ones until last. Don’t forget to use strategies like column method, blank number line, jottings, arrays, drawing Dienes or mental knowledge. Check your work. Always ask yourself – Does my answer make sense?
Other:  To understand similarities and differences between the UK and another country.

You should now be an expert on the next host country of the Olympic Games, Japan.

Your task today is to make a fact poster about Japan. You could call it ‘All about Japan!’.

Create your poster on one or two sheets of A4 paper. Think about the poster layouts we did at school this year – use headings, draw or print pictures (label the pictures or write a caption to explain them), ‘Did you know?’ boxes, fun facts. Use the Internet to find more pictures or information about Japan if you would like to.

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman


Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 30th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Watch the ‘Ready Steady Mo’ story again on Youtube: 

Information for those without YouTube access:  The story talks about all the places you can run. Talk with your child about all the places they could run.

Ask your child to write some sentences about where they can run (e.g I can run to the park.). Encourage them to use their sounds to write. It is ok if some of the words are not spelt completely correctly as long as the sounds are appropriate (e.g. path = parth, garden = gardoon). Encourage your child to read their sentences to you after they have finished.

Maths  Using quantities and objects, children add two single-digit numbers and count on to find the answer.

Label up to ten cups with some of the numbers  0 to 10.

Step 1: Ask your child to throw 2  balls or rolled up pairs of socks into the numbered cups.

Step 2: Ask your child to say the numbers on the cups where the balls landed.

Step 3:  Ask your child to add the two numbers together to find the total. Encourage them to count on from the largest number.

Extra challenge: Can your child write the corresponding number sentence e.g. 7 + 3 = 10

Repeat for other pairs of numbers.


Physical development

Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.

Paper Plate Balloon Tennis

You will need: The bats you made yesterday

                       A balloon

Using the paper plate bats from yesterday, play tennis with your child.  

Note: If you do not have a balloon you could play this game using a balled up pair of socks and your hands.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2 –

Class 3 –

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 30th June – Sport Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Respond speedily with the correct sound to graphemes for all 40+ phonemes, including, where applicable, alternative sounds for graphemes.

Using containers, plastic bottles, or cardboard tubes and make a set of skittles/bowling pins. 

On each pin, have a different phase 5 phoneme – see the phoneme mat at the end of this document. You could write it directly on or attach a post-it note. 

Roll/Throw a ball at the pins and then see which phonemes you knocked down.   

Say the phoneme, say a word containing that phoneme. E.g. Knock down ‘ay’ – say ‘play’.

Keep playing until you have said all the phonemes on the skittles.

Writing Discuss what they have written to check that it makes sense

Now that the football kit is sorted the school has decided that they need a team mascot.  Look at the different images attached to learn about different mascots.

What will your mascot look like? Draw a picture and write some sentences to describe it.  Remember to read your work to check it makes sense.

Maths Given a number, identify one more and one less 

Choose, at random, one of your number cards that you made yesterday.

What number have you picked? What would be one more than this number? Find it. 

What would be one less than this number? Find it. 


To make it more competitive, you could turn it into a race. The first person to find the number gets a point. The first person to 10 points wins. 

Other:  Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending

With people in your house, create some sort of game involving a ball (it can be any size ball, even a marble) and the need to score points. The winner/winning team is the person who gets the most points. It is up to you how you score, how many points you get for scoring, and what the rules are for defending. 

Be creative and have fun with it! 

It would be great if you could even put together an explanation (this could be verbal and filmed) of how your game works so that we can see!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

                                                                                       Olympic Mascots  & Football Mascots

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 29th June – Sport Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words. Use your phonic knowledge to read the sport themed words and then find them on the wordsearch. (See the bottom of this document)
Writing Write sentences by:

  • Saying out loud what they are going to write about
  • Composing a sentence orally before writing it.
  • Sequencing sentences to form short narratives
  • Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense
Langstone Infant School would like you to design a school football kit and write a description to explain your design choices.  Think about colours, design, pattern, style and logo.
Maths Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals

Create your own number cards to 100. 

Cut up some squares of paper and on each square, write a number until you have all of the numbers to 100! You will need these number cards throughout the week so look after them.

Make sure your numbers are the correct way round, and also that your digits are in the correct order e.g. seventeen is written 17, not 71. 


Are you ready to get active? 

Look at the attached picture to find out the actions required for different letters. 

Then, spell out your name with the actions. Challenge your family members to do it too! 

We’d love to see some videos of your efforts!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 29th June – Sports theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To use my reading skills to solve problems and answer questions. This week we will have a look at a mystery we need to solve! Each day you will get a clue and by Thursday you will have solved the mystery! The full PDF is also attached so Mums and Dads can read through the whole document to help you, but each day we will attach that day’s clue to the planning sheet. Today you need to read the problem/story starter below and the first clue to find out something about the person who has taken the missing medal.
Writing To write sentences which include clauses.

This week is all about ‘Sport’. 

Today we would like you to tell us about your favourite sport. It could be a sport that you take part in or one that you enjoy watching. 

  1. Draw a picture which links to that sport.
  2. Write some sentences to tell us what your favourite sport is and why it is your favourite. You will need to use clauses to make your sentences longer such as ‘because’.
Maths To use and apply knowledge of number and logic. Below you will find some Maths practice questions. Some are calculations (sums), others are problems to solve. Do the ones you are confident with first, leave the harder ones until last. Don’t forget to use strategies like column method, blank number line, jottings, arrays, drawing Dienes or mental knowledge. Check your work. Always ask yourself – Does my answer make sense?
Other:  To understand similarities and differences between the UK and another country.

This year 2020, was meant to be an Olympic year. Sadly the Olympics have been postponed until 2021. However, we are still going to find out some things about the Olympic host city (Tokyo) and country (Japan).

A PowerPoint file should have been emailed to a grown up to accompany this week’s learning. A link is also available on the school website (the file is called All about Japan).

Have a look through the information. There are some questions below. Show your teachers what you have found out about Japan.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman







Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 29th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions.

This week’s topic theme is ‘Sport’

Watch and listen to the story ‘Ready Steady Mo’ written by athlete Mo Farah on youtube:

Talk about the story with your child. Can you make up your own run sentences verbally e.g. Run to the bath. Run around the garden. Run down the path. etc.  

Offline alternative:

Alternatively choose your own sports themed book and talk about the events with your child. Can they make up some of their own sentences about what happened?

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20.

Sports number challenge

Label up to ten cups with numbers between 10 and 20.  

Step 1: Ask your child to throw a ball or a rolled up pair of socks into a cup. 

Step 2: When the ball lands in a cup ask your child to say the number on the cup..

Step 3: Challenge your child to complete the given number of physical exercises e.g. If they get a 10 challenge them to do ten star jumps. 

Repeat the game for other numbers.

Other:  Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes.

Paper plate bats 

You will need:  2 paper plates (or card cut into circles) and lolly sticks (or other kinds of stick).

Ask your child to decorate the two paper plates with their choice of design.  When they have finished decorating the plates, stick the lolly sticks on the back of the plates to make two bats. Note: You will need a balloon to go with these bats for tomorrow’s activity.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2 –

Class 3 –

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 26th June


Warm up activity Balanced Breathing
  1. Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed. Take three soft, slow, mindful breaths.
  2. Press your fingers against one nostril to block it off. Breathe in through your other nostril and hold your breath.
  3. Now remove your fingers and block off your other nostril. Breathe out slowly through the open nostril and breathe in again.
  4. Block the first nostril again. Breathe out slowly through the open nostril and breathe in again.
  5. Continue switching sides. Breathe out and in three times each side.
  6. When you are done, relax your hands in your lap. Take three more mindful breaths through both nostrils. Take a moment to notice how you are feeling. 
Main activity Feeling grateful

Sometimes when things make us feel worried it is good to try and focus on things that make us feel happy or grateful. Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. Having a readiness to show appreciation for kindness. This week we are going to do a gratitude focused drawing activity. Both you and your child should take part, having your own piece of paper to draw on. You can do as many as you like, you can do it all in one go or do a few every now and again. 

On your paper draw:

  1. Something that makes you happy.
  2. Something you couldn’t live without.
  3. Someone who helps you.
  4. Something that makes you smile.
  5. Something that you love to do.
  6. Someone that makes you smile.
  7. Someone you love.
  8. Something you think is fun.
  9. Something that makes you feel good.
  10. Something that makes you laugh. 

We look forward to seeing or hearing about some of the things you have drawn. 



Year 2 -Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 -Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 25th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To infer how a character feels based on what I have read.

Today we are going to read a letter from ‘Buttons the Clown’ to their friend. Using what Buttons says in the letter, think carefully about how he feels. 

When you have read the letter, answer the questions. 

Writing To write a coherent narrative?

Today you are going to imagine that you have been in the circus for a little while now and you are going to write a letter home to your family. 

You will need to tell them what life is like in the circus, how you are feeling, what are some of the best parts and what you are missing at home. 

Remember to think carefully about making your work make sense. 

You will need to include:

  • Capital letters and fullstops.
  • Exclamation marks / question marks
  • Commas in a list
  • Clauses to make your sentences more detailed. (“I am really enjoying the performances because…”)

To use and apply Mathematical knowledge in real life situations.

Today, use all three of the price lists. They are all below, in case you don’t have them from earlier this week.

There are some questions about planning the spending of the whole trip – bus fares, tickets and snacks.

Your challenge is to do the first five. If you are confident, try 6 and 7.

Other:  To work logically and build resilience.

Now that you’ve become a circus performer, you will know about the importance of working carefully and logically.

Below you will see a Word Fit exercise. Can you get all of the circus words to fit in the grid?

Don’t forget to take a photo of your completed grid and send it to your class teacher.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman



Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 25th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – high frequency words Children read some common irregular words.

Play the ‘sighties’ game from the teach your monster to read website: (note this is a new game and is still in testing mode, when we played it here it worked ok but be prepared for glitches!) 

Offline alternative: Write out at least 10 tricky words on paper and hide them around the house. Ask your child to hunt for them and read each one as they find them. How many did they get right? Play the game again and see if your child can beat their previous score.

Maths – 2D shape Children explore the characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

2D shape picture

Ask your child to create a 2D shape picture of the circus.  Talk to them about the different shapes they have used?

What shapes have you used?

How do you know this is a square?

What can you see on a square?

Mathematical language: 2D flat shape, side, corner, triangle, square, rectangle, circle, round, curved, straight.

Other: Understanding the World – The World  Children make observations and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.

Materials needed: small water bottle, balloons, vinegar, baking soda and a small funnel.

With support, ask your child to put a teaspoon of baking soda in the bottle.

Pour 1 inch of vinegar into the bottle quickly.

Then the adult will need  to put a balloon over the top of the bottle and then ask your child to observe what happens and talk about what they see. (The gas created by the vinegar and baking soda will inflate the balloon – The children do not need to talk about the actual science, but what they can see happening.)

What happened to the balloon?

Why do you think the balloon went up?

Remember to email the school to let us how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2 –

Class 3 –

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 25th June – Circus Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by:

  • Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently.

Read the ‘Day of the Circus’ with an adult or older sibling. Talk about words that you don’t know the meaning of and try and spot common exception words. 

Once you have read it, answer the questions about what you have read. 

Think about the four different pieces you have read this week, can you say which is your favourite and why? Email your teacher to tell them. 


Begin to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Write sentences by:

–    Saying out loud what they are going to write about

–   Composing a sentence orally before writing it.

Can you draw a picture of your own circus? What might you have in it? Are there any clowns or acrobats? What might the people be doing in your circus? What colour is your big top tent?

When you have finished drawing your circus, now write a few sentences telling us all about it.

Remember when you write your sentences, THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT and remember capital letters, full stops, other punctuation, spelling and handwriting.


Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems 

such as 7 = __   – 9.

Set a scenario for your child involving money…see the example below. You may choose to do biscuit toppings (like the example), pizza toppings, sandwich fillings or anything that you like.  You can alter the value of the toppings or the amount that Minnie has to spend depending on your child’s ability.

Other:  Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense

Can you remember the parts of the body you discussed yesterday? 

Today you are thinking about the 5 senses, can you remember what they are from the writing task yesterday?:

 sight, smell, hearing, taste, touch.

Which part of your body do you use when you are using your sense of sight? 

Which part of your body do you use when using your sense of smell? 

Which part of your body do you use when using your sense of taste?

Which part of your body do you use when using your sense of hearing?  

Our sense of touch is experienced by our whole body through our skin. 

Have a watch of the following clip to learn more about our 5 senses. Remember to Keep SAFE online

Next time you go outside on a walk (adhering to social distancing guidelines), be aware of your senses. What can you see, hear and smell on your walk? Can you see things that have different textures and would feel different? 

Please do not eat any leaves/plants/flowers/berries you may find on your walk. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 24th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – phonics – writing Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. Pick the 5 sounds your child finds the most challenging e.g air, ear, oi, oa, ch and write them at the top of 5 columns e.g.

air ear oi oa ch

Challenge your child to write a list of words in each column that contain the given sound. .

Note: some of the words may not have the digraph/trigraph written the way the children have been taught so far (phase 3) i.e they may not be spelt correctly but will be phonetically correct (e.g snow = snoa, bird=burd/berd,) it is ok if they do this as we are focusing on them being able to transfer the sounds they hear onto paper in writing. 

Maths – calculation – Subtraction – problem solving Children can subtract with two single-digit numbers and count back to find the answer.  They can solve problems.

Repeat yesterday’s maths activity, but instead of adding 1 more object to the box, take away an object.  

You will need a box (in which objects cannot be seen)  and up to 20 small objects e.g. toys/beads/pegs.

Step 1: Choose a number (1-20) without telling your child the number you have chosen.

Step 2: Count the objects into the box one at a time with your child.

Step 3: Ask your child: “Can you tell me how many objects are in the box?” 

Step 4: Ask your child to write the number that you have counted into the box on a piece of paper.

Step 5: Take one object out of the box (without showing the objects inside) and ask your child “How many are there now?” 

Step 6: Ask your child to write the number down. 

Step 7: Show your child how many are inside the box and count to check. Did they get the answer right?

Repeat the activity using other numbers.

Challenge:  Can they write the subtraction number sentence related to the maths problems they have solved.

Other: PSED – Self-confidence and Self-awareness Children are confident to speak in a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the resources they need for their chosen activities.

Show your child a picture of a circus tent and what it needs to make it strong (to be out in all weathers).  Ask them to construct a building for their circus and then talk about the choices they have made.

What objects will they use to build their circus? 

Why did they choose those objects?

How have they made their building strong so it won’t fall down?

 Useful Link: here is a Youtube video of a circus tent being set up:

Note: Please watch this video through first before showing to your child to ensure you are happy with its content.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Class 1 –

Class 2 –    

Class 3 –

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 24th June – Circus Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by:

  • Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently.

Using the poem below; ‘Walking on the highwire’. Read it with an adult and talk about what it is about. Try to identify the rhyming words. Think carefully about sounding out the words, a lot of the digraphs and trigraphs are ones we have learnt in phonics. 

There are some split digraphs – ‘a_e’, ‘i_e’. 

There is the ‘ow’ digraph and the ‘igh’ trigraph. 

Work with a grown up or older sibling to answer the questions about what you have read. 


Begin to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Write sentences by:

–    Saying out loud what they are going to write about

–   Composing a sentence orally before writing it.

If you have been to a circus before or have seen a circus, then think about what you liked the most. What was your favourite part and why?

If you haven’t been to a circus before then look at the photos from yesterday again. What was your favourite photo and why?

Now write some sentences about which part of the circus you like and remember to use ‘because’ to help you explain why you like it.

Remember when you write your sentences, THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT and remember capital letters, full stops, other punctuation, spelling and handwriting.

Maths Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero 

Label some food packets to create a shop or use the mats attached.  Choose two items and work out the total.  Repeat with different choices.

Think about methods to support your addition i.e. largest number first or adding the tens and then the ones.

Other:  Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense

Acrobats and circus performers need to be very aware of their body to be able to do some of the tricks they do. 

Can you name and label the various parts of the body indicated on the diagram below? 

Can you name any of the other parts of the body that are not pointed to? 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 24th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To read a range of poetry, discussing favourite words and phrases.

To answer questions about what I have read.

Look at the poem ‘ Walking on the High Wire’. Read through it and discuss it with an adult. Did you enjoy it? What words and phrases did you like? Why?

When you have read it answer the comprehension questions. 

Writing To write about my own experiences. 

Hooray! You got the job that you applied for in the circus!

1.Draw a picture of you doing that job.

2. Write some sentences about how it feels to do your first performance. (Reread the ‘Walking on the High Wire’ poem, if you are stuck for ideas). Write it in the first person, as though you have done the performance. (“I was so scared when…”)

Think about:

How did you feel during the performance? What could you hear? What could you see? How did the performance go? Remember to include capital letters at the start of your sentences and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark at the end. 


To use and apply Mathematical knowledge in real life situations.

You’ve made it into the big top! Now you want something to eat and something to drink. Have a look at the price list and answer the questions. Pay close attention to how much money you have to spend, in some of the questions.Below you will see a snack bar price list.

There are some questions below. There is no need to print anything unless you want to. On paper, you can write the question number – write out the calculation – work out and write the answer. The answers get a bit more tricky as you go along. Your challenge is to complete 1 to 6. Try 7 and 8 if you’re confident!


Today we are going to practice the skills needed to be a tightrope walker. Using materials you have at home, create a tightrope (it can be on the floor but just make sure you don’t come off of it!) Use these pictures to help you come up with some ideas.

Challenge: Can you balance something on your head at the same time?

Can you bend down to pick something off the ground?

Can you balance on one leg? How many seconds can you do it for?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman






Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 23rd June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – phonics/reading Children use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately

Visit the phonics bloom website and play the phonics Frog phase 3 game:

In the game the frog can only jump on the logs that have real words. So your child will have to read the words on the log and decide which are real and which are nonsense.

Offline alternative

Using phase 3 digraphs/trigraphs give your child a selection of words they sound out. Some of them need to be real words and some nonsense e.g teeth, jeeth, loot, zoog, fight, pighd etc.Ask your child to sort them into two piles. A pile of real words and a pile of nonsense words.

Useful information: Phase 3 digraphs: sh, ch, th, ng, ai, ee, oo (book/moon), oa,ar, or, igh, ur, ow (cow), oi, ear, er, air, ure.

Maths – calculation – addition – problem solving Children can add with two single-digit numbers and count on to find the answer.  They can solve problems.

You will need a box (in which objects cannot be seen)  and up to 20 small objects e.g. toys/beads/pegs.

Step 1: Choose a number (1-20) without telling your child the number you have chosen.

Step 2: Count the objects into the box one at a time with your child.

Step 3: Ask your child: “Can you tell me how many objects are in the box?” 

Step 4: Ask your child to write the number that you have counted into the box on a piece of paper.

Step 5: Add one more object to the box (without showing the objects inside) and ask your child “How many are there now?” 

Step 6: Ask your child to write the number down. 

Step 7: Show your child how many are inside the box and count to check. Did they get the answer right?

Repeat the activity using other numbers up to 20.

Challenge: Can they write the addition number sentence related to the maths problems they have solved.    


Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring and using Media and Materials

Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques experimenting with colour, design and texture. 

Finger painting – Talk to your child about the things you might see or eat at the circus.  Ask them to use their fingers to paint one of the objects, animals or people and add different textures to enhance the picture e.g. ribbon on the balloons, bubble wrap on the popcorn, pom pom on the clown hat and wool for his hair.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2-

Class 3 –

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 23rd June – Circus Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read common exception words, noting unusual correspondences between spelling and sound and where these occur in the word. Just like yesterday, read through the paragraph below ‘The History of Circuses’. Using the Common Exception words table highlight or underline all the common exception words that feature in the paragraph. Read the paragraph with someone and discuss the information included, work with them to answer the questions provided. 
Writing Begin to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Think about your 5 senses, can you name them? Now think about the circus.

What might you see, hear, feel, smell and taste at the circus. (See photos below for some ideas.)

Now write some sentences recording your ideas. E.g. I can see colourful clowns.

Remember when you write your sentences, THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT and remember capital letters, full stops, other punctuation, spelling and handwriting.

Some senses are easier to write about than others, so if you are struggling just do the ones you know.

Maths Recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes 

Write a monetary amount and ask your child to use coins to make that amount e.g. 24p.  The amount can be altered to suit your child’s ability i.e. teen numbers, less than a pound or over a pound.

Discuss that amounts can be made in different ways.  Can you find more than one way to make the same amount?  Which method is more efficient?

Other:  Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities

Watch the following clip of children walking a tightrope. (Remember Keep SAFE on the internet) 

Make a straight line along the floor – either with tape, string or chalk if possible. Ask a grown up to help with this so you don’t damage or ruin any furniture or flooring! 

Imagine it is a tightrope at the circus. Can you walk along it without wobbling or falling off? Can you walk across it on your tiptoes?
Does putting your arms out to the side help you? What if your hands are behind your back? Can you do it with your eyes closed? 

Don’t forget to keep practicing your juggling from yesterday too!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 



Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 23nd June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To read accurately by blending the sounds.

To answer questions about what I have read.

Read the ‘The Day of the Circus’ comprehension below. Try and read it as independently as you can. You can read it to a grown up but try and sound out the words on your own. Answer the questions after you have read it and then check your answers. 
Writing Can I write for a different purpose?

Today we are going to write an application form to join the circus. Yesterday you thought about what skills you would need and what skills you have. Which job do you think you would enjoy most in the circus? Why? Would you like to work with any of the animals? Use these headings to help you to write an application:

Full name:

Date of birth:



Job I am applying for:

Why I think I would be good at this job:

Interesting fact about me:


To use and apply Mathematical knowledge in real life situations.

The circus is coming to town! Today your challenge is to calculate ticket price totals for your trip to the circus.

Below you will see a circus price list.

There are some questions below. There is no need to print anything unless you want to. On paper, you can write the question number – write out the calculation – work out and write the answer.

Other:  To increase balance and coordination

Today we are going to use the juggling balls we made yesterday to see how far we can progress through the beginning steps of learning to juggle. 

Watch this clip of step by step instructions of how to juggle. 

Which step can you get to? Remember to make sure you are in good space to practise your skills.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 22nd June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To answer questions about what I have read?

Read the ‘History of the Circus’ sheet below. Try and read it as independently as you can. 

When you have read it, read and answer the 4 questions. If you do not have access to a printer, answer them straight into your work book. 

Writing To use and apply known sounds (phonemes) 

Watch this clip of the circus.

Today you are going to make some mind maps of all the jobs and skills that these people would need, mind map the animals you saw and mind map skills you have and the skills you  would like to learn. Remember to use your sounds when sounding out any new or unfamiliar words. We will need these mind maps later in the week.


To use and apply Mathematical knowledge in real life situations.

The circus is coming to town! Today your challenge is to calculate bus fares for your trip to the circus.

Below you will see a bus price list.

There are some questions below. There is no need to print anything unless you want to. On paper, you can write the question number – write out the calculation – work out and write the answer.

Addition – the biggest number always comes last

Subtraction – the biggest number always comes first / the smallest number always comes last)

– did you get these correct from last Thursday’s Maths?

Other:  To follow a series of instructions

Each session this week we will be building up our key skills that could be used for circus activities such as coordination, flexibility, stamina and balance. 

Today we will be making our first piece of circus equipment to use tomorrow – juggling balls! 

Follow this video to find out how to make them!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman
























Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 22nd June – Circus Theme

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Can I discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known. Read the ‘Clown school letter,’ provided below with a grown up or an older sibling. If you can print it, then print it and underline any words that you don’t know the meaning of, if you can’t print it then write a list of the words you don’t know the meaning of. Talk about those words and find out what they mean. Read the letter together and then answer the comprehension questions provided. 

Naming letters of the alphabet in order

 Spell:  Words containing each 40+ phonemes already taught

Can you name all the letters of the alphabet? How many are there? Can you name them in a random order? 

Can you think of and then write a circus themed word for every letter of the alphabet? E.g. A – Acrobat

You can write them in a list or use the template below.

Try to use your phonics to help you spell each word. A – c- r- o- b- a- t, C – l – ow-n

Maths Recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes 

Play a coin matching game by writing out the different coin values onto post-its.  Spread them out on the table, face up.  The child should take a coin from the pile and match it to the correct label.  Talk about the different colours, shapes and sizes of the coins as well as their monetary value.

Place the coins in a feely bag or behind your back and describe the coin to a partner.  Can they guess the coin? Take it in turns to guess/describe.



Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and coordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities

Watch the following clip on the internet, remember to Keep SAFE online.

Watch/listen/read the instructions for how to juggle scarves then… Have a go yourself! If you don’t have any scarves, tissues,socks or even pants (clean!) would work! 

Be a tough tortoise and don’t give up! Get the whole family involved! 

We would love to see some films emailed of your efforts!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj
Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 22nd June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – Listening and attention/writing

Children listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions.

Children write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.

Watch ‘Spot goes to the circus’ on Youtube:

NOTE: Please be aware that this video may contain advertisements, please watch the content before showing your child.

Discuss with your child all the different characters that Spot meets throughout the story.

Encourage your child to  write some sentences about the story. They could be about the characters, about what spot sees or about their favourite part .

Offline alternative:

Read a story of your choosing and encourage your child to talk and write about the characters.

Maths – 1 more and 1 less Children count reliably with numbers from 0 to 20 and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.

Ask your child to choose a number card between 0 and 20 from turned over cards on a table.

Model how to make up a 1 more circus themed number story. E.g. There are six monkeys swinging on a trapeze in the circus then one more monkey comes along to swing.

 6 add 1 more is 7     or         6 add 1 more equals 7    or      6 + 1 = 7

Then repeat with your child making up another 1 more circus themed number story for a different number to show their understanding of the concept of 1 more. The children can use teddy bears, beads, cuddly toys or any objects to support their understanding of adding 1 more.

Repeat the above activity with 1 less/fewer. Model how to make up a 1 less/fewer circus themed number story. e.g. 10 elephants walked in the ring and then 1 ran away.  

1 less than 10 is 9        or         1 fewer than 10 is 9        or         10 – 1 =9

Other: Physical and Music

Children represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through… music, dance and stories.

Children show good control in large and small movements.  They move confidently in a range of ways.

Ask your child to think about the animals/characters in the story this week.

Can they move like a tiger/elephant?

What instrument could they use to make the sounds of the animal/character? e.g. drum for an elephants stomp, shaker for the monkey swinging on the trapeze.

Remember to email the school to let us know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Class 1 –

Class 2 –

Class 3 –

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 19th June


Warm up activity Cloud Burst
  1. Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed. Take three soft, slow, mindful breaths.
  2. Imagine your grumpy mood as dark clouds around your head. We all have clouds sometimes.
  3. Now think of something that usually makes you happy. Your happy thought is like a rainbow streaming through the clouds.
  4. See the rainbow melting into you as ribbons of bright light. Feel the light inside you. Sometimes the light bursts the clouds open. Sometimes the clouds want to stay. That’s okay. You can be patient with your clouds.
  5. Either way, end this exercise when you feel ready to face the day. 


Main activity How big is my problem? 

When something happens to make you feel worried, the problem can feel absolutely huge! Sometimes it feels like it is taking up all of your brain. If a worry changes how you behave or the things that you normally do, like sleep well, then maybe you need to use one of the strategies we spoke about last week. Or you can stop and imagine the real size of your problem. If it is a really big problem then perhaps you need to find someone you love and trust to help you with your problem. But usually worries aren’t quite as big as they seem. Focussing on something else can help shrink our worries and put them in perspective. 

Some children find a ‘Battle Cry’ can help remind them that they can manage their worries successfully. Below are some examples of ‘Battle Cries’ or ‘Catch Phrases’ that we can say to ourselves to remind us to shrink our worry. 

Can you write your own ‘Battle Cry’ in the blank bubble? 

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 18th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words.

Help your child read colour words (that cannot be sounded out) by writing out the words and having the colour for them to match the word. (alternatively your child could go and find something in the house that colour and stick the word to it). Talk with your child about the parts of the word that make them tricky e.g. in the word blue the ‘ue’ is tricky because it’s not ‘u’ and ‘e’ but ‘oo’

Colour words you could help your child learn are:

Blue, violet, purple, orange, yellow, indigo, white, gold, 

Maths – length and height Children order two or three items by length or height.

Colour size sorting:

Gather three to five items of the same colour together and first put them in order by length and then by height. Does the order change? Is the tallest item also the longest? Discuss together. 

Encourage your child to use the vocabulary short/shorter/shortest, long/longer/longest, tall/taller/tallest when talking about the objects and comparing length/height.

Other: The World – Technology Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.  They select and use technology for particular purposes.

Snapshot of colours.

Using a camera / smartphone (or other device with a camera) encourage your child to take pictures of the different colours around them that they find. Can they find something for all the colours of the rainbow e.g red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 18th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To make improvements to my written work. 

To read a poem aloud. 

Re-read your own poem from yesterday. Can you see anything that you could improve? Make a ‘purple polish’ (edit and improvement) where needed. 

Try and read your poem to a family member thinking carefully about how you are reading it. 

Writing To write a colour shape poem. 

The symbol for this lock down time has been the rainbow to remind us that there is hope to come. We are going to make a shape poem that can be displayed in your window. First you need to draw an outline of a rainbow. 

Using your ideas from this week fill in each strand of the rainbow with some sentences about that colour. You can write them in that colour, or write them in pencil and then colour very lightly over the top – make sure people can still see the colour.

When you start to fill it in, it will look a little like this. 

Maths To solve missing number problems, some of which involve inverse operation.

1) Tell a grown up what the golden rules are, 

for a) an addition calculation and b) a subtraction calculation. Grown ups – please email the children’s responses to your class teacher. The correct answers will be revealed on Monday.

2) On Monday and Tuesday this week, you looked at different types of missing number calculations. Some involve inverse (using the opposite operation to find the answer), but some involve using the same operation as the one in the question. Today’s calculations are a mixture, so you will need to decide if you use the inverse or not. Always check if your answer makes sense. If it doesn’t, you may not have used the correct operation. The questions are below. You decide whether to do bronze, silver or gold. Challenge yourself!

3) If you have time, have a look at one or two Education City – Year 2 – Maths – Activities.

Other:  To create my own pointillism picture. 

Today you can create your own landscape scene in the style of George Seurat. Use whichever media (pens, pencils, paints, pastels) that worked best for you. Draw a scene, animal, person or object that interests you, in pencil before adding your dots. 

Think about how you can make the colours by building up the layers of primary coloured dots. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 18th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Participate in discussion about what is read to them, taking turns and listening to what others say Which animal in “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” did you like best? Why do you like that animal? If you could add another animal, what would you add? You can draw a picture of this and add it to your story and recite the story again, including your additional animal. 
Writing Begin to punctuate sentences using a capital letter, a full stop and a question mark.

Thinking about ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?’ from your reading activity, can you now write another part to the story. Using your ideas from yesterday of new colours and new animals, try to write some new sentences. E.g. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? I see a pink flamingo looking at me. Can you add three more animals to the story?

Remember when you write your sentences, THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT and remember capital letters, full stops, question marks, spelling and handwriting.

Maths Can I solve problems involving shape?

Have a look at the NRich Maths Problem at the bottom of the document.

Can you put the shape puzzle back together? Cut out the puzzle pieces and put it back together again.

What shapes can you see? What are their names? How many sides and corners do they have?

If you are unable to print and cut out the pieces, you could choose one piece and then draw what you think the next piece might be.

Extension activity – Try to complete the puzzle again, but before you start, remove one piece. Once you have completed it, can you work out which piece is missing?

Can you describe or draw the piece that is missing?


Art and Design

To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

To learn about the work of a range of artists, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work. 

Read the information about Wassily Kadinsky and look at some of his artwork.

Today we are going to have a go at creating our own ‘circles’ picture in the style of Wassily Kadinsky.

What do you see when you look at this painting?

How has the painting been made?

What kind of colours does Kadinsky use?

What shapes can you see?

Now try to create your own picture in this style.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 17th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To give an opinion on Poetry. 

Read the poem below ‘What is Red?’

Are there any words you are unsure of? What are they? What do they mean?

Do you like the poem? Why / why not? What is your favourite part? What would you improve?

Writing To write a poem based on a colour. 

Today we are going to write a poem based on the structure of ‘What is Red?’ (Below) Look back over the colour mind maps that you did on Monday. Choose a colour to use as a ‘plan’ for your poem. Write a sentence for each of the noun phrases from your mind map, for example, this plan would be turned into the following:

What is Blue?

Blue is a clear blue sky on a beautiful summer day.

Blue is the glistening sea shining in front of me. 

Try and extend your ideas with more detail so you don’t end up with very short sentences. 


To solve missing number problems.

1) Write down the numbers in the five times table, up to fifty. Underneath draw two circles, label one odd, the other even. Still using the five times tables numbers, write each in the correct circle. Ask an adult to check!

2) Do you remember the symbols questions you looked at last week? The ones on the left are some of the ones you looked at.

There are some new symbols calculations below. They are labelled A and B. Your target is to do one set of these, but you can do more if you want to.

3) If you have time, have a look at one or two Education City – Year 2 – Maths – Activities.

Other:  To investigate pointillism techniques. 

Pointillism is a style of art that was developed in the 1800s that uses small dots of different colours to create an image. George Seurat was a very famous artist who used this style to create some very famous pictures. Have a look at some of George Seurat’s work. 

Today, you are going to use this style to mix some colours to fill in a rainbow (template is below or draw your own) for your window. Remember what you have learnt about mixing the primary colours. For example, you can do lots of blue dots and go over with red dots and as you move back it will give the illusion of purple. 

Felt pens work well for this or you can use a cotton bud and paint. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 


What is Red?

Red is a juicy apple waiting for me to take a bite.

Red is a letter box standing tall and straight.

Red is anger when things go wrong.

Red is a beautiful rose that is growing wild and free.

Red is feeling embarrassed because I made a mistake.

Red is love for all my family and friends. 

That is what red is. 

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 17th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – sentence writing Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.  They also write some irregular common words. Using some of the words from yesterday ask your child to write a word without seeing it first and then underline the digraph/trigraphs. Repeat with several words focussing particularly on words containing digraphs/trigraphs your child finds more challenging.
Maths- addition and subtraction Using quantities and objects children add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. 

Visit the twinkl website and download the Elmer addition and Subtraction colouring sheet

Encourage your child to use objects / counting on or back to solve each problem and colour the squares the correct colour.

Offline alternative:

Give your child a selection of addition/subtraction problems (with a total no more than 20 and where a single digit is added or taken away) to solve. Can they then sort the answers into groups where the answers are the same?

Example questions:

Answer Possible questions
10 19 – 9= , 10 + 0 =, 7 + 3 =, 15 – 5 =
9 11 – 2 =,  6 + 3 =, 16 – 7 =, 8 + 1 =
12 18 – 6 =, 10 + 2 =, 13 – 1 =, 8 + 4 =
7 16 – 9 =,  2 + 5 =, 15 – 8 =

This activity will help your child understand that the same number can be made in many, many different ways.

Other: Understanding the World/The World Children make observations and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.

Nature Rainbow

Go for a walk in your local area and collect items to make your own nature rainbow. This could be as simple as a strip of double sided tape on a piece of card that your child sticks things to (we did a very similar activity with the children in the Autumn term) or you could be more creative and create a full collage rainbow. The choice is yours. Example:

As you walk around talk about the things that are living (e.g. grass, leaves etc) and the things that are not (e.g. stones, old sticks/twigs). Explain it is important not to pick wild flowers and flowers from people’s gardens without their permission.

Which colours were easiest to find?

Which colours were harder to find?

How many different colours did you find?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 17th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words

Look back at “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?”. 

Here are the colours that feature in the story: 

brown  black   green   purple   blue  yellow   red   white   gold

Write out these words and draw your sound buttons to show how you would decode these words. Then use these sound buttons to help you blend as you read the word aloud.  For example: 

Writing Spell:  Words containing each 40+ phonemes already taught

Thinking about ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?’ from your reading activity, can you now think of some new colours and new animals that are not already in the story. E.g. pink flamingo, silver spider, ruby parrot.

Write a list of the new colours and new animals using your phonics sounds to help you spell the words correctly. E.g. p-i-n-k    f-l-a-m-i-ng-o

If you are having trouble thinking of new colours then use the existing colours and just change the animals.

Maths Recognise and name common 3-D shapes, including:- 3-D shapes (e.g. cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres). 

Think back to all your previous learning about shape. Can you remember what a 3D shape is? How many 3D shapes can you name?

Have a look at the NRich Maths Problem at the bottom of the document.

Which of the buildings below would fall down if we tried to make them? 

Which ones would be unstable and possibly collapse?

If you think some would fall down, can you explain why using the shapes names?

Can you explain how you make the building better?


Art and Design

To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

Can you remember the three primary colours?

The primary colours are important because they can be used to make secondary colours by mixing them.

Can you experiment with colour mixing to see what colours can be made?  You may want to use paint, pastels or the online link below.

Take a line for a walk on your page and colour the different sections using primary and secondary colours.  You may also want to use different patterns in the sections.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 16th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading
  • Learning to appreciate rhymes and poems, and to recite some by heart

Using the animal prompt cards below (or you could make your own if you wish, or even use toys/teddies!), recite the story of “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?” that you first looked at yesterday.  It would be great if you could film your recital and email it to your class teacher on the emails below. 

Note: there are no prompt cards for ‘teacher’ or ‘children’. Just focus on the animals.

If you need a recap, here is the link to the Youtube reading: (SAFE internet use)

Writing Discuss what they have written to check that it makes sense.

Look at your sentences from yesterday. Read them through.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

I see a _____________ looking at me.

Did you spell all the words correctly? If not, try to use your phonic knowledge to correct them. Maybe you missed a word out, can you now add it in?

Try to write the sentences out one more time correctly and focusing on neat letter formation. 

Maths Order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and sequences

Think about what is a pattern? Can you find any patterns in your home?

Today we would like you to create your own patterns.

Your pattern could link to your shape learning from yesterday and be a shape pattern. Or you could use other objects that you have at home like lego or toys.


Art and Design

To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

To learn about the work of a range of artists, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work. 

There are 3 very important colours that we refer to as the primary colours (red, yellow and blue). Do you know why they are important?

Look at the information about Piet Mondrian. He is well known for his abstract art using lines and primary colours (see examples).  Can you create your own piece of artwork in the style of Mondrian?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 16th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – phonics/reading Children use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately

Draw a rainbow with the trigraphs/digraphs that your child finds more challenging written on each of the bands.

Give your child some words that contain these digraphs/trigraphs. Ask them to read them and then write them onto the correct band on the rainbow.

Digraph/ trigraph Example words
Phase 3 Phase 4
ai rain, laid, sail plain, paint, waist
igh high, sigh, light, flight, bright, speech,
oa road, moan, boat, coast, throat, float
ar card, harp, art spark, start, scar
or fork, worn, cord scorch, sport, storm
ur burn, burp, curd slurp, blur, burst
ow cow, now, power flower, growl, crowd
oi oil, join, boil spoil, joint hoist
ear hear, tear, beard spear, clear, smear
air chair, hair, pair flair, stairs, 
Maths – pattern Children recognise, create and describe patterns. Today you will be revisiting making patterns with a focus on colour. Can your child make a repeating pattern using two or three colours. E.g. red,yellow,red,yellow,red,yellow (2 colours) or red,red,yellow,green,red,red,yellow,green (3 colours)


Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring and using Media and Materials

Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques experimenting with colour and design.  Explore mixing colours to make new colours. This could be done most effectively with paint but you can also mix colours with colouring pencils, crayons, chalk and some colouring pens. Try to focus on mixing the primary colours red, yellow and blue. How many different colours can you and your child make? Can you and your child create your own patchwork ‘Elmer’ elephant picture using the colours you have made?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 16th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To recall and discuss events in order. 

To answer questions on a text. 

Remind children about the story that we looked at yesterday. (The Day the Crayons Quit). Ask them to try and retell the main events of the story. Who are the characters? What happens? Who wrote the letters to Duncan? What was he doing when they arrived? Why do you think the crayons wrote to him? 

You can keep this as a discussion or you can write / draw the main events and answers. 

Writing To use a clause in a sentence.

There are many different colours in ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Today we are going to think about our favourite colours and why they are our favourites. 

You need to ask all your family members what their favourite colours are and why and then write what you found out into sentences. 

“My favourite colour is blue because it reminds me of the seaside which is my favourite place to go.” 

Challenge: try and use different clauses to write some sentences about your family’s favourite colours. 

“My favourite colour is blue but my brother’s is green.”

Maths To solve subtraction problems using the inverse.

1) Write down the numbers in the three times table, up to thirty. Underneath draw two circles, label one odd, the other even. Still using the three times tables numbers, write each in the correct circle. Ask an adult to check!

2) Yesterday, you looked at subtraction missing number problems, where you use the two numbers to make a different calculation, e.g.;

27 – ___ = 13   to solve this, you create this calculation   27 – 13 = 14   so the missing number is 14.

Today, we will be looking at subtraction calculations again, but these ones do use inverse operation. Look carefully at where the missing number is;

___ – 8 = 3    to solve this, you create this calculation   8 + 3 = 11   so the missing number is 11.

There are bronze, silver and gold questions below. Choose one set of questions. Choose the questions that will challenge you, but that you feel confident at trying.

3) If you have time, have another look at Karate Cats Maths;

Other:  To identify the primary colours. 

Today we are going to build upon what we learnt yesterday. We are going to look at putting what we found into colour wheels.

The ‘primary colours’ colour wheel is to remind you of the primary colours. Using any media you would like, (pens, paints, chalks etc) see if you can recreate a colour wheel with the primary and secondary colours on it. Look for the pattern – the secondary colours which are made by mixing the two primary colours, sit between the primary colours. It may help you to put the primary colours onto your wheel first and then fill in the secondary colours.  

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 



Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 15th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions.

Listen and watch the author David Mckee reading his book ‘Elmer’ on the Booktrust Youtube channel-

This week’s topic theme is colour.  How many colours on Elmer’s body can your child remember? Can your child name any other colours they know? Discuss together your favourite colours. 

Offline Alternative:

Alternatively you could read a book of your own choosing and discuss the colours that appear in the story.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20.

20 challenge.

Pick a colour, hunt round the house for items that are/feature that colour. Encourage your child to record what they find (this could be as simple as putting a tick on a piece of paper each time). Encourage your child to count up how many items they spotted.  Can they find 5/10/15/20 things? Repeat with other colours. 

Which colour did they find the most? Which colour did they spot the least?


Characteristics of learning- 

Being involved and concentrating:

  • maintaining focus
  • not easily distracted

Listen to the cosmic kids rainbow waterfall relaxation video focusing on being still and relaxing.

Offline Alternative:

Encourage your child to sit quietly in the middle of a room and look at each item around them.  Encourage them to whisper the different colours they see e.g “I see a purple lamp”, I see a red pen.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 15th June Weekly Theme – Colour

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Recognising and joining in predictable phrase

Read the story “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?” by Bill Martin Jnr/Eric Carle. You will find the  pages below. Afterwards, with a grown up talk about the parts of the story that are repetitive (the bits that occur again and again). 

There is also a video link of the story here (SAFE internet use). You can watch this and join in with the story. 

Writing Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include the words using GPC’s and common exception words taught so far.

Thinking about ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?’ from your reading activity, can you now write the following sentences from the story?

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?

I see a _____________ looking at me.

How many times can you write them? Can you write them from memory without looking?

Don’t worry about correcting any mistakes today, we will be looking at them again tomorrow.


Recognise and name common 2-D and  including:

– 2-D shapes (e.g. rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles)

Think back to all your previous learning about shape. Can you remember what a 2D shape is? How many 2D shapes can you name?

Can you create a picture out of 2D shapes (flat shapes)?

Try to use a variety of shapes such as; circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon and octagon.

Once you have created your shape picture, then label all the shapes you have used.


Art & Design

Communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock-ups and, where appropriate, information and communication technology 

Go on a colour walk around the house or garden.  How many different colours can you see?  Can you see different shades or tones of the same colour? How are they similar or different? Can you see more of some colours than others?

What is your favourite colour and why? Write a sentence to tell us about it and draw 3 things that are the same colour.

Colours are all around us but they can also be very useful.  Think about where colour is used for important/useful reasons e.g. Traffic lights, team kits, road signs, beach flags etc.  Can you make a list of places or things where colours are important? You can decide how to present your ideas e.g. write a list, draw pictures, create a collage / scrapbook page or make a video or voice recording.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?” by Bill Martin Jnr/Eric Carle

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 15th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To give opinions on a text.

This week our topic is ‘Colour’.

We are going to start off by looking at this story by Oliver Jeffers. It is called ‘The day the Crayons Quit,’ and it will help us to start thinking about all the different colours. Listen to the story here:

Did you like the story? 

What were your favourite parts? 

What didn’t you like? 

How did Duncan feel at the end of the story? Why?

Writing To use adjectives to describe a noun. 

Make a mind map of 3 different colours. First list ‘things’ (nouns) that are that colour around it. For example: Blue: sea, sky, football shirt. Then go around and add an adjective or phrases to describe the nouns. Crystal clear sea, summer sky etc. 

Repeat it for 3 colours to create some mind maps that we will use later in the week. 

Maths To solve missing number problems.

1) Say these times tables out loud to a grown up – 2x (up to 20), 3x (up to 30), 5x (up to 50), 10x (up to 100).

2) Last week, you looked at missing number calculations, using inverse operation. This means you usually use the opposite operation to find out what the missing number is.

Today, the calculations for you involve subtraction missing numbers. These are missing number calculations, but they don’t use the opposite calculation, they still use subtraction. Here is an example;

16 – ___ = 11       to solve this you would use this calculation      16 – 11 = 5     so 5 is the number missing from the first calculation.

There are bronze, silver and gold questions below. Choose one set of questions. Choose the questions that will challenge you, but that you feel confident at trying.

3) If you have time, have another look at Karate Cats Maths;

Other:  To investigate mixing colours. 

Today we are going to look at mixing colours. What colours can you make? Which colours will you need? This can be completed however you like. Using paints would be a good way to discover which colours you can make. If you do not have access to paints or colours that will mix, you could also complete the task on the link below all about colours. Make a note of what you have discovered.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 



Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 12th June

Warm up activity Mindful Jungle Movement
  1. Stand mindfully with your arms relaxed by your sides. Take three soft, slow, mindful breaths. Keep your eyes open.
  2. Tighten and relax the muscles in your toes, ankles and legs. Lift one foot and feel your muscles working.
  3. Imagine you are an animal in a jungle. Begin walking silently through the jungle. Try not to make a sound.
  4. Feel your toes helping you balance. Feel your weight in your heels. Move your arms in a slow way.
  5. If you start daydreaming, pay attention to your feet again.
  6. Move slowly across the room. Notice how your hips swivel and your weight shifts when you turn.
  7. Cross the room three times, paying full attention to how you move. 
Main activity Listening to your body and your mind 

As previously discussed, when we feel anxious or worried, the feeling comes from the part of your brain which controls your emotions. If your brain senses worries, the control centre sends signals all around your body, which cause things like a fast heartbeat, sweating or feeling sick.

When you feel that anxious feeling starting to build in your body, don’t panic! Here are some quick tricks you can do anywhere to help yourself feel calmer:

Think about the ground right under your toes, can you feel it? Think about how it feels? Can you describe it?  Imagine you have a mug of hot chocolate in front of you. Breathe in to smell it, blow out to cool it down.
Count backwards from 10. Take a moment to notice four things you can see, then three things you can hear, two things you can touch and one thing you can smell – say the name of each thing you’ve noticed either out loud or to yourself. 

Worries build up in us, like going up a hill. But just like a hill we always come back down the other side of the hill. When you are feeling most anxious try to remember that your anxiety will not last forever, and will start coming down the hill after it has peaked. You will feel calmer and calmer until your anxiety has gone. But while your worries are high try one of the strategies above. 


Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 11th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words

Read and Roll Game:

Today we are focusing on the ‘er’ phoneme.  Play the read and roll game with a grown up (er =phase 3 and ir = phase 5). Roll the dice and read the word.  If you read it correctly, cover the word with a counter or object.  The one with the most words covered wins.


Words containing each 40+ phonemes already taught

Using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’

Can you remember the names of the five oceans that you found out about yesterday? Use your phonics knowledge to try to write all five names down in a list. Remember, as they are names they need to have a capital letter.

Extension: can you write an interesting fact about each ocean in a sentence?

Maths Recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years 

Recap the months of the year song… 

Remember to KEEP SAFE on the internet. 

Have the months of the year on separate pieces of paper (you can use the template below if needed). Place one month in “This month” and insert the correct months into the “Last month” and “Next month” boxes. Repeat with alternative “This month” choices. 

Last month This month Next month



To use a range of materials and techniques creatively to design and make products.

Think about everything that you have learnt about the ocean and try to represent an element of this in a creative way.

You could create: boats/ships, waves, sea creatures etc.

Think about how you could do this, you could: draw, paint, make a model, sculpt, masks, collage, sing and dance or bake.

We would like you to be creative and have fun!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


January February March April
May June July August
September October November December 

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 11th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To memorise a poem / nursery rhyme

continuing to build up a repertoire of poems learnt by heart, with appropriate intonation to make the meaning clear

Re read the poem ‘Dr Foster’. Today you are going to try and learn the poem off by heart and recite it to a family member by heart. You can always video it and send it to us! 

Challenge: Make up a second verse about another Doctor who visits another place. 

Writing To write for different purposes. 

Today you have a choice, you can either:

1. Make a poster or leaflet to help remind members of your home to wash their hands. Put it up in an area that will remind you and others to wash your hands regularly when you come in from outside, for 20 seconds. 

2. Make a poster or a leaflet to help people not to waste water in your home. Eg, turning taps off while brushing teeth etc. 

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to continue to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Can you solve the mystery – what number am I?

a) I have two digits, one digit is more than five, the other is less than 5.      b) I am an odd number.     c) Both of my digits are odd.      What number am I? (There is more than one possible answer – email your answer to your class teacher and they will tell you if your answer is correct).

3) Today, we want you to practice your adding skills. Choose between silver or gold questions. Don’t forget to show your working out. Use the methods you’ve learnt at school (mental knowledge, blank number line, column method, draw Dienes, jottings). The questions are below.

4) If you have time, log onto Education City – go to Y2 – Maths – activities and play one or two of the games.



To make a healthy snack.

To finish our week of thinking about water, today we are going to use water to make a snack. 

We are going to make a selection of ice snacks. Use what you have (ice cube trays, small containers, ice lolly holders) and add fruit, squash or anything else you would like to and then freeze these. How did they turn out? Don’t forget to take some photos to show us!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 




Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 11th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. They also read some common irregular words.

Musical words

Choose some high frequency words from the table below and write them on pieces of paper. Scatter the pieces of paper around the room. Play some music and encourage your child to dance or move around the room. When the adult stops the music ask your child to freeze and then read out the word that they are nearest too.  

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4































Maths – Capacity Children use everyday language to talk about capacity.

Find a range of different containers and recap the language full, empty, half full, half empty with your child. 

Encourage your child to use the maths language above independently. 

Can your child talk about which containers have more/ less?

Other: The World – People and Communities Children talk about past events in their own lives and in the lives of family members. Ask your child to draw a picture of a visit they have enjoyed where there has been water. E.g. swimming pool, the pond, the seaside. Then ask them to write a sentence on their picture to describe what they had enjoyed on the visit and why.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 10th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – sentence writing Children write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.  Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Using their own creation from yesterday, ask your child to write 3 sentences to describe their creation to tell others about what resources they have used or what is their favourite part of their sea creature.

E.g. He has a pink tail.

I can see a red fin.

He has a striped tail.

Maths- Subtraction Children  count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20 and place them in order

Lay numbers 0-20 face down on a table and then ask your child to pick 5 of the number cards.

Ask them to place them in order from the smallest to the biggest or…

Other: Understanding the World/The World Children make observations and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.

Oil and water investigation

Using a container, cooking oil (use food colouring if you have some to create different colours) and water.

Pour the water into the container and then gradually add drops of the coloured cooking oil.  Ask your child to talk about what they see happening and why they think it has happened.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 10th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read common exception words, noting unusual correspondences between spelling and sound and where these occur in the word

Kaboom Reading Game

Write out some of the common exception words from the list at the bottom of the document onto folded pieces of paper.  Add in some pieces with the word ‘Kaboom’ written on.  Take it in turns to pick a card and read the word.  If you read it correctly you get to keep the card.  If you pick a ‘kaboom’ card, you must return all cards to the middle.  The one with the most cards at the end wins.

  • Using –ing, -ed, -er and –est where no change is needed in the spelling of root words

Choose a sea creature of your own e.g. shark, jellyfish, seahorse. 

Draw a picture of your chosen sea creature. Write 3 sentences about your sea creature using a different suffix word in each. 

Here are some example suffix words you could use: 

biggest, sharpest, longest, smallest, brightest, largest, quietest, loudest

bigger, sharper, longer, smaller, brighter, larger, quieter, louder

Read your sentence back to yourself to check it makes sense.

Remember to think about your punctuation, handwriting and finger spaces.


Recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years 

Sequence events in chronological order using language such as: before and after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening 

Remind yourself of the days of the week by singing our “Days of the Week” song (to the tune of “The Addams Family”)

Or watch the one on BBC Supermovers – Remember KEEP SAFE online

Write the days of the week on separate pieces of card. Place one day in the ‘Today’ column of the table below. What day would ‘yesterday’ and ‘tomorrow’ be? 

Repeat with different ‘Today’ options.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow



Name and locate the world’s five oceans.  

Can you name and locate the world’s five oceans?

Use the world maps below to help you.

Once you have labelled the five oceans, choose one and find out some information about it.

E.g. How large is it? How deep is it? What creatures are found there? Any other interesting or fun facts.

Extension activity – Can you find out some information about another ocean? Then compare the two oceans. What is similar and what is different about them?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 



Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 10th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read a range of poetry and express opinions. 

Read the poem below. (Doctor Foster) 

Encourage your child to read the poem to you. Which words are they unsure of? Do they know what they mean?

Can they discuss what has happened in the poem? Do they like it? Why / why not? What was their favourite part? 

Writing To write a clear list.  On Monday we looked at uses for water. Today we are going to think about how we can save and how we may be wasting water. 

Split your page in half and write a heading at the top of each column. On one side think of ways we could save water and on the other think of what we may be doing that wastes water. You can draw pictures and label them or just write a list. 

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to continue to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Make number cards for the digits from zero to nine (or print out the ones below).

2) Draw two circles, label one odd and the other even.

3) Use the number cards to write down as many odd and even numbers as you can. Start with one digit numbers, then use the number cards to make two digit numbers (one card will be a ten, the other a unit – e.g. a 4 and a 6 could be used to make 64 or 46). Target – ten odd numbers and ten even numbers.

4) Below are some symbol challenge questions – crack the codes to find out the answers! Try the first challenge, only go onto the rest if you feel confident.

6) If you have time, log onto Education City – go to Y2 – Maths – activities and play one or two of the games.



To consider what we can be thankful for. 

Not all children in the world have instant access to clean water. This is a short video and poem of a girl’s journey to get water each day.

What does it make you think? How does it make you feel? 

Write a thankful note or thought bubble for something you are thankful for. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 




Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 9th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read words containing taught GPCs and –s, -es, -ing, -ed, -er and –est endings

Listen to / share the story ‘My Friend Whale’ which can be found online at –

Make a list of the different suffix words you can spot/hear in the story.  Remember these are the words that have  -ing, -ed, -est etc added to the end of the root word.

  • Using –ing, -ed, -er and –est where no change is needed in the spelling of root words

Once you have found the suffix words in the story “My Friend Whale” (see Reading activity), can you write a sentence of your own using those suffix words?

Read your sentence back to yourself to check it makes sense.

Remember to think about your punctuation, handwriting and finger spaces.


Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: 

– lengths and heights (e.g. long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half) 

Watch the video on the following website which explains the vocabulary used for comparing measures. Remember to Keep SAFE online on the internet. 

Length or height?

Lengths are usually measured sideways, like the snakes above. Heights are measured upwards, like the giraffes standing on the ground.

Can you find pairs of objects around your home to compare their lengths and see which is the shorter of the two and which is longer?

Compare your height with someone in your family. Who is the taller and who is the shorter?



– Asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways.

– Observing closely, using simple equipment

– Performing simple tests

Water World!

Today you are going to investigate water with a grown up.

You could mix water with different media and substances and then investigate what happens. You could use cold or hot water and see if that makes a difference.

E.g. water and paint, water and glitter, water and washing up liquid, water and cornflower, water and oil, water and salt, water and sugar, ice.

Then observe closely what happens when they are together or are mixed. Maybe add two or three different things to the water  – what happens now?

Use the following question starters to support your thinking.

What happens when…?

Why does…?

Where does…?

If I…?

WHAT DID YOU FIND OUT? – we would love to hear what you have discovered.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 



Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 9th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read with increased fluency.

Ask the children to tell you what fluency means. Which words on the poster did we struggle with yesterday? What did they mean? Revisit them. (Poster below)

Today we are going to re-read the poster but focus on reading more fluently. Remind them it is not a race and your childs reading should still be clear!

Writing To write and sequence full sentences in order. 

Using the poster to help you, split an A4 page into 4 or 6. In each box draw a stage of washing your hands and write a sentence to go with it underneath your picture. 

Remember to think carefully about the order of washing your hands. What do you need to do first? 

When you write your sentence underneath your picture in each square, remember to start your sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop. 

Here is sentence one to get you started.

First turn on the taps and get your hands wet. 

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to continue to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Choose a number between 10 and 20. Write it down. Label if it is odd or even.

2) Use knowledge of number bonds to 20 to create a calculation with your chosen number as the answer.

3) Label under each number if it is odd or even – example

My chosen number is 15 / my calculation is                    10      +     5    =    15

                                                                                        even       odd        odd

4) Repeat the above process for two more calculations. Challenge yourself with your number choice – can you use some of these numbers to make calculations and label the odd / even? – 47, 52, 37, 29

5) Below are some symbol challenge questions – crack the codes to find out the answers!  Try the first challenge, only go onto the rest if you feel confident.

6) If you have time, log onto Education City – go to Y2 – Maths – activities and play one or two of the games.

Other:  To listen and respond to a range of music. 

Look at these songs from yesterday again

Can you search for any other hand washing songs? 

Make sure you stay internet safe. 

Today you have a choice.

1. Can you think of how these songs could be improved? Could they add more detail? Think of some other lyrics that you would add to help people wash their hands well. (Eg, “Wash your thumbs do, do, do ,do…”) 

2. Create your own new hand washing song. You can use a familiar tune to help you and write your own words. For example “This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands” to the tune of ‘Here we go round the mulberry bush’. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 


Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 9th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – phonics/reading Children use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately

Write a sentence at the appropriate phase for your child  on a strip of paper and then cut up the sentence into words.  Ask your child to read each word. Then put the words into the right order to make the sentence. E.g.

Phase 2: It is a fish.

Phase 3:It is a cool fish.

Phase 4:It is a cool clown fish.

Challenge: Can your child make up their own sentence for you to write down. Then encourage them to use their phonic and keyword knowledge to read it.

Maths – Addition Children use everyday language to talk about time.

Time challenges

 Set your child some time challenges.e.g.

How many times can they hop in 30 seconds?

How many times can they bounce a ball in one minute?

Ask your child to complete the challenge.

Support your child in using the language of time e.g. How many did you do in one minute? 


Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring and using Media and Materials

Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques experimenting with colour and design. 

Can your child choose their own resources to create their own ‘Fish with Fingers from the story or their favourite character from the story you have read.

What materials will you use?

What colours will you use?

What different textures have you used?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 8th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently

Listen to / share the story of ‘Billy’s Bucket’ – There is a version being read by Mrs Watson on the school website.

Discuss the different things that Billy can see in his bucket.  At the end of the story, why do you think Billy says, ‘I told you not to borrow my bucket?’

Writing Words containing each 40+ phonemes already taught Write a list of the items you would find in your bucket if you had one. (Link to Billy’s Bucket story).  Use your phonics to sound out the words carefully to help you spell them correctly.

Measure and begin to record the following: 

– lengths and heights 

When measuring we can use non-standard objects as our measure. Choose something that you can use to measure e.g. tin cans, straws, lego bricks etc. You will need quite a few of the same object. 

Use your object to measure the height of a chair in your house. Is it more or less than you expected? 

Using the information you have found, can you estimate how many of your object would be the same height as you? 



Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to:

– key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather.

– key human features, including: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour and shop.

Water, water everywhere! 

Can you think of where you might find or see water?

It may be inside or outside, in this country or around the world. 

It can also be a physical feature (naturally found) or a human feature (man-made).

Can you write down the names or draw all the different types or sources of water that you have thought of? 

Extension activity – Can you sort all your ideas into physical features or human features of water? Or you could label your ideas as physical or human.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 8th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To be able to ask and answer questions about what I have read.

Read the poster on the importance of hand washing. (At the bottom of this page) Encourage your child to ask any questions that they have about hand washing before they read the poster to see if the text will answer them. 

When they have read the poster to you, ask them some simple questions to see if they can recall the facts that they have read. 

Writing To use a clause in a sentence. 

This week our topic is ‘Water’. Today we will be thinking about the different things that we need water for. Make a mind map of the different ways we can use water.

Choose the one use of water that you think is most important and write a sentence to say why you think it is important. This is your opinion so there isn’t a ‘wrong’ answer as long as you can give a good reason. Remember to use ‘because’ to explain your thinking: 

EG. “I think ____________ is most important because_________.”

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to continue to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Write down three odd numbers between zero and 10. Write down three even numbers between zero and 10. Circle each group and label them.

2) Add two odd numbers – is the answer odd or even?

3) Add the three odd numbers – is the answer odd or even?

4) Add two even numbers – is the answer odd or even?

5) Add the three even numbers – is the answer odd or even?

6) Add one odd number and one even number – is the answer odd or even?

7) Can you solve these missing number calculations? All of these can be solved using inverse operation – example a) 24 + ____ = 35 (the answer can be found by using the inverse (opposite) of +. Therefore 35 – 24 = 11, so the number missing from the original question is 11). Here are today’s questions;

1) 8 + ___ = 20     2) ___ + 7 = 17       3) 13 + ____ = 24     4) ____ + 14 = 25

5) 9 + ___ = 13     6) ___ + 16 = 18     7) 3 + ____ = 22       8) ____ + 11 = 27

9) If you have time, have another look at this activity;

Other:  To give opinions on different pieces of music. 

Watch these two songs that help us to remember to wash our hands. Can you learn the words? What actions would you put with them?

Which song do you like best? Why? What do you not like about them? Can you clap along to the beat / pulse of the song?

Make sure you are using the internet with an adult. Stay safe online. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 8th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions.

Listen to the Author Sue Hendra read her book ‘Barry the Fish with Fingers’ on Youtube: Barry the Fish with Fingers read by Sue Hendra 

Talk with your child about all the things Barry said he could do with his fingers e.g. Finger painting, cutting, knitting etc. 

Think of other things you can do with your fingers and make a list together. e.g . write, play piano etc

Extra challenge: Use one of the items of your list to write a sentence e.g I can play the piano with my fingers.

Offline activity: Alternatively choose your favourite water themed book and talk about any similarities you have with one of the characters. 

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order.  Put up numbers 11-20 on a wall or on an outside floor. Say a number and ask your child to hit the correct number using a water pistol (or alternatively use another item you can aim with e.g balled up socks). Encourage your child to record each number they hit or miss in a simple table e.g .

Numbers I Hit Numbers I missed
Other:  Children handle equipment and tools effectively.

Cutting skills

Ask your child to create a sea or fish picture by cutting out fish, sea creatures, seaweed, treasure chest etc. and sticking them onto a picture to create a water scene.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 5th June

Warm up activity Inhaling the Universe
  1. Stand with your feet wide apart. Raise your toes up and lower them again. Feel the bottoms of your feet on the floor.
  2. Raise your arms as high as you can, fingers spread and breathe in deeply. Hold your breath.
  3. Bend forward, breathe out and say a big “Ahhhh!” Swing your arms down by your sides. 
  4. Breathe in and imagine scooping the entire universe into your arms and over your head as you stand up again. Hold your breath and imagine showering yourself with stars.
  5. Bend forward, releasing your breath with another big “Ahhhh!”
  6. Imagine scooping the universe up and over your head two more times. 
Main activity How do we act when we are feeling anxious? 

Recap last week’s discussion about worries. Hopefully you still have the drawings of the worries you and your child talked about. 

Explain to your child that sometimes, when we feel anxious, we act in ways that make us feel better for a little while, but that won’t help change how we feel about that situation. Because we feel the same about the situation, our worries come back just the same next time. Talk about how worry and anxiety can make us behave in ways we don’t normally behave, that is our body and brains’ way of telling us we need help to deal with this worry. For example we might be worried about going to school and that might make us not sleep very well, if a worry is affecting how we feel then we need to get help so the worry doesn’t take over. 

The activity today is to write two lists. List one should be titled ‘Happy Brain’, in this list you and your child should write or draw as many things as you can that make you really happy. e.g. family, friends, a favourite comforter etc. Talk about the list with your child and try to describe to each other how it makes you happy. e.g. The smell of my cuddly toy makes me feel calm and relaxed and that makes me happy. 

List two should be titled ‘Worried Brain’, in this list your child should describe the ways the worries you talked about last week make you feel. e.g. The dark makes me feel nervous because I can’t see and I worry there might be something I can’t see that I don’t like. That makes me have a tummy ache. Link this list with the list of worries you made with your child and the list of physical changes we may experience when we are worried (22nd May).


Coming back to school.

Coming back to school.

Sam has made a story to help the children to come back to school. We appreciate that they have been away from school for a while and things will be a bit different when they come back tomorrow, including the places they come into the building and the class spaces they are in.
Hopefully the story below will help them to begin to understand the changes.
Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 4th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children read and understand simple sentences. They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.

Using some of the tricky words your child has found more challenging over the last few weeks, play the target game you can see in the image above. Your child aims a ball (or other item) at the tower and reads the words they knock down.

Alternatively you could play a different target based game of your choice.

Maths – Shape Children explore the characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.

Ask your child to make an enclosure for animals at the zoo in a certain shape e.g circle, square, rectangle, triangle. You could use any resources you have at home to make these e.g lego bricks, paper, pencils. 

Can your child talk about the shape they have made?

Other: Creative Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways. They represent their own ideas through… art and stories.

Zoo animal model

Using playdough/salt dough or other modelling clay. Can your child make a zoo animal to go in their zoo enclosure?

Ask them to think about what features they will need referring back to their fact cards and pictures from yesterday.

Challenge: Can they write labels or fact posters for their zoo?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning forThursday 4th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To practise reading and spelling common exception words. 

Here are some games you can play to practise your common exception words. 

You don’t have to do them all. Pick the ones that work for you and what you have available at home. 

These are to do on a computer or device if you have access to them.

These can be printed.

Writing To write a story.. 

Look at your plan from yesterday. Today’s challenge is to write a story that includes your two animals. It can be as long or as short as you want. 

Be creative and think about how the characters can help each other like the Snail and the Whale. 

Remember to be a successful Year 2 writer you need to try and include:-

  1. Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. 
  2. Interesting words including noun phrases (an adjective with a noun – sharp teeth, fluffy fur etc
  3. Range of clauses to extend sentences – use words like and, so, if, but, because, that, when
  4. Range of punctuation including . , ! and ?
  5. Different sentence types – Questions, Commands, Statements and Exclamations. 

Do your best and come up with an amazing story that your teachers will enjoy reading!

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Number sorting;

  1. Use the Venn diagram (below), or draw two interlocking circles
  2. Use this website to generate ten numbers that are between 1 and 100;

          Write these numbers on a separate piece of paper and cut them up.

  1. Sort the numbers according to the criteria for each circle. Remember – if any of the numbers fit both descriptions, they go in the centre section. Some numbers may not fit either description. These should be placed outside both circles.
  2. When you have put all numbers where they need to be, take a photograph to send to your class teacher.
  3. Remove the numbers. Cross out the criteria on the Venn Diagram. Make your own – write them below the crossed out ones.
  4. Use the same numbers, place them where they need to go, according to the new criteria. When complete, take another picture to send to your class teacher.

2) If you have time, play these Maths games;

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other:  To sort animals according to their features. 

To finish our week of thinking about zoo animals, today we are going to sort animals according to their features. (What they are like)

You will need to draw two large sorting circles (Drawing around a plate works well) and label them. For example:

Then draw and label animals that could go in each of your circles.

Here are some other headings you could try:

  • Has wings / No wings.
  • Lives in water/ Lives on land
  • Had 4 legs or less / Has more than 4 legs
  • Carnivore / Herbivore / Omnivore

Or think of your own! Again, if you have access to toy animals you could do this practically and take a picture. Have fun! 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 4th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Learning to appreciate rhymes and poems, and to recite some by heart

Read the story ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ – by Giles Andreae again. (either on yesterday’s document or on this Youtube link).

Now choose your favourite part to learn off by heart. Try to break it into smaller parts and maybe add some actions as these ideas may help you learn it better.

Now can you recite and perform it to someone else? Maybe you could even record yourself performing it.

INTERNET SAFETY: Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keep SAFE online

Extension activity – Can you write your own poem for a jungle or zoo animal?


Sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly.

Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Leave spaces between words.

Re-read the ’Dear Zoo’ story by Rod Campbell or listen to the online version at

Continue to make your own version of the story.  Remember to follow the same structure as the book but you can choose the animals you would like to include.

Remember to think carefully about ‘perfect sentences’ and what each page will look like.  Will you draw your pictures or cut out images? How will you hide them from view? What type of cages would the animals be in?

What will your final ‘perfect’ animal be?

Maths Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.

Watch the short video on this link to remind you about telling the time.  INTERNET SAFETY: Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keep SAFE online

Look at the clock faces shown below. What time do they say? Remember to look carefully at the hands. The minute hand is long and the hour hand is short. Look carefully at the position of the hour hand for the half past times. 

Extension: do you have any analogue clocks in your house? Go on an analogue clock hunt! Throughout the day, look at the clock and tell a grown up if you see it when it becomes an o’clock time or a half past time. 



Can I describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates, and including pets)? Look at the pictures below of the different animals and the labels that show their body parts. Can you think of other animals that have similar body parts to the ones shown? Some are easier than others. Present your findings in any way you would like. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 3rd June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems at a level beyond that at which they can read independently.

Read the story ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ – Giles Andreae (either below or on this Youtube link).

Which part of the book did you like the most? Which part didn’t you like? Which was your favourite animal and why? Is there an animal you didn’t like? Why? Does the book rhyme? Can you find any of the rhyming words? Who would you recommend this book to?

INTERNET SAFETY: Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keep SAFE online

Extension activity – Can you write about your favourite animal from the poem and why it is your favourite?

Or can you write a list of all the rhyming words from your favourite animal poem?


Sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly.

Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Leave spaces between words.

Read the ’Dear Zoo’ story by Rod Campbell or listen to the online version at

Look at the structure of the book e.g.  the use of ‘flaps’ to hide the pictures and the repetitive language.  Over the next two days your task is to create your own version of this book – you can decide which zoo animals to include and how many pages you want.

Use some folded paper to create the book but decide on the number of pages you will need first.  Start by creating a front cover with a title, picture and your name as you are the author! Then begin by writing the opening pages. Think carefully about ‘perfect sentences’.

Maths Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 =      – 9.

Zookeeper Giles has set you a riddle to solve! 

There are lots of animals in his zoo.  There are 20 legs in total. 

What animals could there be? 

You can use toy animals, cut out pictures, drawn pictures, or just numbers and words to help you find an answer to his riddle. 

Can you find more than one possible answer to the riddle? 

See how many you can find!



Can I identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores 

Watch this video:

or see the fact sheets below to learn about herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. Then using books, your knowledge or the internet (with a grown up) complete the grid below (there is an A4 one at the bottom) by finding out about animals and sorting them appropriately. 

Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore








Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 3rd June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – sentence writing/rhyme Children write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others.  Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Using the rhyming words from yesterday or your own, ask your child to create their own silly rhyme sentences. Children can also make up their own nonsense words for this.

E.g. The pig has got a wig.

Or as an extra challenge create two sentences that rhyme.

E.g. There once was a pig. He had a silly wig.

Maths- Subtraction Children  count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20.  They subtract 2 single-digit numbers and count back to find the answer.

Use one of the animal pictures from yesterday (e.g. snakes) for your child to count objects onto.

Put numbers 1-9 in one pile and 10-20 in another pile.

Ask your child to choose a number from the 10-20 pile and count that many onto the animal picture. Next ask your child to pick a number from the 1-9 pile. Can they take that number away from the first group of objects and say how many are left?

Extra challenge:Can you get your child to write the number sentence e.g. 17- 5 = 12

Other: Understanding the World/The World Children know about similarities and differences in relation to …living things and make observations of animals and explain why some things occur.

Look at pictures of zoo animals or if you have any zoo animals at home.

Talk about what is the same about each of the animals and what is different. E.g. one could have fur and the other does not. Find out facts about the animals

What do they like to eat?

Where do they live?

What are the baby animals called?

Challenge:Ask your child to draw a picture of their favourite animal and write a fact about their animal on the picture.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 3rd June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To use common exception words in a sentence.

Look at the list from earlier in the week

Today your challenge is to use some of these Year 2 common exception words to write a sentence. Choose 10 of the words and write them in a sentence. 

Challenge – Can you get more than one of the Year 2 common exception words in the sentence. How many can you get in one sentence. The sentence still has to make sense!  

Writing To plan a story.

The book Snail and the Whale is all about two animals working together to help each other. The Whale helps the snail get across the ocean and then the snail helps rescue the beached whale.  

Today’s challenge is to plan a short story about two animals working together. Think about the two animals you are going to choose. 

They could rhyme like snail and whale e.g bat and cat, bear and hare or moth and sloth. 

Here are some more ideas

Think about how they could help each other e,g the bat could fly to get something for the cat or the cat could squeeze in a small gap.

 Draw a picture of each animal and how they will need help in your story. 

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) A game for two players – print the game sheet below, or play on squared paper, make 0 – 9 cards to play (Same layout as printable sheet).

To play – you need two different coloured pencils, number cards and a 100 square game board (some numbers are already on the printable game board, these do not count towards either player’s total).

  1. Place the number cards face down and mix around.
  2. Player one picks two number cards and sees what 2 digit number they can

           make (one card will be a ten, one a unit – don’t add the two card numbers  

           together). With a colour pencil write the number in the correct square. Place  

           the number cards back with the others and mix around.

  1. Player two does the same as above.
  2. Continue to take turns. If a player cannot add to the 100 square (because all combinations are already full), they miss that turn.
  3. When the 100 square is full, or if neither player can continue, the game is over. Add up your colours to see who has won.

2) If you have time, play these Maths games;

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other:  To understand the purpose of a map.

Visit the Chester Zoo website again. See if you can use the ‘search bar’ to locate a map of the zoo. (Remember we have done ‘searches’ in computing!)

When you find the map look carefully at it. What is a map for? How does it help us?

It is a birdseye view over the whole zoo. You might want to look at other Zoos maps online too.

Today we are going to make our own zoo maps. You will need to think about how you will show which animals are in each area. 

What other things / buildings you will need in your zoo.(Toilets, shop, cafe, entrance etc.)You will need paths between the attractions. You may want to use a key to show what the different buildings are. You could number them or use symbols. 

If you don’t want to draw it, you could make it a 3D map out of lego, duplo etc. And ask your grown up to take a birds eye photograph! 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 2- Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2- Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 2nd June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To continue to practice common exception words.

Recap the list of common exception words from yesterday

Today you are going to be common exception word detectives! Your challenge is to hunt through any books you have at home and find any of the Year 2 common exception words. Make a list of all the ones that you find. Which one appears the most? How many can you find?


To discuss what has been read.

To give opinions on a story. 

Watch the snail and the whale on BBC IPLAYER or read the book if you have it again.

Today you need to think about parts of the story that you like and any parts of the story that you don’t like. 

Write a few sentences explaining your favourite part of the story. Remember to use because to give your reasons. 

If there were any parts of the story that you didn’t like then explain that as well. Remember to justify your opinions.  

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Take one dice (if you don’t have a dice, use this online version – ). Roll the dice, write down the number. Repeat this two more times, then add the three numbers together. If you are using the online dice, you can select the page to roll three dice at the same time. Repeat this four more times, until you have five calculations. Here is an example of one calculations;

6 + 2 + 4 = 12

2) Number triangles. Your task is to make each side of the triangle add up to the number in the middle. Your challenge is to not use zero, and to use the same number up to twice only. Here are two examples. One is correctly completed, the other is not;

There are some printable triangles below. Some have no target number in the middle – can you challenge yourself and set your own targets?

Your target is to complete three triangles.

3) If you have time, play these Maths games;

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other:  To write include full stops and question marks in my writing.

Revisit the Chester zoo page and explore more of the zoo. 

Using either the animal you wrote a cage label for yesterday, or a new zoo animal, today we will be writing a riddle about that animal.

A riddle needs around 5 clues about your animal. The first clues should be vague, don’t give the game away too soon! (Think back to the riddles about shapes that we wrote at school.)

For example:

What am I?

I walk on four legs.

I am a mammal that lives in wide open spaces.

I eat leaves from tall trees.

I have a very long tongue and a very long neck.

I am around 20 meters tall which makes me the tallest animal in the world.

What am I?

Remember to finish each clue with a full stop and then your question sentence with a question mark. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 2nd June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – phonics/reading

Continues a rhyming string.

They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately

Write some of the words below on pieces of paper. Encourage your child to read the words and then sort them into rhyming groups.

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4




























Extra challenge: Can your child think of any more rhyming words to add to each group? Keep the words 

Maths – Addition Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer.

Create two animals for your child to count objects onto e.g. snakes

Write the numbers 1- 10 on paper and turn the numbers face down on the floor/table. Ask your child to pick a number and count that many objects on to the first animal. Then ask them to pick another number and count that many onto the second animal. Finally ask your child to add the two groups of objects together, encouraging them to count on from the largest number. Can they tell you how many they have altogether?

Extra challenge: Can you get your child to write the number sentence? e.g. 10 + 2 = 12

Note: Keep animal pictures and numbers for tomorrow.

Online alternative:


Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring and using Media and Materials

Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques experimenting with colour and design Handprint zoo animals.  

Ask your child to paint their hand or draw round their hand to create a zoo animal of their choice.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 2nd June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Being encouraged to link what they read or hear read to their own experiences

Re-read the story ‘Supermarket Zoo’ – by Caryl Hart (either on yesterday’s document or on this Youtube link).

Think about a time when you have been to a Supermarket. What was your trip like? What did you buy? Was it similar or different to Albie’s trip? If you had been to Albie’s supermarket in ‘Supermarket Zoo’ what would you have thought about it? How would you be feeling? What would you have bought and why?

INTERNET SAFETY: Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keep SAFE online

Extension activity – Write about what is similar and different about your trip to a supermarket and Albie’s trip to the supermarket.

Or Write a list of what you would have bought at the supermarket zoo.

Writing Write sentences by:

  • Saying out loud what they are going to write about
  • Composing a sentence orally before writing it

Think about the different animals you might see at the zoo (penguins, lions, monkeys, giraffes, elephants, tigers, hippos, rhinos etc.).  You might want to look back at the book for some ideas.  Now write some descriptive sentences with the use of ‘and’ to say which two animals you saw on an imaginary visit e.g.

I went to the zoo and I saw a gigantic grey elephant and some silly monkeys swinging.

Think carefully about your sentence, finger spaces, spelling and punctuation.

Maths Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher. 

Today you will be using your knowledge of counting in 2’s to complete some repeated addition and multiplication number sentences. These are shown below. 

Remember, 2 + 2 + 2   is 3 lots of 2 and we can write this as 3 x 2 =

Use the pictures to help you. 

Extension: ask a grown up or older sibling to write the counting in 2’s sequence down for you but with some of the numbers missing or covered. Can you work out which numbers are missing from the sequence?  



Can I use world maps, atlases and globes countries, continents and oceans.

Choose your favourite animal. Mine is a giraffe. 

Find out as much as you can about this animal and present your findings in any way you like. You might like to write all your facts on small pieces of paper or create a poster with a drawing or photo of your chosen animal in the middle. Make sure you include where your animal lives. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson –

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 1st June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read the common exception words for Year 1 and 2.

This week we are going to focus on the reading of the common exception words. These are words that appear commonly in texts but do not follow some of the phonic rules we have learnt. Today’s task is to read through the list of common exception words from both Year 1 and 2 and practice reading them. 

If there are any words that you find hard to read then make a list and practise them throughout the week.

The word mat is attached at the bottom of the page or you can download it from 

Writing To read and understand a story.

Watch the snail and the whale on bbc IPLAYER or read the book if you have it.

Think about the main parts of the story. Retell the story to someone else in your house. It could be a parent or a sibling. 

Write a few sentences retelling the story. Try to use different clauses to extend your sentences using words like and, so, but, because, when, that. 

Remember to use capital letters correctly and finish sentences with a full stop.  

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) On a piece of paper, write down three even numbers between 0 and 10.

2) Write down three odd numbers between 10 and 20.

Show these to a grown up – are you correct?

3) Play the ‘Add and Subtract’ game (see below – print if you can) – this is a game for two players.

4) Play these Maths games;

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other:  To learn about the features and habitat of different animals

This week our topic is ‘The Zoo’.

Watch one of the virtual tours of Chester Zoo on their website.

Choose one of the animals that you have seen on the website and write an information label / plaque for its cage. Use these headings to help you:

Name: (What is its full name?)

Type of animal: (Is it an amphibian, bird, fish, mammal or reptile?)

Habitat: (Where does it live?)

Appearance:(What does it look like? How do it’s features help it?)

Diet: (What does it eat?) 

Predators: (Who are its enemies?)

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 1st June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known.

Read the story ‘Supermarket Zoo’ – by Caryl Hart (either below or on this Youtube link).

If you are reading this with an adult discuss any words you don’t know the meaning of. Think about when we RAG rate words at school (RED: I don’t know what it means. ORANGE: I’ve heard it but not sure what it means. GREEN: I know what it means.)

If you are working on your own, write a list of the words you aren’t sure of. You might make a table…

Disaster Enormous Lion

You can then discuss the words you have written with an adult or older sibling later on. 

INTERNET SAFETY: Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keep SAFE online

Writing Read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by others.

Riddle – What am I? 

Having read the story, think about the different animals that can be found at a zoo.  Choose a zoo animal and write your own riddle.  Remember that a riddle gives a series of clues to help you guess the animal.  You may want to draw a picture of your chosen animal and create a ‘flap’ to reveal the answer. 

Once you have written your riddle, read the clues clearly to a member of your family and see if they can guess the animal.


Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (-) and equals (=) signs

 Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero 

Read the animal maths problems that are shared below. You might need a grown up to help read them to you. 

Think carefully about if you need to do adding or subtraction to solve it. Do you need to use any equipment to solve it? 

Write out the number sentence using the correct symbols + – and = and solve it. 

Remember to check your answer and form your numbers correctly (always starting at the top)



Can I use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to:

– key physical features, including: beach, cliff, forest, mountain, sea, river.

Today you are going to find out about where animals live or originally come from. 

Using the words:

BEACH, CLIFF, FOREST, MOUNTAIN, SEA and RIVER try and find at least one animal that lives in those places. 

You could use google (make sure you have a grown up with you) or maybe you have some books about animals and where they live. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

beach cliff forest





river mountain sea







Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 1st June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions.

Visit the Book trust website and read the story ‘Rumble in the Jungle’.

(alternatively you could read a different animal themed story of your own choice, preferably a story that rhymes e.g Gruffalo)

Talk to your child about rhyming words. A word rhymes when the middle and end sounds are the same (the sounds are the same but not necessarily the letters e.g bear / pair).

Extra challenge: Can your child identify any rhyming word in the story?

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order. 

Give your child a list of numbers 1-20.

Go on a walk around your local area  and encourage your child to spot as many numbers on their list as they can. As your child finds a number they can cross it off. Note: if you are shielding or self-isolating your child could do this around the home.

Other: Music

Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.

Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.

Singing and dancing

Ask your child to sing and dance to their favourite animal songs.  Can they move in the same ways as the animals in the song. Moving high and low, fast and slow.

Down in the jungle

Five little monkeys

Additional challenge: Can they make their own instruments to accompany the songs?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 22nd May

Warm up activity Rooted like a tree
  1. Stand with your feet together and your arms by your sides. Keep your eyes open.
  2. Imagine tree roots growing from the bottoms of your feet down into the earth. Feel connected to the ground. 
  3. Slowly lift one foot and press the bottom of it against the ankle of your other leg, if you can.
  4. Clasp your hands together in front of you, with just your pointer fingers extended. Lift your clasped hands over your head.
  5. Balance, relax into the position and smile. You are rooted like a tree.
  6. Lower your arms and try balancing on your other foot. Do you feel any different?

If you wobble, that is OK. Trees sway in the wind, but roots keep them balanced and steady all day.


Main activity What do people worry about? 

Recap what you talked about last week – that anxiety or feeling anxious are about worries that are difficult to get out of our thoughts. That those worries can make us feel a mixture of this and that it is normal to feel worried or anxious from time to time. 

Then discuss with your child that everyone has worries and that they are not alone. People do, however, worry about different things and that is also very normal. Ask your child if they have any worries they would like to share. When they share their worries don’t try to solve them or tell them not to worry. Accept their worry by saying something like ‘I know that other people worry about that too. Brains are complicated and that means we all worry about different things in different ways.’ 

You and your child should both have a blank piece of paper, draw or write all the things you feel worried about. They can be little worries, they can be big worries. Acknowledging worry or anxiousness can help us to understand and deal with it. Knowing that everyone has worries also gives us permission to acknowledge them and therefore deal with the emotions we feel. Once you and your child have drawn or written your worries ask your child if they want to discuss any of them with you. If they don’t, that is fine and if they do, acknowledge that you’ve heard their worry but don’t try and fix it or solve it. You can say things like ‘what do you do to feel better when you worry like that?’

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 21st May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words.

Listen and watch the story ‘Tiddler’ on youtube or read the book if you have it.

Talk about all the different sea creatures you can spot in the story. Did any of them match the sea creature you found out about on Tuesday?

Discuss the different characters in the story and the different things that Tiddler says he gets up to.

Ask your child to draw a picture and write about their favourite part of the story.

Alternatively choose your own story to base this activity around.

Maths – Height Children use everyday language to talk about height.  They order to or three items by height.

Select three objects of obvious different heights and ask your child to order them in height order.  Talk to them about the words we use for describing height and support them in using the correct mathematical vocabulary. 

Challenge: Can they put their family in height order? Can they give reasons for their choices

Tall, taller, tallest.

Short, shorter, shortest.

Other: Physical development Children show good control and coordination in  large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways safely negotiating space.

Take part in the ‘Squish the Fish’ Yoga activity from Cosmic Kids at:

Offline alternative:

Ask your child to move in different ways by becoming a sea creature.

E.g. Move like a shark, octopus, fish, turtle,

Changing direction and speed as an extension.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 21st May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read common exception words, noting unusual correspondences between spelling and sound and where these occur in the word.

You will need: Your favourite book, a piece of paper and a pencil. 

Read your favourite book, as you read notice any common exception words and write them on the piece of paper that you have. If you notice a word more than once give it a tick. 

(If you have a printer you might like to print the list and tick the word when you see it). 

Once you have finished your book take a look at your list. Are there any words you didn’t find? Which word was the most common? 


Beginning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.

Begin to form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place.

Using your sentences from yesterday and your research from Tuesday try to create either an information book/sheet, leaflet or poster about your chosen transport.

Remember to have a title, maybe some headings, your factual sentences from yesterday and images, diagrams and labels.

Try to group similar information together and link ideas together using ‘and’.

Also remember to use your best handwriting, so it can be read clearly by others.

E.g.                                  All About Cars

When was the first car invented?         How do cars work?

____________________            ___________________

____________________            ___________________

____________________            ___________________

Different types of car                            Fun Facts about cars

____________________            ___________________

____________________            ___________________

____________________            ___________________

Maths Solve mathematical problems or puzzles involving addition or multiplication using concrete objects and pictorial representations.

Today is about your child applying their knowledge of addition and/or multiplication.

Begin by playing the dice games at the bottom of the document which can be printed or used for reference.  It is okay to focus on addition or repeated addition if your child is not yet ready for multiplication.

If you would like to challenge them a little more, there are some examples of worded problems which require more thought.  Remember that you can change the numbers in the problem to suit your child’s ability.


“On the Move” Transport week


Name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans

Have a look at a world map in an atlas, the following link or the attached pdf. 

Look at the map and talk about the 7 continents:  Asia, Africa, North & South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia (Australasia). This song may help: (Internet keeping SAFE)

Then see if you can find the 5 oceans:Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian and Southern. (Internet keeping SAFE)

Choose anywhere on the map and talk about which countries/oceans you would cross if you wanted to get there by car, plane or ship. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 21st May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read with expression. 

Today we are going to continue to read with expression. 

Choose a book you know well (it could be one you have practised this week)

Spend a little bit of time practicing reading a small section with good expression. Remember to use your voice to respond to the text. 

Can you record yourself reading the page or section for your teachers. You need to keep the video quite short as big video files won’t send over email. 

Record yourself and then watch it back. Think about what you did well with your voice and think of one thing you could do to make it sound even better!

Challenge – Have another go and try to improve your first video.

Writing To describe a character. 

Look at the work from the last few days. Today you are going to write a paragraph about your character. First you need to draw a picture of your character at the top of the page and then write a paragraph about them. 

You could make it into a WANTED poster if you’d like to. 

First, write about what the character looks like. You can use some of your sentences from Tuesday or you can look at the noun phrases you didn’t use to make some new ones. Then write about the personality of the character. Look at your work from Wednesday to help you. Finally you can write some extra sentences about the character using your own ideas. What else could you say about them? Why did you choose them? What do you like about them?

Maths To recap and reinforce telling the time skills.

Today, you need to choose which level to focus on;

Bronze – I need to practice o’clock and half past.

Silver – I know o’clock and half past, but need to practice ¼ past and ¼ to.

Gold – I know all of the above.

Bronze – practice with this online activity;

Now try to complete sheet 1 (below)

Silver – play the board game, or repeat the clock activity from Monday (activity 3 – the ten times stated – show on a clock or the online clock)

Now try to complete sheet 2 (below)

Gold – practice with this online activity (Level Two / Level Three);

Now try to complete sheet 3 (below)

Other: Technology To follow a design to make a boat.

Using the design that you drew yesterday, collect together your resources and build your lifeboat. 

Make sure you can fit at least one toy person on the boat.

When you have made your boat, carefully in the sink, bath or in a bowl or water with an adult’s help test it.

Does it float? Can it carry the person? Can it carry more than one person?

Why did we design lifeboats this week?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 20th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – high frequency words They read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

High Frequency Word Hunt: 

From the table below write down ten high frequency words on pieces of paper and hide them around the room/house/garden. When your child finds a word ask them to read it aloud and write it down. Can they say the word in a sentence?

Extra challenge: Can they put 2 high frequency words in a sentence?

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4































Maths Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer.

Subtraction Game:

Draw 10 fish and then cut them out. Count them on to a piece of blue paper. Ask your child: If 2 fish swim away, how many are left? Encourage your child to move the pictures to help them count. 

Can they say the sentence using  the correct vocabulary e.g. 10 fish take away 2 fish leaves 8 fish.Your child may also try to write the number sentence using symbols 

e.g 10 – 2 = 8

Extra challenge:  use 20 fish instead of 10 but still take a single digit away each time e.g 20 – 8 = 12

Alternatively you can play the game using other objects of your choosing.

Other: Children safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques experimenting with… texture, form and function.

Sea Creature Model

Using the information you found out yesterday about a sea creature, ask your child to create a model of their chosen sea creature using playdough/salt dough or a media of your choosing.

Useful Recipes:

You can find a recipe for making salt dough by clicking here:

You can find a recipe for making no cook playdough here:

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 20th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read common exception words, noting unusual correspondences between spelling and sound and where these occur in the word.

Play our Common Exception Word game. Using the list below (at the bottom of this table) write 10 of the common exception words on small pieces of paper or post it notes, then hide the words around your house/room. 

Tell your child a word. Then should then go and find the piece of paper with that word written on it and bring it back to you. For an extra point…see if they can write the word (not copy it!).


Beginning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.

Write sentences by:

-Saying out loud what they are going to write about

-Composing a sentence orally before writing it

Sequencing sentences to form short narratives

-Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense

Today you are going to be writing some factual sentences about your chosen transport using all the information that you found out yesterday.

Remember when you write your sentences, THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT and remember capital letters, full stops, other punctuation, spelling and handwriting.

E.g. Most cars have four wheels but sometimes they can have three.

Keep your sentences safe as you will be needing them tomorrow!

Maths Solve mathematical problems or puzzles involving addition or multiplication using concrete objects and pictorial representations.

The Bike Shop –  problem solving challenge

Talk through the maths problem at the bottom of the document (choose a level suited to your child).  Support them in solving the problem – using objects, pictures or a number line for support.  Remember to show how you have solved it.


“On the Move” Transport week

Design and Technology

Evaluate their ideas and products against design criteria 

Yesterday you were asked to create a car based on the following criteria:

→ It must have wheels

→ It should move when pushed

→ It must have a space for a ‘driver’ to sit

How did you do? Does your car have wheels? Does it move when pushed? Is there space for a ‘driver’ to sit? 

Have a think about the following questions: 

What do you really like about your car? 

What works well? What doesn’t work well?

If you could make it again, what would you change?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning


Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To continue reading with expression

Recap all that learnt about expression from yesterday…

This video might help

This one might make you smile 🙂

Talk about how expression affects how they feel when being read to either at school or at home. It can make a big difference!

Choose a page or section of a favourite book to read and practice being expressive. 

Think about how they change their voice and why they need to change it.

Read the selection you have chosen and then read it again practicing the expression until you are happy with it. 

Writing To the personality of a character.

Think about the character you have chosen for this week. Look at yesterday’s work about the character’s appearance. Today we are going to think about their personality. 

What kind of person are they? How do you know? This is a great chance to use those subordinate clauses! E.g Mr Wolf shows he is a horrible character when he tries to eat the pigs. 

Write some key words inside the character. We do this as these are things that we can’t see as they are on the inside. E.g kind, lovely, horrible and disgusting.

Pick your favourite 3 words and then write a sentence to describe the characters personality again try to use words like because, when, that and if to give reasons. 

E.g. Little Red Riding Hood is a cheerful girl because she skips through the forest with a smile on her face. 

Maths To recap and reinforce telling the time skills.

1) Take yesterday’s five pieces of paper.

Can you order the times, from earliest to latest? Get a grown up to check. Take a photo and send it to your class teacher if you can.

2) Below, there is a sheet with clocks. If you have access to a printer, print it out and complete it. If you don’t have access to a printer, use something circular to draw some of the clocks. Complete as many as you can (it might take a long time to draw and complete all of the clocks on the sheet, so just do as many as you can).

3) If you have time, watch this song about time;

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other: Technology To design a boat to meet given criteria. Today you are going to use:

  1. What you found out about things that float and sink yesterday.
  2. What you know and have found out about the Titanic. 
  3. The junk modelling resources you have collected.

Your challenge is to design a lifeboat for the Titanic.

On a piece of paper design your lifeboat. It will need to hold at least one toy person (playmobil, LEGO, Sylvanian family – whatever you have.) 

Make sure that you label your design with features that you add, like a funnel or a sail and what materials and or junk modelling you are going to use to make it.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning


Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To begin to focus on reading with expression.

Recap reading fluently and how it helps the listener to enjoy the story and it also helps the reader to understand what they have read. 

Discuss how expression is another aspect of reading aloud that makes a difference to the listener. Discuss what they understand by the word expression.

Get them to pick a book they are confident with. It could be the same as yesterday or a different one.  

If you are confident, model reading a page in a robotic voice and ask your child if that sounded good. Why not? 

Discuss how it could be improved. Read the page again but this time over emphasise the expression you use. Now get them to read it with an expressive voice. Remembering to respond to the punctuation and think about how different characters might be talking. 

Have a go and practise reading with expression!  

Writing To describe what a character looks like. 

Think about the character you chose yesterday. Draw that character in the middle of the paper but don’t colour it in! 

Today we are going to focus on what that character looks like. 

Write different noun phrases around the character that describe that character. Remember a noun phrase is a noun and at least one describing word  e.g pointy teeth, bright red cloak, soft brown fur. 

Then pick your favourite 3 noun phrases and write them as a full sentence underneath. E.g Little Red Riding Hood is wearing a bright red cloak that her mum gave to her. 

Challenge: to use words such as because, that, when to extend your sentence. 


To recap and reinforce telling the time skills.

1) Polish up your skills from yesterday’s learning!

There is a board game at the bottom of today’s learning (below). If you have access to a printer, print it out and play it with up to three others.

If you don’t have access to a printer, have another go at yesterday’s final activity (Level One);

2) Depending on the time you start your learning today – write down five of the times that you know in the next two or three hours (for example, if you start your learning at 10 o’clock, write down ¼ past 10, ½ past 10, ¼ to 11, 11 o’clock, ¼ past 11. Write them on separate pieces of paper, with the writing big enough to be seen in a photograph. Carry on with your other learning, but keep an eye on a clock somewhere in your house. Each time the clock matches one of the times on your pieces of paper, get a grown up to take a photo of you, the piece of paper and the clock (all together!). The clock could be on a cooker, phone, television, tablet, or even a real clock). Try to send the five pictures to your class teacher. An example is shown on the left!

Challenge – if you know times beyond the ones looked at this week, write some of those (e.g. 5 past, 10 past, 20 to, 25 to etc). If you are not sure about these, just stick to the main time looked at so far this week (o’clock, ½ past, ¼ past, ¼ to).

Keep these pieces of paper for tomorrow.

3) If you have time (and a printer), you can play the board game from yesterday.

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other: Science To make and test predictions. 

Look at this Concept Cartoon. Do you agree with the girl? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

Now find 6 objects in your house and make a prediction about whether you think they will float or sink. You might want to put it in a table like this:

Object Prediction Test




Carefully in the sink, bath or in a bowl with an adults help test each object.

What do you notice about things that float? Which objects sank? What material are they made of? Did an object float that you thought might sink?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 19th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ writing)

Children write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible. Using the same words from yesterday. You say the word and encourage your child to write it. You can make this activity more fun by writing using different media e.g with water and a paintbrush outside or in flour in a tray using a finger. Feel free to come up with your own interesting ways of writing.

Phase 3 Phase 4






















Maths – Addition Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer.

Addition Bingo

Ask your child to choose four numbers between 1 and 9 and write them down.

Write out the following addition number sentences onto pieces of paper/card:

0 +1 =

2 + 0 =

2 + 1 =

2 + 2 =

3 + 2 =

3 + 3 =

2 + 5 =

5 + 3 =

6 + 3 =

And turn them upside down on the table/floor.  Ask your child to pick one and work out the answer. If the answer is one of the numbers they chose they can cross it out. Repeat until they have crossed out all of their chosen four numbers. The children can use objects to support adding the two numbers e.g. counters, pegs, cars, etc.

Extra challenge: use numbers 11-20 in place of 1 to 9 and change the addition sentences to match.

Online alternative:


Understanding the World

Children make observations of animals and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. 

Children select and use technology for particular purposes.

Ask your child to choose their favourite sea creature or one that they would like to find out more information about.

Using books, the internet and your own knowledge, find out facts and information. 

E.g  What do they eat?

       Where do they live?

       What do they look like?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 19th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words.

Play ‘Draw my sentence’. Either by using the selection of sentences below or writing your own ones. You should read the sentence and then draw what you have read.



Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by:

Listening to and discussing a wide stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently

Choose your favourite mode of transport from yesterday or one that interests you and find out all about it. You might find out …When was it first invented? Who invented it? What did the first one look like? How has it changed over the years? How many different models/versions of it are there? How fast can it go? What is the largest or smallest model of it? etc.

You could use information books that you have at home or you could use the internet to find out information. (Please see the bottom of this document for some resources). Keep everything that you have read in your head because you are going to be needing it tomorrow!

Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keeping SAFE online poster

Here are some following websites that have some information:

There are also some transport story books by Tony Mitton on Youtube too.

Cool Cars –

Brilliant Boats –

Roaring Rockets –

Tremendous Tractors –

Terrific Trains –

Amazing Aeroplanes –

Maths Solve one-step problems involving multiplication by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with support.

Using the 1,2,3 and 10 cards from yesterday.  Pick one card and look at the number shown.  Now roll a dice to see how many lots you have. 

Write a repeated addition number sentence to match i.e.

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12.  Discuss how to write this using multiplication to save time i.e. 3 x 4 = 12.

Can your child write the repeated addition and multiplication number sentences to go with the pictures and dice?  


“On the Move” Transport week

Design and Technology

Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users based on design criteria

Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing 

Using the images of cars through history you saw in the video yesterday, choose one to attempt to make! This could be through junk modelling, lego or any other sort of construction materials you have. 

Your car must meet the following criteria: 

→ It must have wheels

→ It should move when pushed or pulled

→ It must have a space for a ‘driver’ to sit

We look forward to seeing the photos!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Draw my sentence:

  • An elephant stomped on Philips toe.
  • I am going to make something out of clay.
  • Oh, don’t these clouds look like puffs of smoke.
  • He made a toy.
  • I saw a bluebird by the sea.
  • The boy went to the house. 
  • People came down the mountain.
  • The glue stick had lost its lid. 


Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 18th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those already known.

Read the story ‘Tremendous Tractors’ (either below or on this Youtube link).

If you are reading this with an adult discuss any words you don’t know the meaning of. Think about when we RAG rate words at school (RED: I don’t know what it means. ORANGE: I’ve heard it but not sure what it means. GREEN: I know what it means.)

If you are working on your own, write a list of the words you aren’t sure of. You might make a table…

Tremendous Sturdy Tractor

You can then discuss the words you have written with an adult or older sibling later on. 

INTERNET SAFETY: Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keep SAFE online

Writing Can I spell words using my phonic knowledge?

Can you think of lots of different types of transport? How many can you think of? Do they have wheels or wings? Do they travel on the road, rail, water or air?

Write a list or a mind map of all the types of transport that you can think of.

When you write the words, really try to sound them out and use your phonic sounds to help you spell them correctly. E.g. c-ar , b-oa-t.

Maths Solve one-step problems that involve addition using concrete objects and pictorial representations.

Write out the numbers 1-10 on cut up pieces of paper, or print out and cut up the vehicle cards at the end of this document (showing the number of wheels).  Place the cards face down on the table.  Pick up two cards and write a number sentence to show the total.  Repeat with a different combination of cards.  You may want to attempt a longer number sentence by turning over 3 or 4 cards depending on your child’s ability.  Remember to count on from the biggest number.



“On the Move” Transport week


Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally

Watch the following video on Youtube to see how cars have changed over the years. Talk about the differences you see. Which cars do you think are best and why? Why do you think cars have changed over the years? Do you think they are good changes?

INTERNET SAFETY: Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keep SAFE online

See the attached sheet with some prompt questions and images to aid your discussions. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Miss Poppleton –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Tremendous tractors

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning


Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To continue to read with increased fluency.

This week we are going to be carrying on with thinking about fluency in our reading. 

Discuss the meaning of the word from last week’s work. Ask them to again choose a book that is familiar to them but not the same one as last week. As last week ask them to read a page (or more dependent on the book chosen) and focus on reading fluently. Explain we will now read the same page for a second time but this time, we should be more fluent, as we have practiced. Continue to read the book but focusing on fluency. If a sentence or page does not sound fluent then go back and practice again. 

Writing To describe a character.

This week we are going to be focusing on describing a character from a traditional tale. This is a story that has been around a long time e.g three little pigs, little red riding hood or three billy goats gruff. You might want to think back to some of the characters from last week’s work in Each Peach Pear Plum. 

Today’s challenge is to find a story that includes that character and to read all about them. You can either look at books you might already have or you could look on the internet.

You might even find some on Youtube! 

Remember with traditional tales there will be multiple versions of the same story. How many versions can you find with your character in?

Once you have read your story. Discuss what the character is like. Are they good or bad? What do they look like?

Maths To recap and reinforce telling the time skills.

What can you remember about telling the time?

1) Warm yourself up with a song and dance!

2) Remind yourself of some main points of telling the time and play the activity;

3) Use this on screen clock; (or a learning clock if you have one at home)

to show the following times to a grown up;

1) 7 o’clock     2) 1 o’clock     3) Half past 4     4) Half past 11     5) Half past 2

6) ¼ past 5     7) ¼ past 7     8) ¼ to 4     9) ¼ to 10     10) ¼ to 9

4) Practice what you know with Level One of this activity;

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other: History To find out about significant events from beyond living memory.

This term we would have been visiting the SeaCity Exhibition in Southampton where the Titanic Museum is. We can still visit the museum by watching this virtual tour.

When you have watched it write 3 facts about things you have found out that you didn’t already know in fabulous sentences.

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 


Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 18th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ Reading)

They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.

Trigraph practise:

Label 4 cups with each of the following trigraphs: igh, air, ear, ure

Write out at least ten of the following words on small pieces of paper:

Phase 3 Phase 4






















Ask your child to read the word then scrunch the paper up into a ball and aim it at the cup with the correct trigraph.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order. 

Draw the outline of a jellyfish without tentacles 


Write out the numbers 1-20 and place face down on the table/floor. Ask your child to pick a number and place that many tentacles on the jellyfish. The tentacles can be drawn or made from objects e.g pencils, string,  or whatever you have at home. Can your child count out the tentacles accurately? 

Extra Challenge:

Create two jellyfish, pick two numbers and then add all of the legs together to find the total.

Other: Music Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.

Children sing songs, make music and experiment with ways of changing them.

Listen to the song ‘Baby Shark’ on youtube (


Listen to the song ‘Under the sea’ on youtube

Encourage your child to sing along and join in with the actions. 

Offline Alternative: 

Alternatively choose a song you and your child enjoy and sing along and make up dance moves to go with it. It can be a nursery rhyme or your favourite pop song.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 15th May

Warm up activity Mindful Mood Our moods can often affect the way we act. If you’re happy, you might act in a kind or generous way. If you’re grumpy, you might be mean or selfish. It is wise to understand our moods and how they affect what we say or do. 

  1. Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed. Take three soft, slow mindful breaths and notice your mood. 

Where do you feel your mood? Put your hand there. Does it feel heavy like clay or light like a feather? 

  1. Now choose a pen/pencil to draw your mood. Blue could mean one mood. Red or green could mean another, you choose.
  2. Keep your mood drawing where you can see it. It helps remind you how you have been feeling. Later you might be in a different mood, so create a new drawing and let the old mood go. 

Paying attention to your mood in the morning, can help you change how you act throughout the day. 


Main activity What is anxiety? 

Explain to your child that anxiety is the feeling you get when you can’t get a worry out of your mind. You might feel anxious about something that has happened in the past that might happen again, or that something might happen to you or someone you love. Perhaps you’re so scared of the dark that you get a horrible feeling in your body when you think about it. Sometimes, people get anxious and they can’t really explain why, or they don’t think anyone else will understand their worries. Anxiety is just one of the emotions humans feel and it is normal!  Talk to your child about the reason that humans feel anxious is to help them keep safe from danger. In the Stone Age people felt anxious about sabre-toothed tigers and today we worry about other things so we stay safe. 

What does anxiety feel like? 

Look at the picture below and read the words around the person. These are all things we can feel when we are anxious. Discuss with your child the ones that you feel when you worry. You don’t need to use scary examples, try to keep your examples honest and real but not big enough that they then become a worry for your child. e.g. Mrs Carter feels sweaty when she has to sing in front of the whole school or when she leads a parent assembly. Encourage your child to share a time they have felt anxious and if they felt any of the feelings on the list.

VE Day

VE Day

Last week the children who come to school made some pictures for VE Day that were taken to HM Naval Base and put on display. Following the VE Day celebrations the pictures have been take to local care homes. Today we received this thank you letter.

20190828- COB letterhead (003)

Thank You

Thank You

We were very excited in school today to receive this fabulous gift from one of wonderful families that have been at school for many years.

It is really lovely that they are thinking of us still at school. Thank you.

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 14th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To express likes and dislikes about a text. 

Either using ‘The True Story of the 3 little Pigs’ or another book they have read to you, ask the children to discuss which parts of the story they liked and why. Are there any parts that they didn’t enjoy? Why? Did they enjoy the story as a whole? Why/why not?

Again, children may write ideas or you can make it a discussion based activity. 

Writing To write in full sentences as a character. 

Using their mind maps from yesterday, children will be writing a ‘diary entry’ as Mr Wolf today. (They should all be familiar with what a diary is, but worth recapping!)

They will write as though they are Mr Wolf (first person) and will need to include:

  • How long they’ve been in jail and what it has been like for them
  • How they’ve changed and whether they are sorry
  • How they feel about being in ‘jail’
  • Possibly recap about what really happened
  • What they are hoping for in the future

Here is a starter you can use for some ideas or to carry on from:

“Dear Diary,

This has been the worst few years of my life! I have been in jail for ten years now and each day feels longer than the day before….”

Maths To solve problems involving money. Solve these problems involving money.

  1. Mr Wells buys 3 footballs all costing 25p. How much money does he need?

What coins can he use to make that amount?

  1. Mr McEvoy buys a new pair of clippers for £1.60. How many different ways can you make that amount?
  2. Mrs Marshman buys some pears for 70p. She pays with a £1 coin. How much change will she get?
  3. Mrs Knapp is buying some toys for her children. They cost £1.00, 50p and £2.10.

How much does she spend altogether? 

Challenge – How much change will she get from £5

  1. Mrs Webb has four 20p coins. She buys a bottle of water for 50p. How much money will she have left?
  2. Mrs Norris has four coins. She has 50p. What coins must she have?
  3. Mis Wright gives her friend Miss Turner 50p. She is left with 40p. How much did she have to begin with? 
  4. Mr Sommerville buys some screws for 34p and some nails for 41p. He gets 25p change. He gave the shopkeeper two coins. What were they?
Other: Geography To remember knowledge about  the world’s oceans.

What can you remember about the oceans of the world?

Look at this website. Read through, watch the videos, then take the quiz;

(search bbc bitesize oceans)

Challenge – email an interesting fact about one of the oceans to your class teacher!

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 


Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 14th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Participate in discussion about what is read to them, taking turns and listening to what others say Ask our grown up to read to you – this can be anything! Fiction or nonfiction, a book, magazine, article or even a set of instructions. After listening to it, talk about what was read. Do you have any questions about what was read to you? Did you like/dislike it? Can you explain why? 
Writing Understand which letters belong to which handwriting ‘families’.

Today’s family is the ‘Zigzag Monster Family’.You will need a piece of paper (lined will be best). Down the side of your page write the letters v, w, x, z.

Remember how we form our letters – see the Zigzag Monster poster below to help remind you. 

Next to each letter you have written write a word that starts with that letter. Remembering to form your letters carefully, join your letters (when it is sensible to do so) and to read what you’ve written to check it says what you wanted it to. 

e.g. v – vegetable (Zigzag monster letters are often the ones we don’t join). 

ext: Can you put your word into a sentence? e.g. I love vegetables. Remember this about handwriting – make it as neat as possible and take your time!

Maths Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least 

Play the game Pairs using a mixture of number cards and dienes cards(tens and units pictures) (Please see the bottom of this document for some resources).

Mix all the number cards up in one pile and all the dienes cards in another pile and place them face down – pick one number card and one dienes card and see if they match. E.g. 12 and I..   If they match then keep them and if they don’t then return them and try again. Keep playing until you have matched all the number cards with the dienes cards. Once you have finished, can you talk about the different numbers using the language equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least E.g. 12 is less than 23

Extension activity – can you make your own number and dienes cards? You choose a number and write it down and then draw the matching dienes picture next to it? E.g. 23 II

Other:  To use a range of materials creatively to design and make a minibeast.

Minibeast Madness!

Get creative by using different media to make your own minibeasts.  There are some suggestions below or you can choose your own.

  1. Junk model minibeasts – use boxes, bottles, toilet roll tubes, paper plates, paint etc. 
  2. Paint a minibeast – handprint minibeasts, butterfly painting
  3. Rock painting – turn a stone into a minibeast
  4. Nature Minibeast – use leaves, twigs, stones, petals etc.
  5. Minibeast Misfit – Create a new minibeast using parts of other animals.  Give it a name!


Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 14th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words.

Watch the snail and the whale on BBC IPlayer or read the book if you have it.

Ask your child to write about their favourite part of the story.


  • Ask your child to write about a time when they have been to the beach/seaside.


  • Ask them to write about their favourite sea creature or minibeast.


  • Ask them to write about something they have really enjoyed doing at home this week.
Maths Children use everyday language to talk about position.

Children use everyday language to talk about position.

Give your child the key vocabulary:


on /on top of

next to

in /inside

in front



Challenge your child to look around the house for things they could describe using these words e.g My teddy is on top of my bed. The box is under the table.

Online resources:

Other: Technology Children recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools.

Ask your child to look around your home for items that use technology to make them work. E.g. phones, laptops, tablets, washing machines, TV, digital clocks etc. Can you find at least 10 objects?  

Can they talk about how the item works or what it does?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –


Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 13th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss new vocabulary and phrases.

Re listen to The True Story of the 3 little Pigs:

Discuss any unfamiliar or new words and phrases, for example can they explain these meanings:

  • A ‘great sneeze’
  • ‘My side of the story’
  • ‘Maybe it’s because of our diet’
  • ‘When the cops drove up’
  • ‘I was framed’

Again you can discuss these or children are more than welcome to write their ideas down in sentences. 

Writing To discuss how a character may be feeling.

Today we are going to make a mind map of how Mr Wolf is feeling now. Look at how he has changed in the pictures, from the beginning of the story to the end. Discuss: How long do you think he has been in prison? What makes you think that?

Mind map what life is like for Mr Wolf now. You can record your ideas as notes. We will use our mind maps to help us tomorrow. You can use these ideas to help you get started and then use your imaginations for the answers:

Maths To make amounts using different coins and to begin to give change.. 

Set up your shop from yesterday. You can change what you sell if you want. 

Today you are going to be thinking about giving change. That is when someone gives too much money and the shopkeeper has to give some back.

Think what operation it is you will be using? (Subtraction)

This time try and buy the item with one coin that is of a higher value. E.g if the item is 50p pay with a £1. How much change will you need? 100 – 50 = 50 so you will need 50p change. 

Hint – if you keep your prices less than £1 then you can always pay with a pound and work out the change from 100p.

Keep shopping and recording down the subtraction calculation you are doing

Challenge –  change the amounts of the items to more challenging numbers e.g 62p,

76p and now try to calculate change from a £1, £2 or £5.

Other: Geography To remember knowledge about  the world’s continents.

What can you remember about the continents of the world?

Look at this website. Read through, watch the videos, then take the quiz;

(search bbc bitesize mapping world)

Challenge – email an interesting fact about one of the continents to your class teacher!

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 


Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 13th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Learning to appreciate rhymes and poems, and to recite some by heart Ask your grown up to read the poem “The Rainbow Children” to you. This can be found below.  Talk about it and discuss how it makes you feel, which bits you liked/disliked. Can you find any words that rhyme in the poem? 
Writing Understand which letters belong to which handwriting ‘families’.

Today’s family is the ‘One Armed Robot Family’.You will need a piece of paper (lined will be best). Down the side of your page write the letters r, b, n, h, m, k, p.

Remember how we form our letters – see the One Armed Robot poster below to help remind you. 

Next to each letter you have written write a word that starts with that letter. Remembering to form your letters carefully, join your letters (when it is sensible to do so) and to read what you’ve written to check it says what you wanted it to. 

e.g. r – robot

ext: Can you put your word into a sentence? e.g. The robot was running. Remember this about handwriting – make it as neat as possible and take your time!

Maths Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words

Connect 4 – Write the numbers 1-20 in a 5 by 4 grid. (See below)

Choose a number and then you have to write that number as a word e.g. Choose 2 – you have to write two, Choose 10 – you have to write ten. If you write the number correctly as a word you get to put a counter on it and then it is player 2’s turn, they choose a number and write the word and so on. The first person to get four counters in a row wins.

If you are playing by yourself then collect points instead. You get one point for every number you spell correctly as a word and then see how many points you can get. Can you beat your score?

Extension activity – Education City Maths Year 1 Activities – ‘Fluffy Clouds’

Other: Science To identify an animal and describe the changes in its lifecycle.

Discussion: Talk about animals and their young.  Can they name some animals and their young?  Begin to discuss lifecycles in simple terms and identify the different stages.  Remind them of the one they did for the ducklings during our ‘Old Macdonald’ topic (egg, hatches, duckling, duck).  Emphasise that the cycle continues in this way.

Can you make your own lifecycle of a butterfly? You can choose how you would like to present this (poster, playdoh, paintings, models).  Don’t forget to label the different stages.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 13th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – high frequency words

They read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

Write a selection of high frequency words (HFW) on pieces of paper and either stick them on the wall or lay on the floor.

Call out a high frequency word and ask your child to find that word and give it a high five. Alternatively ask your child to choose a word to high five and then tell you what the word is. (use 100 HFW lists provided) 

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4































Maths – doubling Children solve problems including doubling.

Children solve problems by doubling.

Give your child two objects and then tell them to double that amount – You will need to explain/model that they will have to get the same amount again. When they have done this ask them to then add all the objects together  and say how many there are e.g. “2 add 2 equals 4” or “double 2 equals 4”.  Repeat with other numbers up to 10 or beyond  and ask your child to explain the process this time, using the correct language (double, doubling, add, equals, total).

Online Alternative (if you have your login details)

Play Share Bears on Education city This game revisits sharing and halving as well as doubling.

Other: Creative

They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

They represent their own ideas, thoughts

and feelings through … art.

Can your child create an under the sea picture using materials of their choice? Here are some ideas…

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 12th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To make predictions based on what has happened.

Today we are going to look at an ‘alternative Traditional Tale.’ Listen to ‘The True story of the 3 little pigs’


  1. What do you think the true story might be?
  2. Pause at the point where he runs out of sugar (2mins 15seconds) What do you think the wolf will do?
  3. Watch to the point where he gets a ‘tickle in his nose’ (3 mins 3 seconds) What do you think will happen?
  4. Watch on to the part where he gets to the brick house (5 mins 40 seconds) predict what will happen next and at the end of the story.

These can be discussion questions with your child. If they would like to record their ideas in sentences, they can. 

Writing To use a clause to express my ideas. Re-watch the story without pausing if required. Today you are going to write some sentences to give our opinion on Mr Wolf’s story:

  1. Should he have eaten the first two pigs?
  2. Is it fair that Mr Wolf is in prison?
  3. What punishment would you give him?
  4. Do you believe Mr Wolf’s story?

Your answers should be full sentences, not one word! Remember to use a clause to extend your ideas, for example:

“I think he was right to eat up the little pigs because…”

“Mr Wolf shouldn’t be in prison but he should be punished.”

“I would make Mr Wolf …. so that…”

Maths To make amounts in different ways. 

Today you are going to be shopkeepers. 

Find some things in your house that you are going to sell. It can be anything you like e.g toys, food or anything you can find. 

First you will need to make some labels for the item in the shops. How much everything costs is up to you. Hint – keep the prices an amount you can make using other coins.

Using the money you had yesterday or you can make some if you need to. 

You need to go to your shop and buy something using more than one coin but making the amount exactly. 

Challenge – Can you use exactly 3 coins to buy something.

Keep your labels as you will be being shopkeepers again tomorrow.  

Other: History To find out about significant events from beyond living memory.

Can you find out some facts about the history of the Titanic? Use yesterday’s website and other Internet resources to answer these questions;

1) Where was Titanic built?   2) What was the name of the final place (port / city) that Titanic left from on its voyage? 3) Where was Titanic heading on its voyage (which city and country was its destination)? 4) Which year did Titanic make its voyage? 5) What fuel did Titanic use to power its engines? 6) What did Titanic collide with during its journey? 7) What was the name of Titanic’s captain? 8) How long was Titanic (in metres)? 9) How many people were on Titanic during her journey? 10) How many lifeboats did Titanic have?

Good luck!

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 


Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 12th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ writing)

Children write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Using the table of words from yesterday.  Give your child a word from the phase they are most comfortable with and ask them to write the word into a short sentence. Remind them to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops at the end of the sentence.

Remember it is ok for your child  to write other words in the sentence phonetically.

Maths – Counting They solve problems, including …halving and sharing.

Get two bowls/plates and some sort of snack that can be shared e.g. raisins, crisps, small biscuits, grapes.

Give your child an even number of these objects and ask them to share them equally between the two  plates. Explain that each plate equals one half. Ask your child to tell you what one half of the amount they started with is. Repeat with other even numbers of objects using the correct vocabulary e.g “half of ten is five”


Understanding the World

Children know about similarities and differences in relation to …objects

They make observations… and explain why some things occur.

Floating and sinking

Collect a range of objects that will float or sink. Using a bowl or bucket of water, ask your child to predict which objects will float and which will sink, giving a simple reason for their prediction.  Test which objects float and sink and sort them into two groups.  

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 12th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ writing)

Children write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Using the table of words from yesterday.  Give your child a word from the phase they are most comfortable with and ask them to write the word into a short sentence. Remind them to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops at the end of the sentence.

Remember it is ok for your child  to write other words in the sentence phonetically.

Maths – Counting They solve problems, including …halving and sharing.

Get two bowls/plates and some sort of snack that can be shared e.g. raisins, crisps, small biscuits, grapes.

Give your child an even number of these objects and ask them to share them equally between the two  plates. Explain that each plate equals one half. Ask your child to tell you what one half of the amount they started with is. Repeat with other even numbers of objects using the correct vocabulary e.g “half of ten is five”


Understanding the World

Children know about similarities and differences in relation to …objects

They make observations… and explain why some things occur.

Floating and sinking

Collect a range of objects that will float or sink. Using a bowl or bucket of water, ask your child to predict which objects will float and which will sink, giving a simple reason for their prediction.  Test which objects float and sink and sort them into two groups.  

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 11th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read with increased fluency. Ask your child what the word ‘fluency / fluent’ means. Discuss the meaning together. Ask them to choose a book they are familiar with. Today we are going to practice increasing our fluency when reading. Ask them to read aloud a page to you (or more depending on the book they have chosen). Discuss how they read it, focus on parts they read well, help with any unfamiliar words and meanings. Explain we will now read the same page for a second time but this time, we should be more fluent, as we have practiced. Repeat with other pages. Remind children not to ‘race’ through but to think how their reading sounds to the person listening. 
Writing To use clauses in complete sentences. 

This week we are going to carry on thinking about traditional tales, following on from our work on ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum.’ Ask your child to think of any traditional tale character such as, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, 3 Little Pigs, Big Bad Wolf, Goldilocks etc. Today we are going to imagine what that character would have in their pocket, bag or basket and why – based on what you know about that character. Draw the pocket or bag out line and then draw and label at least 3 things they may need or have in there. 

               Pocket watch—-

Now try and explain why you have chosen what you have using a clause, such as ‘because, so, but’  to extend your ideas.For example: 

‘Cinderella would need a pocket watch so that she can check the time to make sure she is home by midnight.’

‘I have given Goldilocks a hairbrush because she has long, golden hair.’


To  recognise and order coins.

Challenge- To make the amounts in different ways.

This week we are going to be looking at Money.

Make a list of all different kinds of money you know. It could be coins and notes.

If possible, can you find some of them? You may have to ask a grown up or you might have some play money. If you don’t have them, there is a printout sheet attached to this document.

Once you have the coins can you put them into the correct order. 

Challenge can you begin to think of different ways to make each amount.

E.g 5p + 5p = 10p. Can you think of 3 ways to make

  1. 10p
  2. 20p
  3. 50p
  4. £1
Other: History To find out about significant events from beyond living memory.

How much do you know about the famous ship the Titanic?

Have a look at this web site;

(search bbc ks2 titanic)

Read through the page and watch the videos.

Your task today is to draw, colour and label a picture of the ship. Can you label these parts – hull, funnels, bow (front), stern (back) and portholes (windows)?

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 


Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 11th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ Reading)

They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.

Watch the snail and the whale on BBC iPlayer or read the book if you have it.

The words for this activity are all taken from this story.

Write out some of the following words and ask your child to highlight the digraphs/trigraphs.

digraphs= two letters that make one sound

trigraphs = three letter that make one sound

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4



































Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order. 

Number pairs game:

Similar to last week but this time, get your child (or you can prepare this in advance) to write the numbers 11-20 on one set of cards and the matching group of objects on another. E.g one card has the digit 11 and the other card has a picture of 11 things. Lay the pieces of paper face down on the floor and play number pairs! Turn over two cards if the number and objects match, you win that pair. If they do not match, pick a different pair.

If your child is not confident with 1-10 use these numbers.  

Online alternative

Teddy numbers up to 15

Other: Music Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.

Pick one or more of the songs below from the BBC Nursery Rhymes site and sing along to it together.

When I was one…:

There’s a hole at the bottom of the sea:

Bobby Shafto:

The big ship sails…

Offline Alternative:

Choose your own favourite sea themed nursery rhyme and sing it together. E.g. A sailor went to sea.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 11th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read aloud accurately books that are consistent with their developing phonic knowledge and that do not require them to use other strategies to work out words Choose a book you are familiar with and are able to read yourself. Read it to your grown up, trying your best to read words on sight, instead of sounding them out. If you do need to use a strategy to help decode a word, make sure you reread the sentence for fluency. 
Writing Understand which letters belong to which handwriting ‘families’.

This week we are going to be thinking about our handwriting. We all know that to do our best handwriting we need to be sitting sensible, holding our pencil correctly and holding our paper with our other hand. 

Each letter belongs to a ‘Handwriting family’. Each letter in each family is formed in a similar way. 

Today’s family is the ‘Curly Caterpillar Family’.You will need a piece of paper (lined will be best). Down the side of your page write the letters c, a, o, q, g, d, e, s, f. Remember how we form our letters – see the Curly Caterpillar poster below to help remind you. 

Next to each letter you have written write a word that starts with that letter. Remembering to form your letters carefully, join your letters (when it is sensible to do so) and to read what you’ve written to check it says what you wanted it to. e.g. a ant

ext: Can you put your word into a sentence? e.g. The ant was carrying a leaf. Remember this about handwriting – make it as neat as possible and take your time!

Maths Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number 

Warm up: Practise counting forwards and backwards from any number up to 100. You can do this by yourself. If you have a brother or sister you could play counting tennis e.g you: 34, sibling: 35, you: 36, sibling: 37 etc

Provide children either with missing number sequences or missing number squares (Please see the bottom of the document for ideas). Children then use their counting knowledge to fill in the missing numbers. E.g. A sequence could be: 27, 28, 29, __, 31, __, 33, 34

Extension activity – you could make your own missing number square puzzles.

Education City Maths Year 1 Activities – ‘Moo-vin on up’, ‘Mrs Cow’s milk’, ‘Cow countdown’ and ‘Silly streets’.

Other: Science

To identify and name a variety of common animals.

To describe and compare the structure of animals.

Go on an animal hunt in the garden (or use pictures hidden around the house).  How many different animals can you see?  You may need to pick up stones, look up in the sky or dig in the soil so make sure you wash hands afterwards.  Are there some animals that you can hear but can’t see? Do you have pets that visit your garden?

Discussion: Talk about the different animals that visit our gardens and what they are called.  Look at their structure and appearance – what helps us to recognise them?  Where can we find different animals in the garden and when do they visit?

Activity: Choose your favourite animal from those that visit your garden.  Draw a picture of it and write 2 or 3 factual sentences to describe it.

Picture cards available below for printing or reference.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 8th May

Warm up activity Mountain Rising
  1. Stand straight with your feet apart and your arms by your sides. Feel the bottoms of your feet planted on the floor. Keep your eyes open.
  2. Imagine you are a mountain rising up from the ocean. Your head is the top of the mountain.
  3. Raise your arms and stretch your fingers apart. Imagine that lifts the mountain higher. Hold this position for a moment, solid as a mountain.
  4. Notice if you have any thoughts or worries. See them as tiny waves splashing the mountain.
  5. Breathe in and breathe out to blow the waves far out to sea. Watch the water become calm and still around you.
  6. Lower your arms, take 3 mindful breaths and relax. 
Main activity Feelings – Why do we feel worried? 

Discuss with your child that everyone feels many different feelings everyday, and sometimes the less happy feelings that you talked about last week take up more space in our thoughts and this can make us worried. 

On a plain piece of paper draw a picture of yourself in the middle. Then ask your child ‘How do you feel right now?’ Around the edge of the picture write all the different emotions your child is feeling right now. It is a great idea to do your own picture too so that you can show your child that you feel a mixture of emotions too. You might feel happy that you are drawing with your child, you might feel nervous because you haven’t drawn a picture for a long time, you might feel weary because you are trying to homeschool and work from home,  you might feel excited because you’ve got something delicious for dinner etc. 

Comparing your pictures and emotions and discussing them will help you both to acknowledge your emotions. 

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 7th May 2020

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Participate in discussion about what is read to them, taking turns and listening to what others say

This could be completed either by listening to a parent read/ family member via video call or a story from the school website. 

Listen carefully to the story. At the end of the story discuss- what did you like/dislike? Who were the main characters? What were the main events? Did they build on each other? Was there a problem? How was it resolved? How would you improve the story if you could? 

Use this as an opportunity to take turns in speaking and listening. Encourage your child to respond to your discussion points and if possible, model your answers (“I agree with …. and think that the character who was the funniest was…” “It’s interesting that you didn’t like the part when…. that was the bit that I enjoyed the most” 

Writing Use a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’ Think back to a fun experience in school (Trip to the farm, Space Dome, Guinea Pig visit, Egg Drop, Ducklings coming to stay…) This could be one of the ones listed or could be a fun experience that you had on the playground or in a lesson. Write about it and include as much detail as possible. Your teachers love to hear about the things that you have enjoyed and it will be lovely to remember all the fun that we have had! Remember to include details such as location, day (if you can remember!) who was present and what happened. We can’t wait to read your memories from the year so far. 
Maths Describe position, directions and movements, including half, quarter and three-quarter turns. 

This could be done verbally by giving instructions to a family member or sibling. Hide a toy somewhere in your home and give your partner directions to find it. Or choose your favourite toy and get an adult to move it and describe the turn/ position/ direction. 

Alternatively, if you need to work independently- on paper, draw a route or a map of your road/local area. Use a small toy or draw and cut a character out of paper. Plan a route for your character to go. For example- go forwards to the end of the road. Quarter turn left. Forwards ten steps. Quarter turn right. Cross the road. Complete a half turn to look at your surroundings….



Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes Think about some of your favourite songs. Can you put on a concert for the people in your home/ someone via video call or for your teacher by email? Learn your song or write one of your own if you are feeling extra clever. You could add dance moves if you like! Perform your song to the person of your choice. We would love to see your performances! 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 7th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events.

Watch Micheal Rosen reading his book ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ ( or read your own favourite bear book.

Talk about the story together. 

  • What obstacles did they come across on the hunt?
  • Do you think the bear was a good bear or a bad bear? Why?
  • How do you think the family felt at the end of the story?
  • How would you feel if a bear chased you?

Draw a picture of a bear and write sentences to describe him/her.

Maths Children use everyday language to talk about…weight… and compare …. objects… to solve problems.

Ask your child to find a range of different objects in your home (ensure they feel distinctly different in weight).


Give your child two different objects (one in each hand). Ask them to tell you which object feels light and which object feels heavy. Repeat with further objects.


Next step: 

Ask your child to put up to 3 objects in weight order using the correct mathematical vocabulary.

  • light, lighter lightest
  • heavy, heavier, heaviest


You could make labels with the above words for the children to label the objects.

Other: music /physical development

Children sing songs, make music and dance, and

experiment with ways of changing them.

Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.

They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space.

Continue with VE day preparations and play some music from the time (WWII) and some of the songs the children might have sung.  Can your child make a dance to go with the songs?’ We’ll meet again’ ‘Bless them all’ World War II songs – Swinemoor Primary School

Note: please be aware youtube links often have adverts please watch before sharing with your child.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –


Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 7th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To infer how a character is feeling based on what I have read. 

Read a story picture book, of your choice from home. Depending on the difficulty of the story, you could read to your child, take it in turns to read a page each or let them read it all to you. It will need to have characters. 

Think back to the work we did yesterday in reading, where we thought about how the characters from ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum’ felt and why. Today ask questions to your child at various points in their reading, linked to how the characters are feeling and acting:

“Why do you think ______ said _______?”

“How is ________ feeling at the moment? How do you know?

“Why do you think ______ feels _______? ”

“Which word/sentence tells us that _____ is sad / happy / cross?”

Writing To describe a setting using complete sentences. 

Look back at your pictures from yesterday. Today we are going to put these ideas into complete sentences to describe the setting that we have chosen. Practice putting your ideas into verbal sentences first, before you write them. You may want to imagine that you are in that setting, if it helps and write it in the first person, for example:

“As I walked through the dark forest, I looked above me and I saw…”

“I could hear / see / feel …”

“The warm sunshine made me feel…”

Remind your child to use capital letters at the beginning of all their sentences and a full stop at the end of an idea. 

Challenge: If something is exciting or shocking they may want to use an exclamation mark. The children could try and ask the reader a question to engage them. For example “Have you ever been somewhere so wonderful that …?”

Maths To solve problems involving measure. Today you will have to think back to your work on addition and subtraction to solve these problems.

  1. Class 7 baked 49 buns and only 23 were eaten. How many buns were left?
  2. Class 8 mixed 35 litres of juice and Class 9 mixed 23 litres of juice. How many litres do they have altogether?
  3. Mrs Marshman was practicing her high jump. Her first jump was 87cm and her second jump was 97cm. How much higher did she jump the second time?
  4. Mrs Webb buys a ribbon 1 metre long. She cuts off 30 cm. How much does she have left?
  5. A cake weighs 400 grams If I cut the cake into 4 equal slices, how much would each slice to weigh?
  6. Mr Wells wants to fill a bucket with water. A bucket holds 3 litres. A jug holds 500 millilitres. How many jugs of water does Megan need to fill an empty bucket?
  7. A piece of cheese weighs 350g. Steven takes a bite from the cheese then weighs it again. The scales say 230g. How much did Steven bite off of the cheese?
  8. Year 1 were making potions. They mixed  45ml of blue cherry juice with 35ml of fizzy orange. They poured it into a 100ml bottle. How much space was left in the bottle?
Other: Computing To remind what coding is and why it is important.

You might remember that we looked at coding during computing activities at school. Remind yourself about this by looking at these BBC resources;

(search BBC coding )

Watch the video, then play the game. Have you discovered anything new?

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 6th May 2020

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read accurately by blending sounds in unfamiliar words containing GPC’s that have been taught

Today you are going to be reading some alien words. You can create these yourself very easily. Choose a Phase 5 phoneme (you had a sound mat last week) and add letters around it to create an alien word. What is the silliest sounding word you can make? 

Here is a link to some alien word cards on Twinkl which you might want to use also…

There are also lots of games on Phonics Play where you can practice identifying and reading  alien words. The login for the site is Username: march20 Password: home

Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keeping SAFE online poster

Writing Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher that include the words using GPC’s and common exception words taught so far.

Explain what a dictated sentence is. 

The grown up will say a sentence and the child has to remember the sentence and write it down. Grown ups should read one sentence at a time twice, the child should then write it down from memory. (Remind about finger spaces and letter formation).  Encourage the child to read their sentence aloud to check it. Then the grown up can read the sentence again so the child can see if they remembered it correctly. Then check the spelling of the exception words. The exception words are in bold

Once there was a boy called Sam. He had a friend called Max who lived by a school. One day they were very happy because they were going to facetime. 

Maths Recognise, find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.

Yesterday you investigated the fraction ½. Today we are exploring the fraction a quarter. A quarter is one whole shared/split into four equal parts and you look at one of those parts – ¼  

Can you find quarter of different shapes? – you could draw different shapes (halve it and halve it again to find quarter)  and then colour in ¼  of each one. (Please see resources at the bottom of this document for some ideas)

Can you find quarter of different objects? – you could use playdough to make different objects and then find quarter of them. – e.g. quarter of an orange, quarter of a pizza, quarter of a slice of bread etc. (Please see resources at the bottom of this document for some ideas)

Can you find quarter of a quantity? – can you find quarter of different numbers e.g. ¼  of 12 is ___, ¼  of 16 is ___ etc – remember to share equally into four parts. (Please see resources at the bottom of this document for some ideas)

Extension: revisit your learning from yesterday and consolidate today by finding ½ and ¼ here: 



use aerial photographs and plan perspectives to recognise landmarks and basic human and physical features;

With a grown up, using a phone, tablet, laptop etc. enter your postcode onto Google Maps and keep the settings as a birds eye view (not Street View). Can you find where you live? What else can you see? 

Where else can you find? Can you find our school? Can you see where your classroom is?  (PO3 6HL) Can you track your journey to school? 

Can you see any physical features? (natural features from the Earth)

What human features can you see? (features that are man-made)

Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keeping SAFE online poster

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 6th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – high frequency words They read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

High frequency word bingo: On a piece of paper get your child to write down 4 high frequency words from one of the lists below.

Call out high frequency words and if your child has that word they can cross it out. When they have got all of the words they can shout BINGO! 

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4































Maths – sharing Children solve problems including sharing.

Sharing equally

Get three toys e.g. dolls, dinosaurs, teddy bears. Then get 6 objects e.g. 6 grapes, 6 bricks or 6 pencils. Ask your child to share the six objects equally between the three toys. Encourage your child to say how many they have got each. E.g “ 6 bricks shared between three teddies equals two bricks each”. Repeat this for other groups of objects ensuring the number can be divided equally between 3 (e.g. 9, 12, 15,18)

Other: Creative Children represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art.

Continue with VE day preparations

Create a poster, some bunting/flags, a picture/painting to celebrate VE day.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 6th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To infer how a character is feeling.
Look at these 3 images from the story. Discuss how you think the characters are feeling. Why are they feeling that way? What has happened? 

Optional Challenge: Write a sentence for each character to say what they might be thinking.

Writing To describe a setting using expanded noun phrases.

Look again at  the images in the book. 

What settings are there? (Cottage, countryside by streams and fields, woods) 

  1. Draw one of these settings (you don’t need to draw the characters). Label all the nouns (names) and add an adjective to them. For example – tall trees, golden sun, fluffy clouds etc. These are ‘expanded noun phrases’.
  2. Underneath, list all the sounds you might hear, things you might feel and smell, in this setting. (Eg, singing birds, cool breeze, freshly cut grass etc) 

Tomorrow we will be putting these ideas into sentences to make a descriptive paragraph to describe this setting. 

Maths To investigate and measure capacity?

Today’s measure is capacity 

There will be lots of things in your house that have the capacity printed on them. 

Remember the unit for capacity will be litres (l) or millilitres (ml). 


  1. Be capacity detectives. How many different items can you find that have the capacity printed on them. Find as many as you can and then order them from which one holds the most to the least. Think about where you will need to look in your house. 

Hint – it’s not just the kitchen.

  1. Can you sort your items into items measured in litres and millilitres. 

 What do you notice? Which items hold more liquid. Why is this?

Challenge – Find one large container and one small. Can you measure how many of the small containers you can use to fill the large container. If you have a measuring jug can you then measure how much liquid the large container holds 

Other: Music To learn and sing along to ‘Take You Home’.

You might have noticed on the BBC music website, that there is a VE Day themed song. Focus on learning it today;

(or search bbc take you home song lyrics )

You can sing along. You can also use Play It! to add to the song. Don’t forget to perform it when you have perfected it!

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s cla

ss teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 5th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To make links to other books that I have read.

Rewatch the story of ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum.’ Try and join in with the reading, or mute the sound and read along. 

Make a list of all the characters that you can see in the story. 

Which of these characters link to other books that you know or have read? 

Make a list of the books that link to Each, Peach, Pear, Plum. You could lay it out as a mind map. Some characters, such as the Wicked Witch, could link to more than one story!

Writing To create a new character for Each, Peach, Pear, Plum. 

Discuss the traditional tales or characters which are not included in Each, Peach, Pear, Plum. Think along the line of fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, The three little Pigs, Jack and the beanstalk etc. 

What other characters could have been in this story? Who is missing? 

  1. Draw one of these characters and write a character description for them. 
  2. Write a character description for the new character. Remember to use different clauses and sentence starters. Discuss their appearance and their personality. 

Challenge: If you have time, find a copy of the story your new character is in and read it with a grown up or listen to it online. 

Maths To investigate and measure weight. 

Today’s measure is weight.

I know that lots of people have been using this time at home to bake. If that is you then chances are you have already had to measure weight.  


  1. In your kitchen find up to 5 items that have the weight printed on them. Order them from heaviest to lightest. Take a photo (optional)
  2. If you have measuring scales. Measure anything you like. It could be food or it could be some of your toys. 

Find something that measures 

a)   100g

b)   500g

c)   1 Kg

Challenge –  Bake something and make note of how many times you have to measure. Take a photo of your finished bake to send to your teacher.  

Other: History To learn about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. 

Friday 8th May is VE day, this year is a special anniversary celebrating 75 years since the end of World War II. It was supposed to be a National bank holiday but maybe you could still celebrate at home.

You can find out more information from;

Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online.

You could create a poster, some bunting or flags, a picture or painting, a song or dance, bake and decorate cakes and biscuits – anything you like to celebrate VE day!

Please see the bottom of this document for some resources.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 


Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 5th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ writing)

Children write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Using the table of words from yesterday.

Draw some of the words in pictures on paper and ask your child to write the word under the picture. Remember to use the phase appropriate for your child.

Alternative online activity:

Play space race on Phonics play

Phase 2 –

Phase 3 –

Phase 4 –

Maths – Counting

Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20.

Children use everyday language to talk about money.

Make your own snack shop and give your child a range of snacks with price labels up to 20p. 

E.g apple 8p    

Give your child 1p coins and get them to count out the correct coins for the snack. Alternatively, if you do not have 1p coins use other items in your house. E.g counters, buttons


Health and Self Care

Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. They manage their own basic hygiene.

Continue with VE day preparations.

Make biscuits or cakes for your VE day celebrations.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 5th May 2020

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Checking that the text makes sense to them as they read and correcting inaccurate reading. Choose any book or text to read but one you are able to read mostly independently.. It could be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, a newspaper, a magazine or even just your favourite book. Read whatever you have chosen, but as you read make sure the text makes sense! If it doesn’t make sense then re-read the sentence or word, or use the picture clues to help you correct it and make it make sense.
Writing Read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by their peers and the teacher.

Today we would like you to write about ANYTHING! It could be any genre of writing; a story, diary, instructions, information text, poem etc. Just write about anything that interests you. Remember when you write, THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT and remember capital letters, full stops, other punctuation, spelling and handwriting.

Once you have finished writing, you are now ready for today’s activity which is to read your fabulous piece of writing aloud to someone. It could be your parents, brother and sisters or you could even record yourself reading it aloud to someone else. (You could film it and email it to us?)

Maths Recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity. 

Today we are exploring the fraction a half. A half is one whole shared/split into two equal parts and you look at one of those parts – ½ 

Can you find half of different shapes? – you could draw different shapes and then colour in half of each one. (Please see resources at the bottom of this document for some ideas)

Can you find half of different objects? – you could use playdough to make different objects and then find half of them. – e.g. half an apple, half a biscuit, half a worm etc. (Please see resources at the bottom of this document for some ideas)

Can you find half of a quantity? – can you find half of different amounts e.g. ½ of 12 is ___, ½ of 16 is ___ etc – remember to share equally into two groups. (Please see resources at the bottom of this document for some ideas)

Extension Activity – There are activities on Education City that help support this learning further – Maths – Year 1 – Activities – Half your cake and eat it, Half and Half, Half Baked



Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. 

Friday 8th May is VE day, this year is a special anniversary celebrating 75 years since the end of World War II. It was supposed to be a National bank holiday but maybe you could still celebrate at home.

You can find out more information from; Please remember you should have an adult with you when you go online – Keeping SAFE online poster

You could create a poster, some bunting or flags, a picture or painting, a song or dance (links to Thursday’s activity), baking and decorating cakes and biscuits – anything you like to celebrate VE day!

Please see the bottom of this document for some resources.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 




Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 4th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ Reading)

They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. On paper cases/bottle tops/paper write the letter sounds/digraphs/trigraphs and write the words on seperate pieces of paper.     Ask your child to match the sounds to the word. 

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
sound word sound word sound word

















































Extra Challenge: Can your child write the word in a sentence?

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order.  Number pairs game: Get your child to write the numbers 11-20 twice on small pieces of paper or post its. Lay the pieces of paper face down on the floor and play number pairs. Turn over two cards and  if they match, you win that pair. If they do not match, pick a different pair.  If your child is not confident with 1-10 use these numbers instead. 
Other: People and Communities Children talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members.

Friday 8th May is VE day. This year is a special anniversary celebrating 75 years

since the end of World War II. It was supposed to be a national bank holiday but maybe you could still celebrate at home with your child. Talk to your child about why we are celebrating this event.

You can find out more information from;

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 4th May 2020

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read words containing taught GPCs and –s, -es, -ing, -ed, -er and –est endings Play a ‘Connect 4’ reading game – Make a 6×6 grid containing words with  the suffixes -ing, -ed, -er and -est e.g. jumped, resting, bigger, quickest (a grid is attached as an example or for those of you with printer access).  Take it in turns to read a word and cover it with your counter/object.  First to connect 4 words wins.

To form capital letters and digits 0-9 accurately.

To discuss what they have written to check that it makes sense

Share the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar or watch this animated online version of the story –

Discuss the story and the fact that each day the caterpillar eats something new but is still hungry.  Write your own sentences using the same structure e.g.

On _(Monday)__ I/he ate _(1)_      ___(carrot)__ but I/he was still hungry.

You can write them about the caterpillar or make some up about the things you have eaten!

Remember to use capital letters correctly and to form your numbers the right way.  Then reread your sentence(s) to check it makes sense. You can find a word mat at the end of the document for support with spelling.

Challenge: Can you use a different word for ‘ate’? Can you use a word to describe the food? e.g. crunchy carrot.

Maths To recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes 

Begin by looking at the different coins that we have.  Discuss names, shape, size, colour and monetary value.  Hide a coin in your hand and describe it to your child.  Can they guess which coin you are holding?

Game: A Handful of Coins!

Place a number of coins in a bowl and ask your child to pick up a small handful of coins.  How much do they have altogether? Write a number sentence to go with it e.g. 5p+2p+1p=8p

You can make this easier or harder by the coins that you use.  If your child struggles then stick to all 1ps or just 1ps and 2ps.

Other: STEM

Water Music Challenge

To observe closely, using simple equipment 

To perform simple tests

To experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.

STEM – Water Music

You will need: glass jars, water and a (wooden) spoon

Change the note: Partially fill a jar or bottle with water – strike or blow across the top. What happens? How do you think the sound is made?

Now fill a second container with a different amount of water.  How does the sound change when you add more or less water? 

Challenge 1: Can you use different containers and water to make an instrument that will play a scale? 

Challenge 2: Can you use your instrument to play a tune?

Challenge 3: Can you name a tuned instrument that is similar to the one you have made?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 




jumped fastest picking slower boldest braver
wishing clicked loudest heavier brushing waited
helper training stamped widest cleaner closed
riper colder clapping flying shouted hottest
fittest nicer mixer baked fixing mending
mixing quickest paler smaller slowest cooked

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 4th May

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To make predictions based on what I have read so far.

Over the next two weeks we are going to be thinking about Tradition tales and stories.

Listen to ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum’

Pause the video on the part where Cinderella is on the stairs. Where are the 3 bears? 

Predict:Where do you think they may be going? (Hunting) why? (Daddy bear has a gun) 

Pause on the next page with the bears. What has happened? Why is Mummy bear cross? Predict: Where do you think Baby Bunting’s basket will end up?

Use this time to discuss the different characters and which stories and nursery rhymes they are from.

Writing To describe a character in complete sentences. 

Listen again to the story of ‘Each, Peach, Pear, Plum’ choose one of the characters from the story. 

1. Draw the character you have chosen. What story or nursery rhyme are they from?

2. Today we are going to write a character description for that character. Think about:

Appearance – What do they wear? What are their eyes, nose, ears etc. like? Describe their hair, size etc.

Personality – What are they like on the inside.

Challenge: try and use a variety of clauses and sentence starters

EG: Baby bear wears a small hat that is … Sometimes Baby bear is a bit clumsy because

Maths To measure length using non standard and standard units.

This week we are looking at different units of measure. 

Today’s measure is length.

Remember that length is how long something is.


  1. Find 5 things in your house and order them from longest to shortest. 
  2. Measure each object using a non-standard unit. 

This could be lego brick, marbles, paper clips or whatever you can find.

Remember when measuring to always start at the end of the object and that what you are using to measure has to all be the same length. 

Record your results. e.g Barbie doll     12 paper clips

  1. If you have a ruler or a measuring tape now measure your objects in the correct unit and record this result. Can you remember what the standard unit is for measuring length? 

Challenge – To find 1 thing in your house that is  

  1. Longer than a metre.  
  2. Shorter than 30cm
  3. Exactly 1 metre long. 
Other: Music To listen to a song and add layers of music.

Have a look at this website;

(to avoid typing this email address, search – bbc bring the noise play it )

Headphones are optional! Choose from the songs. Listen, sing along, add sounds of your own.

When you have rehearsed and perfected your song – perform it to someone else!

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Whole School – Friday’s Home Learning

Home learning for Friday 1st May


Warm up activity Mindful Breaths
  1. Sit mindfully, with your spine straight and body relaxed
  2. Take 3 soft, slow mindful breaths and feel them in your body
  3. Breathe in and feel air coming into your nose. Does it feel soft in your nostrils? Breathe out and count one.
  4. Breathe in and notice air filling your lungs. Does your ribcage go out? Breathe out and count two.
  5. Breathe in and see the air expanding your middle. Does your tummy look round like a ball?  Breathe out and count three.
  6. Repeat for two more rounds of breathing into your nose, lungs and tummy. 


Main activity Feelings – What are feelings? 

Explain to your child that human beings can have loads of different feelings, and another word for feelings is emotions. Sometimes emotions change because of the things going on around us, and sometimes they change because of our thoughts. 

We give names to different ways we feel inside so we can talk about them with others. 

On a piece of paper draw 12 circles and write an emotion in each circle (See sheet below – print it off if you can). 

Think about what colour each emotion would be if they were colours and use that colour to shade in the circle. 

Please remember that there is no right or wrong answer to this. If everyone in your family did this you would probably find that you all have different colours and that is ok. Being aware of your emotions helps you identify them and that helps to manage them. 

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 30th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To find, copy and read aloud sentences that contain exclamation or question marks.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

Look through the book for sentences that end with exclamation marks, or question marks, e.g.;

What an amazing tree that is!

How many trees are there in Stride Avenue?

1) Copy out four sentences – try to get two of each, if you can – don’t show these to anyone else!

2) Read them to a grown up – remember to try to read with expression.

3) Ask the grown ups if they can identify the sentences correctly. Have you read them an exclamation, or a question?.

Writing To use writing frame 3 to write detailed sentences.

Use your final unused planner to write about the third place that you plan to visit (hopefully soon!).

Can you make today’s work the best of the week?

Remember, when you have finished – read your work aloud to yourself (or a grown up). Check, edit, and improve it if you need to.

If you have time, draw and colour a picture of the place you want to visit.


To recognise the place value of each digit of a 2 digit number.

To compare numbers using < > and = signs.

Today we are writing some clues for a game of ‘Guess my Number.’ 

You will need to write 5 clues to describe your number. Here are some ideas to help you but you can think of some of your own too if you would like: 

(The line is where a number clue will go) 

  1. It is an odd / even number.
  2. It is greater than (>) ____
  3. It is less than (<) ____
  4. It is in the ___ times tables. (A multiple of __) 
  5. It has ____ tens.
  6. It has ____ units.

      My number is_____!

Test someone in your house, can they guess your numbers from your clues? 

Challenge: Write another set of clues for a new number, think of some clues of your own.



To draw a picture.

Can you create a picture of anything that you like. You can draw, paint, ollage it is entirely up to you! 

There are some really good videos on youtube. Here is one channel that might have some tips for you.

So get creative! Your teachers will love to see your amazing creations.  

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 30th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy Children answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events.

Owl Babies

Visit the school website ( ) and listen to Mrs Bartlett reading the story Owl Babies. How to do the baby owls feel in the story?  Why do you think they felt that way? Can your child think of a time they have been worried about something. How did it all turn out in the end?

Offline Alternative: Read a story of your choice that you have at home. Talk about how any characters might be feeling in the story and why they might feel that way. Ask your child if they have ever felt that way?

Maths Children explore 2D shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.                            

Ask your child to make an alien shape picture. Ask them to name the shapes they have used  and talk about the properties

E.g. How many corners/sides does your shape have?

Can they say whether it is straight, flat, curved or round.

Other: Physical development Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. 

Choose one of Andy’s wild workouts to do.

Offline Alternative: 

Can your child make up their own workout?

E.g 10 star jumps, 5 hops, 5 turns

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 30th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English Reading Read words with contractions and understand that the apostrophe represents the omitted letter.

Read through the words on the attached sheet. Can you read them independently? Can you say what words they represent? (ie- don’t = do not) You could write them on paper or say them aloud. Choose some books that you have in your home (or use the free Oxford Owl website where they have lots of free ebooks and try to spot as many words in their contracted form as possible.

Challenge- can you write them in a sentence for someone else to read? Can someone write them in sentences for you to read?

Writing Use ‘ing, ed,’where no change is needed to the spelling of root words

Look through the words on the attached page. We can use them in past and present tense.

I walked/ I am walking. She listened/ she is listening.  (Can you think of anymore?)

Can you put the words into interesting sentences using ‘ing/ed’? ie-

‘Kick’ Mrs Blakely kicked the ball as hard as she could and it landed in a very tall tree.

‘play’ Yesterday I had lots of fun playing games with my Dad and I won!

(This could link to your Maths learning so you could combine the two)

Maths Sequence events in chronological order using language such as: before and after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening

Plan your dream day or week!  Record what you would making sure that it is in the correct (chronological)  order.

Ie- first I wake up and fly downstairs using my magic cape. Before I have my breakfast I go on a bouncy castle. After breakfast I get to wear anything that I want and we walk to the beach. Next I throw stones in the water and after that I buy a chocolate ice cream with sprinkles and syrup. Later on I get another ice cream!

This could be completed by drawing pictures or writing sentences (or any other way that you wish!) Use the language before, after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, afternoon and evening as part of your sentence work or underneath your pictures. We look forward to seeing what you would like to do!

This builds on your learning from last week.words for Thursday

Other: Art Develop a wide range of art and design techniques using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form or space.

Using the resources that you have collected this week (crisp wrappers/ biscuit wrappers…) can you make a rainbow? Or can you make a collage of something that interests you? This could be a pet/ a friend/ your family. The choice is yours! If you do not have any collage resources, you could choose an item in your home/ garden and draw it carefully thinking about line, shape and colour.

You could display your art work in your window.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson –

Words for Thursday

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 29th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – high frequency words They read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

Listen and sing  along to the tricky word songs on youtube.

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Note: Please be aware sometimes adverts appear before these songs. Please play and check before showing your child.

Offline Alternative:

Hide tricky words around the house and ask your child to find them and write each one down as they find. Can they then find any of them in books they have at home.

Maths – subtraction Children subtract with two single-digit numbers and count back to find the answer.

First start with 10 objects of your choice. Then put the numbers 0 to 10 face down on the table/floor. Ask your child to pick one card, say the number and then take that amount away from the 10 objects. How many do they have left? Encourage your child to say/write the number sentence that matches the calculation they have just done e.g. “10 take away 4 equals 6” or 10-4=6. Repeat as many times as you would like. 

Challenge: This activity can be made more challenging by starting with 20 objects.

Other: Creative Children represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art. Talk to your child about things that make them happy. Ask your child to draw/paint a picture of something that makes them happy and be as creative as you like. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 29th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To find, copy and read aloud sentences that contain commas.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

Look through the book for sentences that include commas. They might be used to break up a longer sentence, e.g.;

Sam went to the park with her dad, she looked around for a long time, but she couldn’t find her friends.

Commas can also be used in a list, e.g.;

Ella went to the shops to buy pens, a ball, new shoes, socks and some cards.

Remember, commas indicate a slight pause, less than a full stop.

1) Copy out two sentences that include a comma, or commas.

2) Read them to a grown up – remember to include the slight pause where the comma or commas are.

3) Ask the grown ups if they can spot where the comma or commas are in each sentence.

Writing To use writing frame 2 to write detailed sentences.

Use another of Monday’s planners to write about the second place that you plan to visit (hopefully soon!).

Can you make today’s work even more detailed and interesting than yesterday?

Remember, when you have finished – read your work aloud to yourself (or a grown up). Check, edit, and improve it if you need to.

If you have time, draw and colour a picture of the place you want to visit.

Maths To compare and order numbers from 0 to 100, use < > and = signs.

Write a selection of 20 or more numbers between 0 and 100 on small bits of paper. 

Pick 4 numbers. Can you put them into order from smallest to biggest.

Think carefully about how many tens and ones are in the numbers.

Write the numbers in order from smallest to biggest:


  • 13          25         27         56     

Repeat with 4 or 5 new numbers.

Challenge: Pick two numbers from your list of numbers and use the < (less than), > (greater than) or = equal to signs to compare the numbers. Repeat with two different numbers.  


46 > 12



To find out information about another place you would like to visit?

Think about a different place you would like to visit. 

Using either the internet or any other resources you have at home, can you find out some interesting facts about that place.

Don’t forget there are some great virtual tours on the school website

How is it different or similar to the place you chose on Monday. 

Challenge- Can you write a few sentences about the similarities or differences between the two places you have investigated. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 29th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Respond speedily with the correct sound to graphemes for all 40+ phonemes, including, where applicable, alternative sounds for graphemes

Using containers, plastic bottles, or cardboard tubes (a use for all those toilet rolls!) set up a set of skittles/bowling pins. 

On each pin, have a different phase 5 phoneme – see phoneme mat at the end of this document. You could write it directly on or attach a post-it note. 

Roll/Throw a ball at the pins and then see which phonemes you knocked down.   

Say the phoneme, say a word containing that phoneme then use that word in a sentence. Write your sentence down taking extra care to spell your word with the specific phoneme correctly. 

Remember your finger spaces, letter formation and punctuation. 

Writing Spell: 

  •  Words containing each 40+ phonemes already taught

     Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number 

Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals

Create your own ‘Snakes and Ladders’ game board on a piece of paper, counting to 100 and writing the digits as you go. Make sure that the numerals are in the correct order e.g. 32 for thirty-two, not 23. Draw your snakes and ladder onto your game board. Enjoy the game! 

As you play, adults can question the children to extend their learning e.g. “I am on 41 and I have rolled a 6. What will I land on?” , “I’m on 92, how many do I need to get to 100? Is this possible with one roll of the dice?”

Other: DT

·      use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes

·  understand where food comes from. 

With the help of a grown up, plan and prepare a healthy meal or snack. As you do, think about where the food comes from. Is it from a plant or an animal? Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before, during and after handling and preparing food. 

As an extension, you may wish to write out the recipe for your creation so that you can remember it for future snack ideas and share it with others.

“I Can Cook” on CBBC has some good ideas if you need a little help in getting started.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 28th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ writing)

Children write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible. Play quickwrite: using some of the words from yesterday, without showing your child say the word and challenge them to write it down as quickly as they can. You can use the book we have provided, a piece of paper or chalkboard.

Phase 2

nip                         fat

hop                        sell

luck                       sad

fuss                       pick

bop                        jet

Phase 3

chair                    ship

rubber                 king

queen                 seed

fork                     park

hear                    light

Phase 4

drank                 crunch

street                 crust

crept                  trunk

blend                 grunt

shrink                clamp

Challenge: Can your child write some of the words in sentences?

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, 

Give your child numbers from 0-20 and lay them face down on the table.

Ask your child to pick a card, say the number and then draw that many objects of their own choice e.g butterflies, cars, dinosaurs, flowers. Repeat with other numbers.


The World

Children know about similarities and differences in relation to living things.  They talk about features of their own immediate environment. They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.

During your daily exercise, in your garden or looking out the window  – can you spot things that grow? e.g:





Can you talk about how they change as they grow?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 28th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To write down 5 words and explain their meanings to others.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

1) Write a list of five words that you do know the meaning of.

2) Your challenge is to explain the meaning of each word to someone else, without saying the word. If you are successful at explaining clearly, the other person should be able to identify each word. Remember – do not say the actual word.

Example – This is usually grey, when you mix it you need to add water and sand. You must not eat it. It is used to hold bricks together or to make buildings. It goes very hard after a few hours (if you know the answer, include it in your emails to your class teacher!).

Writing To use writing frame 1 to write detailed sentences.

You will need – a pencil and paper (lined paper if you have it).

Today, we’re off (in our imaginations!) on our first adventure. Choose one of your planning frames from yesterday – where are you going today?

Your task is to turn your planning into complete sentences. What grammar features can you include in today’s writing? Remember to write in the correct tense. If you haven’t been to the place, use your imagination (or the Internet, with adult supervision) to help with descriptions.

Target – at least one detailed sentence for each of the four rectangles on your plan. When you have finished, read your work aloud to yourself (or a grown up). Check, edit, and improve it if you need to.

If you have time, draw and colour a picture of the place you want to visit.


When it’s safe to do so, I want to go with my family to Walpole Park in Gosport. I want to go there because my cousins live near there. I’ll go with my Mum, Dad, Nan, my sister Emma and my brother Terry. We will get the bus to The Hard, then get the ferry to Gosport, because the harbour is between Portsmouth and Gosport. When we get off the ferry, we’ll walk through the town to the park. The park is huge. There are lots of sports pitches, but also trees so that we can sit in the shade. My Nan likes playing tennis, so I’d like to play this with her. I usually beat her. If we get hungry, we can eat some sandwiches. We could also go with a grown up to the shops if we need any other things to eat. When we go, I hope it will be a lovely day and I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun.

Maths To recognise the place value of each digit in a two digit number. (Tens and ones) Pick a number between 10 and 100:

  1. Write the number as a numeral
  2. Write the number in words
  3. Draw the dienes (tens and ones) to show this number as a jotting
  4. Write a number sentence for that number.

Challenge: Make a different number sentence.


1.24             2. twenty-four           3.                              4. 20 + 4 = 24        CH: 10 + 14 = 24

Repeat the above, with at least two more two digit numbers. 



To complete a PE challenge. Today is a one minute challenge. Get your grown up to time you and then see how many of each exercise you can do in one minute. 

  1. Star jump  – Jump in a star shape, bringing your hands together and then down by your side.
  2. Hops – Stand on one leg and jump
  3. Skips – You can use a rope, if you have one, or just skip on the spot.
  4. Frog jumps – Crouch in a frog position then leap up, landing back in frog position.

Challenge – Repeat each action and see if you can beat your score. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 28th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Becoming very familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales, retelling them and considering their particular characteristics

Choose a traditional tale story e.g. Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk etc (free ebooks available on, also some tales on twinkl too)

Read the story either independently or together and discuss how does it begin and end? The setting, the characters and the main plot of the story.

Once you have finished the story, try to retell it, you may want to write it down.

Extension activity – act out the story, you could dress up as the characters, create puppets and retell it as a puppet show.


-Using a capital letter for names of people

-Form capital letters

-Begin to form lower-case letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place

Think back to the traditional tale you read earlier and other traditional tale stories you may have read at home or school. Think about all the characters in those stories and whether they are known as a good or bad character.

Now make a list of all the good characters and bad characters from traditional tales. Remember a capital letter for their names and try to form all your letters correctly.

Extension activity – try to explain why you have put them as a good or bad character.

E.g. Goldilocks is a bad character because she breaks Baby Bear’s chair.

Also you may want to swap the characters around, make the good characters bad and the bad characters good – what would the traditional tale be like now?

Maths Compare, describe and solve practical problems for: mass or weight (e.g. heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than) 

Find a variety of random objects from your house about 6-8 items e.g. a tin, a pen, play dough, a carrot, a book etc. Then using your hands as bucket scales weigh and compare the items. Then using the language; heavy, light, heavier than and lighter than explain what you have found out. E.g. The book is heavier than the pen. 

Once you have weighed and compared all the items can you put them in order from lightest to heaviest?

Extension activity – If you have some kitchen weighing scales you can then measure each item and find its actual mass and see if you were correct.

Other: PE Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities 

Create either an exercise routine or an obstacle course in your house or garden. Try to involve the following movements; jumping, throwing, catching, hopping, balancing, running or jogging on the spot. You can use different objects such as hoops, toys, cushions, lego to make it more interesting.

Extension activity – time yourself doing the course, can you do it again quicker or slower? Can you beat your time? 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 27th April

Can the children start collecting wrappers / collage resources in preparation for Thursday’s learning please?

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Listen to and discuss non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently

Share a non-fiction text with your child (preferably instructions e.g. recipes, board game instructions, craft instructions such as Mister Maker).  Support your child by reading the text together as this may be beyond their reading level.  Focus on discussion of the text type, purpose and layout i.e. use of title, headings, numbers/bullet points, diagrams/photos and labels etc.

Why is it written like this? (Easy to follow, clear, step by step sequence, short and precise).


Write sentences by:

-Composing a sentence orally before writing it 

-Sequencing sentences to form short narratives

-Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense

Pre-writing task: Carry out a simple activity or task for which you can write some instructions e.g. washing hands, making a snack, making a paper plane/flower, playing a game etc.

Write your own set of instructions for how to do something.  Remember the features that you will need to include e.g. Title (How to…), You will need, Instructions (short, clear and precise).

Challenge: Can an adult follow your instructions? Do they make sense?

Maths Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations

Draw or print 10 emoji faces onto paper and number them 0-9.  Now use them to create your own addition and subtraction coded number sentences. You can vary the level depending on the ability of your child.

Sheets attached for those with printer access.


STEM Challenge

-Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks [for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing] 

-Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable

-Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking and mock-ups.

Whatever Floats your Boat!

Your challenge is to design and make a boat that floats using everyday materials such as paper/plastic cups, tin foil, cling film, tape, straws, food packaging, plastic bag, corks etc.

Explore different shapes and sizes and think about why some designs are better than others.How can you ensure it is waterproof?

Challenge 1: Can you make a boat that holds 20 pennies/lego bricks for 10 seconds without leaking water, tipping over or sinking?

Challenge 2: What is the largest number of coins/lego bricks that your boat can hold before sinking?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Emojis to print out and cut up:


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯



😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


Emojis to print out and cut up:


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


😃 😉 😑 ☹️ 😌 😶 😗 🌝 😊 😯


Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

ear R Home learning for Monday 27th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:


(Phonics/ Reading)

They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. Play countdown: Write a list of ten words and see how many times your children can read them in 2 minutes. Repeat the game and see if your child can beat their previous score. You can use the words below.

Phase 2

nip                         fat

hop                        sell

luck                       sad

fuss                       pick

bop                        jet

Phase 3

chair                    ship

rubber                 king

queen                 seed

fork                     park

hear                    light

Phase 4

drank                 crunch

street                 crust

crept                  trunk

blend                 grunt

shrink                clamp

Challenge: Can your child put some of the words into sentences. Can they include more than one of them in a sentence.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order.  Play Number Detectives: Challenge your child to go on a hunt for numbers around the house. Encourage them to read the numbers up to 20 independently and beyond that with support where needed. This could include finding numbers on clocks, remote controls, cereal/food packets, front door, game instructions, microwaves, mobile phones, cookers and many more!
Other: Music Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them. Pick some music that your child enjoys and encourage them to dance to it, matching their movement to the music. Can they come up with different moves?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 27th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To identify verbs in a text.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

1) Write a list of five words that you don’t know (or might not be sure of) the meaning of. This could be any word type (e.g. verb – stumble, noun – gavel, adjective – stupendous)

2) With a grown up – either ask them to explain the word meaning – write a short sentence to explain the word / or – look up the word meaning together, using the Internet – write a short sentence to explain the word (please use the Internet with grown up supervision).

example – 1) stumble – When someone trips and almost falls over.

Writing To plan and create writing frames for places we’d like to visit.

You will need – a pencil and at least two sheets of paper.

At the moment, we’re all trying really hard to stay at home as much as possible. Hopefully soon we’ll be able to go out again and visit places. Think – if you could go anywhere, where would you like to go? Your task today is to think of three places that you’d love to visit. They could be places you’ve been to before, or you could use your imagination and go somewhere new, to another country, another continent, or even another planet!

Today your challenge is to complete three ideas frames, one for each place. Look at the example here – use a blank sheet for each one.

Keep your notes safe, you will need them tomorrow!

Maths To read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and words. 

This week we will be looking at numbers between 0-100 and place value. Today we will be thinking about writing numbers as words and words as numerals.

Complete the following 5 questions writing the numbers in words:

Example: 35 – thirtyfive 

  1. 12 –
  2. 26 –
  3. 32 –
  4. 47 –
  5. 83 –

Now write these words and as numbers:

Example: twenty-two – 22

  1. fifty-one –
  2. ninety-four – 
  3. thirteen –
  4. sixty-five –
  5. seventy-eight –

Challenge: If you are enjoying writing the numbers as words, practise some others!



To find out information about a place you would like to visit?

Think about the places you would like to visit. 

Using either the internet or any other resources you have at home, can you find out some interesting facts about that place.

Don’t forget there are some great virtual tours on the school website

Challenge- Display your facts in a poster to get others to visit there as well.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Staff Well-being Gift

Staff Well-being Gift

This morning at school we were delivered a well-being gift for staff, which has been arranged for lots of local schools. This has been organised by some of our grandparents, who wanted to recognise and thank school staff for the work they are doing in supporting the children and families of key workers.

We are very grateful to receive such a  lovely gift – thank you.

Year 2 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Friday 24th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To identify past tense verbs in a text.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

1) Write a list of ten past tense verbs found in the text. Try to use a fiction text, which are usually written in the past tense

2) Play a game with someone – explain the meaning of the word (but don’t say the word). Are they able to say which word you’re explaining?

E.g. – what someone does if they want to escape from three angry bears quickly.

Writing To follow or read your own instructions and improve them.

Today you are going to test your own instructions. You can do this on your own, or with others. Be honest – follow your own instructions exactly as you wrote them!

Do your instructions work? Take photos if you can. Change, edit or improve your instructions if things don’t go to plan.

Evaluate – under your completed instructions, write what you think of them. Are they clear? Do they work? What would you change if you wrote them again?


To solve maths problems. 

To choose and use the correct operation. (+, -, X, ➗)

To show working out.

You will need – a pencil and paper.

Can you solve these maths problems? Remember – decide on the operations needed (+, -, X, ➗), write out a calculation, use methods to solve (column, blank number line, mental strategies, jottings). Check your answer – does your answer make sense?

1) Debbie swims 45 metres on Wednesday and 55 metres on Thursday, how far does she swim?

2) Dave has some stickers on a sheet. There are 3 stickers in each row and there are 7 rows. How many stickers does Dave have?

3) Elliot was playing with 34 marbles in the garden, sadly he lost 7 in the grass. How many does he have left?

4) Libby shared her 25 leftover chocolate eggs between herself and the other 4 people in her house. How many eggs did they each get?

5) There are 36 green apples and 23 red apples in the greengrocers shop – how many apples were there? 

6) Gabby was packing bananas into bags. Each bag can hold 6 bananas. Gabby had 60 bananas, how many bags does she need?

7) Alex has some trays of plants for her garden. Each tray has 4 plants, Alex has 5 trays, how many plants does she have?

8) Bruce bought a bag of 48 sweets he ate 26, how many did he have left?

Optional – photograph your calculations and send them by email to your class teacher.



linked to English

To follow your instructions

Use this time to follow your instructions and play your game or activity. 

You could film it so you can evaluate it later or film someone else following your instructions. 

Once you have played your game, then see if you can improve the game to link with your English work.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year R – Friday’s Home Learning

Year R – Friday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Friday 24th April 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – writing Children write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Listen again to Miss Cleeves reading ‘The singing Mermaid’ on our school website

Write about one of the characters from the story.

Maths Children Can order two or three items by length and use everyday language to talk about and compare objects.

Focus: length

Either use playdough/bricks to make worms that are long, longer, longest or short, shorter, shortest.

Challenge: Give your child a piece of string or a straight object and get them to find objects that are longer or shorter than the object and describe using the correct maths language.

Other: Health and Self-care Children know the importance for good health of physical exercise, and a healthy diet, and talk about ways to keep healthy and safe. 

Ask your child to cook or make a fruit salad, cakes or savoury dish for their lunch.

What will you need to do before you start cooking?  Why? (hand washing)

Can they talk about what is healthy/unhealthy?

What else could you do to help you keep healthy?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Friday 24th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words Share a book together, any book. Look through it together and talk about what is happening in each picture. Then go to the start and get our child to read it. If they have chosen a book that is a little too tricky, give them a target word to look out for or make them sound out words that can be sounded out. 
Writing Using –ing, -ed, -er and –est where no change is needed in the spelling of root words

On post its (or post it sized pieces of paper) write the words:

bright, cold, heat, bump, help, mix, see, go

Blu Tac these around the house or garden.

Then write the suffixes:

est, er, ed, ing

Give your child a suffix card, get them to find the word that suffix will go on the end of and still make sense. 

brightest, coldest, heater, bumper, helped, mixed, seeing, going. Some of the words work with more that one suffix – discuss that with your child. 

Maths Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20

Discuss with your child the pairs of numbers that make 10 or 20 (number bonds) e.g. 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5, 6+4, 7+3, 8+2, 9+1

Give your child the number cards 1-9, make a pile of something

in front of your child. e.g. 6 lego pieces. Your child should then put the number card that will make the number bond to 10. e.g. 4.

If your child finds number bonds to 10 easy then move on to number bonds to 20. 1+19, 2+18, 3+17, etc. 

Other:  Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves and other users based on design criteria. 

Show your child these products made from toilet roll.

Get them to choose the one they would like to make, encourage them to consider what resources they have at home e.g don’t choose to make a black ninja if you have no black paint. Help your child to collect the resources they will need. Get them to tell you which one they want to make and how they might do it. Remind them that there is no right or wrong way to do, it is about giving it their best go! Then let them create a toilet roll master piece!

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 23rd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – listening and attention Children answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events.

Listen to Miss Cleeves reading ‘The singing Mermaid’ on our school website

Talk to your child about their favourite part of the story.

Talk about the events that happened, the characters, the setting (where the story takes place).

Maths Children recognise, create and describe patterns.                             

Focus: To make a repeating pattern

Ask your child to find objects to make a repeating pattern e.g. pencil, sock, pencil, sock etc.

Challenge: Can you make a repeating pattern of more than 2 objects e.g.

Pencil, sock, lego, pencil, sock, lego …

Other: Physical development Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They handle equipment and tools effectively. Can your child create a spaceship for the aliens from either junk modelling or any construction toys that they have at home? (or they could draw a spaceship for the aliens)  Can they talk about their spaceship and describe what it can do?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –


Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 23rd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To identify sentence types.

After your daily reading;

Can you find one of each sentence type in the text you’ve read today? Copy one of each (if you can’t find all four, do as many as you can).

The four types of sentence – Question, Exclamation, Statememnet, Command.

Q – Where do hedgehogs go in the winter?

E – What an amazing picture that is!

S – The dog barked all night.

C – Please close the door, it’s cold outside.

Writing To write instructions – final four.

Read through your work. Read it to a grown up if you can. Make any changes or improvements if you need to.

Use Monday’s notes to write the rest of your instructions. Number each instruction, start each instruction on a new line. Does each instruction include a verb? Try to use different sentence starters. Remember – you are writing in the present tense.

When you have finished – read again! Read to a grown up if you can. Draw a picture (or pictures) to add detail to the instructions (or a final picture of something about the model, outcome, game or activity).


To develop fluency in division.

To choose the best division strategy for me.

To solve division problems. 

Today you will be practising your division (sharing or grouping) skills.

For the first 5 questions you will need to divide the numbers in your head. You might want to skip count.(Remember we have been learning to skip count in x2, x5 and x10)

  1. 12 2 =
  2. 10 5 =
  3. 20 2 =
  4. 20 10 =
  5. 14 2  =

For the next 5 questions choose the best dividing strategy for you. You might want to skip count, draw arrays or do jottings.

  1. 15 5 =
  2. 16 2 =
  3. 80 10 =
  4. 50 5 =
  5.  70 10 =

For the next 3 questions read them carefully. Write out the calculation. Decide on the best way for you and solve it – remember to show how you worked it out.

  1. Mrs Knapp had 20 flowers that she shared between her 4 friends. How many flowers did Mrs Knapp give each friend?
  2. Mrs Webb shares 35 balls of wool between her 7 friends. How many balls of wool do they get each?
  3. Mrs Norris shares 50 sweets between 10 children, how many does each child get? 



To explore somewhere different in the world

On the school website is a list of over 60 virtual tours.

Choose one and explore the tour. Make notes about where you visited. Can you find out where it is? What city is it in? What continent is it on? 

Challenge – Write a few sentences about your tour or design a poster to encourage others to go on the tour.  

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 23rd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.

Choose a fiction book you haven’t read before. (free ebooks available on Read the first few pages and then STOP! Can you predict what might happen next? Have a think about what has happened already, who the characters are and the setting of the story. Use this information to have a guess about what might happen next. Then write your prediction down (see writing task).

Finally once you have written your prediction down, read the rest of the story to find out if you were correct.

Writing Begin to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Can you write your prediction down – what do you think will happen next in the story? When they write their sentences get them to THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT! Get them to check they have remembered a capital letter and a full stop.

Extension activity – can you predict what the end of the story might be?

Try to write the ending of the story.

Maths Sequence events in chronological order using language such as: before and after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening 

Try to create a visual timetable for today or create one about the things you did yesterday. Order the activities for the day using language in the left hand box. It can be drawn or written.

E.g. Morning – First get dressed

                       Next have breakfast 

                       After … etc

       Afternoon – First read a book

                          Next … etc

Other: Science

Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. 

Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock 

‘We’re going on a Material Hunt…’ – go on a material hunt either around your house, garden or both and see what objects you can find and what different materials they are made from. If you want to you can write down the objects and their materials.

E.g. tin – metal

Extension activities – you could then sort the objects based upon the materials they are made from.

Year 1 Science Education City Activity: Made to Last, Rock Paper Scissors and Hardware Store

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 22nd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To identify adjectives in a text.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

1) Write a list of ten adjectives found in the text. Remember, adjectives are describing words – they often describe a noun (e.g. red flower, huge tree ).

2) Play a game with someone – explain the meaning of the word (but don’t say the word). Are they able to say which word you’re explaining?

E.g. – the colour of leaves in autumn.

Writing To write instructions – first four.

Read through Tuesday’s work. Add / improve / correct anything that you can.

Go back to Monday’s notes. Today you are going to write the instructions. Read through your notes, then read each instruction (as a complete sentence) to someone. Can they understand your instructions? Do they make sense? Do they have enough detail? The listener might have some ideas on how the instructions could be improved (or they might not understand – if you have to explain something further, you need to add this to your notes).

When you are happy that your notes are clear, begin to write your instructions. A target for today is to write four clear, detailed instructions. Each should make sense to someone who has never done this thing before.

Number each instruction, start each instruction on a new line. Remember – you are writing in the present tense. When you have completed the four instructions, read them out loud to yourself, or someone else. Do they make sense? Are they clear? Improve or edit if you need to.


To develop fluency in multiplication.

To choose the best multiplication strategy for me.

To solve multiplication problems. 

Today you will be practising your multiplying skills.

For the first 5 questions you will need to multiply the numbers in your head. You might want to skip count.(Remember we have been learning to skip count in x2, x5 and x10)

  1. 3 x 2 =
  2. 10 x 3 =
  3. 2 x 5 =
  4. 2 x 10 =
  5. 4 x 2  =

For the next 5 questions choose the best multiplying strategy for you. You might want to skip count, draw arrays or do jottings.

  1. 5 x 5 =
  2. 6 x 2 =
  3. 8 x 10 =
  4. 9 x 5 =
  5.  7 x 5 =

For the next 3 questions read them carefully. Write out the calculation. Decide on the best way for you and solve it – remember to show how you worked it out.

  1. Mrs Marshman gave 6 children 10 pencils each, how many pencils did she give out?
  2. Mr Wells had 10 sets of 4 books, how many books does he have?
  3. Mr McEvoy baked 6 groups of 6 rolls, how many rolls did he bake?



To discuss how we feel about  Covid 19 and to understand more about it.  

To write and answer questions

Make a list of questions you would like to discuss with a grown up about the coronavirus. You can write them down or just discuss them.   

You can see Take a look at this useful pages on our school website about Covid 19 to see if they answer any of your questions.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 22nd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – reading They read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

High Frequency Target Game

You will need some pieces of paper and a pair of socks made into a ball.

Choose some high frequency words and write them on pieces of paper. Lay the words on the floor. 

1.Your child can throw the sock ball and say the word it lands on.      OR

2. When you say a word your child needs to try and throw the sock ball onto the matching word. Alternatively if you have a nerf gun or water pistol they could use those to aim at the words!   

Phase 2: I , no, the, to, go, into        

Phase 3: he, she, we, me, be, you, are, her, was, all, they, my

Phase 4:said, have, like, so, do, some, come, little, one, were, there, what, when, out

Challenge: Can the children put the words into an oral/written sentence.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20. Say which number is one more or less than a given number.

Focus: One more/One less

Tell your child a number (1-20). Ask your child to place this number of raisins or cereal pieces or other food item on their plate. If you say ‘one more’, your child should add one more and say the number they have. If you say ‘one less’, your child should take one away by eating one then count the number they have left.

Other: Creative Children will safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

Watch the story Aliens love Underpants by Claire Freedman available at:

Can your child create some underpants for the aliens to wear?

You may want to experiment with different media, textures or materials. 

e.g  paint, feathers, card, beads

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 22nd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read words with contractions and understand that the apostrophe represents the omitted letter

Select a book of your choice. As you read through the book, write down any words that contain apostrophes on cards. Once the book is finished, look at the words that contained apostrophes and discuss with a grown up which letter has been omitted to join the two words e.g. don’t = do not, the o  was omitted. These apostrophes word cards can be used as flashcards at a later date if you wish. 

(be mindful that some words have an apostrophe for possession, so no letters are omitted e.g. Sam’s shoes). 

Challenge: can you think of your own sentence to say containing a word that uses an apostrophe?

Writing Naming letters of the alphabet in order

Sing the alphabet song. After singing, make the alphabet in any way you choose – letters made out of plasticine, painted, torn out from a magazine or just written on a piece of paper. A grown up should then  cover or hide certain letters (can be one at a time, or multiple) and you need to work out which letter is missing. 

Write out the letters of the alphabet in upper and lower case letters (remember cursive lower case letters start at the bottom, but upper case letters start at the top)


Measure and begin to record the following

– time (hours, minutes, seconds)

Use a stopwatch (an app on a phone or tablet will do!) to see how long a minute is. Then estimate (a sensible guess) how long it will take you to do something e.g. go up and down the stairs three times , to do 30 star jumps, to write your name 10 times etc… 

Once you have made your estimate, carry out the activity with the timer running. See how long it takes you. Were you right? 

Discussion points: 

Which unit of measurement (seconds, minutes, hours) would be used to measure the following: 

  • To open and close a door
  • To wash your hands
  • To get a ferry to France

Can you think of anything else that would be measured in seconds, minutes or hours?


·  play tuned and untuned instruments musically 

– select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing 

Create your own musical instrument and play along to a favourite song.

You could make a shaker (container with rice/pasta/beads etc… in) , a drum (any container – does it make different sounds if hit with your hand or a beater of some kind?) or a string instrument (a tissue box with elastic bands or string around would make a good guitar!)

If you are stuck, Google “junk modelling musical instruments” for some ideas.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 


Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 21st April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.

Phonics word and object matching game

Similar to yesterday using objects like those listed below:

Phase 2: pan, pot, cup, mug, pen, bag, tap, mat, top, can

Phase 3: chair, box, book, light, soap, butter, rubber, 

Phase 4:  spoon, fork, plug, hairbrush, trainer, toaster, screen

Ask your child to hunt around the house for an object.  Encourage them to sound out the word and write a label for the object. Repeat for other objects. 

Note: If they choose other objects not on the list and sound them out phonetically that is fine e.g they might choose to label a teddy and might spell it ‘teddee’ or sofa  ‘soafer’ this is fine as we are trying to encourage the children to be more independent with their writing and use the sounds we have taught them.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.

Using the numbers 1 to 20. Go on a number hunt around the house looking for groups of objects to match each number.


1 – bath

2 – shoes

3 – spoons etc

20 – pieces of lego.

Children could draw the objects to go with each number.

Challenge: can your child check the number by counting in 2’s or 5’s?

Other:  Children answer ‘how’ and ‘’why’ questions in response to stories.

Watch the story Aliens love Underpants by Claire Freedman available at:

Talk about the story and what your child thinks about Space and Aliens.

What is an alien?

What do you think you would see in space?

If you could go to space, how would you travel in space?

Why do you think the Aliens like underpants?


Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 21st April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To identify nouns in a text.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

1) Write a list of ten nouns found in the text. Remember, nouns are ‘things’ – some can be seen, but some can’t (e.g. floor, book, Friday).

2) Play a game with someone – explain the meaning of the word (but don’t say the word). Are they able to say which word you’re explaining?

E.g. – a day of the week when fish fingers are on the school lunch menu.

Writing To write the first part of instructions (intro sentences, equipment list, first instruction).

You will need – a pencil and paper (lined paper if you have it).

Read through your notes from Monday. Imagine you are explaining this activity to someone who has never played it or done it before. If you like (and have time), you could do the activity or game again, but this is not absolutely necessary. If you do, follow your own notes (as instructions). If your notes are not clear, or have parts missing, add them as you think about or do the activity.

Today your task is to write the first part of your instructions, not all of them.

Think about the instructions you have written at school this year – cone dragon, Goldilocks cardboard cottage, porridge.

Super, clear, easy to follow instructions usually look the same –

a) a title

b) some introduction sentences

c) an equipment list

d) step by step instructions

Today’s tasks – a, b and c (not d).

a) Title – e.g. How to play hockey

b) When we have done the introduction at school, we’ve usually focussed on two sentences, a question and a command – e.g. Would you like to become an amazing hockey player? Ever wondered how to play hockey? Read these super, simple instructions to find out how.

c) Use the title Equipment list or You will need. Think about all of the things needed, including what the game or activity is played on (a game board, grass, bedroom floor, park, beach etc). Write the equipment needed as a bullet point list.

Check through your work so far. Are your introduction sentences detailed and correctly punctuated?


To develop fluency in subtraction.

To choose the best subtraction strategy for me.

To solve subtraction problems.

Today you will be practising your subtracting (take away) skills.

For the first 5 questions you will need to take away (subtract) the numbers in your head. You might want to hold the smaller number in your head and count on or partition or count back.

  1. 9 – 5 =
  2. 15 – 8 =
  3. 19 – 6 =
  4. 16 – 10 =
  5. 19 – 11 =

For the next 5 questions choose the best subtraction (take away) strategy for you. You might want to partition the numbers, draw the Dienes, use a number line or use the column method.

  1. 24 – 14 =
  2. 28 – 16 =
  3. 44 – 22 = 
  4. 37 – 15 = 
  5.  26 – 18 =

For the next 3 questions read them carefully. Write out the calculation. Decide on the best way for you and solve it – remember to show how you worked it out.

  1. Mrs Marshman had 28 tennis balls and gave 18 to Mrs Knapp. How many balls did Mrs Marshman have left?
  2. Mr McEvoy had 32 biscuits, he ate 12 of them, how many did he have left?
  3. Mr Wells had 34 football cards, he gave 15 of them away. How many did he have left ?



To design and make a card for Capt Tom Moore.

You may have seen in the news about Capt. Tom Moore who has raised 15 million for the NHS by doing 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday. 

There is a campaign to design and make him a birthday card. Your challenge is to create a card for Capt Tom.

Take pictures to share with your teacher and if you want to you could even send him your card in the post. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 21st April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read other words of more than one syllable that contain learnt sounds

Select a book of your choice. On a piece of paper, draw a table with a column for 2 syllables, 3 syllables, 4 syllables, 5 syllables (you may want to only focus on 2 or 3 syllables or challenge yourself to find longer words) 

As you read through the book, spot the words that contain more than one syllable and record them in the correct column (i.e. unbelievable would be in the 5 syllable column).  

Challenge- which column has the fewest words? Can you include some of your own words? 

Writing Begin to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.  Write a letter to someone that you are missing. Think about what it is that you want to tell them and what questions you would like to ask. Are there any interesting facts or funny events that you can include? Remember to vary the way that you begin your sentences and include a range of punctuation. 
Maths Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20. 

Using number cards that you already have (or numbers written on paper), shuffle the cards and select one from the pile. How many different ways can you make that number by adding or subtracting? Can you record it in a systematic way? How many different numbers can you complete this for? 

Challenge- play against a partner- both choose a card and the person with the most correct addition and subtraction sentences is the winner! 

Further challenge (if needed) – what links can you make to other numbers? If you know that 3+5= 8, how can you apply this to multiples of ten (30+50=80) or other number sentences? 

Other:  Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting, shaping, joining and finishing Using a resource of your choice (junk modelling, lego, playdough…) Make a farm animal. Where possible, think about the colours and features that you need to include. If this is not possible, you could carefully complete a drawing of a farm animal using an image from the internet. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Monday 20th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Recognise and read common exception words in and out of context (house, school, friend, once, where, were, said, here, they, there).

Write each common exception word (house, school, friend, once, where, were, said, here, they, there) on a cut up piece of paper or card.  It is useful to have two sets. Use these to play games that help your child to recognise and read the words by sight e.g.

Corners – spread the word cards out around the room.  Child runs to the word you say.

Ready, Aim, Fire! – spread the cards out on the floor or a wall.  Use an object to hit the appropriate card i.e. nerf gun, wooden spoon

Pairs – Place two sets of words face down in a random order to form 4 rows of 5 cards.  Child turns 2 over at a time. Can they find the matching pairs?

Writing To spell common exception words correctly. Choose 5 of the common exception words and write a sentence for each.  Encourage your child to picture the word as they write it or think about the tricky parts e.g. the ‘i’ in friend.  Remember to say the sentence out loud and think about capital letters and full stops.

Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations.

Add and subtract one digit and two digit numbers to 20.

Choose a 2 digit number between 10 and 30.  Write the number in your home learning book and find different ways to represent it using actual objects, pictorial representations and number sentences e.g.

12 = 


6 + 6 = 12     20 – 8 = 12 10 + 2 = 12     14 – 2 = 12

Other:  Build a structure and explore how it can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable.

Use objects from around your house to build a bridge that spans a gap (newspaper, card, tubes, cups, tins,building bricks etc).  What can it hold? How will you test it? Think about ways you can make it stronger so that it can support more weight. 

Discuss different structures and strengthening techniques.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 20th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To identify verbs in a text.

After your daily reading;

Choose a book.

1) Write a list of ten verbs found in the text. Remember, verbs are ‘doing’ words (e.g. walk, read, write).

2) Play a game with someone – explain the meaning of the word (but don’t say the word). Are they able to say which word you’re explaining?

E.g. – you hold a pen or pencil and make marks on a piece of paper that others can read.

Writing To think about an activity or game – carry out and make notes.

You will need – a pencil and a sheet of paper.

What games have you played during the Easter break? Have you played any games outside or in the garden? What have you played inside? Maybe it was a sports game, a board game, or something else like an exercise routine

Another idea is to make something today. It could be something to eat, a junk model (from card, paper, plastic pots), a craft activity, or a LEGO model.

1) If you can, do the activity again.

2) As you work through the game / activity, make notes about what you are doing (if doing the activity again is not possible, think it through in your head, or talk it through with someone else). Make sure your notes are in the correct order. Just write key words, not complete sentences. Try to make / divide the doing part into eight stages.

3) When completed – tidy away!

4) Read carefully through your notes – are they in the correct order? Have you included verbs (doing words) at each stage?

5) Can you add an adverb to some of the stages of what you did (remember – an adverb describes a verb and often ends with -ly, e.g. write neatly, run quickly).

Keep your notes safe, you will need them tomorrow!


To develop fluency in addition.

To choose the best addition strategy for me.

To solve addition problems.

Today you will be practising your adding skills.

For the first 5 questions you will need to add the numbers in your head. You might want to hold the bigger number in your head and add or or partition to make 10 and add on.

  1. 7 + 5 =
  2. 12 + 8 =
  3. 9 + 6 =
  4. 16 +10 =
  5. 14 + 11 =

For the next 5 questions choose the best adding strategy for you. You might want to partition the numbers, draw the Dienes, use a number line or the column method..

  1. 25 + 14 =
  2. 32 + 16 =
  3. 45 + 22 = 
  4. 37 + 15 = 
  5.  26 + 16 =

For the next 3 questions read them carefully. Write out the calculation. Decide on the best way for you and solve it – remember to show how you worked it out.

  1. Mrs Marshman had 18 Easter eggs and Mrs Knapp had 22. How many eggs did they have altogether?
  2. Mr Wells planted 10 courgette seeds, 14 tomato seeds and 16 lettuce seeds, how many seeds has he planted?
  3. When he went shopping Mr McEvoy bought 24 packets of salt and vinegar crisps and 32 packets of cheese and onion crisps, how many packets of crisps did he buy?



To play a game or activity

Use this time to play your game or activity linked to English. 

Remember as you work through the game / activity to make notes about what you are doing Make sure your notes are in the correct order. Just write key words, not complete sentences. Try to make / divide the doing part into eight stages.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 20th April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.

Phonics word and object matching game.

Write labels for objects from around the house for your child: E.g

Phase 2: pan, pot, cup, mug, pen, bag, tap, mat, top, can

Phase 3: chair, box, book, light, soap, butter, rubber, 

Phase 4:  spoon, fork, plug, hairbrush, trainer, toaster, screen

Ask your child to hunt around the house and match the labels to the objects.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order. 

Log in to educationcity using your child’s username and password.

Click on ‘homework’ 

Click on: maths – Year R

Play the ‘Jack in the Box’ game. The computer will record your child’s score.

If you still do not have your child’s login details, please call the school office and they should be able to tell you the details over the phone. 

Other: Music Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.

Sing a range of Nursery Rhymes together. Visit the BBC Nursery Rhymes website  and see if you can find the song ‘5 Little Men in a Flying Saucer’

What is your favourite Nursery Rhyme?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Welcome to Langstone Infant School

Welcome to Langstone Infant School

I am so pleased to hear that you have been offered a place at our school for September 2020. Starting school is an exciting time but for some it can be daunting, which is why we always go to great lengths to ensure we have good communication with the settings children are coming from and that parents and children have  opportunities to become familiar with their new school before the start of the summer holiday. 
I would just like to reassure you in these difficult times, that we are busy planning how this will take place under the current conditions and we’ll be in touch with details about this soon. In the meantime, if you are at all anxious or concerned about the transition, look around our website to get a feel for some of the fun and exciting learning opportunities we offer all children.
Best wishes,
Miss Page
A Spring Poem

A Spring Poem

This was shared with us by some parents, we thought you might like it too.

The Time We Spring-Cleaned the World 🌱

The world it got so busy,
There were people all around.
They left their germs behind them;
In the air and on the ground.
These germs grew bigger and stronger.
They wanted to come and stay.
They didn’t want to hurt anyone –
They just really wanted to play.
Sometimes they tried to hold your hand,
Or tickled your throat or your nose.
They could make you cough and sneeze
And make your face as red as a rose.
And so these germs took over.
They started to make people ill,
And with every cough we coughed
More and more germs would spill.
All the queens and kings had a meeting.
“It’s time to clean the world up!” they said.
And so they had to close lots of fun stuff,
Just so these germs couldn’t spread.
We couldn’t go to cinemas
Or restaurants for our tea.
There was no football or parties,
The world got as quiet as can be.
The kids stopped going to school,
The mums and dads went to work less.
Then a great, big, giant scrubbing brush
Cleaned the sky and the sea and the mess!
Dads started teaching the sums,
Big brothers played with us more,
Mums were in charge of homework
And we read and played jigsaws galore!
The whole world was washing their hands
And building super toilet roll forts!
Outside was quiet and peaceful,
Now home was the place for all sports.
So we played in the world that was home
And our days filled up with fun and love,
And the germs they grew smaller and smaller
And the sun watched from up above.
Then one morning the sun woke up early,
She smiled and stretched her beams wide.
The world had been fully spring cleaned,
It was time to go back outside!
We opened our doors oh so slowly
And breathed in the clean and fresh air.
We promised thar forever and always
Of this beautiful world we’d take care! 💕
Author ~ Louise Gribbons • Hunterhouse College
Artist ~ Maggie Vandewalle ✨
Year 2 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Friday 3rd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To read aloud fluently.

Go to and watch a grown up read a story.

Your challenge today is to pick a book you know well and read it aloud to a grown up. 

Optional – Can you record yourself reading it and send it to your class teacher. 


To make additions and revisions to improve your writing.

To perform your poem.

Read through your poem from yesterday. Can you make any additions or revisions? (Purple polish)

Could you add an adjective or change a word to make it sound better? 

When you are happy read your poem aloud. Can you make it a performance? Think about how you use your voice?

Optional – Can you record yourself reading it and send it to your class teacher. 


To solve maths problems. 

To choose and use the correct operation. (+, -, X, ➗)

To show working out.

You will need – a pencil and paper.

Can you solve these five maths problems? Remember – decide on the operations needed (+, -, X, ➗), write out a calculation, use methods to solve (column, blank number line, mental strategies, jottings). Check your answer – does your answer make sense?

1) Tom has 21 apples, he gives three to each of his friends. How many friends does he have?

2) Sam wants to buy a ball for 43p. She has 26p. How much more money does she need?

3) Ella buys 4 boxes of eggs. There are 5 eggs in each box. How many eggs are there altogether?

4) Emma goes to the shops with 45p. She buys a drink for 17p. How much change will she have afterwards?

5) There are 27 children in Class 5 and 26 children in Class 9. What is the total number of children in the two classes?

Optional – photograph your calculations and send them by email to your class teacher.


Easter theme – PE

To master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

Children could make their own ‘Easter relay race / obstacle course’. Can be done inside or outside. Children to set up an obstacle course. You could use chairs, blankets, brooms, skipping ropes, cushions (as stepping stones) chalk markings. etc.

Using chocolate eggs, a ball or bean bag, children to move the object from point a. to point b. Can develop a point system per egg / ball. Discuss how to make a time limit. (How many seconds in a minute? 2 minutes? etc)

Allow all members of the family to have a turn if they’d like! Compare times.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Friday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Friday 3rd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Apply phonic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words

Write down or print the Phase 5 sounds. Choose one and see if you can think of lots of different words with that sound in. 

Writing Can I spell the days of the week.

Sing the days of the week song. 

‘There’s Sunday and there’s Monday, there’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday, there’s Thursday and there’s Friday and then there’s Saturday. Days of the week (clap, clap) Days of the week (clap, clap)’ It is sung to ‘The Adams Family’ theme tune. 

Get your child to write down the days of the week. They are not words that are easy to sound out so they need to be practised. You could do theLook, say, cover, write, check’ method that we use to practise spellings. 

There are also some games we have set on Education City that you can do if possible.

Maths Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens.

Solve these problems – Use jottings (drawings to help) or write out the calculation to help.

If one bike needs 2 wheels…

How many wheels would two bikes need?

How many wheels would three bikes need?

How many wheels would five bikes need?

If a vase has 5 flowers in…

How many flowers would there be if I had two vases?

How many flowers would there be if I had three vases?

How many flowers would there be if I had four vases? 

Other:  Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; know where to go for help and support when they have concerns about material on the internet. Remind your child of the schools ‘Keeping safe online’ rules. Get them to explain to why it is important not share personal information. Get them to sort the information below into ‘can share’ and ‘don’t share’. 

  • Name
  • If you can swim
  • Where you live
  • If you have a brother or sister
  • The name of your school
  • How old you are

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Friday’s Home Learning

Year R – Friday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Friday 3rd April 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – writing Children write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.

Re-share the cautious caterpillar story available on our school website 

Ask your child to write about their favourite part of the story (they can use the exercise book we have provided). Note: It is ok if words are not spelt perfectly as long as the children are writing the sounds they can hear. Encourage them to leave finger spaces between each word. They can draw a picture to go with their writing if they would like.  You can download a sound mat to help them here–3-sound-mats (if you are not already registered visit and use the code CVDTWINKLHELPS )

Maths Children use everyday language to talk about capacity, to compare quantities and to solve problems. 

Focus: Capacity

Find a range of different containers and talk to your child about when the container is full, empty, half full, half empty. Can your child use the maths language above independently?

The next step is to find which container holds the most and least by testing using one of the smaller containers as the unit of measure. Your child could make a prediction and record their prediction on a piece of paper or a board and then check by testing – counting the amount of times the smaller container needs to be refilled until the larger container is ‘full’.  

Other: PSHE

Children talk about how they and others show feelings. 

They show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings.

Focus: PSHE Talk to your child about the current situation? What do they know and understand?  What questions would they like to ask?

Give your child the opportunity to ask/share their concerns/questions/worries?

Talk about how different members of the family feel and let your child know that it is ok to have those feelings and feel differently to each other.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 2nd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To discuss word meanings, to understand what I am reading.

Read a book to a grown up. Choose a book that might challenge you as a reader. 

As you find a word you do not understand, write it down on a post-it or in your book.

Use the internet or a dictionary to find out what those words mean and write the definition in your book.  

Writing To write an acrostic poem

Look at your mind map from yesterday.

Write an acrostic poem using either SPRING or SPRINGTIME. 

An acrostic poem is a poem where each line begins with a letter from a word. 

The lines can be long and extended or they can be one word, it is up to you!

Remember to look back at your work from this week to help you with your ideas.

Here are some examples.

Start each new letter on a new line. Think back to when we wrote acrostic poems about jungle animals. You can use pens or crayons to make the first letter stand out even more. 

Challenge – Can you use clauses to extend your sentences? Can you use different sentence types e.g question or exclamation. 

Maths To reinforce knowledge of time.

You will need – a pencil, paper, ruler, rubber, something circular to draw clock faces (clean jar lid etc). Optional – camera / device to photograph your completed sheet to email to school.

List down times of events throughout the day. Next to each event, write the time and draw a clock to show this time. Grown ups – it may be necessary to round times to the nearest 15 minute interval – i.e. 2 o’clock, ¼ past 2, ½ past 2, ¼ to 3. Some children may need support with this, others will know times beyond the main 15 minute markers (those listed above), such as 5 past, 10 past etc. Allow the children to tell you what they know and work from there.

Events – getting up – eating breakfast – home learning – snack – break – tv time – lunch – exercise / playing outside – dinner / tea – bath / shower – reading – brushing teeth – bed time (use as many of these as you can).

When drawing the clocks – remember to use a ruler – the long hand shows the minutes, the short hand shows the hours.


Easter theme

To use drawing, painting or sculpture to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination.

Draw or paint a picture / card – anything they want along the theme of Easter. Try to set them a target e.g. try to fill the whole page or include an element of Easter in your picture. Once your child has drawn or painted their picture, get them to tell you what they have drawn, ask them questions like ‘What is your favourite part?’ or ‘Is there anything you might change?’

You could use this as a stimulus for writing a sentence about their picture.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Thursday 2nd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by:

Listening to stories and saying what they like or dislike about a text.

Share a fiction book with your child. Choose one that is a little too difficult for them to read independently. Read the book together for pleasure. Once you have finished the story, ask your child for their opinion on different aspects of the book e.g. story, pictures, characters, layout and language.  What did they like or dislike? Can they give reasons?

To punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.

To begin to use ‘and’ to join two sentences.

Ask your child to write a book review of the story.  They need to say what the book is about, what they liked/disliked about it, what their favourite part was, who they would recommend it to and what ‘star’ rating they would give it.  When they write their sentences, encourage them to THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT! Get them to check they have remembered a capital letter and a full stop. 
Maths Compare, describe and solve practical problems for length.

Make some worms of different lengths (using playdoh, wool, ribbon or string).  Can the children compare them to find out which is the longest?

Ask your child to measure how long the worms are with objects in your house such as lego bricks, paper clips, pennies or hair clips (make sure the objects are the same type and size).

Choose one worm and ask your child to find things that are longer or shorter than the worm.

Year 1 Education City Maths Game: Long, Tall and Short


Use drawing, painting or sculpture to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination.

Identify and describe the basic structure of a common flowering plant.

Ask your child to carefully draw or make a flowering plant (junk model / playdoh) thinking carefully about the different parts.  Once they have finished, help them to identify and discuss/label the different parts (stem, petal, leaf, roots etc.) describing the role of each part.

Year 1 Education City Science Game: Flora Facts

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Thursday 2nd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – listening and attention Children answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events. Visit the school website and listen to Miss Beckwith reading the story of the cautious caterpillar . Talk to your child about all the different events that happened in the story. What happened first? Next? After that? You can download some talk cards linked to the story from Twinkl at (if you are not already registered visit and use the code CVDTWINKLHELPS )
Maths Children explore the characteristics of everyday objects and shapes and use mathematical language to describe them.                                

Focus: 2D shapes – triangle, circle, square and rectangle.

How many different 2D shapes can you find in your home?

Remind your child what the 4 shapes look like – you could use a shape song e.g.

Sort the objects found into 4 groups and talk about what you can see – encourage the use of words linked to their properties: e.g, 2D flat shape, sides, corners, straight, curved.

Other: Physical development

Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.

They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. 

Focus: Different ways of travelling

How many different ways can you travel?

Talk to your child about different ways can you travel, can they suggest any?

Practice moving in different ways:

Hopping, skipping, jumping, running, jogging, 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Wednesday 1st April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

To read suffix words (–s, –es, –ing, –ed, –er and –est) 

(-ful, -ment, -less, -ness)

Using the books in your house find as many different suffix words as you can. 

Make a list using commas in your exercise book.

Challenge – Choose your favourite 5 words and write them in a sentence. Can you use 2 in the same sentence? 

Writing To plan a poem.

We are going to be write an acrostic poem using the word SPRING or SPRINGTIME

An acrostic poem is a poem where each line begins with a letter from a word. 

The lines can be long and extended or they can be one word, it is up to you!

Choose which word you are going to plan for. Challenge yourself to write the longer poem! 

Here is the planning sheet we used to plan our jungle acrostic poems last half term.

Look back at your expanded noun phrases. Can you group them to one of the letters? If not can you think of interesting words that start with one of the letters in your chosen word. Create a Mind Map or a plan like the one above by grouping words or phrases for each letter of your chosen word,

Challenge – Can you begin to put these phrases into sentences for each letter. This will help you to write the poem tomorrow. 


To reinforce knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes

2D word bank –









3D word bank –

triangular based prism




square based pyramid

triangular based pyramid



You will need – a pencil and some paper (Post-it notes if you have them). Optional – a phone, tablet or camera to take pictures.

What shapes can you find around your house? Can you find five different 2D and five different 3D shapes?

Choose which way to record your findings:


1) (No camera) – write the name of the shape on a piece of paper. Under the name, write the properties of that shape (key words below).


2) (With a camera or device) – write the name of the shape on a piece of paper. Under the name, write the properties of that shape (key words below). Take a photo of each shape (with the label next to it or stuck to it). Send your findings to your teacher via the class email address.

2D shapes – count the corners, count the sides

3D shapes – count the edges, count the faces, count the vertices, name the 2D faces that you can see on the shape.


Topic revision

To recall facts I have learnt.

Go to the ‘Learning at home’ section of the school website.

What was your child’s favourite topic so far this year? Explore all the revision links and activities available with your  child. Spend time discussing things they remember and have learnt. 

Allow children to explore the revision tools from the other topics. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman – 

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Wednesday 1st April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Read common exception words, noting unusual correspondences between spelling and sound and where these occur in the word. Tricky Word Treasure Hunt – Pick a book you can read together or one your child can read independently. As you read it, can you find and read the common exception words (see attached sheet). Highlight/colour every common exception word you read and find – you get 1 point for a year 1 word and 2 points for a year 2 word. Discuss why the words were tricky and you can always continue this activity with another book.

To spell the days of the week.

To punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop.

At the beginning of the day (after your optional Joe Wicks workout) get your child to write 1 sentence about something they have done on each day. E.g. On Sunday…, On Monday…, On Tuesday… etc. When they write their sentence get them to THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT! Get them to check they have remembered a capital letter and a full stop.

They can then continue this the rest of week to ensure they are practising writing all the days of the week.


Recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including: 

– 2-D shapes (e.g. rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles) 

– 3-D shapes (e.g. cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres). 

‘We’re going on a Shape Hunt…’ – go on a shape hunt either around your house, garden or both and see what 2D and 3D shapes your child can discover (Food in the kitchen cupboards are great shapes!). Discuss their names and properties (sides, corners, edges, vertices and faces) of the shapes they find and compare the same shapes but different sizes e.g. a cereal box and tissue box.

Year 1 Maths Education City Activity: Bar-B-Shapes and Sunny Shapes

Other: Science and Geography

Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom.

Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies.  

Create a weather chart together (see attached sheet if template is needed). Each day record the weather, temperature, time of sunrise and sunset (BBC weather will help with this). Discuss how the weather and temperature relates to the seasons and how the clocks going forward (On Sunday 29th March) affects when it gets light and dark now. This can be an ongoing project.

Year 1 Science Education City Activity: Seasons to be Cheerful

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mrs Carter + Mrs Blakely –

Miss Owen –

Mrs Watson – 

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 1st April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – reading They read some common irregular words. They demonstrate understanding when talking with others about what they have read.

Write high frequency words on pieces of paper and hide them around the room. e.g the, to, be, she

Ask your child to find certain words. Can you find …… ‘be’?

Encourage your child to say or write that word in a sentence. e.g I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20. Using quantities and objects, they add two single-digit numbers and count on to find the answer.

Focus: Adding

Using bowls of objects can your child add two groups of objects together (up to a total of 20)  to find the total. Can they count all the objects to find the total? Can they ‘count on’ from the biggest number group to find the total? Remind your child to move the objects when counting to ensure they count accurately.

Other: Creative Children will safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.

Draw or make a bug hotel. A bug hotel is a habitat for bugs. You can choose to make it from whatever you wish e.g toilet roll tubes, lego, sticks and leaves.

Talk about what would make a good bug habitat. Talk about why your child has used certain materials.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –

Miss Cleeves –

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Tuesday 31st March

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To express likes and dislikes about books.

Think about your book from yesterday and write a book review. 

Why did you choose it? What do you like about it? Why would you recommend it to others? 

Think about who else in your class would like this book and why?

Here some example layouts or make your own. 


Writing To write a range of interesting sentences using expanded noun phrases.

Watch again.

Look at your list of expanded noun phrases (ENP) from yesterday. 

Write at least 5 sentences using your ENP. Use a range of coordinate (and, but, so) and subordinate (because, that, if, when) clauses to extend your sentences. 

Challenge – Can you use a range of sentence types to describe the video. Can you write an exclamation sentence?  

Maths To reinforce knowledge of the relationship between multiplication and division.

You will need – a pencil and some paper.

Use these groups of three numbers to write out two multiplication and two division calculations. Remember, only use the three numbers each time.

Example – 2, 3, 6 – 1) 2 x 3 = 6   2) 3 x 2 = 6 3) 6 ÷ 3 = 2   4) 6 ÷ 2 = 3

a) 2, 5, 10   b) 3, 4, 12 c) 4, 5, 20   d) 3, 5, 15 e) 5, 6, 30 f) 2, 7, 14

Remember the golden rules!

division – the biggest number always goes first

multiplication – the biggest number always comes last



To master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

Go to the Learning at home section of the school website on to ‘Energy Using Activities’

Scroll to the ‘Challenges’ read through the challenges together – encourage your child to read them to you. There are 5 challenges in total. 

Which challenge would they like to try today? Have a go at the one that they choose! 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 1 Home learning for Tuesday 31st March

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

Become very familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales, retelling

them and considering their particular characteristics

Ask your child to choose a story to read (preferably a traditional tale). Read together or let them read it to you. After the story, discuss the key features (good/bad characters/happy ending/setting of the story/ Traditional Tale etc) Challenge your child to find other books that have similar features to the ones in the story. 
Writing To punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop. To form letters in a cursive style.  This could be an activity to follow on from reading. Challenge your child to take the ending from a known traditional tale and rewrite it with different events (Goldilocks doesn’t get away from the three bears/ The woodcutter forgets his axe when he tries to save Red Riding Hood and her Grandma). Rehearse the sentences together and let your child write them. (Remember to use yesterday’s strategy of THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT!) Focus on slow and clear formation of letters as well as capital letters and full stops. 
Maths Read and write numbers in numerals and words. 

Show a number written in digit form (you could use playing cards or numbers written on paper). Have a pile of numbers laid out for your child to choose. As they turn it over, challenge them to read it and write it correctly as a word. (You could encourage them to tell you about the number ie- it is larger than… it has … tens) Repeat with the numbers written in word form and encourage your child to write it as digits. (You could have a mixture of both numbers and words) 

Work to where your child is comfortable. This could be 0-10, 0-20 or a focus on numbers greater than 20. 


Use the basic principles of a

healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes. To understand where food comes from.

Discuss the range of foods you have in your household. Talk to your child about healthy and unhealthy choices. (They have learnt about this when the Dental Students visited us so they should be able to identify good food choices.) Ask your child where the food comes from (animals, trees, plants) and if they are from the UK or another country. Encourage your child to either plan a healthy meal or take part in making their lunch/ dinner (with supervision). Reinforcing handwashing routines and identifying the different foods that they have used. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Tuesday 31st March

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately. Visit the phonics play website ( and play ‘make a match’ (phase 3 week 1) which can be found under phase 3 on the menu. Encourage your child to sound out the words.
Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using numbers 0 to 20 written on separate pieces of paper, turn them all upside down and spread them out in front of your child. Ask your child to choose one and then collect that many objects to match it e.g lego bricks, pencils. Encourage them to read the number independently and count accurately by moving each item as they count.
Other:  They make observations of animals and plants and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes. Look at the update of the school caterpillars on the website. Follow this link. The caterpillars have now made their own chrysalis’. Look at the picture carefully and talk about how they have changed. Ask your child to draw a picture and write a short sentence about what they see e.g It has made a chrysalis. 


Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Year R – a message from Miss Beckwith

Year R – a message from Miss Beckwith

Hi Year R,

I have been carefully watching the class two caterpillars each day. First they got fatter and longer until finally by the end of the week they each turned into a chrysalis and began the process of changing into a butterfly.

Here are some pictures I have taken.

The chrysalises are so pretty. Some of them have a golden shine to them in the sunlight. They are like little jewels.

Keep checking the website, I will let you know when the butterflies emerge!

All the best, Keep well,

From Miss Beckwith.

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 30th March

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading Discuss the sequence of events in a book and how events are related

Read one of your favourite books to a grown up. Once you have finished, create a storyboard showing what happened in the book. Make sure you show who the characters are and explain the main parts of the story.

Here is an example storyboard. 

Writing To use adjectives to create expanded noun phrases


Write down a list (commas) of the things that you can see that relate to springtime. 

Once you have made a list go back and add at least one adjective to each object. 

Challenge – Can you add more than one adjective? Can you challenge yourself to use really interesting adjectives? Choose your best expanded noun phrase and write it as a sentence. Don’t forget your capital letters and full stops. Can you add a clause?

Maths Reinforce skills when adding or subtracting.

You will need – two dice, a pencil and a sheet of paper.

Try to find two dice (use those from board games that you might have – if you can’t find any dice, you can use the website

Roll the two dice, write a two digit number. Then roll one dice, write a one digit number.

1) Can you add the two digit number to the one digit number (e.g. 54 + 4 =), reverse the first number and repeat (e.g. 45 + 4 =)?

2) Can you use the same numbers to create subtraction calculations? Using the above three digits, you could write out and solve 54 – 4 =  and 45 – 4 =.

3) Extension – roll the two dice, write a two digit number, roll again, write another two digit number – create as many addition and subtraction calculations as you can (e.g. 36 and 14 – you could make 36+14, 36+41, 63+14, 63+41, 36-14, 63-14, 63-41.

Repeat by rolling the dice – target for the day – six addition and six subtraction calculations, but challenge yourself!

Use the strategies that you know (column method, blank number line, jottings – draw Dienes).


Art and design

Use drawing, painting or sculpture to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination. 

Look at the school website. Go to the ‘Learning at home’ tab. 

Here will be lots of ideas for you that you may not have seen yet! Spend some time enjoying them! 

Go to the live webcam of Edinburgh zoo at the bottom of the page, in the ‘News’ section. What animals can you see? Which are your favourite? Children can choose one and draw it, using the webcam link to make sure their drawing has all the features needed for that animal. Discuss: Why does a …. need …..? (Lion , sharp claws, Zebra, stripes, giraffe – long neck etc) 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 1 – Monday’s Home Learning

ear 1 Home learning for Monday 30th March

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading

Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by:

Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently

Give your child a selection of books. Choose ones that are a little too difficult for them to read independently. Read the book (or some of it) to them. Once you have read a page ask your child if there are any words they don’t understand the meaning of and either explain them or look the meaning up together. You could create your own book or poster and every time you encounter a word you don’t know the meaning of you could add it on. 
Writing To punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop. At the beginning of the day (after your optional Joe Wicks workout) get your child to write 1 sentence about something they would like to do that day. You may want to give them a choice of 2 things so they don’t write a sentence that is impossible to achieve. When they write their sentence get them to THINK IT, SAY IT, WRITE IT, READ IT! Get them to check they have remembered a capital letter and a full stop. 
Maths Given a number, identify one more and one less. Write a number on a piece of paper and ask your child to write the numbers that are one more and one less than that number. You could practise this skill in lots of different ways. For instance, lay several number cards (write numbers on post-its or small pieces of paper) in front of your child. Say a number and the child needs to find the number card that shows one more or less than that number. e.g you say 13 they pick up 14. 
Other: Art and Design Use drawing, painting or sculpture to develop and share ideas, experiences and imagination. 

Draw or paint a picture – anything they want. Try to set them a target e.g. try to fill the whole page or include an element of weather in your picture. Once your child has drawn or painted their picture, get them to tell you what they have drawn, ask them questions like ‘What is your favourite part?’ or ‘Is there anything you might change?’

You could use this as a stimulus for writing the next day e.g. ask them to write about their picture.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R – Monday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Monday 30th March

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy They use phonic knowledge to decode regular words and read them aloud accurately.

Using the phonics zippy wallet they have in their book bag, go through all the sounds. Each time point at a sound you can ask your child to make the sound in a different way e.g. this time whisper the sound. 

You can then make words using the letters e.g. 

Phase 2: c-a-t, p-i-n, s-a-t, ch-i-p.

Phase 3: chain, look, join

Maths Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.

Write numbers 0 to 20 on some pieces of paper – post it notes are great. 

Put some out with a number missing – then get your child to find the missing number and pop it in the space. Repeat several times making different missing numbers each time.

Keep the numbers we’ll use them again!

Other: Music Children sing songs, make music and dance, and experiment with ways of changing them.

Sing some songs and dance! 

Get a saucepan and a wooden spoon and see if your child can beat the saucepan in rhythm with the music. 

They can sing any song from nursery rhymes to your favourite band or artist – I know George Ezra is a big hit with my girls.


Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Year 2 – Dinosaurs

Year 2 – Dinosaurs

Year 2 have made their own dinosaurs out of paper plates and toilet roll tubes. They painted the plate  and decorated the plate to camouflage the dinosaur. They will be planning and writing their instructions for making the dinosaurs tomorrow!

Year 2 – Science

Year 2 – Science

As part of their topic Roar – Dinosaurs, Year 2 have been classifying things in science. They have been deciding whether things are alive, not alive now or have never been alive.  The children went for a walk around the school grounds and used the iPads to take photos of things that were alive, not alive now and have never been alive.

World Book Day – Wild Reading

World Book Day – Wild Reading

This year during World Book Day all the children put on their wellies and went out onto the field where they found Mrs Carter in a reading den.

The den was decorated with fairy lights on the inside and was camouflaged with branches on the outside.  All the children were able to get in the den and listen to a story read by Mrs Carter. It was all very exciting and a little bit muddy!

World Book Day – School Story

World Book Day – School Story

This year all the teachers were asked to bring in an object that would appear in a whole school story. The story started in Class 1 with Mrs Bartlett and visited each class where the object was included in the next part of the story. The story was finally finished in Class 9. Look at the photos to see the objects and see further down for the story.

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful bear in a bath called Smartie. Smartie was splashing in the bath when he saw a pretty, colourful butterfly. The butterfly flew round the bathroom and Smartie tried to catch it because it was so beautiful. But he was scared and worried that he would fall in the water. So…

He jumped out of the bath and tried to find a net to catch it but all he could find was his ukulele. He started playing wonderful music. The butterfly started dancing then suddenly flew out of the window…

So Smartie the bear jumped onto the beautiful butterfly’s back and away they flew! They flew high up into the blue sky over a dangerous hill, the enchanted woods and a gigantic elephant. The elephant raised his trunk and squirted a jet of rainbow water. Then out popped a magic shell! The bear listened to the shell and he could hear the waves in Hawaii.

Oh how I wish I could be there, he sighed. Then suddenly the magic shell transported him onto a sandy white beach…Now being an inquisitive Bear he and his new friend the beautiful butterfly looked around the island. What’s that? they wondered as they saw a wand with a shell attached to it. What could it be? Where had it come from? Smartie and the butterfly looked at each other…

Smartie decided to tiptoe closer to the magical wand. He bent down and carefully picked it up. As he lifted the magical wand it had a shimmering glow and made a whooshing sound. The butterfly asked Smartie, “What shall we do with it?” 

Suddenly the wand began to speak, “I shall grant you three random wishes!”

Smartie and the butterfly were feeling shocked but excited. “What shall we wish for?” they said.

Smartie said, “I wish …

I had a colourful rocket with shiny windows.” As if by magic, his wish was granted. There, in front of him stood a beautiful rocket.  Smartie was shocked but excited! Quickly, he climbed aboard and began to push the buttons but nothing happened. With a deep sigh, he said, “I wish this rocket could really fly.”  Suddenly, the rocket started to shake and the buttons began to glow. WHOOSH! Smartie and the butterfly found themselves flying into space. At first, Smartie was amazed but then he noticed planet earth getting smaller and smaller.  What could he do?

In a panic, Smartie searched high and  low for a way to stop the rocket. Then he noticed it… a strange looking, star shaped button like no other.  As he bent down to touch it, the button began to spin faster, and faster and FASTER until…

Smartie noticed something out the corner of his eye. It was glimmering and rolling around the cockpit. He quickly reached down to the floor to discover what it was. It was a bottle! What was a regular, normal bottle doing in a rocket? If Smartie wanted to come back to Earth, he had to think fast! Suddenly, he had an idea! He grabbed the bottle and launched it into the mechanics of the engine. The engine started to screech and smoke. The rocket started to fall…

Smarte felt terrified. He shouted to Butterfly ‘What shall we do? The spaceship is on fire and is going to crash into earth!’ Suddenly, Butterfly remembered that they had one final wish that they hadn’t used. He shouted to Smartie ‘Let’s wish for a magic whisk!’ As if by magic, a sparkling, shiny, silver whisk appeared. ‘Oy, what am I doing here?’ it cried. So the intrepid pair told the whisk that their space ship was on fire and crashing towards earth. ‘Oh, why didn’t you say?’ replied the helpful whisk. ‘I only dealt with a problem like this the other day.’ So the whisk walked into the engine and………

Very quickly he began to whisk himself into a frenzy. He went faster and faster, creating a massive tornado that blew the fire out in an instant!

“Thank goodness for that!” said Smartie, breathing a sigh of relief! Just at that moment the little butterfly was fluttering near a tightly closed cupboard. The sign on the cupboard showed a picture of a parachute. That gave Smartie an idea. Quickly, he opened the door and found a parachute that fit. Just in time, because the rocket was beginning to break up as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere.

“1, 2, 3….. JUMP!” the bear and the butterfly launched themselves into the rushing fresh air.

Eventually they drifted down to the surface. They landed outside Buckingham Palace, where the Queen and the Royal Family were waving to crowds from the balcony. Everyone was shocked to see a parachuting bear with a butterfly. The Queen was so impressed by their amazing landing that she presented them with a shiny, silver trophy!  

Year R – ZooLab

Year R – ZooLab

This week the Reception children enjoyed a visit from The Zoolab. They got to handle or touch a range of minibeasts, so brave! They really learnt lots about the creatures and asked some fantastic questions. They were a credit to our school and made us very proud.

Year 2 – Eggstra-Ordinary

Year 2 – Eggstra-Ordinary

Year 2 came back after half term to an amazing discovery in the room of Requirement.

They found a large egg in a nest with muddy footprints leading in to the room.

The children took notes and investigated like detectives. They wrote questions to try and answer. In Topic work they have drawn maps to plot different route for how the unusual

visitor may have got in the building.



Year 1 – Visiting Guinea Pigs

Year 1 – Visiting Guinea Pigs

As part of their English work, Year 1 have been learning all about guinea pigs. This work was based on the the book ‘Christopher Nibble’ by Charlotte Middleton. First the children researched lots of information about guinea pigs using books, fact sheets and the internet. They used this information to create fact files about guinea pigs. Then they discovered that Miss Cleeves has two guinea pigs, so they wrote letters to Miss Cleeves asking her whether she was able to bring her guinea pigs into school. The children explained that they had been learning all about them and they asked Miss Cleeves questions about her guinea pigs. On Monday they were lucky enough to have a visit from Blossom and Petal. The children loved meeting the guinea pigs and even got to stroke Petal! Thank you Miss Cleeves.
Year 1 – Stacey Centre Visit

Year 1 – Stacey Centre Visit

Year 1 visited the Stacey Centre as part of their topic ‘Let it Grow’. Whilst there they completed three different activities. They went on a scent trail around the garden identifying a variety of plants and herbs by their smells. They planted lettuce seeds and broad beans which they brought back to school and now these have begun to grow in the classrooms. The children also learnt how to take cuttings of rosemary, planted them and then took them home! Year 1 had a fantastic time and would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents who supported the trip.
Year 2 – Maths

Year 2 – Maths

This week Year 2 have been learning terms that describe the position of objects. The children put different objects in different places and then described where they were. In class 9 the children put themselves in different places. They particularly enjoyed being under the table!! Can you describe where else they were?

Year 1 – Walk to Baffins Pond

Year 1 – Walk to Baffins Pond

Recently, the year one classes went on a walk to Baffins pond in order to identify different types of trees.  They used a plan of the pond to locate the trees and were able to say whether they were deciduous or evergreen.  We also looked at images of how some of the trees would look with their leaves, and hope to observe how the trees change throughout the seasons when walking to the library.

Year 2 – Baffins Pond Trip

Year 2 – Baffins Pond Trip

Class 7 went for walk around our local area to compare the local plant and wild life to the jungle.  We looked at the different types of trees and made a list of what we found. We saw Horse Chestnut, Silver Birch, Willow and Fir trees, as well as squirrel dreys. We discussed how the trees and bushes looked at this time of year and how this would compare to the jungle.   We also linked this to map reading by discussing the route as we walked there and back. We plotted this on a map when we returned to the classroom.


Year R – Supertato

Year R – Supertato

Year R have been reading the story of ‘Supertato’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. It is about superhero vegetables saving us from ‘Evil Pea!’.  The children have been creating their own superhero vegetables using a range of resources.

Year One – Eggonauts

Year One – Eggonauts

Year 1 have been learning about Tim Peake, his time on the International Space Station and then how he returned to Earth. We learnt how much of the rocket goes into space and that it is only the very top of the rocket; the landing module, that returns back to Earth.
In groups the children designed their own space landing modules to transport their Eggonaut safely back to Earth. The children made their modules using a variety of resources.
As a year group we went out onto the playground to test these modules…
5…4…3… 2… 1…! Which ones do you think were successful?
Afterwards we evaluated our modules, discussing what was successful and what we would improve next time.
Year One Space Art

Year One Space Art

Year One children have been studying the work of Peter Thorpe who is an abstract space artist.  We looked at colour, composition and techniques and then used a variety of media to create work in the style of Peter Thorpe.
We began the process by creating a painted background.  We then added collage planets and used oil pastels for the addition of our rockets.  We think the children have done a fabulous job!
Year R – Gingerbread Men

Year R – Gingerbread Men

School has smelt wonderful this week as Year R have been baking Gingerbread Men! The children made and decorated the Gingerbread Men as part of their Traditional Tales topic. See below the pictures for recipe, in case you fancy making some at home!!

You will need:
Rolling pin
Gingerbread man cutter
Sweets of your choice for decoration
350g plain flour
175g light soft brown sugar
100g butter
1 medium egg
4 tbsp golden syrup
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1 1/2 tsp ground ginger

Put the flour, butter, ginger and bicarbonate
of soda into a mixing bowl.

Mix it together with your fingertips until it is

Add the sugar, syrup and egg.

Mix until it forms a firm pastry mix.

Preheat the oven to 180 °C or Gas Mark 4.

Dust your work surface with flour.

Using the rolling pin, roll out the pastry until
it’s about 5mm thick.

Using the pastry cutter, cut out the shapes.

Preheat the oven to 180 °C or Gas Mark 4.

Dust your work surface with flour.

Using the rolling pin, roll out the pastry until
it’s about 5mm thick.

Using the pastry cutter, cut out the shapes.

Place the baked gingerbread people onto a
cooling rack.Whilst they are cooling, gather together the
items you want to decorate your gingerbread
people with.You could use raisins, chocolate drops,
chocolate buttons and more!

Put a blob of icing on the gingerbread person
where you want to put a decoration, and
then stick the decoration on top.


Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas Tree Festival

Once again we have decorated a Christmas tree at St Cuthbert’s Church for the Christmas Tree Festival.

The name of our tree is “Rudolph the Peg Nose Reindeer”.  All the decorations were made by our children on Decoration Day.  There is a vote for the best decorated tree so please attend and help us to win.

Please visit the Christmas Tree festival – it is an annual event with over 20 decorated trees, live musical entertainment, crafts for children and refreshments.

Dates and Times

Friday 6th December, 1 pm to 5 pm
Saturday 7th December, 11 am to 5 pm
Sunday 8th December, 1 pm to 5 pm

Entry is £2 per adult with accompanied children free.  All proceeds will be split between the church and the chosen charity which this year in Canine Partners.

Year R – Panto

Year R – Panto

In Reception we have been learning all about the Gingerbread Man. We had special visitors who came and performed a Gingerbread Man pantomime. We danced, laughed and sang with the characters and even chased after the gingerbread man!
Year 1 – Space Dome

Year 1 – Space Dome

To launch their Space Topic ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ Year 1 visited the Space Dome. The Dome took up nearly the whole hall. The children  learnt all about the night sky; including stars, planets, the moon and the earth. The children also discovered which astronauts landed on the moon first, 50 years ago!

Humanities Week Round Up

Humanities Week Round Up

The whole school met in the hall this afternoon to celebrate all the wonderful work they have done on the Gunpowder Plot during Humanities this week.

Children shared firework art work, poems, collage work of fireworks and letters they had written to Lord Monteagle. Year 2 shared a firework dance.




Year 1 Shape Work

Year 1 Shape Work

This week in year one we have been learning all about shape.  The children have identified the shapes by name and have sorted them by their properties.  They  have also created 2D shapes with lolly sticks and 3D skeleton shapes with art straws.

Year R – The Gruffalo

Year R – The Gruffalo

Year R have really enjoyed the Gruffalo topic. 

They were very excited when the Gruffalo came to the classroom, he left footprints and mess everywhere! The children did some excellent writing in their books as a result. 

Over the term the children created their own Gruffalo pictures.  First they painted his body, then they added his facial features ( his terrible tusks and terrible teeth) and finally they added the rest of his body features (his knobbly knees and purple prickles). Have a look at the finished art. Didn’t they do a good job?

Year 1 – Toy Topic

Year 1 – Toy Topic

Year 1 have been learning about toys. They designed a marble run or a marble maze. They used boxes, straws, lids and other resources to follow their designs and make them. Finally they tested and evaluated their marble toys.
Year 2 – Innovating Porridge

Year 2 – Innovating Porridge

Year 2 have been linking their English work to the traditional tale ‘Goldilocks and the three bears.’ This week they have been instruction writing and made porridge. Linking this to their topic work they innovated the porridge to make it perfect by adding banana, raisins and chocolate chips!! Luckily it tasted just right!!

Year 1 – Dogger – School Fete

Year 1 – Dogger – School Fete

Year 1 have been learning the story ‘Dogger’ by Shirley Hughes.
In the story poor Dogger gets lost and ends up on the toy stall at the school summer fete. To engage the children and enhance their writing opportunities Year 1 visited the Langstone school fete. There were five stalls; Lucky Sticks, Penalty shoot out, Bottle shy, Hoopla and a Three-legged race. The children had a fantastic time!
Year 1 Toys Topic

Year 1 Toys Topic

Year One have been learning all about toys! Old toys, new toys, we’ve even made our own toys! We followed instructions to make our own Shaker and our own Cup and ball game. We then wrote the instructions in our books so we can make them again one day!

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

This morning our Harvest Festival took place in the hall. We celebrated with songs and looked at all the wonderful donations for Portsmouth Food Bank. Thank you to everyone who generously gave tinned tomatoes and vegetables for the food bank’s collection – they were very gratefully received.

Year R Gruffalo Topic

Year R Gruffalo Topic

Year R are getting stuck into their Gruffalo Topic.

Year 2 Trip to Winchester Science Centre

Year 2 Trip to Winchester Science Centre

Year 2 had a fabulous day out at the Science Centre. The children enjoyed exploring the science exhibits and the Planetarium show.

Click here to see more photos of the trip.

Year 2 – Angelica Sprockets Pockets

Year 2 – Angelica Sprockets Pockets

Year 2 have read the story ‘Angelica Sprockets Pockets’ by Quentin Blake. The children designed and made their own pockets and thought about what they would keep in them.

Year R are getting to know their classes

Year R are getting to know their classes

In Class 1 we have been investigating our environment and learning to share the resources in our classroom and follow the golden rules.  What fun we have had!

Year 1 – Tour de France

Year 1 – Tour de France

Year One have been learning all about the Tour de France and today had their very own ‘stage’ of the competition. Each round saw a different child win a ‘Yellow Jersey’! We also cheered on each team in French!
Class 6 – Olympic Granny

Class 6 – Olympic Granny

As their guided reading challenge last week class 6 learnt the poem ‘Olympic Granny’ over the week and recited it together. They had great fun thinking of actions and though the last verse was very funny.

The poem can also be found on the Poetry4kids website through this link
Olympic Granny is Written by Kenn Nesbitt

Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.

From the book My Cat Knows Karate

Year 1 – Wimbledon History

Year 1 – Wimbledon History

Class 6 had an excellent lesson completing their ‘History of Wimbledon’ booklets. They searched high and low for clues to help them fill in all the facts on each page. Great partner work was seen by all and the children were so engaged the time flew by and it was soon time to go back inside.
Year 1 Wimbledon Experience

Year 1 Wimbledon Experience

On the same day as our sports morning year one also held a tennis day. One of the sessions involved the children practising their tennis skills in the playground, some were getting so good at  successfully hitting the ball in their bounce serves that they nearly hit them out of the playground!

The children also practised their fractions by cutting strawberries into halves and quarters. The best bit was that they got  to dip them in cream and eat them at the end of the lesson! The children also watched

some live Wimbledon tennis on TV.

Year R – Messages in Bottles

Year R – Messages in Bottles

The children in Class 3 absolutely loved writing their own messages and putting them in bottles as part of their topic on Pirates.


Punch and Judy in Year 2

Punch and Judy in Year 2

Year 2 have been learning about seaside holidays in the past. This week they have looked at Punch and Judy shows. The children used puppets to perform their own Punch and Judy shows to their classmates.


Year 2 Maths games

Year 2 Maths games

Year 2 have been playing a variety of Maths games this week to apply their knowledge and understanding of mathematics, involving both number and shape, space and measure.

Team GB athletes visit school

Team GB athletes visit school

Today we are welcoming Team GB athletes Aiden Syers and Chris Greogry to school.

All the children in years 1 and 2 are having a PE session with each of the athletes. the whole school met them and asked them questions in assembly.

Follow this link to see photos of what the children are up to.

Year 1 Burpee Challenge

Year 1 Burpee Challenge

Year One have begun their ‘Going for Gold’ topic. As part of the topic they are challenging themselves with the infamously dreaded exercise of BURPEES!
They started with just two burpees and have increased the amount by two more burpees each day. They are doing the challenge for 30 days in total! That means a grand total of 60 burpees per child, per class! That is a grand total of 5400 burpees across year 1!
Year 2 – Save the Whale

Year 2 – Save the Whale

Year 2 were very surprised yesterday to find a whale trapped in the adventure play area. The children went outside to observed and discussed what they found and could see. They then made predictions and asked questions about the scene in their English lesson.


Dancing with Darcy

Dancing with Darcy

The children in Key Stage 1 have been learning a dance by Dame Darcy Bussell in their dance lesson this half term.

Here are some

of the children performing their dance.

Year 2 Boat Testing

Year 2 Boat Testing

In their animal groups, Class 9 designed a boat to meet design criteria:
1. It had to be buoyant
2. It had to hold their animal group teddy
3. It had to survive stormy seas
The children then made their group designs and then we went outside to evaluate them.
Elephants made the most successful boat.
Year R are Out of this World!

Year R are Out of this World!

Reception have been making their own aliens in a spaceship and they are OUT OF THIS WORLD! The children created their aliens from salt dough. They also experimented mixing colours to create the perfect colour for their spaceships. The next step was to put it together, the children came up with lots of different ideas.The last step was to decorate the spaceships using different materials of their choice.

Year 2 Visit from Orca

Year 2 Visit from Orca

Year 2 were visited by Emily and Holly from the ORCA organisation. The children learnt all about the different species of whales and dolphins in our seas and oceans. The children were able to look closely at different artifacts including jaws and teeth. The children measured out the size of different whales on the field. It was a fantastic presentation, all the children thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt lots.

Year 2 Investigate Buoyancy

Year 2 Investigate Buoyancy

As part of their Water World topic and the work they have been doing on the Titanic, children in Year 2 have been investigating buoyancy. The children made predictions and then investigated which materials would float or sink. The children considered whether size or shape had an impact and made sure they kept it a fair test.


Aliens Love Underpants in Year R

Aliens Love Underpants in Year R

The children in Class 1 having been make a new spaceship role play area for their classroom and creating a range of aliens for their displays.  They have made aliens from toilet rolls and added their own features. The children also used their hand prints to make aliens in their spaceships.  The children chose their own resources for their art work and made rockets using 2D shapes.

Year 2 RE – Creation

Year 2 RE – Creation

Year 2 have started to learn about ‘Creation’ in RE. The children were asked to create a model out of LEGO in pairs, groups or on their own. They had to explain what they had created and why.

Can you guess what they have created?

Year 2 Build a Shelter for Robinson Crusoe

Year 2 Build a Shelter for Robinson Crusoe

Year 2 have been reading Robinson Crusoe. Using similar materials to those Robinson would have used, they built a shelter in the Adventure play area. Tree branches that had been recently cut down and giant palm leaves from the sensory garden were used and skipping ropes tired it altogether. The children wrote instructions for building a shelter later in the week.

Year 1 Drama Workshop

Year 1 Drama Workshop

The children in Year 1 have taken part in a drama workshop all about traditional tales. Here are some photographs showing them acting out the stories. Can you guess which stories they acted out?

Year R trip to Alice Holt

Year R trip to Alice Holt

Year R were all very excited for their first school trip to Alice Holt.

The children enjoyed walking through the forest, following the Gruffalo Trail and exploring the wood.

Year R Butterfly Release

Year R Butterfly Release

Year R have completed their fabulous work on ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar.’ They watched the tiny caterpillars grow and then become chrysalises. Everyone was very, very patient and finally beautiful butterflies emerged. The children have now released the butterflies in our sensory garden.

Year 1 Show

Year 1 Show

Year 1 brilliantly performed their spring show ‘Hats Off’ to their parents this week.

Follow this link to see photos of the performance.

Year 2 Baffins Walk

Year 2 Baffins Walk

Year 2 walked to Baffins Pond this week to look at the trees. The children have been doing some cross-curricular work linking their science work about trees and rain forests to writing riddles in English. The children looked at the different trees and animals around the pond and in the copse. They are learning the names of some of the trees they found there.

Class 4 Learning to tell the time.

Class 4 Learning to tell the time.

Class 4 went out onto the playground and drew a clock around the circles and learnt to tell the time.

Caterpillar Crazy!

Caterpillar Crazy!

Not to be out done by the eggs-traordinary things happening in Year 1. Caterpillars have crawled their way in to Year R!

Follow this link to find out what’s going on!

Eggs- citing!!

Eggs- citing!!

Look what’s happened to the eggs!

Eggs – traordinary!

Eggs – traordinary!

There was a special delivery to Year 1 this week. Keep an eye out on our news to see what’s happening!

World Book Day

World Book Day

What a fabulous day! All the children had a super day focusing on a book and completing different tasks related to that book.

Follow this link to see what we’ve been up to!

Teachers Read Too!

Teachers Read Too!

Whose favourite book is ‘Oi Frog?’

Follow this link to see if you can work out which adult is reading which book!

Year 1 Farm Trip

Year 1 Farm Trip

The children in Year 1 visited Longdown Activity Farm as part of their ‘Old McDonald has a  Farm’ topic. The children got to feed a variety of animals including calves, adult goats and kids. They also got to hold chicks and guinea pigs and even saw some week old piglets. Follow this link to see more photos. 

Friendship Week

Friendship Week

Before half term we celebrated Friendship Week. Mrs Carter introduced the week with an assembly. During PSHE lessons the children thought about friendship, who their friends are and why they are their friends. All the children made a leaf and a feather to reflect these, which have been made into displays.


Year 2 Dinosaur Exhibition

Year 2 Dinosaur Exhibition

To celebrate the end of their Dinosaur topic, Year 2 shared their wonderful work with their parents. Click on this link to see all the photos.

Veg Power

Veg Power

We are all trying to encourage the children to eat more fruit and vegetables. To encourage the children to eat more vegetables we are taking part in the Veg Power initiative – Eat Them to Defeat them.

The children will be bringing home pack with a tracker and stickers to encourage them to eat vegetables and try new ones.

Please follow this link to the Veg Power website for more information.

Reading Task Force

Reading Task Force

Our Reading Task Force is in full swing this week. Our volunteer parents and grandparents come into school on a Wednesday afternoon to hear our youngsters read and share their books.

Tidiest Infant School

Tidiest Infant School

Today Mrs Marshman and two children went to the Guildhall to meet the Lord Mayor. After signing the visitors books we were awarded the winning prize for the Infant School Category in a short ceremony in the Lord Mayor’s parlour.  Afterwards the children received a goody bag and had refreshments! They said “It’s just like Achievement Assembly!”

Superhero Veg Save the Day!

Superhero Veg Save the Day!

Some dastardly deeds have been occurring in Year R this week.

Don’t worry though – the children have been making some vegetable Superheroes who have saved the day!

To see more pictures of the Veggie Superheroes, follow this link.

Golden School

Golden School

We are really celebrating our first week of 2019.

Everybody in school followed all the Golden Rules this week. No one missed any Golden Time.

Well Done Langstone Infant School.


Achievement Assembly

Achievement Assembly

Today was the first Achievement Assembly of the new year. It was also the first Achievement Assembly of the school year to feature Year R children collecting their Bronze certificates. Visit the Achievement Assembly page to find out more about it.

Congratulations to Year 2 and Year R children receiving certificates this morning.

During the holiday…

During the holiday…

During the holiday something very unusual appeared in the Room of Requirement.

Don’t worry – Year 2 are on the case. They are working out what has happened and who the mysterious visitor may have been.

Our Christmas Displays

Our Christmas Displays

Each class took a Christmas song to create a display. They used the things they made on Decoration Day. Here are some examples of the wonderful displays.

School Council – Display Survey

School Council – Display Survey

The school council walked around the school looking at the displays to choose the one that they thought the children and teachers had worked hard on.  They voted by nominating a display and standing with the group they  wished to vote for.  They chose the poppy display remembering the soldiers that fought in the wars over the last 100 years.

Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas Tree Festival

During Decoration Day the children made a decoration to go on the tree we have at St Cuthbert’s Church Christmas Tree Festival.

Mr Wells and Mrs Ellson took some children to the church to decorate the tree this afternoon.

The Christmas Tree Festival runs from Friday 30th November to Sunday 2nd December – please see the flyer below for the times that the church is open to look at all the trees.

Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

The children have been learning how to keep safe when walking on pavements this week. They have looked for hazards and looked for safe places to cross the road.

We have been particularly focusing on holding hands when walking next to a road and crossing the road safely using the ‘Stop, Look, Listen, Think’ sequence.

The road safety team delivered an assembly to reinforce all of these messages this morning.

Hopefully the children will be able to remind you about road safety.

Road Safety Presentation

Displays Around School

Displays Around School

We are very proud of the all the hard work that our children do. We love to share and celebrate it with wonderful displays around school. Here are some photos of the wonderful work the children have been doing recently that is on display in school for everyone to see.

Year 2 have been learning about dragons in their Fire! Fire! topic. In Year 1 the children learnt about Remembrance Day and the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice. Year R have been learning about the characteristics they need to be better learners.

Kindness Week

Kindness Week

This week is National Anti-bullying Week. At school this week we are focusing on our Golden Rule ‘We are gentle, we don’t hurt others.’

This morning we are having an assembly to introduce our theme this week and will be asking children to complete a slip through the week to explain how they have been kind to someone else or tell us about someone who has been kind to them. We are asking the children to post them to us in the post box by the medical room. We will be giving merits to children who take part.

Space Dome Year 1

Space Dome Year 1

On Wednesday Year 1 children experienced the wonders of space, learning about the solar system and the significant people linked to space travel. The Space Dome was set up in the school hall and was an amazing way to support the learning for this topic.

Class 9 Reading Suprise

Class 9 Reading Suprise

To develop the children’s love of reading even further Miss Owen and Class 9 have enjoyed a wonderful book shaped surprise. They discovered 30 wrapped books in their book corner and everyday this week children have enjoyed the excitement of opening a new book.

Book Fair Competition Winners

Book Fair Competition Winners

Thank you to all of our entrants. There were so many wonderful entries, which made it a very hard judging process.  There can only be three winners and they are….

Sylvester, Summer and Oscar

A £10 book voucher to spend at our travelling book fair is on its way to you!


Book Fair

Book Fair

Our school Book Fair will run from Wednesday 31st October to Tuesday 6th November. The books will be available to look at every day from 3pm on the  playground. This year Travelling Books have made it much easier to make a purchase. They include good old fashioned cash, Phone payments and Book Fair gift vouchers.

To pay for your books by phone – it’s safe, simple and quick. Simply ask your Book Fair Organiser for a phone payment slip. Call the number and follow the instructions. Write down your transaction code and paid amount. Return the completed slip to your book fair organiser and take your purchase.

Book Fair Gift Vouchers

They’re the simple, secure way to ensure children get the books they want when the Book Fair arrives and are perfect if parents can’t make it to the Book Fair or you have a cashless school. Even better, you’ll save 20% when you buy online meaning a £12 voucher costs only £10, a £6 voucher costs only £5 and so on. Your school will earn Rewards for free books on the full value of the voucher, rather than the discount price. Once a purchase has been made, customers will receive the voucher in an email which can be printed and given to the child – much safer to carry than cash! Vouchers can be purchased up until midnight on the day of collection of the Book Fair.

Competition time

We will be running a competition in each year group with a prize of £10 book vouchers. Please keep your eyes peeled for more information on this.

Watch this video to see how it works.

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day

Thursday 4th October was National Poetry Day.

To celebrate the day children in Key Stage One read different types of poems.

The children also wrote their own poems for a poetry competition. The children were asked to write an acrostic poem, a riddle or a senses poem.

Year 1 children wrote poems about Elmer linked to their English work. Year 2 wrote Autumn themed poems using the school grounds as their inspiration.

Watch this space to see if we are competition winner!

Key Dates and Events 2018-19

Key Dates and Events 2018-19

Friday 15th February – School Closed for INSET Day

Monday 18th-Friday 22nd February – School Closed for Half Term

Wednesday 6th March – Year 1 Trip to Longdown Activity Farm

Thursday 25th April – Year 2 Trip to Titanic Museum

Monday 8th April-Monday 22nd April – School Closed for Easter Holiday

Monday 6th May – School Closed for Bank Holiday

Monday 27th May-Friday 31st May – School Closed for Half Term

Monday 3rd June – School Closed for INSET Day

Monday 22nd-Tuesday 23rd July – School Closed for INSET Days

Wednesday 24th July-Monday 2nd September – School Closed for Summer Holiday

Race for life

Race for life

Race for Life at Langstone 2018

We raised £3190 for our chosen charity this term – Cancer Research UK. We held our Race for Life fundraising event at school,  on Thursday 28th June. We dedicated our Race for Life to Sue Swanton, a former lunchtime supervisor and volunteer, who recently lost her fight against cancer.

We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny day for our event. The field was set up with the gazebos to keep the children cool, a water station and all the bunting the children had made was put up to make the event really special.

We were joined by Gemma, the Community Champion from Tesco at Fratton Park, she brought fruit for the children to enjoy as they finished their running and was giving high-fives as the children ran past her.

Everyone really enjoyed the day and we are really proud to have raised so much money for this worthy cause.

Congratulations and a very big ‘Well Done!’ to everyone who took part.

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust