University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Trip to Fort Nelson

Year 2 – Trip to Fort Nelson

Last week Year 2 stepped back in time to visit Florence Nightingale at Fort Nelson. We experienced what the conditions were like in the Scutari hospitals during the Crimea war and then saw the changes that Florence and her nurses made to improve conditions for the soldiers.

We got to look at various artifacts from the time. We were allowed to carefully look at these artifacts and became ‘History Detectives’. We tried to deduce who might have lived in different tents in the Scutari camp, based on the artifacts we found.

We also met ‘Gunner Davies’ who told us all about the conditions for the soldiers. We completed an inspection of the soldier’s quarters and we all agreed that the ‘abolitions room’ was the worst part!

This week we are writing a recount of our trip and then we will be learning more about Florence Nightingale and her role in the Crimean war.

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust