University of Chichester Academy Trust

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning

Year 2 – Tuesday’s Home Learning


Subject focus What we need to learn: How we might learn it:
English  Reading To begin to focus on reading with expression.

Recap reading fluently and how it helps the listener to enjoy the story and it also helps the reader to understand what they have read. 

Discuss how expression is another aspect of reading aloud that makes a difference to the listener. Discuss what they understand by the word expression.

Get them to pick a book they are confident with. It could be the same as yesterday or a different one.  

If you are confident, model reading a page in a robotic voice and ask your child if that sounded good. Why not? 

Discuss how it could be improved. Read the page again but this time over emphasise the expression you use. Now get them to read it with an expressive voice. Remembering to respond to the punctuation and think about how different characters might be talking. 

Have a go and practise reading with expression!  

Writing To describe what a character looks like. 

Think about the character you chose yesterday. Draw that character in the middle of the paper but don’t colour it in! 

Today we are going to focus on what that character looks like. 

Write different noun phrases around the character that describe that character. Remember a noun phrase is a noun and at least one describing word  e.g pointy teeth, bright red cloak, soft brown fur. 

Then pick your favourite 3 noun phrases and write them as a full sentence underneath. E.g Little Red Riding Hood is wearing a bright red cloak that her mum gave to her. 

Challenge: to use words such as because, that, when to extend your sentence. 


To recap and reinforce telling the time skills.

1) Polish up your skills from yesterday’s learning!

There is a board game at the bottom of today’s learning (below). If you have access to a printer, print it out and play it with up to three others.

If you don’t have access to a printer, have another go at yesterday’s final activity (Level One);

2) Depending on the time you start your learning today – write down five of the times that you know in the next two or three hours (for example, if you start your learning at 10 o’clock, write down ¼ past 10, ½ past 10, ¼ to 11, 11 o’clock, ¼ past 11. Write them on separate pieces of paper, with the writing big enough to be seen in a photograph. Carry on with your other learning, but keep an eye on a clock somewhere in your house. Each time the clock matches one of the times on your pieces of paper, get a grown up to take a photo of you, the piece of paper and the clock (all together!). The clock could be on a cooker, phone, television, tablet, or even a real clock). Try to send the five pictures to your class teacher. An example is shown on the left!

Challenge – if you know times beyond the ones looked at this week, write some of those (e.g. 5 past, 10 past, 20 to, 25 to etc). If you are not sure about these, just stick to the main time looked at so far this week (o’clock, ½ past, ¼ past, ¼ to).

Keep these pieces of paper for tomorrow.

3) If you have time (and a printer), you can play the board game from yesterday.

Please remember – always have a grown up with you when you use Internet resources – keep safe online.

Other: Science To make and test predictions. 

Look at this Concept Cartoon. Do you agree with the girl? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

Now find 6 objects in your house and make a prediction about whether you think they will float or sink. You might want to put it in a table like this:

Object Prediction Test




Carefully in the sink, bath or in a bowl with an adults help test each object.

What do you notice about things that float? Which objects sank? What material are they made of? Did an object float that you thought might sink?

Remember to email your child’s class teacher to let them know how you’ve got on. We’d love to see examples of what you’ve been up to. 

Mr Wells –

Mr McEvoy –

Mrs Knapp and Mrs Marshman 

Proud to be part of the University of Chichester Academy Trust