PSHE Intent

PSHE will provide pupils with opportunities to develop as confident, self-aware learners who are proud of their achievements and of their school. Our PSHE curriculum allows pupils to develop the knowledge, and skills they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, to develop positive relationships and a growing sense of where they fit into the wider world around them.

In order to achieve this, we will:

  • Embed PSHE themes across the curriculum because these skills are fundamental in supporting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils.
  • Use real life examples and experiences because children will be able to understand the importance and value of the learning if they can relate to it.
  • Plan and implement a curriculum, tailored specifically to our community because it is important for children to have a sense of belonging.
  • Understand the Golden rules and behaviours for Learning because it is essential that our pupils know their actions and behaviour have consequences.

For PSHE, this learning will mean that by the end of Key Stage 1, children will be equipped with knowledge and understanding of:

  • different types of relationships including how to build and keep healthy relationships.
  • their health and wellbeing including their feelings, how it might change overtime; how to look after themselves and how to stay safe.
  • why we have rules and why rules’ expectations are important