University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Monday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Monday 8th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To be able to ask and answer questions about what I have read.

Read the poster on the importance of hand washing. (At the bottom of this page) Encourage your child to ask any questions that they have about hand washing before they read the poster to see if the text will answer them. 

When they have read the poster to you, ask them some simple questions to see if they can recall the facts that they have read. 

Writing To use a clause in a sentence. 

This week our topic is ‘Water’. Today we will be thinking about the different things that we need water for. Make a mind map of the different ways we can use water.

Choose the one use of water that you think is most important and write a sentence to say why you think it is important. This is your opinion so there isn’t a ‘wrong’ answer as long as you can give a good reason. Remember to use ‘because’ to explain your thinking: 

EG. “I think ____________ is most important because_________.”

Maths To use knowledge of mental maths in real life situations.

This week you are going to continue to use your knowledge of Maths to play games and complete tasks. Here are today’s activities;

1) Write down three odd numbers between zero and 10. Write down three even numbers between zero and 10. Circle each group and label them.

2) Add two odd numbers – is the answer odd or even?

3) Add the three odd numbers – is the answer odd or even?

4) Add two even numbers – is the answer odd or even?

5) Add the three even numbers – is the answer odd or even?

6) Add one odd number and one even number – is the answer odd or even?

7) Can you solve these missing number calculations? All of these can be solved using inverse operation – example a) 24 + ____ = 35 (the answer can be found by using the inverse (opposite) of +. Therefore 35 – 24 = 11, so the number missing from the original question is 11). Here are today’s questions;

1) 8 + ___ = 20     2) ___ + 7 = 17       3) 13 + ____ = 24     4) ____ + 14 = 25

5) 9 + ___ = 13     6) ___ + 16 = 18     7) 3 + ____ = 22       8) ____ + 11 = 27

9) If you have time, have another look at this activity;

Other:  To give opinions on different pieces of music. 

Watch these two songs that help us to remember to wash our hands. Can you learn the words? What actions would you put with them?

Which song do you like best? Why? What do you not like about them? Can you clap along to the beat / pulse of the song?

Make sure you are using the internet with an adult. Stay safe online. 

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust