University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 23rd April

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To identify sentence types.

After your daily reading;

Can you find one of each sentence type in the text you’ve read today? Copy one of each (if you can’t find all four, do as many as you can).

The four types of sentence – Question, Exclamation, Statememnet, Command.

Q – Where do hedgehogs go in the winter?

E – What an amazing picture that is!

S – The dog barked all night.

C – Please close the door, it’s cold outside.

Writing To write instructions – final four.

Read through your work. Read it to a grown up if you can. Make any changes or improvements if you need to.

Use Monday’s notes to write the rest of your instructions. Number each instruction, start each instruction on a new line. Does each instruction include a verb? Try to use different sentence starters. Remember – you are writing in the present tense.

When you have finished – read again! Read to a grown up if you can. Draw a picture (or pictures) to add detail to the instructions (or a final picture of something about the model, outcome, game or activity).


To develop fluency in division.

To choose the best division strategy for me.

To solve division problems. 

Today you will be practising your division (sharing or grouping) skills.

For the first 5 questions you will need to divide the numbers in your head. You might want to skip count.(Remember we have been learning to skip count in x2, x5 and x10)

  1. 12 2 =
  2. 10 5 =
  3. 20 2 =
  4. 20 10 =
  5. 14 2  =

For the next 5 questions choose the best dividing strategy for you. You might want to skip count, draw arrays or do jottings.

  1. 15 5 =
  2. 16 2 =
  3. 80 10 =
  4. 50 5 =
  5.  70 10 =

For the next 3 questions read them carefully. Write out the calculation. Decide on the best way for you and solve it – remember to show how you worked it out.

  1. Mrs Knapp had 20 flowers that she shared between her 4 friends. How many flowers did Mrs Knapp give each friend?
  2. Mrs Webb shares 35 balls of wool between her 7 friends. How many balls of wool do they get each?
  3. Mrs Norris shares 50 sweets between 10 children, how many does each child get? 



To explore somewhere different in the world

On the school website is a list of over 60 virtual tours.

Choose one and explore the tour. Make notes about where you visited. Can you find out where it is? What city is it in? What continent is it on? 

Challenge – Write a few sentences about your tour or design a poster to encourage others to go on the tour.  

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust