University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R – Wednesday’s Home Learning

Year R Home learning for Wednesday 17th June

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
Literacy – sentence writing Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds.  They also write some irregular common words. Using some of the words from yesterday ask your child to write a word without seeing it first and then underline the digraph/trigraphs. Repeat with several words focussing particularly on words containing digraphs/trigraphs your child finds more challenging.
Maths- addition and subtraction Using quantities and objects children add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. 

Visit the twinkl website and download the Elmer addition and Subtraction colouring sheet

Encourage your child to use objects / counting on or back to solve each problem and colour the squares the correct colour.

Offline alternative:

Give your child a selection of addition/subtraction problems (with a total no more than 20 and where a single digit is added or taken away) to solve. Can they then sort the answers into groups where the answers are the same?

Example questions:

Answer Possible questions
10 19 – 9= , 10 + 0 =, 7 + 3 =, 15 – 5 =
9 11 – 2 =,  6 + 3 =, 16 – 7 =, 8 + 1 =
12 18 – 6 =, 10 + 2 =, 13 – 1 =, 8 + 4 =
7 16 – 9 =,  2 + 5 =, 15 – 8 =

This activity will help your child understand that the same number can be made in many, many different ways.

Other: Understanding the World/The World Children make observations and explain why some things occur, and talk about changes.

Nature Rainbow

Go for a walk in your local area and collect items to make your own nature rainbow. This could be as simple as a strip of double sided tape on a piece of card that your child sticks things to (we did a very similar activity with the children in the Autumn term) or you could be more creative and create a full collage rainbow. The choice is yours. Example:

As you walk around talk about the things that are living (e.g. grass, leaves etc) and the things that are not (e.g. stones, old sticks/twigs). Explain it is important not to pick wild flowers and flowers from people’s gardens without their permission.

Which colours were easiest to find?

Which colours were harder to find?

How many different colours did you find?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to.

Mrs Bartlett –

Miss Beckwith –    

Miss Cleeves –

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust