Maths Ideas – Year 1

Learn 5 addition facts, play a maths game and choose one other thing to work on each day. The video links are there to help you understand the activities.

Addition facts

Choose 5 addition facts from the grid on the next page to practise each day.

Start by practising the green and blue facts first.

Spend 5 minutes each day practising your number bonds to 10 and to 20.

Link to a website for practising your number bonds:

Maths Games

Choose a maths game to play each day.

Have a go at inventing your own maths game.

Link to a blog on maths games:

One more and one less

Get some raisins, grapes, cereal pieces. Place some on a plate. If the grown up with you says ‘one more’, add one more and say what number you have now. If they say ‘one less’, eat one and count how many you have left.

Ask a grown up to give you some toys. Count how many you have. Can you put out another group of toys so you have one more and then one less?

Build a tower with bricks. Can you build another tower with one more brick? Can you build another with one less brick?



Make your own tens frames or print some off the internet and use counters, or anything you can find to use instead of counters (raisins, grapes, cereal pieces etc…..). Choose 2 numbers 1-digit numbers to add together , e.g. 7 + 5. On your tens frame set out 7 on one thing, e.g. raisins and then add another 5 of something else e.g. cereal pieces. Have you filled a tens frame? How many are in the next tens frame? What is your answer? Try this adding different numbers. You can also draw them out.

Link to video on using tens frames to add  (2nd activity on video)

Number bonds to 10

Practise your number bonds to 10 by playing the ‘Total of 10’ card game

Can you think of any new rules for playing this game?

Link to the ‘Total of 10’ card game:



Use your tens frames and counters from the addition activity to practise subtracting. Make the first number using the tens frame and subtract the number of counters/ pieces to work out how many you now have. Try it with different numbers.

Watch the 3rd activity on the video:

Represent different numbers

Make your own tens frames or print some off the internet and use counters, or anything you can find to use instead of counters (raisins, grapes, cereal pieces etc…..) Start by using one tens frame to make numbers up to 10, then use a second tens frame to show numbers up to 20. You can also draw them out.

Link to video on using tens frames and counters to make numbers (see 2nd activity)

Fractions of shapes

Find things you can cut into halves and quarters, e.g a pizza, a cake, an apple.

Ask your grown up to draw some circles on a page. Can you split them into halves and quarters?

Link to video on fractions of shapes:

Fractions of amounts

Use some raisins, grapes, cereal pieces to help you find   ,  and  of a set of objects. Use your teddies to help you. If your finding  – share them between 2 of your teddies,  – share them between 4 of your teddies and  – share them between 3 of your teddies. Once you have done this, ask your grown up to draw some bar models (Split a rectangle 2 to work out  , 3 to work out  and 4 to work out

Link to video for finding fractions of amounts using the bar model:

Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10

Use raisins, grapes, cereal pieces etc… to help you practise counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.

Group into 2s to practise counting in 2s, group into 5 to practise counting in 5s and into 10 to practise counting in 10s.

Once you’ve done it with the objects, draw out circles to help you practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.


Time to o’clock and half past

Ask your grown up to draw a number line from 1-12 and cut out an arrow (this will be your hour hand). Each number represents an hour on the clock, so if the arrow points to 1 it is showing 1 o’clock. Position your arrow on different numbers and read out the time. Then put your arrow half way between 2 numbers. This represents half past, so if your arrow is half way between 2 and 3, it is half past 3.

Next draw a round clock and do the same with just one hand. Once you are happy telling the time with one hand, you can make a 2nd longer hand. This is your minute hand. Where should it point for o’clock? Where should it point for half past?


Link to video on telling the time to o’clock and half past:

Read and write numbers from 1-20 in numbers and in words

Make 1-20 number cards and one to twenty word cards out of paper.

Have a go at matching up the numbers and words. Play the memory game, by turning all your cards over and taking it in turns to pick 2 cards. If the number and word matches, you get to keep both cards. The winner is the person with the most pairs at the end.


2D shapes and 3D shapes

How many 2D and 3D shapes can you name? Go round your house/garden and make a list of all the circles, squares, rectangles and triangle shapes you can see. Can you find any other 2D shapes? Then go round looking for 3D shapes (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and spheres). Can you find any others?

Ask your grown up to cut out some 2D shapes. Can you make different pictures with them? Try drawing out a picture using just 2D shapes.


Follow a recipe to bake some biscuits or cakes. Can you weigh out all the ingredients yourself?

Find food in your kitchen, such as a tin of beans. Can you find something which is heavier and something which is lighter?



Ask your group up for some money. Can you identify all the coins?

Can you make 10p? Can you find a different way to make 10p, using different coins? Try this for different amounts of money


Find something in your house you could use to measure with. They all need to be the same size e.g. counters, lego bricks, paper clips etc…. Choose different objects, such as a pen or book. Estimate how many counters etc… long it will be and then use them to measure what it actually is. Can you find different things round your house which are longer/shorter.