University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 1 – All About Measure

Year 1 – All About Measure

This week and last week, Year 1 have been learning all about measure. We focused on the three following types of measure; Length and Height, Weight and Mass, and Capacity and Volume. Not only did we learn about what each measure is, but we also learnt how to use non-standard and standard equipment to measure it with.

In length, we compared different lengths and heights of objects, then we used non-standard objects like multilink and paperclips to measure the different objects. Finally we learnt how to use a standard ruler to measure different lengths and heights. The language we used was longer, shorter, taller, longest, shortest and tallest.

In mass and weight, we compared the mass of different objects using bucket scales, then we used multilink to measure how much each object weighed. The language we used was heavier, lighter, heaviest, lightest and the same as.

In capacity, we learnt about the words full, empty, half full, almost full and almost empty and had to show this with water and cups. We also learnt that you can measure capacity using different equipment like; cups, bottles, jugs, jars and measuring cylinders. Finally we learnt that a wider container doesn’t necessarily hold more liquid than a tall, narrow container.

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust