University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 -Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 -Thursday’s Home Learning

Year 2 Home learning for Thursday 25th June 

Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To infer how a character feels based on what I have read.

Today we are going to read a letter from ‘Buttons the Clown’ to their friend. Using what Buttons says in the letter, think carefully about how he feels. 

When you have read the letter, answer the questions. 

Writing To write a coherent narrative?

Today you are going to imagine that you have been in the circus for a little while now and you are going to write a letter home to your family. 

You will need to tell them what life is like in the circus, how you are feeling, what are some of the best parts and what you are missing at home. 

Remember to think carefully about making your work make sense. 

You will need to include:

  • Capital letters and fullstops.
  • Exclamation marks / question marks
  • Commas in a list
  • Clauses to make your sentences more detailed. (“I am really enjoying the performances because…”)

To use and apply Mathematical knowledge in real life situations.

Today, use all three of the price lists. They are all below, in case you don’t have them from earlier this week.

There are some questions about planning the spending of the whole trip – bus fares, tickets and snacks.

Your challenge is to do the first five. If you are confident, try 6 and 7.

Other:  To work logically and build resilience.

Now that you’ve become a circus performer, you will know about the importance of working carefully and logically.

Below you will see a Word Fit exercise. Can you get all of the circus words to fit in the grid?

Don’t forget to take a photo of your completed grid and send it to your class teacher.

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman



Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust