University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Building Bridges

Year 2 – Building Bridges

New Bridge Engineers in Town

Portsmouth may have a world famous son in Isambard Kingdom Brunel. He designed bridges, tunnels and even the Great Western Railway. However, there are some new bridge designers, who are setting their sights on being as famous as IKB.

Year Two, as part of our topic ‘Famous Faces’, have been looking at the life and legacy of Brunel. We have also looked at the purpose of bridges. We designed and then built bridges. The aim was that the bridge should be able to have a toy car drive across it. In addition, the bridge needed to have space under it, for a car or boat to be able to go under.

We worked in groups to select materials, join things together and make the bridge stable. We are very proud of what we have produced.

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust