Maths Ideas for Year 2

Maths Homework Grid (Year 2)

Practise your number facts, play a maths game and choose one other thing to work on each day. The video links are there to help you understand the activities.

Number facts

Choose 5 addition facts from the grid on the next page to practise each day.

Spend 10 minutes each day practising your number bonds, doubling & halving and times tables.

Link to a website for practising:

Place value

Make your own tens and ones using straws, tooth pics, pencils (or anything else you can think of which you can make into bundles of ten). Have a go at using them to make different 2-digit numbers. Use plates to make your own part-whole models.

Once you are confident, have a go at drawing out your tens and ones as pictures.

(Link to video in next box)

Maths Games

Choose a maths game to play each day.

Have a go at inventing your own maths game.

Link to a blog on maths games:

Place value (continued)

Link to place value video:


Number bonds to 10

Practise your number bonds to 10 by playing the Total of 10 and the ‘Make 10’ pyramid card game.

Link to the ‘Total of 10’ card game:

Link to the ‘Make 10 Pyramid’ card game:

Can you make up your own game to practise number bonds to 10?

10 more and 10 less

Make your own tens and ones using straws, tooth pics, pencils (or anything else you can think of which you can make into bundles of ten).

Make your own tens and ones baseboard and practise adding and subtracting 10 from your number.

Link to video on adding 10:


Place value

Play the ‘Guess my Number’ place value game. Make 2 sets of 2-digit


Link to ‘Guess my Number’ video:


Practise adding numbers together by playing games with dice. Have a go at playing ‘Pig’ and ‘Skunk’ and then try and think of your own game

Link to dice game ‘Pig’:

Link to dice game ‘Skunk’:

 Column addition of 2-digit numbers

Make your own tens and ones using straws, tooth pics, pencils (or anything else you can think of which you can make into bundles of ten).

Use them to have a go at adding 2 2-digit numbers and to understand what happens when your 2 digits add to 10 or more.

Link to column addition of 2-digit numbers video:

Fractions of amounts

Find some things you can use to share out, to practise finding fractions of amounts. E.g.  raisins, grapes, sweets etc….

Share them out between 2 teddies to find  and then between 4 teddies to find  of them. Draw a bar model split into 2 to find halves and into 4 to find quarters.

Link to video on fractions of amounts:

Column subtraction of 2-digit number

Make your own tens and ones using straws, tooth pics, pencils (or anything else you can think of which you can make into bundles of ten).

Use them to have a go at subtracting 2 2-digit numbers and to understand what happens when your 2 digits add to 10 or more.

Link to column subtraction of 2-digit numbers video:

Time (o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to)

Why don’t you make your own clock and have a go at telling the time to o’clock and half past using just the hour hand. Once you are confident with that, have a go at telling the time to quarter past and quarter to.

Once you have tried it using just the hour hand, bring in the minute hand too.

Link to video on time (o’clock and half past):

Link to video on quarter past and quarter to:

Division as grouping and sharing

Find things around the house you can use to practise division as sharing and division of grouping. You could use raisins, grapes, lego bricks etc…

Link to video on division as grouping and sharing:

2D and 3D Shapes

How many 2D and 3D shapes can you name? Go round your house/garden and make a list of all the circles, squares, rectangles and triangle shapes you can see. Can you find any other 2D shapes? Then go round looking for 3D shapes (cubes, cuboids, cylinders and spheres). Can you find any others?

Equivalent fractions

Find different things you can use to prove that a half is equal to 2 quarters. Cut a pizza/cake, share raisins, grapes, lego out into halves and quarters.

Link to video on fractions equal to a half:


Ask your parents for some money. Can you identify all the coins?

Can you make 50p? Can you find a different way to make 50p, using different coins? Try this for different amounts.