University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year R – My Happy Mind

Year R – My Happy Mind

We have been learning more about our brains.  Did you know scientists know lots and lots about our brains.  They know what colour they are, they know what shape they are and they know that our brains look exactly the same, however we may look on the outside.  They know that they help us with most things that we do! We made a plasticine brain today.  This is what we said as we enjoyed our sensory experience:

 My brain helps me colour.

My brain helps me jump.

It helps me remember. Brains make me think about things and what I want to do.

My brain helps me remember.

It helps me think.

My brain helps me think about my friends.

I can do what I want because of my brain.

I have a massive brain.

We have also been learning about real life heroes.  We have been putting out pretend fires and learning how paramedics and ambulance crews look after people.

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust